Don't Look Back

By Cheerreader96

68.6K 1.1K 207

Alexa Mercer has the perfect life. She’s the head cheerleader, popular, has the perfect boyfriend and she get... More

Don't Look Back- Chapter 1
Don't Look Back- Chapter 2
Don't Look Back- Chapter 3
Don't Look Back- Chapter 4
Don't Look Back- Chapter 5
Don't Look Back- Chapter 6
Don't Look Back- Chapter 7
Don't Look Back- Chapter 8
Don't Look Back- Chapter 9
Don't look back- Chapter 10
Don't look back- Chapter 11
Don't look back- Chapter 12
Don't look back- Chapter 13
Don't look back- Chapter 14
Don't look back- Chapter 15
Don't look back- Chapter 16
Don't look back- Chapter 17
Don't look back- Chapter 18
Don't look back- Chapter 19
Don't look back -Chapter 20
Don't look back- Chapter 21
Don't look back- Chapter 22
Don't look back- Chapter 23
Don't look back- Chapter 24
Don't look back- Chapter 25
Don't look back- Chapter 26
Don't look back- Chapter 27
Don't look back- Chapter 28
Don't look back- Chapter 29
Don't look back- Chapter 30
Don't Look Back- Chapter 31
Don't Look Back- Chapter 32
Don't Look Back- Chapter 33
Don't Look Back- Chapter 35

Don't Look Back- Chapter 34

1.5K 23 6
By Cheerreader96

Chapter 34-

“Jenifer Micheal's?” I heard a male doctors voice call out. I still had my eyes closed, and kept my breathing calm. Hopefully if I acted like I was still sleeping I could hear what happened. I felt Jenifer raise her hand up and lay it back down.

“Your brothers out of surgery. In my opinion it all went good.” I had the urge to smile but kept my face like it was. “But, the only downside to the whole situation was how much blood he lost . Unfortunately, he slipped into a coma.”

Blood loss? Coma? That certainly wasn't a good thing! My heart started to beat faster and I tried to think of other things to calm down.

“A coma?” I heard Jenifer speak up softly. “How long will he be asleep?” I heard her voice crack and knew she was on the verge of tears.

“It really depends on him. It could be a few days, weeks, or even months.” the doctor sounded sincere and remorseful. I didn't like the tone to his voice. It made me feel worried and panicky.

“When can I go see him?” she asked the doctor hurriedly with her voice cracking here and there.

“Right now, there's a nurse putting fresh bandages on him and getting everything set up. At this time, I advice only family members to visit him.” I could feel his eyes looking at me when he spoke. I just wanted to get up and slap him.

They exchanged a few more words before I heard the doctor leaving. After a minute I heard Jenifer sigh and felt her poke my shoulder.

“You can stop fake sleeping now.”

I opened my eyes wide and looked up at her.

“How did you know?!” I ask her surprised. I thought I did pretty good job at fake sleeping.

“Your heart started beating faster and I saw your eyes twitch.” she told me with a sad smile. I nodded and sat up.

“If you want to go see him you can. I mean you have a right to see him, he is your brother.” I rambled to her looking down and playing with my hands. Jenifer was quiet and I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

The note fell out of my pocket, close to Jenifer and she picked it up. I started to get scared. I didn't want her to read it. It wasn't as if there was anything bad in it, but it just felt to intimate to share with someone.

She was about to hand it to me when something caught her eye. I watched as she slowly unfolded it and began to read it. I felt my face heat up and my heart start to beat faster. She finishes the letter and looks over to me.

I couldn't see it or hear it but I felt it. Slowly, I lifted up my head to meet her gaze. I didn't know what to say or do. What do you do when the person you love is in the hospital and his sister picked up a letter that said he was in love with you?

“You should probably go check on him now.” I whisper to her quietly. She ignores what I said and keeps staring at me.

