Love Beneath The Darklines(co...

Od shachiseth

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A Dark Past - Shyna. A Very Ambitious Future - Davidson They are two contradictory personalities. Yet they me... Více

Chapter 1 Unwanted Attraction
Chapter 2 Staring Contest
Chapter 3 Friendly Encounter
Chapter 4 Divine Attraction
Chapter 5 Twists In Friendship
Chapter 6 Listen To Your Instincts
Chapter 7 Without You
Chapter 8 Make Her Smile
Chapter 9 A Night Together
Chapter 10 Dreams, Hallucinations And Chimeras!!!!!!!
Chapter 11 Fighting The Past
Chapter 12 Adventure Ride.
Chapter 13 Developing Bonds
Chapter 14 Need You Now
Chapter 15 Hands Of Help
Chapter 16 His Divine Touch
Chapter 17 Evil Birthday!!!!!
Chapter 18 Togetherness
Chapter 19 You Are Beautiful
Chapter 20 Wanna Help You
Chapter 21 Enigmatic Smile
Chapter 23 A Companion
Chapter 25 Influx With Past
Chapter 26 Influences Of The Upbringing
Chapter 27 Word Fights
Chapter 28 Free Falling
Chapter 29 Breathtaking Beauty
Chapter 30 Past Grimaces
Chapter 31 Definition Of Love
Chapter 32 Love You Like I Do
Chapter 33 Perfection
Chapter 34 Power Of Love
Chapter 35 Wrecking Ball
Chapter 36 Sometimes Pain's The Healer
Chapter 37 Cheating v/s Vengeance
Chapter 38 Deadly Silence
Chapter 39 Winner Stands Alone

Chapter 24 Lucky Charm

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Od shachiseth

Chapter 24

Lucky Charms

Davidson's pov

I was so scared I felt I lost her!!!! I know it's silly I know she is strong she can take ten people at a time still I could not help getting worried about her.

And heck!!!!! What was she doing?

Running her f##king brains out!!!! Seriously!!!! Damn how can she do this to herself???

I could not help shouting at her.

Once the paramedics diagnosed that she passed out due to over running and dehydration, I lost it... tired and restless again worried shit about her, my temper was only fueled.

"What were you thinking running like demons were following you?" I yelled at her.

"Stop shouting" she yelled "you are not my mom."

That was enough to infuriate me.

"Yes I am not your mom and am glad that I am not. I never want to be like her. Which kind of mom leaves her daughter to slaughter and kill herself?" I spat angrily.

"David you are going too far" she hissed angrily surely not happy to hear about her mom. Sure she has some soft corner for her then, why is she avoiding them?

This girl is just too mysterious.

"Dare you say anything about my mom." she warned.

"Stop pretending Shyna. I know very well how you feel about them. They were the bloody reasons you are here." I kicked the first thing that lay in front me, the only bed of the room hurting myself in return and cursed some words as I ran out of the room.

I reached for the fitness barely on time, skipping my lunch for which the break was for but it didn't matter now though as I was well nourished with my temper.

After an hour of hyper training when I put in all the best of my efforts, my anger which also added to improve my speed, agility, timing and thereby improving my performance, Mr. Malco was quite impressed and his words of appreciation on my physical fitness in spite of me being a fresher calmed me down.

"It is because of my fitness trainer Shyna" I said proudly with a smile. That again reminded me of Shyna.

Heck! Hell! I realized I had shouted way too much. I was not in my senses and said more than essential. Again I left her alone.

Not a good move on my part.

Suddenly realizing what I had done, I rushed to my room without a prior permission from my coach. It wasn't important than the task I had in hand and I can ask for apologies later.

Shyna was about to leave with her bag packed in her hand.

"Here are room keys" she handed me and was moving out.

I stopped her holding her wrists tightly. I knew and I was ready for the blow which I knew would be coming my way and I ducked it easy.

She dropped the bag and knee kicked me on my abdomen, the impact was low so I didn't get hurt.

I chuckled at her thoughtfulness; I knew she was much stronger than this but didn't want to risk hitting hard so that I am good for the game.

I stumbled but I stood straight when she hit another blow, this time on my shoulder.

I knew I should fight, it will help her ease off with her anger but I didn't have that much time. So I pressed her body tight with mine pinning her to the wall besides the door.

She hissed angrily looking straight in my eyes with anger stuffed in her browns that made them look a shade darker than normal.

Her eyes widened as she put in an effort to get out of my grip. I knew if I didn't let her go, she'll get more upset seeing her helplessness.

I softened my grip and said looking straight in her yes "Listen I'll let you go but listen to me" our bodies still pressed and her eyes focused direct on my lips.

