Meeting You

Av Chocolat13angel

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"I'm happy, I was happy, "I love you", I was loved, Nothing can hurt me, I've been abused, live, I wish to di... Mer

Meeting You
Chapter 1 "Once Upon a MIDNIGHT"
Chapter 2 "My Life LEAVES Me In Trouble"
Chapter 3 "Me AND a Friend? IT Was Something"
Chapter 4 "The Cylce GOES ON AND ON"
Chapter 5 "LEAVING Suspicions"
Chapter 6 "ME And The Devil Go Toe To Toe"
Chapter 7 "Once Again ALONE"
Chapter 8 "AND We're Friends Once Again"
Chapter 9 "COLD Days To Come" Part 1
Ch. 9 Part 2
Chapter 10 "BUT Nobody Will Understand"
Chapter 11 "I'LL Meet You Again" Part 1
Ch.11 Part 2
Chapter 12 "MAKE It Stop!"
Chapter 13 "IT Matters And It's The Truth"
Chapter 14 "It's Not Over, BUT It's STILL Tuesday"
Chapter 16 "It DOESN'T Ease The Pain"
Chapter 17 "GET Help, Have Hope"
Chapter 18 "ME and You"
Chapter 19 "ANYWHERE You Go, I Go"
Chapter 20 "RECEIVING a Gift"
Chapter 21 "PAIN"
Chapter 22 "IS This It?"

Chapter 15 "DREAMING Nightmares"

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Av Chocolat13angel



~All rights reserved Copyright according to the musicical lyrics written in this chapter belong to and only 7lyrics. Do not copy, paste, or claim rights for the lyrics in this chapter without given permission from the owner.  ©7lyrics

~All rights reserved Copyright in this story belong to and only ©Chocolat13angel. Do not copy, paste, or claim rights for the chapters in this book without given permission from the owner.

Thank You


"Vin", someone called.

I walked out of the kitchen to see everyone exhausted on the couches.


"Who was on the phone?", Katerina asked.


"Oh my dad?", Matt smiled.

"Yeah he'll be here Friday night".

"Oh okay, but I'm glad Luca in finally asleep", Matt added.

"Maybe I can get Raven to at least talk to him", Kat suggested.

"Doubt it, after what he's done".

"We still have time before, "you know what happens". We'll figure something out".

"Let's hope so".

That very night we had to take turns calming Luca down. He would wake up screaming in agonizing pain from the mark growing bigger. At this rate I give it 3 months tops before he starts really feeling like he's gonna die. The poison will consume him and I'll have to witness another person I care about die in front of me. Karma sure is a bitch in more ways than one.



    I sat down on the soft grass with Levet sitting next to me while everybody was still running the mile.

"Hey you know what I've noticed?"


"Luca hasn't been here for 3 days".

"Oh you thinking about your love?"

"Hell no, it just occurred to me that I haven't been bullied for 3 days well at least not by him. The girls still hold his grudge", I said rolling my eyes.

"We go over Katerina's house today", Levet smiled.

"Oh yeah I'm off today".

"Me too", She laughed.

"Hey Guys", Katerina called.

    She ran up to us with Vin, Jake, Jason, and Matt behind her. I looked over at Levet who was already blushing with lovey dovey eyes at Vin. Awww she's SO cute.

"So you guys riding home with us after school?", Kat asked.

"Um yeah we packed our stuff with us", I smiled.


"Oh and no football practice today by the way", vin explained .

"Yes! Awesomeness", I cheered.

"Ok! Everybody dress back in!", Coach Lang yelled.

    Levet and I got up and we all walked back to the locker rooms. I didn't dress back in feeling lazy, so I stayed in my gym clothes instead. All of us girls met the guys at the cars. Everyone rode in Vin's mustang except Jake and Jason who rode their motorcycles. As we drove to their house they drove through one of the really big really rich neighborhoods. The houses were either a one, two, or three story house and they looked so beautiful. We pulled up to a beautiful 2 story house. It wasn't too fancy just a few statues here and there with flowers. The car Came to a stop and I quickly got out to get a closer look.

"Woah it's So huge", Levet gasped.

"Yeah we just moved in", Katerina said.

