Dangerous Boy

By Dreamer9202

1.2M 35.9K 7.4K

COMPLETED BOOK A ruthlessly dangerous, yet somehow captivating male was not someone Grace had ever imagined c... More

I'm Sorry (Introduction)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Please Read

Chapter Thirty-Nine

17.2K 514 68
By Dreamer9202


"Grace Jacobs." The man calls my name and I immediately smile.

I grin down at my family as I walk across the stage. Mason sits on the end, college turned out pretty awesome for him. He's a quarterback in one of the States biggest teams, about to have his big break and beside him sits his lovely girlfriend of nearly two years. Jamie's got a degree in sports medicine, which is how they met. They're perfect together, I'm glad he's finally found someone he can love the way I love Xavier.

Of course, who could miss Sam and Tom? Sam holds a box of tissues, tears fall proudly from his eyes as he waves at me from where he's sitting. He hasn't nearly died again in the last five years, thank goodness. He and Tom got married two years ago now. It was of course the most extravagent, over the top gay wedding ever that only Sam could pull off. It was an amazing day for so many of us. I couldn't be more happy for them.

I smile at Noah and Arnica, who both grin at me from where they're seated. Their three, yes three beautiful girls smile up at me as well. Lacey is now four and was the reason Arnica couldn't come to college in the first place. Rose has just turned two and is named after Xavier and Noah's Mum. The youngest, Emilie is barely four weeks old and together the five of them make the most beautiful, adorable family. The girls curly blonde hair and green eyes make them the perfect mixture of both of their parents, who adore them. Arnica went from being the most unorganised person I know to the Queen of Louis Vuitton nappy bags. Noah, who used to the most immature guy I know couldn't be more protective or proud of his young family. They bought a beautiful two storied, seven bedroom house down the safest, well known family street in Calafornia. You know the kind with white picket fences, friendly neighbours, big backyards and expensive European SUV's? Well, that was them. They even bought a Labrodor to top it all off.

Finally, Xavier. We've been together now for nearly six years now. Who would've thought that when I saw him at the school library all those years ago?

He's 26 now, so he looks older of course and more manly. The boy like features he used to have are now almost completely gone. Except for his cheeky smile that greets me when I look down at him, still all these years later it makes my heart race. I feel like he should be up here with me, since I couldn't have graduated without him. The amount of nights I came home ready to give up and crying is almost uncountable. He supported me through each of those times. We've stayed strong over the last few years and as we've grown up, I've found a deeper love for him. I couldn't live without him. 

I turn my attention away from my family, who I have so much love for and extend my hand, receiving the paper that officially confirms that I finished Law school with a degree. I did it. All with the help of my beautiful family sitting in the front row cheering for me.


"I'd just like to make a quick toast" Xavier holds the champagne between his fingers as he smiles at me. I can see Sam with the video camera out and I smile shyly. Lacey has her pretend champagne in her plastic cup as she stands beside me. She holds my hand in confusion as to where the toast is, thinking Xavier was actually going to make her some toast.

"Grace, I am unbelievably proud of you. You have worked so hard over the last five years, nobody deserves as much success as you. You are everything I've ever wanted out of life and I've loved every single day that I've been with you. We've accomplished so much together over the last six years" I return his smile. This is unexpected. "I love you, more than anything in the world and I couldn't ever try to imagine not having you in my life." I feel like I'm going to cry when he takes my hand in his much larger one. His dark eyes gaze into mine for a moment, he almost looks nervous.

"Xavier?" my breath catches in my throat when he smiles at me. He keeps one hand in mine and uses his other one to pull a blue box from his jacket pocket as he kneels down before me. A blue Tiffany and Co box.

I can hear Sam squealing from behind the video camera, but my eyes stay on Xavier. He releases my hand to open the gorgeous, small box. As he does my eyes fall on the most incredably large, expensive and beautiful diamond ring I've ever seen.

This is really happening.

"Grace Jacobs" he smiles, clearly the shock is very evident on my face. "Will you marry me?"

"Auntie Grace you have to say yes" Lacey tugs my hand.

I know the tears are already falling down my cheeks. I can't help it.

"Of course I'll marry you" I shake my head in disbelief as he smiles, wrappig his strong arms around me tightly.

I can hear the cheering of our family around us and I know I'm not the only one crying right now. I couldn't be happier if I tried.

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