Psychotic (BVS Lex Luthor x R...

נכתב על ידי violaeades

134K 5.6K 1.8K

playlist: - "I love you." You bite y... עוד

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
author's note//future stories and sequels for lex
recovery: sequel to psychotic

chapter seven

5.7K 262 128
נכתב על ידי violaeades

Because you had arrived at work late, you were forced to stay later than normal. It was ridiculous, but as the night continued on, more of your coworkers left. You were left to the quiet sound of the coffeemaker brewing your fourth cup of coffee and your fingertips tapping away at your keyboard.

It was nearing ten o'clock when you finally stepped out of the Daily Planet and onto the sidewalks that were slick with late night rain. Your phone vibrated in the pocket of your raincoat. You jumped and reached for it. It was Lex.

"Hey," you said. You looked both ways on the road. It was empty, not a taxi in sight.

"Hey, how are you?" he asked.

"Fine," you replied. You smiled as a taxi started to drive down the street. You held up your hand and waved it to get his attention. His eyes were on yours, but he zoomed by. "Well that's fantastic."

"Are you outside?" he asked.

"Yeah, I just left work. A taxi just drove by. Guess I'm walking home."

"In the rain? Ah, that does not sound pleasant. How about I come and get you-?"

"No, it's cool. You've been telling me about how long your work hours have been, anyways." You yanked your hood up higher and started down the sidewalk. "Just get to bed, Lex."

"How much energy do you think it takes to hop in a car and drive downtown?" He laughed. "Or a private jet?"

You laughed. "You'd come and pick me up in your private jet, huh?" you asked. "Hm... that does sound convincing."

"It might take a bit to explain to the residents of Metropolis, but I think they'll understand."

You grinned. "Understand that a private jet landed in the middle of their neighborhood just to keep a woman from getting soaked to the bone on her way home for her job? Yeah, that'll change it up."

"Well, you never know if-"

You gasped as a figure jumped out of the shadows of an apartment complex and grabbed your arm. Cold metal touched your neck, and a menacing voice said, "Make one move and I'll kill you."

You squeaked out in terror. Over the phone, there was a loud shuffle and breathing. "___? ___, what's going on?"

He yanked you from back and slammed you against the brick wall of the building. "Just give me whatever cash you have on you and I'll make it easy, okay, beautiful?"

You nodded and tore open your bag, giving him your wallet. He opened it and glanced over it. "T-That's all I have!" you exclaimed nervously.

"___, talk to me!" Lex pleaded on the other line.

The guy slammed against you, the knife pressing against your skin. You gasped in pain as it broke through the skin. "What else you got? Huh? I heard you talkin' bout some rich boy. Is he the one on the phone?" He snatched your phone from you. 

"___, what-"

"If you call the police, she dies," he said. "Listen carefully, man. You're gonna meet me right outside of the Metropolis City Apartments, and you're gonna bring me all the cash you got. If you don't, or you bring a friend, your girlfriend here is a dead woman. Understood?"

Before you could hear what Lex was saying, someone opened their apartment door and stormed out. "Hey, you!" they screamed. "What are you doing to that girl? Knock it off before I call the police!"

"I just called them, James!" a feminine voice screamed from inside.

The man holding you cursed under his breath. He dropped you, leaving you with only one small cut on your throat, and ran towards the man. Before the guy had a chance to even run off, the thief grabbed the handle of his knife and plunged the blade into his stomach repeatedly.

You screamed out in terror as you fell to your knees. Police sirens wailed in the distance. It all felt so slow motion, so quiet. You were screaming, the woman inside was screaming, the thief was running, and the man that saved your life was dead on the ground.

The man was being hunted down, and you were being checked out by an EMT. As they examined your neck, a police officer asked you questions about the attack. What happened, why you were there, who saved you... you couldn't focus on anything but the woman.

Her hair was up in curlers, her light pink robe hid her frail body. She was sobbing into the arms of a neighbor. You felt so much guilt, and on top of that, anger.

"Miss," the officer said. "It's important for you to tell us."

You shook your head and whispered, "He didn't even come."

"Who didn't?" the officer asked.

"___!" a voice pierced through the air. You looked up and saw Lex running forward, his assistant at his side. Two officers stopped him and announced that this was a crime scene, and he couldn't go to you. But once the officer realized who it was, he was allowed to the back of the ambulance.

He leaned in front of you. His hand barely touched your back. You could see that his mouth was moving, but you couldn't hear him. Your eyes were glued on the body bag on the floor. Lex grabbed at your face and yanked your head, making you look at him.

"Hey! Talk to me, ___. What happened?"

You looked back at the dead body. Lex followed your gaze and you whispered, "He didn't save us."

"Who didn't?" he asked. "The man-?"

"No," you breathed with a slight shake of your head.

"Then who?"


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