Shit why was that bringing some hot stirring???

I ignored my traitorous body and focused on Shyna.

"I am sorry. I was very scared. Hell! I thought I lost you and would never see you again and it was my entire fault. Please don't leave me. I need you. I need your company." I closed my eyes; looking at her golden orbs which wasn't doing any good giving me all the wrong influences.

"Let me loose." She said softly with no tinge of anger in her voice.

I took a deep breath of relaxation but did not let her go.

"Will you stay on the grounds while I am doing my fitness?" I asked with utmost innocence softening my force of pinning her and let her loose.

I gave my pleading, guilty face, and the ones they term as puppy dog face or whatever! I did not care. I did not want her to leave.

Empathy crossed her eyes; she got lost in her thoughts probably assessing her decision and finally nodded in agreement.

"I guess that a yes" I asked excited.

She nodded.

My hand left the wall easing her from being pinned and rested on her waist.

I rested my head on her shoulder breathing easy. It was then I realized how tensed I was.

She let me do it.

She did not kick me on my balls for that!!!!

What happened after that wasn't under my control as I gripped her giant hoodie form the waist where my hand was rested and pulled it over her neck.

She gasped, I guess it was harsh.

I knew she was wearing a Nike sports underneath and she sported it well in front of me and there was no need of embarrassment for her in that.

She still stared at me with a horrified expression.

 Before she could react I immediately removed my tee which had no.10 printed on it. I pushed it down on her neck ignoring the fact that it was sweaty, neither did she object. She was too stunned with what I was doing.

"I want you to wear this. I can easily spot you out in this and again this is lucky for me." I bit my inner cheeks slightly embarrassed at what I was saying.

 I always felt it was my lucky charm

Don't judge me even the gods of cricket believes in charms!!! Hell!! Even Andy Murray doesn't shave during the entire grand slam event; his lucky charm.

"You can sit and assess my performance, list down my weakness, do anything but be there with me. Sit in front of me." I said trying to give her something to occupy herself.

"I know I am being obnoxious but this place is so new and the tournament; I am so stressed, I cannot afford to loose my companion." I said earning a faint curve synonym to a near smile from her.

"I am sorry." She whispered spoke "I should have informed you before leaving."

I was stunned at her apology- a rare thing displayed by her.

I kissed her on her forehead and she pushed me against it making me wince.

She looked at the source of my wincing with pain and asked "had a rough day?"

So on our way to fitness at the same football grounds I shared about the bully that she'd already witnessed and being pissed off with that she went running. And while running she simply shrugged that she went into some dark phase and forgot what she was doing.

I was pained to hear that something, her past was troubling her so much that she preferred dying of her workout rather than to try and forget it.

When she realized that I had skipped my lunch she offered me a granola bar to have before my workout. I was awed by caring nature.

She stayed glued on the ground watching me do my fitness and when she thought I wasn't stretching well, our coach been gone for some work, she did not hesitate to come and guide me. Completely unaffected by the wolf whistles by my team mates, she simply focused on perfecting my postures.

Though my one narrow eyed glare was enough to keep them shut and again they had a taste of my hand to hand I knew that the gossip were only on a halt. Little did they know that we were hardly friends, we were only companions but yes I cared for her. I now know that.

After feeding ourselves with high calorie, rich in fiber and healthy but disgusting dinner we were disposed to our respective rooms only to be resumed as early as 7:00 am next morning.

While others groaned of tiredness, I was wondering about our small room and the bed. Though it was a double sized bed and we two can really fit in without touching each other, I still was skeptical if it was an acceptable thought.

I tried to communicate with the coach and authorities but being a big league, all the rooms were occupied; I wasn't left with much choice than to share that room with Shyna.

Sighing I took the soft fluffy pillow and threw it on the couch in front of the room.

"Thanks" Shyna murmured and was about to lie down with the sheet that she had already procured on the couch.

"No" I said firmly. Lifting her from her shoulder I made her lie on the bed. A bit intimidated and confused with my actions, she kept quite.

She sat on the edge of the bed dressed in her tracks and a loose comfy shirt fiddling with her fingers. She opened her mouth, trying to say something and mentally shrugging of the decision she kept quite.

"Shyna I am tired, can you switch off the light please." I said folding my legs trying to fit into the couch that would have been far more comfortable if I was still seven.

The chilling of the conditioning helped though as I tried to warm myself with my own hug.

She stood then nodded her head obviously trying a plan and said "You got to be working hard tomorrow please come on the bed."

