Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)

By itshelbs

124K 3.3K 1K

What if one day you meet a special someone, but then come to find out that she's your new Algebra 2 teacher? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 8

5K 162 25
By itshelbs

Camila's POV 

Lately, I had been distant from my friends. Only because of everything that had been going on and running through my mind. Shawn and Dinah had come looking for me a few times, and I actually did spend time with them, but only for a short period of time.

Vero on the other hand, I hadn't seen her in a while. Well it was only a few days, but that was ages compared to how we were always together. Apparently, she had been calling me but I hadn't contacted her. There were intentions in doing so, but I just never got around to it. Mostly because of Lauren. She was always on my mind.

Well, it had been enough time. It was time for me to start getting my life back. Lauren was consuming all my time, by thinking of her all the time at least. Enough of that. That didn't mean that I was giving up on her, because I wasn't. That girl was going to be mine.

Especially because of how much my feelings had grown for her, and were still growing.

The best time to gather my friends again was during lunch, I pretty much knew where they would be hanging out at. Either in the cafeteria, or at the steps of our school's theater. There was a higher chance of them being on the steps, so I decided to look there first.

Hey, U had to brag about my new car. Dinah and Shawn had already seen it yesterday. It was the second day of having my baby, I had to show it off. Just kidding, I wasn't exactly bragging, but I was showing my excitement. Most of all, I was telling everyone how awesome my parents were.

As I walked the next corner, I saw them sitting on the steps. There were more steps on the other side, so I continued on my way.

"Hey! Look who decided to show up." Shawn was surprised. "What's up ghosty?" He welcomed, making room between himself and Dinah.

"Ghosty?" I chuckled while taking a seat.

"Well we haven't seen you in a while. You walk the halls like a ghost; no one ever sees you." He explained, and at the same time offering me some of his burger.  

"Oh." I understood and took a bite from his burger.

Dinah burst out laughing, "You eat like a mouse." She was covering her mouth with her hand since there was still food in it. She chewed the rest of what was in her mouth while I gave her a quizzical glance. "You took the smallest bite ever!" She was still laughing.

"Yeah you did." Shawn laughed as he examined the bite I took. "Haha, that's funny." Wow, he was a little late on laughing, which then caused me to laugh. His laugh was so cute, it literally made him look adorable.

"Aww Shawn," I cooed while pinching his somewhat chubby cheeks. "You're so cute! I just wanna stuff you in my pocket."

His eyes then shifted down to my jeans pocket, "I don't think I'll fit."

I giggled. "You're so adorable," I kissed his cheek, a big wet one too. Hurting my feelings, he wiped it off. To save himself, he tapped my head with a smug grin on his face. That actually saved him. He's lucky that I couldn't stay mad at him; not that I ever was.

"Love you." He smiled.

My hand ran through his short hair, messing it up.

"Hey Vero," She hadn't said anything which surprised me. I thought she was going to be the first one to say something, whether to greet me or yell at me for staying away from them. She acknowledged my presence, but didn't reply. "Okay," I muttered feeling the tension.

"What's wrong with you?" Dinah asked Vero, pointing out the strange behavior.

"Nothing," she brushed it off. "What's wrong with you?" She laughed it off.

"You're acting weird," Dinah stated the obvious. I completely agreed. Though she was only being strange with me. Before they saw me, I saw her laughing with them, but that stopped when I showed up. Did I do something wrong to her other than not contacting her? It was nothing personal, I just needed my space. Hopefully she would understand that.

"No, you are," Vero was taking all of this as a joke.

Not wanting to make a huge deal about it, I went on as if everything was fine.

"Vero, my mom told me that you called my house." I reminded being all ears to whatever it was she had to say.

"Oh it was nothing." She shrugged it off. She was giving vague answers. How was I supposed to oversee her attitude when she was responding like that? She wasn't making it easy for me. "Shawn can I have some chips?" I guess that was her attempt at changing the topic and avoiding me. There was definitely something wrong with me.

Shawn looked out of place, just confused; slowly allowing Vero to grab chips out of the bag.

"So V, have you seen Camila's new car?" He asked trying to ease the tension.

"No." She sounded uninterested.

"Do you want to go see it right now? Before lunch ends?" I asked.

"No," she shook her head. Grabbing her bag, she stood up. "I have to go." She said as she walked away.

Dinah tried calling after her, but she kept walking. Shawn got to his feet and watched where Vero was heading to. I wanted to go running after her, but I thought she might need her own space right now, so I let her be. I wondered what was going on. Did it really have to do with me or what? I had absolutely no clue.

