Ground Zero (BoyxBoy)

By Pink_Crayon

132K 10.1K 1.1K

Hazel Pickett has asthma. Though, he didn't allow that birth defect to slow him down or keep him from committ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Two

8.1K 513 43
By Pink_Crayon

Ground Zero

Chapter Two


''You're grounded for three months, Hazel.''

With that said, I could hear the sound of my jail cell door slamming shut.

I wanted to protest because three months was a long, long ass time to be grounded for, but I held my tongue, because I knew if I were to argue, Mia would add on another month and three was starting to sound a lot better than four, so I gave a stiff nod in understanding.

Mia continued to stand in the doorway of my bedroom. Her green eyes lingered on me and the disappointment that was etched into her beautiful facial features had me lowering my eyes down to stare at the dark hardwood flooring of the room I've been calling mine for the last decade.

Well, Mimzy, my three year old Saint Bernard that weighed well over two hundred pounds seemed to think my room was also her room which would explain why most of her mangled toys laid littered around my floor and her large gray dog bed sat in place on the floor at the end of my foot board.

Sensing that I clearly I had nothing to say, Mia sighed. ''Get some rest, Hazel.''

''Yeah, okay, and Mia?'' I asked and she paused in the doorway, staring at me expectantly. ''Could you close the door, please?''

She complied and with the door closed, I was left in peace, but not alone. Mimzy was lounging in her dog bed and from the looks of it, she was happily chewing on a large bone. I smirked in her direction before I closed my eyes and inhaled a deep, calming breath, hoping to soothe the sudden ache in my left arm, but that did shit all and nothing.

Whelp, I tried and now I could take an Oxycodone.

I reached out for my blue pill bottle with my right hand and strategically popped the white cap off before I swallowed down one of the many pills dry which wasn't an easy feat and I instantly regretted not going to my bathroom for water, that and because the pill left a nasty taste in my mouth.

I grimaced and placed the recapped pill bottle on my nightstand before I stood to my feet and stalked over to my desk, already missing my Macbook Pro that usually took up residence on the surface of said desk, but now that surface was bare like my nightstand that had once held my iPhone and iPad which had also been confiscated by the parental unit as part of my grounding.

Just when I had gotten them back after getting out of juvie too.

I sighed and took a seat at my desk on the black swivel chair and reached underneath the surface of the desk, feeling the familiar bump that was secured in duct tape. Once I peeled the duct tape back, I held the cheap red flip phone in my hand.

This phone was strictly for business which was why I only had three contacts; Colton, Caleb, and Elijah. I dialed Colton because one, he was the leader and two, he wasn't as temperamental as his younger brother nor as slow and usually stoned as Elijah, and tonight, I really couldn't deal with either Caleb or Elijah, or I'd probably say something I'd regret.

I sat back in my chair, listening to the repetitive ringing before a click was heard.

''If you're calling from your phone, than I am going to assume you got away.'' Came Colton's greeting and I could hear murmuring voices in the background.

I scowled. ''I was shot, you piece of shit.''

''...What the fuck do you mean you were shot?''

My scowl deepened. ''What do you think I mean? I was shot by a bullet.''

''So, the police did catch you...?''

''No, well yeah, I guess, but they got nothing on me. They shot me in the middle of the road while I was having an asthma attack,'' I explained briefly. ''A freaking rookie shot me because my inhaler spooked him.''

''Are you okay?''

''Well, I'm not dead, but I'm not exactly peachy either.''

''Where are you calling from?''

I scoffed. ''I'm not with the police if that's what you're getting at, Colton. I'm at home.''

''What did you say to the police?''

''I didn't say shit, Colton. You know I'm loyal. I spent time in juvie for the gang when I didn't need too. I could have named you, Caleb and Elijah, but I didn't.'' I snapped, referring to time we had been dealing at a party and a damn undercover cop busted my ass. Though, said cop gave me the opportunity to rat out other dealers in hopes of them leading the police to the top supplier, but I stayed quiet.

''You know the gang and I are thankful for what you did for us, Hazel, but remember, if they haul you back in for questioning, you say nothing.''

''No shit, Sherlock.''

He sighed. ''We have your cut of what we collected tonight--''

''I want ten percent of each of the other cuts, Colton. I deserve it.'' I interrupted, preparing to launch into a rant if he denied.