"Whoa!! Shyna" I smirked "I know I am HOT but I never knew that my charms would work on you too. If that is what you want, I am quite desperate." I said the last part adding a bit of seductiveness, I knew she'll back up fiercely.

"Shut up" she said stomping towards the switch board. She pulled the covers harshly and snug into them saying some cursing words for me, obviously irritated.

I chuckled, mission accomplished!

Half and hour later and tossing multiple number of times, I stood up planning to go for a stretch and walk on the corridors.

The soft snores of Shyna stopped immediately as I clicked the door open.

"David" she shouted scared.

"I am here Shyna" I rushed to her. I knew she woke up sudden thinking it was an intruder because she relaxed as soon as she saw my face, lights from the street light making its way through and the light peach shaded curtains helping her.

"Going for a little stroll. Sorry to disturb you." I apologized softly as I caressed her cheeks, the porcelain soft skin felt so smooth, so touchable.

"Everything okay?" she asked.

"Just a bit uncomfortable." I said scratching my hair sheepishly.

Guilt crossed her face and she said "David you can sleep....."

"I guess the discussion ended long back." I spoke sternly.

"Its okay David she said. "You can join in at the other corner."

Enlightened with the offer and kind words I tried not to show excitement on my face and asked "are you sure?"

She nodded shifting to the corner and leaving enough space for me at the other end.

I quickly took my pillow and the cover and jumped above her to my side, careful not to touch her. She gasped by my sudden movement but didn't comment nor complain.

I too tried to maintain distance and shifted to the edge and before I could think further tiredness in my body embraced the slumber....

 The loud ringing of my mobile "wake up wake up it s a brand new day" made me sit all of a sudden, the room was extra dark and cold too with the conditioning on full speed making me lazy to move out of the covers. I sat unwantedly resting my back on the bed rest bidding final good byes to my sleep. I had a long day to go.

 A little bit stirring from my right made me realise where I was. I stared at the charming face that eluded her inner strength, the lines of her face that screamed her beauty, with the scar now gone, her soft and smooth skin provoked me to feel her, touch her. My hand lifted from under the cover and my fingers made the way through to her face, replacing the strands of her blond locks away from her forehead.

Her eyes snapped open with my touch. And when I was sure she'll yell and curse, a faint smile cherished my morning and she greeted me politely.

"Slept okay?" I asked.

"I guess I did." She replied stretching her hands above her head and stifling the $exiest yawn I have ever seen.

Did I call her $exy?

"Yeah you seem good and relaxed." I said and it was true. For the first time did I see her waking up without a frown or a dread sigh. She was good and that was quite an encouragement for me to do what I was longing to do.

"Shyna" I asked and she replied with a sweet humm. "Can I ask you one thing?"

She sat on the bed besides me, working on her long curls that were everywhere around her face, messy but still she looked pretty.

I do not know why I find it pretty, I always had an aversion towards untidiness, even when Caira would wake up besides me, I know I thought then that that was the best way of getting up in the morning with my girl naked in my arms but today all my notions have taken a 360 degree turn.

But I would always appreciate when Caira would work on her hair and I waited for her minty breath after she'd brush her teeth. I avoided her before that. I know that was a bit mean but again things have been changing so profusely.

This is what life is. We keep on changing for good.

Today I am feeling jubilant even if Shyna is wearing the whackiest of pyjamas and her grand dads tee but that smile it was so honest, it seemed it would purify the hearts of the evils.

"Ask" she said casually looking at me. I narrowed the distance between us and asked "Why were you running recklessly, so hard enough to die unconscious?"

She shifted her gaze looking everywhere but not in my eyes then answered with her pursed lips "I was running from my past memories."

The pain in those words made my heart clench. An erray of sympathy passed through my veins but I couldn't show that to her. She likes to feel strong so I asked her again "Shyna what happened in the past? Do you trust me enough to share it with me?"

She looked reckless, unstable shifting in the seat

"I promise..." I wanted to finish that I wouldn't judge and would be with her, no matter what but she stopped me saying "David I think you are late. Don't you remember you were grounded with 10 rounds sprint of football grounds?"

"Oh shit!" I muttered and I rushed to get ready for the punishment.

The punishment was not that torturous because Shyna was with me all the while till all the team mates joined in for a further session of fitness.

Our coach Malco was amazing. He gave a satisfying pat on my shoulders, of course he felt that I'd duck the punishment and join in for the regular fitness. I di get into his good books taking my punishment.

He was a good coach too. He knew how to get things done.

He made the whole strenuous, tiring and boring session of fitness easy by passing random jokes, sometimes on the brand of the underwear of one of our team mates who wore it extreme low enough to show the cracks of his butts. He even advised us to get our hair painted blue to earn more fans incase our performance failed in the regards.

