The Double Life Of Kyle Maste...

By Angelxwrites

37 1 0

I watch her as she stares at me. I've never noticed how her brown eyes glow in the light. I had never noticed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5

Chapter 4

6 0 0
By Angelxwrites

Know your own happiness, you want nothing but patience-or give it a more fascinating name, call it hope.

I had always loved Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen.

The story of how love could really affect those emotional and those simply smart.

But, I better prefer Charles over Jane.

Stuffing my nose deeply in the classic, I fail to realize that he is standing somewhat next to me.

Kyle Masters.

I keep my head down, trying not to draw any attention to myself, when really I don't even need to.

He's staring directly at me.

Lowering my eyes more, I attempt to not provoke any harmful response from him.

What am I saying, any response from him will always be a harmful one.

He is my bully.

I unwillingly look up at him, my eyes refusing to stay down any longer.

Right then,
Right there, I notice.

My journal.

The hard covered, brown, leather diary that my father had given me the summer before high school had started.

And he held it in his right hand.

The tears push their way up but I am quick to push them back down.

If he knows, then the others.

My life would officially be over.

I might as well take my father's old pills as soon as I get home because I will never be able live this down.

Kyle moves, and squats down beside me.

My body involuntarily flinches next to his presence.

He seems to notice this and places his hands up in surrender, my eyes narrow a bit.

"Look, I didnt come here to bother you."

I scoff, like I would believe that after everything he'd done.

"I came to give your diary back."

He hands the book slowly over to me as if he was a person giving a lion meat.

Is he......sacred?

"I..I'm not gonna say I didn't look cause that's a lie, but I didn't show anyone else if that's what your thinking so your life at school is fine."

I release the breath I'd been holding for awhile.

Getting up and away from him, I mutter, "My life had never been 'fine', just the exact opposite."

Walking out of the school library, I pick up the pace trying to get as far as possible from him but he seems to catch up with me.

Man, he's fast.

I finally reach the school doors and push then open, relived of the wind that could almost blow my problems away.


Because that one problem, is continuing to follow me down the sidewalk.

It seems like that moment, in a romance story.

Where the boy chases after the girl knowing there's no other person in the world he would live without, he catches up to her in the pouring rain as she's about to enter the taxi and practically spills his whole life out to her. She, being in emotional turmoil, cries finally realizing that she would want nobody else other than him. They kiss passionately in the pouring rain and the story ends.

But unlike this moment, we're both in high school, it's the end of the day, he's pretty much chasing after me like a serial killer, and I'm just scared out of my mind just wanting to get away.

Did I forget to mention that he is the bully and I, the victim, of everything he's ever done.

Also the fact that it isn't even raining.

"Look, just wait a minute."

"No," I say walking a little faster, but he's just as fast.

In the moment, I curse football ever even existing.

"I just want to talk, could you give me a single minute."

"Just go home, please."

"I would, if I had a home. Its just a house but it'll never be a home."

His words hit deeply.

He quoted me.

He exactly quoted one of my diary entries.

It caused me to turn around but for a second.

"It was the entry of your father's funeral, you never dated any of them so I don't know at which time."

I stare intensely at him and notice a few features that I haven't seen before.

Like how his electric blue eyes radiate in the light, or how his soft brown hair blows carelessly in the wind.

He smirks noticing how I'm checking him out.

"Look," I say not liking this smirk of his. "I don't care that you quoted of my entries, it doesn't mean that I'm gonna forgive anything you done to me or fall for any of your tricks that you use to get any other girl into bed. Just leave me alone, please."

Walking away again, I spot how he continued to walk with me again.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone."

"Oh, I actually live around here." He chuckles.

"But, don't you have a white Ford?"

He laughs again added with one of those breathtaking smirks.

"You know the type of car I have?"

I really must be a masochist to begin to find my own bully attractive.

"I... No, everyone knows." Getting really frustrated, I simply turn back around and walk not even knowing why I stopped.

Reaching my yellow white picked fence type house, I open the gate, but before I could walk inside he gently grabs my arm.

"You can hate me all you want, I deserve that, but just give me at least some time to explain things. I know now how you've must've felt this entire time. "

Whirling back around to face him, "You could of explained yourself the day you told everyone I was a nobody, the day of my father's death, or even this morning. Yet, you wait till now to apparently 'explain' yourself. Save your explanations, they're no longer needed now. You'll never know how this felt."

Shrugging him off, I continue to walk into the house, completely ignoring my mother who asks about my day not looking up from her computer, and run up the stairs to my room.

She had always been so full of work ever since father died.

At least she has a distraction.

Dropping my bag to the ground, I lay on the bed and cry, my heart drowning under an ocean of tears.

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