“Do,” she pauses and looks away before looking back to me. “Do you love him?” she asks me quietly. Tears well into my eyes as I hold eye contact with her. I was going to tell her the truth, she'd be the first person to know.

“Yes, a lot.” I whisper looking down at my lap. Suddenly she takes my left hand into hers. I didn't have any clue what she was doing till she placed my hand into her lap. When I looked down I saw a little diamond ring on the ring finger of my left hand.

“If anybody asks, your his fiance.” she tells me pulling me to my feet. I nod and follow her to the room. We walked down the hall and stopped in front of the room he was being held in. Jenifer opened the door and walked in. I hesitated for only a second before following her. Truth was, I was afraid to see him. What if he looked worse than he did last night? I didn't think I could stand seeing him like that.

The nurse that was hooking him up and checking his vitals was about to walk out when she saw me. She held up her hand to stop me from walking in any further.

“Only family members are allowed to visit right now.” she scolds me looking me up and down. Great, now I wasn't going to be able to see him! Jenifer moved her left hand, and that's when I got what she meant.

I held my left hand out for the nurse to see and wiggled my fingers.

“I'm his fiance.” I whispered, hoping she'd believe me. She looked over to Jenifer for conformation and Jenifer nodded. The nurse walked out of the room and shut the door behind her. Slowly, I walked over to Justin.

He had an I.V in his arm and multiple machines hooked up to him. He had tubes in his nose to help him breath. A few tears spilled over my eyes as I grabbed onto his hand.

“This is all my fault.” I whispered to him softly, still crying. “Please wake up. I need you to wake up.” I grabbed a chair and pulled it up behind me so I could sit down. Now I knew what he felt like when I was in the hospital.

~ 5 day's later ~

Thursday, October 8. Otherwise known as the worst birthday of my life. Justin’s still in the hospital and so far, there wasn't anything new. The police questioned me about what happened and then I found out that Mr. Daniels got away. I should have expected that though. The police didn't have any leads as to where he was.

I spent two days at the hospital without going to school. I would be there now but Jessica’s mother came back and made me go to school. I slept there though. That's how I spent all my free time. Straight after school I go visit Justin. Even if he's in a coma.

Right now I was at school getting the books out of my locker. Only two more hours till I could leave. I shut my locker and was beginning to walk to my class when I heard my name being called. I turned around and saw Chase standing there along with Aimee.

“What do you want?” I ask them bitterly. I was not in the mood to deal with them.

“A few things actually. One was to wish you a happy birthday.” I glare at Chase, knowing that's not really what he wants. “Oh! Where's Justin at? He should be with you for your birthday. Wait I forgot, he got shot by your crazy stalker!” Aimee taunts me with an evil smile and nasty laugh.

I ball my hand into a tight fist and take a small step closer to them. Chase laughs and then begins to speak up again.

“I bet Mr. Daniels wasn't stalking you. You were probably having an affair with him and then went to Justin.” that's when I snapped.

“Go to hell both of you! Chase just so you know, I would never have an affair with a teacher, let alone a physco one! And who the hell are you to talk about cheating when you've been cheating on me ever since we first got together!” I’m out of breath from yelling and my face is probably a little red.

“Please, you act like it wasn't obvious!” Aimee decides to chime in. “Anyway, I bet you where cheating on Chase since the first time you met Justin.”

She technically doesn't know how right she is. I look away from her quickly so she doesn't see me blush.

“Wait. You did didn't you?” she asks me with a snort. “I knew it! You little whore!”

“It's not like we had sex, we kissed twice and that's it.” I don't even know why I told her that. Chase walked till he was in front of me. Now I was scared.

“Looks like you don't have a right to call me a cheater now do you Alexa?” Chase threatens me. I stand my ground and smile at him.

“Best thing I ever did. If I wouldn't have kissed him I would have never found out about you and where would that lead me? Oh that's right, probably raped and abused.” I spit at him.

