By rac06h10ael

6.8K 230 53

==COMPLETED== Kalel and Melanie are back! And they're more pissed off and crazier than ever before! The YouT... More

[Chapter 1] They're Back!?!
[Chapter 2] Came To Warn You
[Chapter 3] Leave California
[Chapter 4] All the Way Across the Country
[Chapter 5] The Girls are Back
[Chapter 6] Found You
[Chapter 7] How Nice To See You Again
[Chapter 8] Don't Come
[Chapter 9] Pretty Much
[Chapter 10] Used to Know Her
[Chapter 12] Food Battle 2023
[Chapter 13] I Don't Care (Short Chapter)
[Chapter 14] Never Expected
[Chapter 15] Slap Across the Face
[Chapter 16] What The Hell Is Wrong With You
[Chapter 17] You're Next
[Chapter 18] I Hate You
[Chapter 19] Now or Never
[Chapter 20] Wanted Their Revenge (Part One)
[Chapter 21] Wanted Their Revenge (Part Two)
[Chapter 22] All I Could Do Was Cry

[Chapter 11] Starting to Feel Sorry

247 10 4
By rac06h10ael

-Kalel's POV-

As I walked through the halls, I had plenty of time to think about what I just did. I just murdered my ex-husband's new girlfriend (who so happened to be my enemy)...and I have to say, I don't feel the slightest bit of regret. Sure, she made me people laugh and stuff, but we all do. So what's the big deal if one of us is gone? There's others to go to...

As I passed one of the hospital rooms, I stopped. There was this young little girl in the bed, and she reminded me of me when I was younger. She was asleep. I looked down and realized I needed to dispose of the murder weapon. I walked in and put the bloody knife in the little used needles box on the wall.

"Are you an angel?" I jumped at her softly asked question. I spun around and saw she was now sitting up against the pillow.

I approached the bed cautiously and sat down beside her, "No. I'm not. What's your name?"
"My name's Kristen," She smiled slightly, "And yours?"

"Uh...I'm Kristen too. Why are you here?"


"Where are you going?" The little girl inquired, pulling the blankets over her mouth, "I thought you were going to stay with me."

I stared at her, my jaw dropped in awe. This girl was so sweet, but I can't stay here. I'll get caught and put back in jail. I bolted out of the room after the doctors fled by and out to the parking garage, after messing with the locks system on the doors. There, Melanie was waiting for me in a parking spot with all of her lights on. I hopped in and buckled my seat belt quickly.

"You got Rachael to break up with Anthony?" Melanie inquired, starting up the vehicle.

I gulped, "Well they're sure not dating anymore..."

She glanced over at me with a raised eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

I refused to make eye contact with her, "I killed her."

"You what?" She yelled at me, slamming on the brakes, jerking both me and her forward, "You killed her?"

"It kind of just...happened."

"YOU KILLED HER!?!" She reiterated, louder than the first time, "You were only supposed to get her to leave Anthony so he would be upset. Not kill her! Kalel!"

"Look, I knew she wouldn't just say yes if I asked her to up and leave him, and she wouldn't believe if I told her Anthony was cheating on her. So I went with Plan C."

"Plan C? You had a Plan C!?!" I shrugged my shoulders, "And that was to kill her!?!""Look, my emotions got the best of me!"

"What emotions? Because I haven't seen any emotions from you in a while. Not happiness. Not love. Not anger. Nothing."

"We've been in jail," I reminded her harshly, "What emotions am I to have when I'm locked up in a small, wooden-plank-for-a-bed and open toilet room?"

She glared at me, "You're the one who told me to put my feelings aside. Now take your own god damn advice!"

"Well my feelings got in the way, didn't they?" I replied sarcastically.

"You are so cold, Kalel. I mean, you killed her! You..."

"YES! I KNOW!" I yelled back, getting annoyed with her reminding me, "YOU'VE TOLD ME PLENTY OF TIMES! AND I DON'T FEEL ANY DIFFERENT THAN I DO THE FIRST TIME YOU TOLD ME!"

Her lip began to quiver and then she scoffed, "Well then..." She turned off the car, "I want you to go tell Anthony that. That you feel no remorse for him losing Rachael. You still love him right? Then go tell him it was you."

"He already knows...he was there when I killed her. I killed her because he wouldn't agree to my circumstances."

"Circumstances? What circumstances did you ask him to agree to?"

"You know what?" I opened the door and got out, "I don't need your fucking help anymore, Melanie. You're too soft. You're too weak. You're starting to feel sorry for those losers. I'm going to get revenge. On those stupid YouTubers, and you." I slammed the door shut and strut away, out of the parking garage.

-Natalie's POV-

Some of the nurses and doctors had overheard our conversation about Rachael. They took us out in the hall one by one for interrogation. We all were asked similar questions: who was Rachael? Was she involved in any harmful activities? The people who probably got the most interrogation were Anthony and Ian, because they said they were there. Other doctors went to go look for her. If she was even there...

I know it sounds stupid, with all of the evidence and all, but I wasn't really convinced that Rachael was dead. Anthony's story claimed she was held hostage by Kalel, but Rachael's not like that. She'd fight back. I know it. And if Kalel had put a knife to her throat, IF she did, Rachael would most likely find a way to escape. I'm sure of it.

