JERRIE One Shots

By prankadoodle

61.8K 1K 189

Random One Shots about Jerrie More

They Don't Know About Us
Love Me or Leave Me
My Masked Date
Teddy Bear
Risk It All
The Beautiful Brunette
Take Care Of Her
Stay With Me
Author's Note
More Than Friends?
First and Last
I'm Sorry
Nobody Like You
Favorite Place To Be
The Outfit
Valentine's Day
Teach Me

You Belong With Me

2.7K 56 8
By prankadoodle

Prompt: (It was all based from the song You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift) Jade was Taylor in the music video while Perrie was the guy but the difference between this story and the mv was...the black haired Taylor was actually her twin. Get it? If not, just go and see for yourself. Or should I say read for yourself? Okaaaaay...let's get to the story.


Jade was currently sitting in her bed, doing tons of homeworks that was due for tomorrow. She was busy solving one problem in her Math homework when her eyes caught the blonde beauty from next door. She seemed very confused at something so Jade kept her gaze to the blonde until she finishes arguing to whoever who is on the other line of the phone.

She saw the blonde girl sigh before she hung up. Now, Jade was sure that she is experiencing some trouble with her girlfriend again.

How did she know about that? Was she some kind of stalker? No, she isn't that kind of weirdo that stalks people. She just knew that its the blonde's girlfriend that was causing her all the frustration right now. She knew about that because her twin came home from school also frustrated like the blonde right now. And she knows that when her sister's like that, it was because of the blonde.

Yes, her twin was the blonde's girlfriend. And she was also responsible for what the blonde was feeling right now. Pure frustration.

She had no idea what was the reason to why her sister and the blonde, who happened to be named as Perrie, were arguing with. Maybe because Perrie made another sick joke about her that ruined her reputation at school or maybe she didn't given her sister that 'attention' she needed all the time. Those were the typical reasons that causes for them to argue and frustrate each other so Jade thought that maybe it was one of the reasons.

Perrie sat on her bed before messing her hair out. Jade knew that it was her way to let out all the emotions she's feeling at the moment.

Actually, Jade and Perrie were friends. Bestfriends to be exact. But that changed when her twin came home from Miami. Their parents decided that they should be living with each other. But both of them prefer to be living without each other.

And as years go by, Jade and Perrie were slowly drifting aprart, due to the fact that Jane, her evilsome twin, started to hang-out with Perrie. She would take all the blonde's time to her and not even lend any single minute for Jade. That caused for Jade to think that maybe Perrie didn't like to hangout with her anymore because she was nothing like her twin sister. They're totally different from each other. Their faces was the only thing similar to both of them. Jade had golden brown locks while Jane had grey. And that's what seemed to be keeping people to recognize them since their faces are totally look-alikes.

They just started to be friends again when Perrie started dating Jane. She didn't know how the hell that happened but a part of her was glad that if it wasn't because of that, she wouldn't keep in touch with Perrie at all.

Jade stared at the blonde for a minute before deciding to ask her what's wrong. She took out her extra sketch pad and wrote something down. Once she's done, she looked up and saw the blonde staring at her. She immediately brought up the sketch pad to let the blonde read what she wrote.

'You okay?' That's what Jade wrote and a smirk made its way towards Perrie's lips as she grabbed her sketch pad too and wrote a reply to Jade.

'Tired of drama.' She replied and Jade frowned. That wasn't the reply whe wanted to get but hey, atleast Perrie didn't ignored her. She started to write in her sketch pad again, thinking that maybe what she's about to say will cheer the blonde up a little.

'Sorry. :(' Perrie just replied with a simple shrug and Jade knew that what she said didn't helped at all. Then, an idea came into her mind. She had been waiting so long to let the blonde know what she truly feels towards her and she thinks that maybe this was the right time for that. Maybe, it could cheer the blonde up if she'll be honest with her feelings.

She wrote down those three words she'd been dying to say to Perrie and once she's done, she lift up the sketch pad again and looked out the window again with a smile to show the blonde what she wrote but it was all too late. Perrie's curtains was now visible again that means, she'll be sleeping now or she'll be doing something in private.

