
By Highrise148

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We all know Merlin protects the Knights of Camelot on pretty much a daily basis. This story is about the Knig... More



8K 218 91
By Highrise148

A/N Thank you frozen-in-wonderland for the lovely review, it really did make me smile :D I hope this chapter is what you wanted! ^-^ This chapter does contain death by the way, hope you all enjoy. I also had NO idea what to name this chapter xD

Question of the Chapter: What's your OTP?

Answer of the Chapter: Either Malec or Destiel

Prompt: Leon being the one to protect Merlin (as there are like NO stories like this) by frozen-in-wonderland

Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin

Sir Leon watches from the corner as the cloaked figure stalks up to the wooden door of the physician's chambers, everyone within the castle knew Gauis was currently in the lower town helping an injured mother who couldn't leave her house. So why was there a figure moving towards the door, the only one in there was...Merlin? The cloaked figure pushes open the door carefully, wincing slightly when it creaks loudly, the sound echoing throughout the empty stone hallways. Sir Leon silently creeps up the stone steps to the physician's door, careful not to make a lot of noise as he unsheathes his sword and watches the cloaked figure walk up to Merlin's room. The figure opens the door, growling slightly at the sight of the young warlock sleeping peacefully. He walks carefully over to the sleeping servant, taking out some golden manacles while he's at it, wrapping them around Merlin's thin wrists. Sir Leon was about to speak up when the figure raises his hand, causing Merlin to fly against the stone wall above his bed with a yelp.

"Hello Emrys, hope you slept well." The figure growls, glaring at the servant from under the cloak. Merlin let out a slight whimper as the figure tosses his against the wall again, his eyes catching Leon's, who shook his head as he ducks under the testing table with different herbs and plants on it. The figure turns around, eyes sweeping the room quickly before turning back to the warlock.

"Hmm, well I was sleeping well, that was until you decided to wake me rather rudely." Merlin snaps sarcastically, smirking slightly as the cloaked man growls again, "Care to tell me why you're here? I would ask you how you got in but Camelot really does need to up their security."

"I have a question for you o' mighty Emrys, why do you protect such a man? Why do you protect a Pendragon? A name that has been responsible for so many deaths and sadness, for so many ripped apart families?" The figure growls, raising his hand higher so Merlin's head hits the ceiling.

"Arthur is nothing like Uther, he does not believing in killing without fair trial...he would never murder an innocent man." Merlin groans as his head is pushed into the stone ceiling. He caught Sir Leon's eye once again, nodding slightly. Leon stood, placing his sword against the figure's back.

"Who are you?" Leon asks, digging the sword into the cloaked man's back a bit more, causing him to lower Merlin slightly.

"I would ask you the same question but there is no need Sir Leon." The man replies, the way he said Leon's name sent shivers down his spine.

"Who are you." Leon asks more harshly, pushing the sword into his back more.

"I am Denior and he is Emrys. The most powerful sorcerer to ever live, but as to why he is using that magic to protect such a low life like a Pendragon is unknown to me." He replies as he turns to face the knight, raising his other hand causing the sword in Leon's hand to fly across the room, rooting itself in the wall next to Merlin's head.

"You have the wrong person. There is no way he can have magic, he's too...too selfless?" Leon responds and he believed what he said, he just didn't know how to phrase it. The man laughs, a cold, empty sound that Leon couldn't help but think of how different it sounded from Merlin's. If this man was right and Merlin did have magic, how could he still be kind and, of course, why would he protect a Pendragon?

"Really now? As if selflessness has anything to do with it, there will always be that odd one out, the one that realizes that magic can be used for good, that it has a beauty to it that does not hurt people, I guess that's me this time..." Merlin murmurs as Denior slams him into the stone wall with a thump, causing Merlin to scream out in pain. Leon quickly regrets not bringing his knife, undoubtedly it would be easier to handle than the sword that was now lodged in Merlin's wall.

"You power may be stronger than mine young warlock but it is not as controlled, especially with those manacles. If you even tried to attack me at the moment, you'd risk hurting, or even killing, your friend here. Ohh...actually why don't you try?" Denior says, his voice holding a rude teasing manner, as if he expected Merlin to risk hurting one of his friends.

"Why...why don't you just leave Denior? Then no one gets hurt." Leon growls, glaring at the man who was currently slamming Merlin into another wall, laughing maniacally.

"No one? As in yourself? Or Emrys here? If you are talking about dear ol' Emrys, it's a bit too late for that." Denior growls, glaring at the knight, raising his hand, causing Leon to fly back into the wooden door. When he tried to take a step he found himself stuck to the ground. Denior lowers his hand, smirking as the knight struggles to move, turning his attention back to Merlin, who looks furious.