I hear a few gasps and turn my head to see we gathered an audience.

“Name one time I tried to rape you.” Chase challenges me.

“Sophomore year at camp, Junior year at the football cheerleader party and just recently at the after game party. Not to mention that time at my house when you almost broke my wrist.” I tick everything off on my fingers. “And if you try to talk to me, touch me or so much as think about me, I will call the police.”

He just laughs menacingly and grabs my wrist, pinning me against the lockers. I wince and try to back myself further into the lockers to get some distance between us.

“What are you gonna do now?” he whispers to me threateningly. He squeezes my wrist tighter and I can feel as it pops out of place; again. I let out a small scream and he bends it to the side roughly. I squeeze my eyes closed tightly. My wrist was definitely broken now. He still had a hold of it tightly when I heard the sound of heels coming our way.

“Let her go!” I recognized that voice, but why were they here? “Now.” the voice was next to me now. I opened my eyes and was relieved to see Jenifer. Now I was scared. Why was she at school and not at the hospital with Justin.

“Why are you here? Is something wrong?” I ask her hurriedly. I don't know why I was having a conversation with her while Chase had a hold of my now broken wrist. Jenifer took a small step closer to Chase.

“Let go of her now, or I’ll shove this 5 inch heel somewhere very painful.” she whispered in his ear deadly and sexy at the same time. I had to admit it was scary. He let go of me, slamming my wrist into the locker behind me.

My eyes started to water and I pulled my wrist to my chest. Yup, it was definitely broken. Jenifer grabbed onto my good hand, causing my books to fall onto the floor. She started to pull me with her to the exit of the school.

“Where are we going?!” I asked her out of breath from jogging. She didn't answer me. She still didn't answer me when we got into the car and pulled out of the school parking lot. She drove hurriedly to the hospital and I’m surprised she didn't get pulled over by the cops. Now I was freaking out, was there something wrong with Justin?

She ran past the check in desk, only flashing her visitors pass to the same nurse from the other night. I smiled in apology to her and gave a small wave before following Jenifer to the stairs. Why where we at the stairs? Apparently Jenifer couldn't wait to use the elevators. We ran up three flights of stairs till we got to Justin’s room.

She barged into his room and my heart nearly stopped.

There was Justin awake and sitting up on the bed, getting examined by the doctors. A bright smile spread slowly across my face. I forgot about my broken wrist and jogged over to his bed, pushing the nurses out of the way. The gave me harsh looks but I ignored them. They left shortly after I interrupted them. Justin smiled softly at me and quietly asked Jenifer to leave the room. She was reluctant but she agreed none the less. Keeping my broken wrist to my side, I moved my left hand to touch his face.

It was quiet for a moment before he finally spoke up.

“Happy Birthday.” he whispered to me quietly. I laugh softly and lean my forehead against his for a quiet moment. He didn't know how true his words were. Just seeing him awake made this the best birthday ever. Even better than my sweet 16.

“I'm so glad you're awake, I was so scared.” his hand reaches up to my cheek to wipe away my tears. “I'm sorry Justin. You wouldn't be in here if it wasn't for me.” I gently touch a bruise he has on the side of his forehead. “I wish I was the one who got shot instead of you.”

“Don't say that. I’ve already seen you in the hospital once, I never want to see you in here again.” I grab his hand and lace our fingers together.

“I read the letter you wrote me.” I whispered softly, untangling our fingers so I could reach into my pocket with my good hand. I pulled the letter out and set it down next to him. “I could never hate you Justin. Do you know what reading that letter did to me when I knew you where in surgery?” he shook his head no. “It killed me. Especially the part where it said you loved me. What would you do if you thought the person you loved was going to die?” there it was. I said it. It might not have been directly but I slipped it out, and hopefully he caught it.

I stared at him, waiting for him to say something. Waiting for him to cath onto my words. My heart beat picked up as he just stared at me speechless and wide eyed.