Not to sound like a pervert and all but Jade wanted the curtains to be removed so that she could see the blonde beauty again. Whatever she may be doing, she doesn't mind as long as she'll see her gorgeous face.

She sighed and just plugged her mp3 player to her speakers and started to hum-along at some songs that could let out all that she's feeling. When the song that suits her situation right now started playing, she got out of bed and danced like she's some kind of weirdo.

Little did everyone know that it had been her hidden talent. Jade was not fond of performing or dressing up infront of other people but she sure is something when it comes to beauty and talent, she's just too shy to let the world know about that.

Nobody knows that she could do stuff like that, atleast until now. Because little did she know that Perrie peeked through her curtains and watched the brunette dance along to the beat of the song. She giggled to herself as she kept watching Jade dance around her room like a crazy person.

Once Jade got tired, she plopped herself towards her bed again and immediately find her way to sleep.

The next day, Jade decided to read her new borrowed book from the library outside of their house. She knows that the story can get more realistic when she's outside her room so she sat on one of their front door benches and read it.

She's halfway through the book when suddenly, she heard footsteps walking towards her. She was too caught up with the book she's reading that she hadn't realize that it was Perrie. Perrie sat next to her, and that's when Jade lifted her head up just to be met with those ocean blue eyes. She smiled down at her and Jade smiled as well.

"Hey, glad to see your out of your room for once." Perrie said with a chuckle. Jade's cheeks suddenly turned into a crimson color as she realized what just Perrie had said. She didn't know that Perrie still knew that she wasn't a fan of the outside. She prefer to be inside her room with a good book with her than to go outside and feel the warmth of the weather.

"Y-yeah," That's what all Jade could reply.

She knew that the blonde was staring at her right now. She couldn't look back at her and she doesn't know why. It had been years since they last interacted like this. So she wasn't to familiar with the feeling anymore.

She continued to look away but when Perrie finally held her chin up, she had no escape. She had been met with her ocean blue eyes that were now sparkling.

"Don't be so distant to me Jade, we're still friends right?" She asked as she tucked a few strands of hair that was covering Jade's face. She also fixed her glasses a little because they're a little misplaced in her face.

"Y-yes, we are. But you know how my sister will react if she ever sees us rig----"

"Stop those nonsense Jade. We have been friends since she ever show up so its okay. I know she'll understand." Perrie explained, cutting Jade off before she could even finish her sentence. Jade just nod.

Then, from that moment on, Perrie started to talk about some things with Jade. She'd been telling her different stories and Jade would hear her out. But because she's too caught up with the moment, she hadn't realize that she's not listening to her anymore. She just stared at her angelic face as she kept talking and talking, unaware that Jade had been staring at her for the past ten minutes.

She just stopped talking when a red car stopped infront of them. And they both sure know, whose car it is.

"Hey babe," Jane said and waved towards Perrie. She waved back and slowly stand up and made her way towards Jane's car. Before she could even get inside, she waved back at Jade. Jade waved goodbye as well.

She thought that seeing them again together was the most painful thing ever but she was wrong because...she just witnessed Jane's face inch closer to Perrie. And before Jade knew it, they were literally eating each other's face right infront of her. She knows that Jane did that on purpose because after their kiss, she looked at Jade with an evil grin in her face.

Jade just rolled her eyes to them before their car drove off.


"Places everyone! Right, if our team scores, you guys know what to do, okay?" Niall, the conductor said. Everyone seemed to understand his command and all the other things he discussed but Jade was too busy staring at something to care.

A few meters away from the marching band, sat Perrie and Jane and Jade isn't surprised to see them lip locking...again. She felt her eyes rolling again when she noticed that her evil twin was obviously kissing the blonde in a heated way in front of her friends and of course, to show everyone that the blonde is hers.

The older Geordie seemed to be getting rid of her evil twim sister in her mind when she heard somebody call her.

"Jade! Jade!" She looked at Leigh who was smirking at her. "Jealous again, I see?" The afro-haired girl teased her.

"Pft, as if." Jade scoffed.

"I know you like the back of my hand, Jadey." Leigh laughed. "You don't need to deny it. You're jealous of Jane again, aren't ya?"