I was standing in the hallway when my beliefs were disproved. It happened in slow motion: I heard faint shouts coming from somewhere else in the building. Then the doctors had burst through the doors and were making their way down the hallway, pushing a gurney along. I watched as the somewhat familiar blue eyes and curly, blonde hair rushed past me. But she didn't look like the Rachael I knew and loved...

Then, I heard someone approaching me from behind. I spun around on my heels and stared at Ian as he pulled me close to him and held me tightly, "I'm so sorry," His soft and gentle voice filtered through the daze I was in.

I snapped out my trance and looked behind me, tears beginning to stream down my cheeks. I took a few steps forward when Ian wrapped his arms around my front and rested his head on my shoulder. I broke away from him and ran towards the doctors, "Wait!"

They looked over their shoulders at me and screeched to a halt. I walked up to the gurney and clenched onto the bars. The doctors started whispering to each other, probably something about me being a freak. I don't know... After a long, hard look, I gasped. It was her. "Where are you taking her?" I asked.

"We're going to try to save her, but as of right now...its seems that she's lost a lot of blood. And there's a high chance she's not going to make it," He answered me, reservedly.

"Natalie!!!" I looked behind me and saw Anthony and Ian running up to me. I turned back and crossed my arms.

"Please come back, Nat," Ian told me, "They're going to see if they can help Rachael."

"I want to be with her! She's my sister!"

"And she's my girlfriend," Anthony butted in, "And I'm even giving them their space to do what they need to. You should too."

I sighed, defeated. Anthony, Ian and I all walked back to the waiting room and waited for the results.

Hours later, she was pronounced dead. I was in tears. As were my parents, and even Shane's mom. Hell, everyone was in tears. They said they were going to give her an autopsy. I was too distraught to detest, so they went on with it. Another hour later, they came back.

"What did you find?" Toby was the one to ask.

"Well... all seemed well besides the slit in her throat, but it appears that she was two weeks pregnant," He announced, holding a manila folder close to his chest.

"WHAT!?!" I shouted, standing up from the uncomfortable waiting room hair.

"Yeah!" Anthony croaked, "What she said!"

"Who are you again?" The doctor asked him."I'm Anthony. Her boyfriend."

He shrugged his shoulders, "Well it appears that you were going to be a father, Mr. Anthony. I can't tell you much other than that."

I watched as Anthony sat down and began to tap his foot frantically. Ian sat down beside him and tried to calm him down. The rest of the guys flooded around him, all trying to comfort him at once. I waited a few minutes, for them to comfort me. But it was obvious that I had to make myself clear...

"HELLO-O!" I shouted. Everyone turned around to look at me, "I'M THE ONE WHO LOST MY SISTER! I'M THE ONE YOU SHOULD BE COMFORTING! SHE WAS JUST HIS GIRLFRIEND! I KNEW HER MORE THAN HE WOULD EVER KNOW HER! AND YOU'RE COMFORTING HIM FOR LOSING THE CHANCE TO BE A FATHER!?! HE CAN GET A NEW GIRLFRIEND ANY TIME! I CAN'T JUST GET A NEW SISTER!!!" By the time I was finished expressing my true feelings, I was crying my eyes out. My throat was sore and I was exhausted. Everyone just stared at me, probably thinking: What the hell?

"Natalie...we're sorry for you too..." Joey remarked, walking towards me. I smacked his extended hand away and crossed my arms.

I looked to my left and saw a familiar face standing in the doorway of the waiting room and hallway to the elevators. She had a look of penance on her face.

"Melanie?" Mari inquired, grabbing my hand and Lisa's and walking us over to her, "What are you doing here?"

She gulped, "I'm really really sorry about what happened to Rachael, and Anthony with the whole going-to-be-a-dad-but-not thing," I scoffed, how come no one was feeling sorry for me? I mean, sure, Anthony lost his girlfriend. Big whoop. I LOST MY SISTER. WE WERE SO CLOSE IT WASN'T EVEN FUNNY. SO WHY IS NO ONE CARING ABOUT ME!?! She closed her eyes, "And I want to apologize for being involved with Kalel and the kidnapping,"

"You shouldn't be here," Lisa stated, "I don't think it's a good idea." Okay, seriously? No mention of me losing my sister...what great friends I have who care about me sooooooo much...

"Well, I came here because Kalel kicked me out. She's going to get revenge on me now too. And I don't know what she's going to do...but I know she's capable of a lot of things..."

I crossed my arms, "Why should we believe you? You kept us in a basement for months and..."

"Yes, I know. And I'm really starting to regret that. And I would never have let Kalel killed her if I'd known about..."

"So you knew about her plan to kill Rachael?" Mari retorted.

"YOU KNEW ABOUT KALEL'S PLAN TO KILL MY SISTER!?!" I shouted, making sure I got that out.

"No!" She smacked her forehead, "No. What I'm trying to say I'm sorry and I need your guys's help now. She's out to get me, and I know her tactics, and I want to help you guys prepare."

"Prepare? Prepare, my ass!" Lisa shouted, "We don't need your help, Melanie! Go away and never come back."

Melanie frowned and turned around, disappointed, making her way back to the elevator.

The three of us girls walked back over to the group. All I could hear Anthony mumbling under his breath while rocking back and forth was, "I was going to be a father...that's all I've ever wanted...and now I can't be one...I was going to be a father..."

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