“D-Did you just....” he stuttered out in a whisper. I laughed lightly and nodded, knowing what he was trying to say.

“I love you, Justin.” I whispered to him, blushing wildly. He brought his hands up to my face and pulled it down gently to his. He kissed my lips softly and I felt him smile, causing me to return my own.

“I love you too, Alexa.” this time I kissed him, bringing my good hand to rest on his neck. He took control of the kiss quickly by biting my lower lip, causing me to open my mouth. His hand rested on my neck gently as he continued to kiss me. I heard a door open and tried to pull away, but Justin held my face close to his.

“Alexa, I brought a doc-” Jenifer’s voice trailed off. I guess because she saw me and Justin kissing. That made me wonder if Jenifer ever saw us kiss before, and I remembered she hasn't. That caused me to blush over time. Justin gave me one last small kiss before pulling away. I opened my eyes and stared at him. He had a smirk on his face. The same smirk from the first time I ever saw him.

I looked over to the door to see Jenifer standing there, along with a doctor. Now I was even more embarrassed. Not only did his older sister see us, but so did a doctor.

“Like I was saying,” Jenifer speaks up after clearing her throat, “I brought a doctor to check out your wrist.” the doctor waved an awkward hello. Justin made me look over to him and I could tell this wasn't going to be a pleasant conversation. Now that she mentioned it though, my wrist was sore.

“What happened to your wrist?” he asked me calm for the most part. Something in me was telling me that he knew it wasn't an accident. I looked down and tried to avoid the question. Thankfully, Jenifer was here; note the sarcasm.

“I went to the school to pick her up, like you asked, and saw some big, tall guy had her pinned against these lockers by her wrist.” Jenifer said frowning. I sighed, now I was going to have to deal with Justin being pissed off. I bet he'd probably try to leave to go after Chase.

I looked up and saw Justin looking at me. I could see he was mad. “It was Chase wasn't it?” I nod my head yes and use my good arm to itch the elbow on my bad one. He started to uncover himself and I reached out to stop him. Not my brightest idea. I ended up bumping my broken wrist on the bed. Hard. I cried out in pain and Justin froze. One leg off the bed.

The doctor rushed over to me and grabbed my shoulders, trying to steer me toward the door. I looked over to Jenifer trying to tell with my eyes to make Justin stay here. She nodded and I left with the doctor. She started asking me questions about my wrist and I had to answer them, she then asked me if I wanted to talk to an officer and file a report of Chase. I just told her I’d think about it.

40 minutes later after my x-rays I was wearing a cast and making my way back to Justin’s room. It was a regular cast too. The really itchy kind. Justin was alone when I opened the door and walked in. When he saw me, he smiled. When he saw my cast he looked upset.

I went to stand next to his bed and he looked at me. “Turn around.” he told me out of the blue. I got confussed. Why did I need to turn around? He seemed to know I was thinking that because he rolled his eyes at me and repeated what he already asked.

Sighing I turned and saw a package sitting on his food table, food that he hasn't eaten. I looked back to him with my eyebrows raised and he just nodded his head to the package. The package in my hands felt light as I walked over to Justin’s bed. He patted the bed for me to sit down but I shook my head no. I didn't want to hurt him.

“Alexa, sit with me. It won't hurt me.” I gulped and followed his instructions. He took the package from my hands and set it between us.

“Remember that story I told you about my parents?” I nodded my head and looked at him waiting. “It wasn't all bad. They left me and Jenifer a box of things to keep. One of those things being a necklace she had since she was 14.” just as Justin spoke, he picked up the package and pulled the wrapping paper off of it. I saw that is was a necklace box. He opened the box to reveal a beautiful necklace. It was heart shaped with diamonds all around the pendant. There was a single pink gem in the corner where the heart curled in. “I want to give it to you, for  your birthday.”

“I-I can't take your mother's necklace.” I told him, gazing at the amazing necklace he held in his hands.