    We walked up to her white door and she unlocked it revealing the big inside of the house. Kat told us to rest or stuff on the couch. The inside was like any other house just a lot more stuff. I kicked my shoes off and jumped on the couch exhausted from the day.

"This is the life", I sighed happily.

"We can see your blue panties Raven", Jason laughed.

"Why are you looking?", I groaned fixing my shorts.

"Because nobody not color blind would notice blue panties", Vin chuckled sarcastically.

    I flipped on my back and saw Levet comfortable in the couch next to me.

"Okay guys I'm gonna start making spaghetti for dinner", Kat said going into the kitchen.

"Do you need help?"

"No I'm good!"

    The guys went outside to play football while Levet and I watched TV.

"Raven?", Levet called.


"Is been a long time since we've slept in something comfortable", she smiled.

"I know right, you sleep in a slide and I sleep in a tree".

"Shhh I don't want Kat to hear us", she whispered.

    I nodded in agreement and went back to watching TV.


"Raven! Levet! Could you go get the boys?! Dinner is ready!"

    Coincidentally the boys came back in hot and sweaty from all the football.

"They're here!"

    I watched as Levet's eyes trailed up and down Vin's body making her move around the couch to see every inch of him. I guess he noticed because he smiled and winked at her. Those two are so adorable. We got up to sit at the dinner table digging into our meal. We talked about school, our classes, goals in life even the stupid ones, and other funny stuff. Thiswas probably the best sleep over I have ever been to, heck this is the first and only one I've been to.

"Oh Raven it's about 9:30 could you bring this food to Luca?", Katerina asked.

    The room went silent and all eyes were on me awaiting my answer.

"Um can't someone else do it?"

"I asked you first, please?"


    She handed me a hot plate of food and glass of milk.

"He's upstairs and he's the room with the black door".

    I slowly went up the steps as everyone else continued to talk without me. Luca's door was the very last room down the hall. My heart was beating so fast that I found myself staring at the door. I wonder if he'll insult me? Hurt me, yell at me, call me names? He's been gone for 3 days, his anger will probably build up from the sight of me. Why did I agree to this?!

"Because you love him".

    I turned behind me thinking I heard a whisper. Great, now I'm nervous and hallucinating. Putting on my brave face I slowly opened the door and I was so amazed to see his room actually clean. He was sleeping on his bed looking like he hadn't really slept in forever. Closing his door I rested his food on the night stand next to his bed examining more of his room. His computer monitor is so big and oh my god he has an xbox 360 and a ps4?! This is like my dream room, too many dark colors though. I got closet to Luca seeing him have a cold sweat. I kneeled down crossing my arms on his sheets. He looks like he's dying and I feel kind of worried for him? Ugh my head is so messed up. I reached for a random curl that was on his head and began twisting it between my fingers. My eyes widened when the curl turned from black to blonde, that's amazing! Then I remembered he had to eat.

"Luca time to eat", I called.

    He twitched a little but he was still asleep.

"Luca wake up. I have food".

    Still nothing.

"Well who doesn't wake up for food", I grumbled. "Luuuuuuucaaaaaaaaaa".

    Finally his eyes tightened and he squinted his eyes open. He blinked a couple times and looked at me like I was some kind of ghost. He began poking my face trying to finalize I was real.

"Luca *poke*, Luca *poke*, I'm real!"

"What were you doing sneaking into my room?", he said suspiciously.

"To give you food".

"Oh... well thank you".

"Um why are you here?"

"Katerina invited Levet and I to a sleepover".


    Then there was just a minute of awkward silence.

"Um Raven?"


"I'm soghyshfle"

"What the hell did you say?!"

"I said I'm soruhjikolp".


"I said I'm sorry!!!"

"My ear! What are you sorry for?"

"For being sort of an ass".

"Sort of?!"

"Okay a complete ass".

"Just an ass?!"

"Um sorry for being a bitch, bastard, ass, doo doo face I'M SORRY!!!!!"

"Alright, since you're the first built to actually say sorry. So truce".

"Okay, umm Raven I feel weak so can you feed me?"




    Literally for 30 minutes I was feeding him and his plate was finally clean.

"I'm sorry too", I admitted.


"For spitting milk in your face", I laughed.

"What about punching and slapping me?"

"Uh no you deserved all that. I just thought the milk thing was too much", I giggled.

