
By Highrise148

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We all know Merlin protects the Knights of Camelot on pretty much a daily basis. This story is about the Knig... More



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By Highrise148

A/N Okay, I'm sooooo sorry I haven't been updating, I've had a lot to do. I was grounded for two weeks and my finals were this week and we've spent the last 4 to 5 weeks studying for them. I'll probably be updating more often now as my summer break has finally began, I'm officially done with 7th grade. I hope you enjoy this story and I appreciate all the suggestions, keep sending them in. This story isn't actually a suggestion from here, it was from one of my friends. So thanks for that.

"This is 'im." The trader said, shoving a the dark haired boy in front of him.

'What does he do?" The buyer asked, looking down at the insanely malnourished boy.

"'e's great for labor, practically a servant." The slave trader said, kicking the young man back to the ground.

"We'll take him." The buyer says hurriedly taking out some gold coins. The slave trader, Khal eyed them greedily.

"Up boy!" Khal ordered and the dark haired boy scrambled to his feet, schooling his expression as to not show pain. He was shoved again towards the blond haired buyer this time. The boy once again fell but quicly regained his footing.

"Did 'e say you could stand boy!" Khal growled, shoving the boy down to the ground once more.

"Let's go." The blond haired buyer said pulling the dark haired boy to his feet. He dropped the coins in Khal's waiting hand and him and his companions turned and left.


Not until they were miles from the trader did Arthur finally trust his voice.

"Merlin, you alright?" Arthur asked. Merlin nods but doesn't say anything, his eyes had already lost their spark before this whole ordeal, now they were haunted. Gwaine lays a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"You're alright now mate." Gwaine whispers taking a seat next to him. Merlin visibly relaxes and Arthur couldn't help the small smile that came across his face. Merlin was safe, even if he refused to speak, he was still safe with his friends. Warmth fell upon Arthur's back and he turned to find Percival had started a fire, both Gwaine and Arthur move Merlin to the fire. He had obviously been drugged, anyone could tell that. Merlin's blue eyes were dilated and he was shaking. Merlin curled into a ball and fell asleep almost instantly, Arthur draped his cloak over the sleeping boy.

"I'll take first watch, okay princess." Gwaine mutters to the King, who still hadn't taken his eyes off his best friend. The King nods, settling himself down next to his best friend. In the three weeks that Merlin had been gone, Arthur had never gave up. Even though he didn't like the situation he had found his manservant in, he was thankful he was alright. That night, three weeks ago when Merlin was kidnapped was still vivid in Arthur's mind. It was after all his fault that he was tortured and severely malnourished.

The fall air blew past the horses and their riders, bringing a chill with it. They all were silent as the Knights of the Round Table, their King, and Merlin had just entered Cenred's land. It was not uncommon for slave traders to be waiting on the border between Camelot and Cenred's Kingdom. They rode as quickly as they could without causing to much noise. Adromeda, Leon's mare neighed loudly and took off, rider in tow. The moment the horse disappeared, Elyan and Percival rode after it. However Arthur, Gwaine, and Merlin were silent as they waited. Well until Merlin pointed towards the tree where Adromeda had been. A bolt stuck out of it, by the look of it, the bolt had been aimed towards Merlin. Courage, Strength, and Magic were all looking at the bolt, not excepting what was to come. Another bolt flew towards Merlin, if it wasn't for Gwaine then Merlin would've been hit.
"Run!" Arthur shouted but he wasn't quick enough, bandits and slave traders alike surround them.
"Merlin go." Gwaine orders, and Arthur, who would never admit it, was secretly happy. Of course, he should've known that he wouldn't leave, not without his friends. Why did Merlin have to be such a stubborn arse? The battle was difficult, with Strength and Courage trying to protect each other and their best friend. It came to no shock to those who knew of the prophecy's that Strength would try to protect Magic, it was after all said that Strength was the eternal protector of the warlock. Arthur 's sword was knocked far out of his hand and as hard as he tried he still wasn't able to save Merlin. They could've won, if luck had been on their side, where was all the suddenly falling branches or mini earth tumors that knocked the bandits off their feet yet the Knights always stayed standing? By the time bandits were gone and the others had caught Leon's panicked mare, Merlin was gone. That had been three weeks ago.

