Shortened Stories From The Bi...

By nechti25

1.2K 65 12

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish... More

GENESIS( Adam and Eve)
Cain and Abel
The flood
The story of Abram
Abram and Lot separated
The Lord made a covenant to Abram
"Circumcision as sign of the Covenant"
Abraham intercede for Sodom
The destruction of Sodom
Birth of Isaac
God tested Abraham
time sarah died
Rebekah at the well
Esau and Jacob
Isaac Prospers
Jacob Obtains Isaac's Blessings
Jacob's Dream at Bethel
The son and daughter of Jacob
Jacob's Departure with His Family and the Covenant of Mizpah
Jacob's gains the Name Israel
Jacob and Esau Are Reconciled
God's Promise to Israel
The story about Joseph and His dreams
Joseph Sold into Egypt
Joseph and Potiphar's wife
The butler and the baker
Pharaoh's Dream
Joseph Is made Ruler of Egypt
Joseph's Brother came to Egypt for Grain
Joseph's Brother Return
The Missing Cup
Joseph's Make Himself Known
Israel's Journey to Egypt
Israel's Last Days
Israel's Prophecy concerning His Sons
The Death of Israel
The Death of Joseph
The story about Moses
The Lord Appeared to Moses
God commissions Moses
The Plight of the People
The promises of God
The plague of Frogs; of Gnats
The plague of Boil's; of Hail
The plague of Lucusts; of Darkness
the death of the first born
The Lord's Passover
Crossing The Red Sea
The Song Of Moses
Trust in Gods Provision; Quail and Manna
Water from the Rock
Israel at Sinai
The Ten Commandments
The book of JOSHUA
Israel Passes over the Jordan
Marching around Jericho
The Capture and destruction of Ai
Victory over the Amorites
Dividing The Land
The Death of Joshua
Ehud Delivers Israel From Moab
The Song Of Deborah
Gideon Destroys The Altar of Baal
Gideon's Army
After Gideon Died
The Angel Of The LORD appeared unto Manuah and His Wife
Samson's Story started
Samson Exploits
Samson and Delilah
Mara (bitterness)
Prevailing prayer

Hi , let me Interrupt!!

16 1 0
By nechti25

Thank you for reading my work, especially this book..
Sorry for interruption, I need to do this..
As I realized, my book is only about SHORTENED STORIES..
but I almost write the Bible..

Sorry for that...

Now,let me explain, why I need to cut the story..again its because it must be shorter..:)
And From Genesis to Deuteronomy is the book of moses..
I like to write everything but the title says..from the beginning which I need to follow..shortened..

Now I want to apologize to all readers, I need to close the book of moses in the Ten Commandments..

And another thing is I can't update everyday..
Life is busy..
Now, expect me to start the book of JOSHUA next week..

If God willing, I'll finish this work, with love..and good service as a follower of JESUS..
Its my way of connecting my life to God..
I'll serve Him..
This is for His glory..
Honor and praise for His Son JESUS CHRIST..

God bless everyone..
Thank you so much for reading..

From your friend

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