The brunette sighed. Of course, Leigh knows about her feelings for the blonde but only Leigh knows. Well she didn't deny it to her when Leigh caught her staring at them one time and basically crushing the bottle she was holding. It was pretty obvious that she was jealous and she admitted it to Leigh and that's how the afro-haired girl knew that the brunette has feelings for the blonde.

"Why don't you tell her? It's been years since you had those feelings for her, Jade. It'll be bad for you."

"Why would I do that if she's happy with Jane? And besides," Jade took the sticks and the snare drum that she'll be playing. "Jane will only be upset at me if she also knew. I don't want that."

"But you both are upset at each other already so what differences will it make if you admit your feelings to Pe----" Leigh was cut off from finishing her sentence when Jade covered her mouth. She was about to smack the brunette but when she saw Perrie approaching them, she realized why the brunette did what she did. She took off Jade's hand and smiled at the blonde. "Hi Perrie!"

Jade did the same but only waved at the blonde which the blonde returned as well.

"Listen guys," Perrie spoke to all of them in the bleachers. "Coach told me that if we win, we'll be having a party at Harry's house tonight to celebrate! I hope, you'll all come!" And then everybody started cheering.

The game had started and all of them in bleachers cheered for their team. Jade was screaming on top of her lungs when Perrie scored but not one single person noticed it because they were all busy watching the cheering squad cheer for the blonde. Of course, all eyes were on Jane, the head of the cheering squad.

Little did Jade know that there's one particular person who heard her.

Perrie smiled at Jade's direction since she heard her scream and cheer for her in a way that the brunette knows. But she was oblivious that it was her that the blonde was smiling at since Jane was in front of her direction. So Jade thought that it was for her sister and not her.

The game went on and the score were tied up. The ball was on Perrie and she only has a few seconds to shoot the ball. And when she took the shoot, everybody went silent.

And as the ball went in, the crowd went nuts!

Everybody was happy and ran down to approach the team and especially the MVP of the game which was Perrie.

The blonde's team mates carried her and threw her up and down and cheered. Jade was so happy for her that's why she thought of congratulating the blonde personally.

"Leigh, I'll be right back." She said and Leigh let her since she was busy talking to Andre, another player of the team.

Jade slowly took the steps downstairs and fixed her glasses. She was composing the words she was about to tell the blonde but she was haulted in her steps when she saw that Jane was in her way...together with a guy.

"You know you could always get some of this Jed," Her gray-haired sister told the lad named Jed. She was obviously flirting with him. "Nobody has to know." And she trailed her finger from his chest down to his toned stomach.

Jade couldn't believe this and questions started to cloud her mind. But the million dollar question is that, what would Perrie feel about this?

And as if faith heard her, she saw the blonde approaching her evil twin sister and the guy she was flirting with. The look on her face is hard to explain but to Jade? It's not. She knows what she's feeling right now.

She's obviously hurt.

"Jane," Her voice was cold. "What's the meaning of this?"

Jane looked at her and just smirked before slowly leaning in to kiss the co-captain. Perrie's co-captain for the team.

The blonde didn't say anything after what happened but Jane told her so many things after the kiss but everything was a blur to Perrie and to Jade as well. Jade didn't caught any of what Jane has said because she was too busy staring at Perrie and contemplating with herself if she should get between them and stop her sister of not.

All that the younger Geordie did was ran away from the girl who broke her heart, she ran away and Jade's eyes followed her.


Night came and Jade was found inside her room, reviewing for tomorrow's big test. She sat there and read her lessons instead of getting ready for tonight's party just like what everyone is doing.

Including the blonde next door.

Jade absentmindedly tore her gaze away from the book she was reading and looked at the girl across the road who was busy fixing her suit for tonight.

And when Jade was about to look away, Perrie's ocean blue eyes met hers.

They smiled at each other before Perrie immediately scribbled down something on her sketch pad. 'Are you coming?' Perrie wrote and showed it to Jade.

Jade was quick to reply. 'No, studying :(' And the brunette swore that she saw Perrie's shoulder fell down.

'I wish you'll come.' The blonde replied while holding back a frown. And then she grabbed her coat and left her room.