“Do you like it?” he asked. I nodded my head yes. He moved my hair to the side and took the clasps of the necklace between his fingers. The necklace was cold against my skin as he clasped it and let it drop slowly around my neck. He reached into the bag and pulled out a sharpie marker. After he uncapped the marker he took my cast in his hand. Justin wrote something on it and covered it up before handing me the marker. He then lifted up his hand so I could read what he wrote.

'will you be my girlfriend?'

Yes or Yes

I laughed slightly when I read that note and circled the 'yes' with a heart. Setting my arm gently in his lap to read my answer. He took my head in his hands and started to kiss me again. I loved the feeling of his lips on mine. Of my boyfriends lips on mine. We continued to kiss like that for a while, till I could feel my lips become sore.

We would have kissed longer if it wasn't for another uncalled for interruption. We seemed to be getting a lot of those actually. This time it was Shane and Jessica.

“We heard your awake!” I heard them chorus together before I saw them. They suddenly stopped talking and I pulled away from Justin, biting my lip and looking down. I could feel my face flush.

“Oh, my, god.” said Jessica slowly.

“Were you two just....” now it was Shane’s turn.

“Kissing!” they both exclaimed together. Even though I didn't want to, I let out a small laugh. Then it dawned on me that all the times Justin and I kissed, no one has ever saw us. Well, with the exception of those little kids and that lady from Chuck E. Cheese but they didn't count.

“Told you guys to knock before you entered!” I heard Jenifer sing-song as she walked into the room. I turned my head toward her and glared a little bit. Jenifer stopped walking for a moment and she started walking toward me again.

She pointed at my neck and looked over at Justin.”Is that,” she trailed off and looked back to my neck quickly. “Is that mom's necklace?” I looked down and lightly touched the necklace. I forgot I was even wearing it.

She was now standing next to me by the bed. I didn't know what to say. Was she mad because I had this necklace?

“Yes it is. I gave it to her for her birthday.” Justin spoke up for me. Jessica still hasn't said anything.

“I, um, I’m sorry. Do you want it, cause I can give it back to you.” I stumbled through my sentence. Turning the necklace around so the clasp was near my throat I moved my hands to unclasp it and give it to Jenifer. Her hands stopped me and I looked up at her shocked.

“I didn't say to give it back. I was just shocked to see you wearing it. Justin’s had that necklace since the last time we saw our mother when he was 10. He's never gave it to anybody. I forgot he even had it till now.” she told me gazing at it. I turned it around so that it was in the right place and blushed a bit.

That's when Jessica ran over to me.

“Why do you have a cast on?!” she asked me shocked and concerned. I saw Justin clench his jaw.

“Chase –” I began but was cut off by Shane.

“Chase did that?! I’m going to kill him!” he said pissed off, I saw Justin nod his head from the corner of my eye.

“Don't even think about it Justin! You just got shot, your not going to fight him.” he glares at me and I glare back at him, not backing down. That is until Jessica screeched and scared the crap out of me. She pointed at the writing on my cast and I instantly blushed. She smiled brightly and showed Shane. He looked over to Justin and so did I. I saw Justin blush just a tiny bit. That's when Jenifer came to look at my cast. Jessica pointed at the writing and Jenifer gave me a hug catching me off guard.

“It's about time!” Jenifer breathed as she pulled away from me. I let out a laugh and nodded my head to agree with her.

[A/N: THIS IS NOT THE END!! There is only one more chapter though till the sequel. The sequel won't start up soon though. I’m going to take a weeks break from writing once this story is finished, then I’m going to go back and edit it to make it better(it will take a while....) Then I’m getting back to work on A Thousand Words. I miss Katie and Audrey )':

Haha, my homecoming is the 8th of October so that week will be sketchy, just an advance warning. I’m still in school so that obviously comes first to me, hence why I’m taking the week off writing when I finish this story. (maybe.....)




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