Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)

By itshelbs

124K 3.3K 1K

What if one day you meet a special someone, but then come to find out that she's your new Algebra 2 teacher? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 6

5.7K 162 50
By itshelbs

Camila's POV 

The whole weekend had me in distress. It was mostly spent of trying to communicate with Lauren, although she was completely ignoring my texts. I must of sent her about fifty messages, apologizing for what happened in class on Friday. Though, she did correspond to it, she liked it, why was she being so  stubborn about it. I was getting tired of it, I hadn't given up though, it had barely been a week.

To make matters worse, on Friday in her class, I sort of got into a huge argument with Sierra. I was already pissed because of what happened with Lauren, to add onto it, I remembered what Dinah said about the rumors that Sierra was spreading about Lauren. It all just came out. I had no tolerance when it came to her, so when she got in my face about sitting in the seat that she wanted, I defended myself. I'll admit, I wasn't thinking rationally.

How was I after the makeout session with Lauren? My mind was all over the place, as well as my energy.

Point is, Lauren had to intervene between us. For the first time, I didn't feel embarrassed for being immature, I couldn't care less actually.

Luckily nothing major happened. The class went on. The only thing that Lauren did was sit us away from each other for that day.

Now I was waiting for first period to start, and I was finally going to see her again. My whole weekend literally consisted of me wanting it to end. I just had to see Lauren, and talk to her. It wasn't appropriate at school, but apparently it was the only place I would have that chance to. Hey, she was the teacher, she couldn't ignore her students.

Leaving my friends behind, and I walked to the classroom. Vero tried coming with me but I stopped her. With the excuse that it was private due to work that I was having difficulty with. By her expression, it was clear that she was doubting it. I wasn't going to waste time convincing her though.

Luckily, she stayed behind with Dinah and Shawn.

When I reached her classroom, I tried opening the door, but it wouldn't budge. It was locked. Well that wasn't going to stop me, so I knocked on the door and waited. I heard footsteps from the other side of the door.

The door opened, but stopped midway when Lauren saw that it was me. The door was getting ready to close, but I stuck my hand in the doorway to stop it.

"We need to talk." I spoke firmly, not willing to take no for an answer. Lauren had been firm with me, now I was too. No more sweet talk.

Her eyes squinted, seeming shocked by my approach.

"Please, Camila, not now." She sort of pleaded.

"Then way?" I questioned. "You're always saying that but never set a time to actually talk. On Friday, the only reason we talked was because of me." I said. It was true, if I wouldn't have offered to help her, then that chance would have never come. The kiss would've never happened. "By the way, you can't leave me out here. I'm the student, therefore you have to hear me out." Let's see her argue against that.

"When it comes to school." She retorted.

"Let me in." I demanded.

She looked out of the classroom, making sure no one was around.

"Fine." She groaned, opening the door more. I walked in while she closed the door and locked it. Good, who knows if I'll be able to resist myself around her. Already, I wanted to jump on her and kiss those soft plump lips of hers. "Why won't you leave me alone?" She huffed as she walked to her desk.

"Why?" I laughed skeptically. "Don't play dumb. You know why." I hissed. It was truly frustrating me, seeing her behave like this. She wasn't fooling me though. I could see how much she was struggling to keep the act up.

"I just want to have a normal life, and not date a teenager." She retorted, standing back up from her chair and slamming her hands on the desk. Thankfully I didn't flinch. I was not going to allow her to see me being weak.

I had to present myself as confident, as if I knew exactly what I was doing and what I wanted. Which I actually did. I knew what I wanted. Her.

"And I want to be with you." I mimicked her moves, as if challenging her.

"God! Why do you have to be so damn stubborn?" She leaned over her desk more, coming closer to my face, but with attitude.

"Because I want you." I restated with a big smirk. Once again, I couldn't help but look at her Adam's apple, it was such a turn on. Especially when there was anger in her body. My head tilted to the side. "I thought you wanted me too." I said in the most innocent, but seductive voice I could.

She gulped heavily, "I-I-I," She couldn't finish past there.

"You what?" I wanted her to finish. It didn't seem like it was going to happen. She was too hesitant. "Come on Lauren, on Friday you told me you couldn't stop thinking about me." I reminded her, I wanted to hear that again. I wanted to hear how she felt about me.

"I shouldn't have told you that," There was regret in her eyes. My heart ached. "I was at a weak moment." She tried to justify herself. That caused me to smile. If it made her weak then there was definitely an attraction, she was feeling it too.

My hand rested over hers, "Does this make you weak?" I asked in a breathy tone, leaning closer to her face. She stiffened. "Lauren," I gasped, just inches away from her lips. She wasn't moving, I don't think she was able to react to it. My lips brushed over hers and pecked them.

"Stop." She whimpered, and looked the other way.

"No." I refused, cupping her face with one hand, making her look at me again. Her eyes shifted down. Was she intimidated? Was she afraid of losing control, of not being able to stop herself from doing what she actually desired. "Kiss me. And if I feel like the kiss means nothing to you, then I'll leave you alone for good." I placed the deal. I was not afraid of it. Like I said, I could tell she wanted it too.