"Release him now Denior and no harm will fall upon you!" Merlin growls, glaring daggers at the man, "You think you're strong but you're just picking on people weaker than you, or disabling them so they can't fight back." Merlin looks downright murderous and Leon couldn't help but feel slightly frightened. There was a slight skidding sound that Denior didn't pick up, Leon however did and he searched for the maker of the sound. Luckily, Denior was still distracted by shouting at Merlin and didn't realize Merlin's eyes flash a brilliant auburn and Leon was able to move again. Leon was still watching Merlin as he flickers his eyes to the side, where Leon looked to find a knife on the ground next to him. Leon slowly picks it up, trying to make no noise, which wasn't that hard as that small of a noise could be heard over Denior's shouting. Leon sighs in relief, watching as Merlin's eyes shine with relief as he notices the knife in Leon's hand.

"What are you so relieved about o' mighty Emrys?" Denior growls, turning around to see what Merlin was looking at. Leon quickly stashed the knife in his belt, standing rigid as if stuck to the ground, "He is still stuck, and no one it coming to rescue you." Denior turns his back to Leon, glaring at Merlin once again, slamming him into the wall again, this time his arm hits the stone wall, resulting in a loud crack that echos through the room. Denior laughs manically again as Merlin cries out in pain.

"Really now Denior? I believe that, to rescue Merlin, all that is needed is to kill you. And a knife is a pretty good weapon to do so with." Leon growls angrily, taking the knife from his belt and launching it across the room at Denior's back, who turns just as the knife slams into his chest. Merlin falls down to the ground, luckily still above his bed, whimpering slightly in pain.

"Is he dead?" Merlin whispers, looking at Denior's limp body. Leon strides up to the man's body, kneeling down next to him, searching for any sign of life. When he finds none, he looks up at Merlin and nods.

"Yes, he is...are you alright?" Leon asks, walking up to Merlin, who flinches back slightly, "I'm not going to hurt you Merlin, you saved my life." Merlin sighs, relaxing slightly and letting Leon look over his arm.

" aren't going to have me executed? Or tell Arthur?" Merlin whispers, groaning as Leon turns his arm the wrong direction.

"Tell Arthur what? Sorry." Leon smirks as he stands to grab a sling, some bruise paste, and bandages, "Roll over, let me see your back." Merlin nods, carefully rolling over so he doesn't aggravate his arm anymore. Leon gently pulls up his shirt, revealing the dark blue and purple bruises that were beginning to form. Leon winces but doesn't say anything as he rubs in the paste. He went slowly, making sure he wasn't hurting Merlin too much.

"There, can you roll back over Merlin? I need to patch up your arm." Leon whispers, thankful to finally having to stop looking at Merlin's back. Merlin nods tiredly, rolling himself over so Leon could bandage his arm quickly, fixing the sling so it would fit around Merlin's arm, "There all patched up."

"It's nearly dawn..." Merlin laughs, nodding to his window which was showing the first rays of dawn.

"Looks like it is." Leon agrees, laughing a bit as well. The door to Gauis's chambers creaks open as well, causing both men to tense and turn to face the door, seeing Gauis hobble in, taking in the mess.

"Merlin...what did you do?" He asks almost immediately, causing both men to laugh again. Gauis shakes his head when he looks over at the two of them, both men looking rather tired and Merlin with a sling on his right arm before laughing a bit and going over to his bed, falling asleep pretty easily.

"Is he always like that? Being able to fall asleep instantly?" Leon asks, laughing slightly when Merlin nods, "We should go find Arthur, tell him we're taking the day off. Don't even try and tell me that you're fine, you spent a good majority of the night being slammed into walls."

"Fine, let's go." Merlin says, rising from where he was sitting and walking out of the door before turning to face Leon who was still sitting next to Merlin's bed, "Well, you coming or what?" Leon laughs, along with Merlin, before standing and walking towards Arthur's chambers together, ready to face the angry king.

"You aren't having me executed right? Are you going to tell Arthur?" Merlin whispers, slightly worried.

"Tell Arthur what? Merlin, I really have no idea what you're on about!" Leon laughs, "Besides, even if I did know anything, you saved my life, I think I can let it slide. Especially considering you're one of the kindest souls ever and there is absolutely NO way you could be evil but that'd be if I even KNEW what you're on about!"

"Thank you Leon..." Merlin whispers, smiling at the knight.

"You're welcome Merlin." Leon replies, walking into the King's chambers, laughing as Merlin walks over to the curtains, pulling them back with a loud yell of "RISE AND SHINE!".

A/N I feel like this was a short chapter, what do you all think?

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