He never missed a chance of making healthy mocking comments on us. For me he was like I am always in hurry to finish my fitness, the reason my timings of speed work out being low because I am scared of my coach [Shyna] sitting on the strands.

The slow ones were mocked that they won't be able to satisfy their girls in the bed because of their lack of speed.

His code of conduct and sense of humor did not show any signs of age. He was always energetic and full of life.

Shyna had excused me for the gym. This time she informed me before leaving.

I did notice that she was bored sitting doing nothing as the work out was a regular one. I did not object.

But after a while, I guess I started missing her so when all the other guys took a water break, I left to see her at the gym.

After crossing the empty corridors as most of the teams were either busy practicing or doing fitness as per schedule allotted to them.

The gym unlikely was very crowded with lot of hustling noises and exchange notes been taken place.

Thinking it to be a fowl decision taken by Shyna as I knew now that she avoided crowded places, I was about to exit when I realized that the strengthening area of the gym would be vacant and lonely as the strengthening exercises are supposed to be avoided during the matches.

So after taking directions from the coaches and couple of cleaners\, I reached the strengthening area of the gym.

I was welcomed by the loud thudding noise.

The lights were switched off but still the warm carpeted interiors were visible because of the bright sunshine making its way through semi open blinds.

I ignored the tempting dumbbells and went to see Shyna who was busy hitting the boxing bag.

I broadened my shoulders as I walked passedthe chest press and the bicep curl machines to reach the lone corner where Shyna was working with the punching bag.

The leg press and the calf raise machine reminded me of the long hours of training by my coach.

All the other machineries like tricep press, hamstrings and ab curler that once upon a time would fascinate me felt less appealing that the strong muscles on Shyna's arms that were flexing every time she hit a punch on the bag.

I reached behind trying to scream a soft "Booooo" and scare her but what I saw scared the shit out of me.

She was hitting the bag so violently and the interval between the blows was reducing with every blow.

And what the heck!!!!

She was not even wearing her gloves. He knuckles were red and bleeding now with the bruises but she didn't seem to budge. She was so lost that she did not even realize that I was there. Each and every blow had a hidden vexation.

Acrimony was the only expression on her face, the pain was shredding out in the form of tears but I guess she was oblivion about it. She was obscured into a different world.

"SHYNA" I shouted, the line of blood from her knuckles was making me insane.

When she did not budge, the magnitude and the frequency of her boxing increased every second.

I pulled the bag away from her pulling her attention towards me.

Absence of the target brought her out of her transient, the mini dark world that she had buried herself into.

That infuriated her further and she was about to attack me.

I took the first blow and when she saw it was me, her expressions changed for a second but again the temper or the past had taken control over her senses.

She closed her fists tightly as if controlling herself was killing her inside. She had to take that thing out now.

"Your past?" I asked.

She nodded gritting her teeth.

A wave of sympathy warmed my heart. I wish I could help!

"Wanna fight?" I asked hoping if I channelised her anger may be it'll help.

She agreed being ready in a stance to fight.

She threw me a punch and blocked it by crossing my arms in front of my face, then   gave a leg kick on my abdomen but I backed a little letting the kick stay in the air. Her next blow was elbow hit on my shoulders; I bent immediately defending myself again.

I was only playing or fighting a defensive fight.

I tried to block each and every blow of hers, each more fierce than the former, she was very good at what she was doing but when I found her groaning in frustration for not being able to harm I stopped my defense and laid one blow on her back which really hurt her sharp as she was not prepared, too busy focusing to break my defense mechanism but that was the trigger to her best performance and now she plunged her full effort and started hitting punches after another like she did to the boxing bag.

Fortunately I was taught to stiffen my body whenever you get a blow so that the effect of the blow gets negligible. It helps in strengthening the core which inturn is good for my basketball and therefore even though painful I agreed to do it wishfully in one of my training sessions back home.

"Do you have any idea, you can be restricted and kicked out of the team for leaving the practice session for two consecutive days?" an extremely furious Mr. Malco said folding his arms authoritatively and blowing his breath out from his nostrils.

I was in severe trouble.....  

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!!! Instead of thirty votes as promised the upload is bit delayed but a huge THANKYOU to  all those who voted for the first time:) please keep them coming.

A big Hug to all those who commented:)

Okay the delay was due to the picon right with shyna wearing a no. 10 tee. Please check it out:)

Okay for next upload I will increase the pressure on you and decrease on mine with 40 votes.

Yes the upload on the same day when the votes exceed number 40(please, pretty please)

Thanks for reading and please share your views on the story, I'll be obliged:)

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