"What the hell is her problem?" Dinah remained seated on the steps.

The conversation from last week came back to my mind. Maybe this had to do with what she was feeling towards Dinah. Vero probably wanted to talk to me about it, but thought I was ignoring her; which I was, just not in a hurtful way. That would explain so much. Poor Vero, she had no one else to turn to. She couldn't talk to Shawn about it because he was a guy, and well she couldn't exactly talk to Dinah about it because it was obviously about her.

Now I feel like a terrible friend.  

"Who knows, but look who's coming our way." Shawn was practically drooling. Whistling was heard, those two things could only mean one thing. I looked in that direction and believe it or not, Lauren was walking our way.

"Oh my god, she really is hot." Dinah commented. I flicked her head, getting a 'what the fuck' look from her. "Hey, you get to her all of first period every day, let us enjoy the sight of her and her beauty." She turned back to Lauren.

"Seriously, I would do anything to have Miss Jauregui in my bed." Shawn had hands on his crotch, that's really disturbing.

"Dude, gross. Stop that!" I smacked the back of his head. He was going to smack me back, but I quickly backed away. Ew, I didn't want his hand touching me.

Shawn laughed before looking at Lauren.

"Wait, is she coming to us?" His eyes got wide.

I looked at her again, and it seemed like she was walking directly towards us. Hard to believe though. Lauren never came looking for me, or ever initiated anything first. Today in class, I did nothing; I was a perfect angel. Only yesterday, I kissed her during the exercise. I didn't think she was going to complain about it today.

Who knew what she wanted.

"I think so," Dinah sounded excited.

"Okay. Act cool guys," Shawn instructed. He was the one who needed to act cool. He was way too excited. Knowing him, he was going to make a fool out of himself. The whistling got louder. "Stupid asses, can't they just let a woman pass by without making her feel uncomfortable?" He puffed. He must've noticed how shy Lauren suddenly looked. Her fingers were fidgeting, while her head was down, only looked up a few times, with a tight lipped smile. Her cheeks were a light shade of pink. That made her look absolutely adorable, so cute. I couldn't help but smile at her.

When she was about to reach us, we all stayed silent.

"Hi," she greeted shyly.

Shawn had his head down, "Hello teacher, Miss, young lady, gorgeous." I knew it, he was going to mumble stuff. Realizing his idiocy, he banged his head lightly on the railing next to him. Dinah covered her face with a hand, feeling Shawn's embarrassment. I stifled a laugh; Shawn was such a cool idiot.

"Excuse my friend." I tapped his head while looking at Lauren.

"It's okay," it looked like she wanted to laugh. At least she enjoyed it. "Camila, may I have a word with you?" She signaled for me to follow her.

"Uh sure," Oh god, what was this about? "Bye." I waved to my friends, leaving them behind.

"She's so fuckin' lucky." I heard Shawn say.

I walked to Lauren's side, waiting for her to talk. She kept glancing at me, but wasn't say anything. It seemed like she was trying, but couldn't find a way to do so. I wanted to help, but I honestly didn't know what she wanted me for.

"Camila," She finally said something. I was ready to listen, yet again, nothing came out of her mouth. Poor Lauren, she was struggling with her words. My stomach was just about to growl, I could feel it. Damn, I should've took a bigger bite of Shawn's burger. Now I had to hope that my stomach wouldn't make any noise.

"Yes?" with my hand, I motioned for her to go on.

"I-i-i," She paused, preparing what she was going to say next. "I just wanted to talk to you about yesterday." She let out. "What you did was completely out of line. There were other students there, anyone could've seen us." She stated.

We came to a stop, far away from everyone else.

"But they didn't."

"But they could've," she insisted. "I've told you, you gotta stop." She reminded.

"You know, you're starting to annoy me," I crossed my arms and smiled in amusement. Her face was priceless. She was shocked by my statement. "By the way, I won't stop." I reassured and grinned at her.

Her eyes flickered, "If I'm starting to annoy you so much, then why won't you stop?" She questioned and stared at me like I was crazy.

"Because I can't beautiful," I played with the ends of her hair. She pulled her hair to one side so I couldn't play with it anymore. "Look, I'm past the point of just wanting to get to know you; now, I actually really like you. Like, a lot." I explained. Giving her an idea of where my feelings stood now.

"Wait, what are you saying?" Was she deaf or what?

"I'm saying that now I want you to be my girlfriend." I stated bluntly.

Her jaw dropped to the floor. I lifted her chin to close her mouth. Ha, I loved messing with her.

"Are you nuts?" she asked as her forehead creased. "That will never happen."