Another sigh, but this one was longer and dragged out with a curse before he finally snapped. ''Fine, come by my place tomorrow.''

''I'm grounded.''

''If you want the money, you'll find a way.'' And with that, Colton hung up.

I closed the flip phone and secured it back underneath my desk before I got ready for bed which took me a lot longer to do with a messed up shoulder but I made do, and because I had the Oxycodone running through my system, I was out like a light in no time.


''And just where do you think you're going?'' Landon's voice met my ears and I could feel his tall, broad figure looming behind me. I closed my eyes for the briefest of moments and released my hand from the door handle before I turned around to face my foster dad, whom stared back at me expectantly.

''I'm taking Mimzy for a walk.'' And at hearing her name and the word walk, Mimzy, who was by my side began whining and wagging her tail in excitement.

''All right, you got half an hour.''

I wanted to toss out a smart-ass remark of how would I know when half an hour was up without my cellphone? But decided against doing so because his response would be I guess it's time to get a watch.

Ugh, dad jokes were the worst.

''Kay.'' I muttered, tightening my grip on the plastic handle of Mimzy's lime green extend-a-leash before I opened the front door and she bolted out, making her way down the front porch steps and along the short pathway that led out to the driveway with me trailing on behind her.

It was barely a minute into the walk and I was already wanting my iPhone so I could listen to music in replacement of listening to birds, rustling leafs, cars and the sound of my high tops slapping against the pavement.

Mimzy sat down beside the edge of the road like I had trained her too, and when I approached, she glanced up at me expectantly while I made sure the road was clear and then we crossed and entered the woodsy area that sat on the other side of the road. I stuck to the run down pathway that was used as a shortcut into town. It was a fifteen minute route in general, so I had Mimzy and myself break into a light jog in order to cut that time in half.

Breaking free of the woods, I came to a slow jog and then promptly stopped which in turn had Mimzy come to stop as well. I dug out my inhaler and took two deep inhales before I continued the trek towards the complex Colton and Caleb called home.

The complex it's self was a run down shit-hole where cockroaches weren't all that much of a surprise to be seen scurrying around the halls, and the staircases smelled strongly of urine; both cat, dog, raccoon and human. But this cockroach infested piece of shit that smelled heavily of piss put a roof over heads and said heads were the mixture of drug addicts and gangsters.

The rent was seriously cheap.

I avoided taking the elevator up to the fourth floor because that rust bucket usually broke down, so Mimzy and I took the stairs, and I avoided those I encountered on said stairs because from the looks of it, they were druggies; the sketched out ones by the looks of it and thankfully, they didn't seem to want to bother with me either, especially with the way Mimzy was growling.

''Good girl.'' I murmured lowly, opening the door to the fourth floor and stalked down the hallway until we came to a stop in front of Colton's door. I didn't bother to knock and merely opened the door and strolled in with Mimzy.

The smell of cannabis was strong.

''Eh, you brought Killer with you!'' Elijah greeted brightly from the black leather sofa he was reclining on with a lit blunt in hand, and he only wore a pair of Roots salt and pepper sweat pants that looked a little too big on him.

''Her name isn't Killer, Eli, it's Mimzy.'' I deadpanned. ''And can you put that out? I have fucking asthma.''

''Yeah, yeah, it's going out.'' I didn't say anything to that while I unleashed Mimzy and to my annoyance, she whined happily while she bound all the way over to Elijah who had just snubbed out his blunt. ''Ah, Killer! I mean, Mimzy, yeesh, your daddy is in one sour mood, huh, girlie?''

''Well, you know, getting shot while suffering from an asthma attack can do that to a guy.''

''Colton said you were shot, by a rookie no less,'' He recapped with a shake of his head. ''Could be worse, you could be dead by you know, getting shot in the heart or head.''

''I'd rather have not been shot at all.''

He snorted. ''I hear ya, but I'm sure you got prescribed some good ass pain medication, huh?'

I smirked. ''Percs.''

''Oh, you lucky S.O.B, you wanna give me one or two?''

''You got your weed, dipshit. I can't smoke, so pills for me are the next best thing.''

''Right, the whole asthma thing. Shitty.''