Arthur shudders slightly, knowing that if he had worked just a bit harder then Merlin wouldn't be in this situation. Arthur knew that if he had protected Merlin better than his manservant would be his overly happy self, not completely silent and with lashes covering his back, once again Arthur felt a familiar tug of guilt at his insides. Percival sat by the fire cooking broth. Unlike normal, all the Knights dreaded the moment that the broth was done. Sure they were all hungry, but they would have to wake Merlin, which none of them wanted to do that. The boy was fast asleep and finally looked at peace and nothing like the terrified servant they had rescued no more than an hour ago.

"Broth's done." Percival announces with a sigh. Arthur nods solemnly and reached over to wake Merlin. When the King laid a hand on the servant's shoulder the young man let out a blood curling scream. His eyes shot open and he took a couple of deep breaths, his normal bright eyes held a dark, haunted look.

"Merlin, you're alright it's just us." Leon reminds the young man while kneeling next to the boy, who once again didn't say anything just nodded back off to sleep. Leon nudges him gently.

"Dinner's ready, after you eat you can go back to sleep." Leon says as Arthur helped the servant into a sitting position. Percival hands Merlin a bowl of broth, Merlin smiles and nods his thanks. Once Percival handed him a bowl filled with broth, Merlin sighs and began to eat. Yet he only ate about five or six bites and he ate slowly, by the time he finished four bites most of the knights were already finishing. Sighing he set the bowl down and started to stand. Arthur however didn't like this and gently pushed Merlin back down.

"I'll do it." Elyan volunteer already gathering the dishes. After gathering them all Elyan disappears into the forest. Once again Merlin nods off to sleep and this time he wasn't awaken.

"Shouldn't we move him into one of the tents?" Percival asks quietly.

"He can use mine." Arthur volunteered quickly.

"Sire, I'm not so sure if that's a good idea. You need rest and we all know that you won't if he's in there with you, you'll worry to much besides there won't be enough room." Leon says.

"He can use mine, I'm on watch first. Then I can take whoever's next's tent." Gwaine explains.

"You sure?" Percival asks and at Gwaine's nod, gathered up the sleeping boy and left to the tent. Arthur watched as Percival gently laid the boy on the bed roll and easily slipped off his cloak, draping it over Merlin. Arthur felt a surge of jealousy at how easy Merlin was with Percival, even asleep. Merlin hadn't stirred an inch and even seemed more comfortable with the friendly giant.

*In the middle of the night*

"STOP! No please no! Stop!" Merlin yells screaming at the top of his lungs, Arthur shots out of his bed and out of his tent. To say he was shocked to see Percival and Gwaine trying to wake a thrashing Merlin would be a lie. Gwaine gently placed a hand on Merlin's shoulder and the servant shot out of his sleep shaking uncontrollably.

"It's alright Merlin, you're safe." Percival mutters resting a gloved hand on the young man's hand. Merlin nodded but once again didn't say a word.

"Why won't you speak, mate?" Gwaine asked, resting a hand on Merlin's other shoulder. Merlin shook his head and looked down ashamed.

"Gods Merlin speak. For Gods sake answer the bloody question! Why won't you tell us what happened." Arthur yells, finally losing his cool. Merlin flinched away from the King and Gwaine turned a harsh glare on Arthur.

"Well." Arthur prodded.

"I...I can't." Merlin whispers, so quietly that he was barely heard.

"Why not?" Leon asks, who had just arrived with Elyan. Merlin collapses back onto the bedroll

"I just can't." Merlin said harshly, before sighing and closing his eyes.

"It's fine, you don't have to Merlin." Gwaine reassures.

"No Gwaine it's not fine. Now return to your post." Arthur orders getting an even harsher glare from Gwaine and shocked looks from his knights, "You guys too." Arthur says looking at his other knights who all leave.

"Merlin tell me why you won't speak." Arthur asks the boy who was still awake.

"I ...I..just...can't. They...they won't...let me." Merlin whispers, "They...they'll even more." His voice was trembling and he seemed to be picking his words carefully. He also seemed to think that those slave traders would jump out and kill him.

"Merlin, they're not going to get to you. Gwaine nor I will let will let them. No harm from them will ever come to you anymore, I promise you that." Arthur whispers the promise and can't help but smile at the look that comes across his best friends face. Merlin looked shocked that the King would promise anyone that, let alone a servant but he also looked relived and happy, with a small mixture of pride.

"Thank you Arthur, for everything." Merlin whispers and Arthur knew that everything would be better, it may take a while but everything would be back to normal soon.

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