"Never say never." I hummed. She shook her head in disbelief.

"I don't know what to do with you anymore. You know, I've even thought about quitting." She looked at me again. Woah! No, she couldn't quit! I wouldn't allow it, well it's not like I had a way of making her stay, but still. 

"But you're not right?" I feared what her response was going to be.

"Of course not." Oh thank you God! "But I've thought about it," eh, who cares? She was just trying to scare me off.

"About the girlfriend thing," i brought the topic back, "So yes?" I smirked. She rolled her eyes at me. "Come on, just say it," I teased. "I'm a great girlfriend; I don't really have any references because I haven't dated much and that would be weird for you to meet an ex of mine." I tried easing the tension between us.

"You're really something." hey, it seemed like she wanted to laugh. That was good. "Camila, I'll admit, I would love to say yes, but our situation won't allow it." Ugh, she sounded like a broken record. Blah, blah, blah. She was getting on my nerves with that. Why couldn't she be the same carefree girl who stole a kiss from me at the zoo? Why was she suddenly so responsible.

"I call bullshit. Who cares?" I sure don't.

"Camila, in case you haven't given this some thought, when I was a senior, you were probably in third grade." That was the perfect way to make it awkward. Ugh, why did she have to bring that up? Wow, she was a senior when I was in third grade. That made it seem like a huge difference. I shook it out of my head. Nope. I wasn't going to back down.

"I don't care. I like you a lot, a lot, a lot, therefore, I won't give up on you." I stated, and I meant it. Lauren was the one I really cared about, and she was the one I was dying to be with. Whether I was already feeling it or not, I knew this was going to be love. Without a doubt.

A smile formed on Lauren's lips, and then something caught her eyes, and she stood firmly.

"Hi Miss Jauregui," I knew that voice. "Hello Camila," Lucy stood by my side. I smiled in response. "Talking about the math lesson?" She invited herself into our conversation, which was private, but she didn't know that of course. Oh, no wonder why Lauren was mumbling those random things out.

"Yup." I answered.

"Cool," she looked uninterested. There seemed to be something up with her. "Camila I was looking for you." She informed.


"So I could um," She glanced at Lauren, "Well to uh, ask you, on a, uh" She was extremely nervous. "To ask you on a date." She spit out. Wow. I was not expecting that at all. Especially not in front of Lauren.

"What?" Lauren quickly said. I don't think she meant to say it out loud. Lucy stared at Lauren with a confused expression. "Sorry," Lauren sheepishly said, stepping aside and giving us privacy. Well, well, well, would you look at that, the one who didn't care whether I dated other people, was actually eavesdropping.

Okay well, she needed to learn her lesson too.

"I would love to." I accepted her offer.

"Great!" Lucy smiled big. "I'll text you later then Mila." She said walking away.

Lauren walked back to me. "What was all that about?" She questioned. Was there really jealousy in her eyes? I think so... this is great! Lauren was actually jealous. The best part was that she couldn't even try and hide it.

"What was what about?" I played dumb.

"What just happened right now," she pointed to where Lucy ran off to. "You just unofficially asked me to be your girlfriend, and a second later, you agree to go on a date with someone else?" She was in disbelief. Ah, I was loving this. "What the hell," she huffed; appearing confused about the whole thing.

"Well you said no," I played innocent. "I had to move on." I grinned.

"Oh and it took you just a second to move on?" Her arms crossed. I nodded with a grin. "You know what, I don't even care." Her arms dropped to her sides, then rested on her hips. Ha sure. Her behavior was showing otherwise.

"Good." I smirked while showing no concern.

She turned around and walked away. I stared at her hips, seeing as they swayed side to side with attitude. She stopped and turned around, walking back to me.

"I hope you have a wonderful time on your date." She forced a smile, but I noticed her biting the inside of her cheek. She walked away again, and stopped again, and came back to me. "I hope something blossoms between the two of you." She her wishes. Aw, she's so cute when trying to hide her jealousy. A grin remained etched across my face. This was amusing to me.

"Thanks babe." Hey I was just being kind and appreciating her wishes for Lucy and I.

Her jaw clenched, "Don't call me that." She scolded me. Ha! Like that was going to scare me. "I don't have to take this. I'm done talking to you." She finished; and this time, she actually left. Didn't come back and wish me more luck. Haha, this was the best thing ever!

I finally got to see her jealous, which meant that she really liked me too. Ah, and all it took was for me to accept a date with Lucy.

Holy fuck, I have a date with Lucy.

A/N: Well shit, Camila has a date with Lucy... and Lauren's getting jealous. Are you guys liking the story so far??

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