"Whatever", he mumbled.

"No need to be pouty", I huffed getting up.

    He grabbed back my hand and a surge of energy went through me making me feel heated.

"Could you stay here for a while longer? I can't sleep".



"Um okay I guess".

    I wiggled my way next to him on the bed.

"So are you sleep yet?"


"Well go to sleep".

"Can't, why don't you sing me a song".

"Sing what?!"

"I don't know, anything!"

    So I sang the first one I thought of.

"Do you like the wind blowing in your hair

Do you look at the moon and just stare, Do you love the smell of the flowers in spring

Do you here the birds singing your name 

I wish i could be like you

do you know what id do I would run Till the morning sun I wouldnt stop there Oh I would just go till I disappear

Oh I wish, I wish I wish. Do you run with the wind. Do you go places you've never been Do you smell every plant Do you play in the sand

Are you on your own Oh i know what it feels like to be alone By yourself cause everybody is gone Got to learn to depend on yourself Cause in the end nobody will be there Oh I wish, I wish, I wish. Oh I wish~"


    I looked down at him and the boy was fast asleep. I snuck away from him out of his room hoping not to make a sound. I raved back downstairs where everyone was sitting at the couches.

"What took you so long sweet cheeks", Jason winked.

"Luca is high maintenance".

"Well we're about to watch "When the Dead Rise" come watch", Matt smiled.

"Oh I think I love zombie movies".


"I just remembered I hate zombie movies!"

    I curled up in between Jake and Jason scared out of my mind. Seeing the zombie eat the guys face made me totally drakes ands disgusted.

"Oh come on Rafen yuf've godda stay calm", Jake laughed with popcorn in his mouth.

    Then a zombie's face popped on the screen.

"Ahhhhh!No, No! No! I don't wanna watch anymore!", I hollered clinging onto Jason.  

"I didn't know you loved me so much sweet cheeks", he smirked.

    I was about to yell at him when I heard something like a growl. The whole house was dark except the light coming from the TV. I couldn't see what made our but I definitely hearts an animalistic growl. Kat quickly turned off the TV turning back on the lights.

"Okay, I think it's getting late so yeah", she said rushingly.

"Yeah I'm going to bed", Vin growled.

"Oh yeah me too", the twins sighed.

"Oh I guess", Levet smiled.

    All of them said goodnight and headed upstairs. I slept in one couch while Levet slept in the other.

"Levet?", I whispered.


"I might be hearing things but did you hear growling?"

"Growling? No?"

"I don't know, while watching the movie I heard growling, must've been my imagination".

"Yeah you're such a scaredy cat", she laughed.

"I know right, goodnight". 


"Forgive and ease his pain".

    What? Out of nowhere Lucas appeared in front of me.

"Awww Lucas!"

    He snapped at me and snarled at me with his golden eyes.

"Hah you're not Lucas, he would never snap at me".

"You're so thick sometimes", a voice chuckled.

    Luca the last person I wanted to see appeared next to Lucas snickering at me.

"Oh great you're hear too?"

"The pain will never leave us", he groaned.  

    The mark I saw on Lucas's chest appeared on Luca's and Lucas fell over breathing like he couldn't.


    Before I could even touch him he faced away. I didn't understand this stupid dream although I knew it wasn't real.

"You'll be the death of me but I forgive you".

"What the hell are you taking about Luca!"

    I didn't know I was crying until Luca touched my face.

"I'll be gone soon, so awaken"

"What the fuck", I hissed.

    I popped up from the couch feeling a bit of cold sweat. It was a dream, just a dream. A weird kind of nightmare dream. What was with Lucas and that mark, Hah LUCA! I quickly ran upstairs into Luca's room and he was still soundly asleep. WHY THE FUCK DID I GET SO WORRIED FOR?! I HATE MYSELF! WORRIED FOR GOD DAMN NOTHING! I got closer to him to make sure he was breathing properly until his arms wrapped around me pulling me next to him. I was trapped and his grip wad too strong all together. I was trying for 20 minutes to get him off of me but it wasn't working. I gave up and decided that I would wake up early and get out of his roombefore he wakes up. Ugh this night couldn't get any worse. It's like a nightmare only I'm awake, what fun.


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