Jade was left with her thoughts a few minutes after the conversation she just had with Perrie. She wanted to come to the party to celebrate with her school mates and congratulate everyone on the team but she was nervous and shy. She didn't know if they'll even notice that she was there in the party if she comes. She barely attends one and it will teachnically be her first party.

Jade just sighed and decided to not come to the party but that soon changed when she went to look for her missing reaction paper around the room but instead, she saw the paper she had written on a few nights back.

'I love you.'

And that's when Jade decided that it's time.

She quickly changed and headed to the party. Not knowing where to go, she asked the blonde guy standing by the door who she soon realized was Niall.

"Wow, Jade, is that you?" The Irish boy said as she saw her walking towards his direction. "My oh my, I never knew the day would come that we will see you in a party, especially looking as gorgeous as ever in this gown of yours."

That was the first compliment she got that night and it was soon followed by more compliments when Niall showed her inside.

As she walked around the venue, looking for the blonde, she couldn't help but notice that some people kept looking at her. Some of them were looking because they were amazed by her beauty that night but some were just jealous because all eyes were basically on her. And she's the nerd of the school!

She continued to walk around and when a pair of blue eyes met her brown ones, she knows that she found her.

Perrie smiled when she saw that Jade was there. 'She came.' she thought. 'And she looks so beautiful.'

And as if everything happened in slow motion. Both of them walked towards each other but of course, somebody had to ruin the moment.

When Perrie was about to reach the blonde, Jane apperead out of nowhere and was now blocking her way. The blonde looked over her shoulder and saw Jade stop in her tracks and watched them.

"Where are you going, babe?" Jane asked and wrapped her arms around her neck. "You belong with me, come and let's dance!" She was pulling Perrie to the dancefloor but the blonde took her arms and shook her head. "What's the matter?" Jane asked.

Perrie's eyes were glued to Jade and Jane followed where she's looking at. When she realized that she was looking at her twin, she scoffed.

"Are you seriously ditching me for her? The nerd? C'mon!" Jane whined and held the blonde's hand but Perrie quickly walked away before she could even intertwine their fingers. "What the...? Perrie, I'm your date tonight! I'm your girlfriend! You're not choosing my twin over me."

"Who told you that we're still in a relationship?" Perrie smirked when she sees Jane's face. "You're the one who made me do this. You cheated and I'm moving on." The blonde then walked towards the brunette after that.

Jade was looking down when Perrie reached her. She held her chin up to make the brunette look into her eyes.

"Glad you made it," Perrie said with a smile. "I thought you were studying?"

"I was," And the Jade took a deep breath. "But I have to give you something." And then she opened the piece of paper folded in her palm.

"I love you," Jade said at the same time that Perrie read it.

The blonde didn't do anything. She just simply stared down at the three perfectly written words in the paper. Jade was afraid that she might've startled the blonde by her sudden confession that she just froze there. She was about to leave and maybe lock herself up in her room to cry her eyes out when suddenly, Perrie reached into her pocket and took out a folded piece of paper similar to the brunette's.

"I love you," The blonde said and it was also what's written on the paper.

Both of them smiled. Their smiles can almost reach the sky by now and it's like they were in their own little world.

"What took you so long to tell me?" Perrie asked as she inched closed to the older Geordie.

"It's just...well, you and Jane are dating and I don't want to tell you since I was afraid that she'll get mad at me."

"But when did you start having these feelings for me?" She asked and laced their fingers together.

"Before Jane was even here," She admitted. "A very long time ago."

"And you didn't tell me sooner?"

"I'm scared, okay? I really was about to confess it to you but when you met Jane? I lost all the confidence to tell you and I completely lost it when I realized that she belongs with you."

"That's not true," Perrie laughed and leaned her forehead to Jade's. "You belong with me." And that's when she finally closed the gap between them. They kissed passionately and it was filled with love.

When they pulled away, the both of them were still smiling from ear to ear. And when they heard some people cheer for them, they realized that everyone at the party saw what happened. And everyone seemed to be happy for them.

It's now clear that Jade belongs to Perrie and Perrie belongs to Jade.

They belong with each other.


Not edited. It's not my best but I hope you liked it :)))) More upcoming one shots soon and more updates after this week! Thanks for all the support. Love ya all guys!

Ps. My baby girl Jadey looks so hot and sexy af here <3


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