''You have no idea,'' I muttered dryly and took a quick scan of Colton and Caleb's place, but neither brother seemed to be here. ''Where are Colton and Caleb?''

Eli sighed. "Pervy boss man called Colton in earlier this morning, for what? I have no idea, Colton wasn't in the talking mood and Caleb is with Amelia, I think.''

Pervy boss man's real name or rather the name he went by, was Quinn. He was the ringleader's (whom no one has ever met) right hand man and supplier to the little gangs around town, including the gang I was in, and Quinn was a downright sleazy piece of shit, but he supplied the goods, so most looked past is shitty quirks and handsy advances.

And because of his handsy advances, Colton dealt with Quinn most of the time because Quinn had taken an interest in me and Eli, and referred to us as his pretty boys. Though, from what I've heard and been told, other gang leaders have said Quinn found interest in other boys as well, so Eli and I weren't alone. He seemed to have a sick fascination with younger men whom he deemed pretty, so Eli and I knew to steer clear.

And the lovely Amelia was Caleb's long term girlfriend of five years much to Colton's charging because Amelia was the Chief's of Police daughter.

I sighed out loud. ''Did Colton at least tell you where my cut of the money is before he left?''

''He did and he also told us about the interest you wanted, so prepare to get an ear full from Caleb, he's pissed.''

''Caleb can suck my dick,'' I drawled. ''I deserve the interest.''

''If I was you, I'd be demanding all the money, but please don't do that. I like having money in my wallet.'' He said and now that he said that, I felt guilty for taking ten percent of his own cut.

Elijah's mom was a raging cunt and refused to buy him anything, whether that be food, clothes or other necessities and most times she wouldn't even let Eli enter the house. His mother was part of the reason Colton recruited him when Eli was only thirteen. Eli was everything needed in a new gang recruit. He came from a bad home and he had been desperate, young, and willing.

If Colton hadn't have been the gang leader to recruit Eli into his gang, another gang leader would have, and I knew none of them would have been as kind to Eli as Colton had. Even now, Eli was sixteen like myself, and Colton still made sure Eli had food, clothing, necessities, and a roof over his head when he needed it.

Well Colton could be a total raging hard on, he took care of his crew.

Elijah stood to his feet, patting Mimzy on the head before he stalked over to the small kitchenette and picked up a slim stack of cash off the counter that was wrapped with an elastic band.

''Here, this is your cut.'' He said, passing it over to me and I took it, unwrapping the wad and began counting before I took out two twenty dollar bills and passed them back over to Eli, but he merely stared down at the bills in my hand. ''What do you think you're doing? That's your money.''

''Eli, just take the money--''

''I ain't a charity, Hazel. I got my cut already and--'' Before he could finish, I shoved the two bills into his hand.

''I know you're not a charity, Eli, but I actually like you and I'm telling you, take your percent back. We're both the youngest in the gang, we got to watch each others backs, right?''

He opened and closed his mouth before he lips formed a tight line and he nodded, taking the bills. ''Thanks, Hazel.''

''No problem, just don't mention it to Caleb or he'll have a bitch fit no one needs or wants to listen too.''

''Ain't that the truth. Pretty certain his and Amelia's cycles have synced up.''

I grinned. ''Probably, we'll have to ask. Anyway, I got to go.''

''So soon? Don't you want to hang for a bit?'' He asked, tilting his head to the side and stared at me with those forest green eyes of his.

''Trust me, if I could hang out around here with you, I would, but I'm under house arrest from the parental unit, and I'm pretty sure I'm already running late to return home from walking Mimzy.''

''You'd think getting shot would be punishment enough,'' He commented with a shake of his head. ''Well, how long are you grounded for this time?''

''Three months.''


''Yup,'' I muttered. ''Mimzy, come on, we're leaving.''

She bounded right over, knocking into Eli before she sat down in front of me and I connected the leash to her collar.

''Alright, well I guess I'll be seeing you at school then,'' Elijah said, walking with Mimzy and I to the front door which he opened and ushered me out into the complex hallway. ''Hey, Hazel, try and not, you know, get shot on your way home, yeah?''

I switched the handle of the leash to my left hand, minding my sore shoulder as Mimzy walked ahead, and I reached my right hand up for Eli to see and gave him the finger which he laughed at before closing the door.


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