"No, you're crazy, we're at school." She stated. Whatever, it was just another excuse.

"Are you a chicken?" I brought up peer pressure.

"That's not going to work with me, I'm not a teenager," She said mockingly with a smirk. I hate that smirk. Well, well, well... nicely played. Apparently, she gained some confidence in a matter of a few seconds.

"Is that a hint?" My eyes squinted questionably. "Are you calling me a child?" I tilted my head to the side in amusement. She shrugged innocently.

"Take is as you want," She licked her lips. I gulped hard, feeling weak in the knees. She knew what she was doing to me, and my body was desperately calling for her. How could I just stand here and not attack her with kisses? That's all that ran through my mind; holding her tightly and feeling her delicate skin under my fingers.

"Oh I'll take something alright. I'll take you." And at that moment, I ran around her desk. Her eyes widened as she quickly tried to make a run for it; it was useless. I gripped her waist aggressively, but affectionately, and brought her to me.

"Camila." She gasped in complete and utter shock.

"Stop complaining for once." I chuckled as I pressed my lips against hers. Her hands rested in defense on my shoulders, trying to push me back, but my grip on her was tight. My will and desire for her was so much stronger than it had been. I didn't understand why I couldn't control myself when I was around her.

She was all that mattered. Not only was the emotional connection irresistible, but the physical one, there had never been anyone who I desired so badly in my life. There was something about Lauren. Something that made everyone kneel down to her feet. Who could possibly resist her?

I threw her back on her desk.

"Stop!" Lauren broke out of the kiss, now processing what was going on.

Even if I tried, I couldn't separate myself from her. I wanted her close, not even an inch away from her. I wanted to feel her heartbeat, that's how close I wanted her. Have you ever desired someone so badly, that you wanted to hug them with your legs? That you wanted to have everything of yourself wrapped around that person/ Their body warmth is what gives you life. Their hot breath was a bolt of energy, which made you feel indestructible. Also made you feel tingly everywhere, which made your body quiver, and ache for theirs.

Lauren sat up, trying to get to her feet. 

"Not yet," She stayed sitting on the desk while my lips nibbled on her bottom one. Not being in control of my actions, I grabbed her leg and brought it up to my waist. She tried to protest through the kiss, but I didn't allow it. Instead, I inserted my tongue through her lips, it was a bit of a struggle since she wasn't giving me permission. "Stop," She tried to say, but my tongue was still in her mouth. I sucked on her tongue gently, still in control.

Her hands then dropped to the side, and I felt them slowly start to give in. They finally rested on my lower back. I pressed myself into her, and her leg stayed on its own at my waist. Finally she'd decided to let go and enjoy this.

I traced the outline of her lips with the tip of my tongue, teasing her, now that I knew she wouldn't pull away. Her hips began pushing up, which excited me. I went back to kissing her lips. My mouth opened a bit, but I didn't slip my tongue in her mouth.

What excited me more, was when she took control by slipping her tongue in my mouth and twirling it inside. She decided to tease me too, her tongue left mine. Our lips pressed hard against one another, as if we wanted to devour one another.

My heart was pounding against my chest, and I was sure that Lauren could feel it too. It felt like it wanted to pop right out. My breathing was getting heavier, and as much as I wanted to pause and gasp for air, I couldn't stop kissing her; our lips were locked.

Besides, I didn't want to give her the chance of gaining full control of her actions. She would've pushed me away again.

My hands roamed down to her hips, helping her push them into me. Feeling her like this had me in a complete state of lust. Her hands slipped around my neck, keeping my face as close to hers as possible.

I felt her hand bringing my head down, my eyes opened while I separated and I saw her tilt her head back. She was directing me to kiss her neck, but better yet, her Adam's apple. Hers was so noticeable. I closed my eyes and directed my lips to her neck.

I could hear her gasping for air and trying to contain her moans as I sucked on her Adam's apple. That motivated me to keep going, to give her as much pleasure as I could. Then I felt her other leg lift up to my waist, now both of her legs were hugging me.

Suddenly, the most annoying sound in the whole entire world was heard. The bell.

I hated it now.

I stopped sucking on her neck, as her legs untangled from my waist. I couldn't believe we'd been making out the past few minutes. Well I could believe it, but it felt so much like a dream. I stepped back when Lauren hopped off her desk and gathered herself.

I took this time to catch my breath. My heart was still rapidly beating. My chest went up and down because of the heavy breathing. I seriously needed to take a seat. I could barely walk, my knees still felt weak. My body was still aching for hers.

"I need you away from me." Lauren said in between jagged breaths.

I shook my head my head, "No."

"No?" She questioned, her eyebrows furrowed. "You need to stop that." She stated firmly. She seemed upset, but then she took a moment to breath. "Sorry." She apologized. "I didn't mean to sound so harsh. I just need you to stop provoking me, as you've been able to see, it's extremely difficult to resist you." It sounded like it took a lot of effort to admit it. Well at least she finally did. "Please Camila, if you really care about me, just leave me alone." She pleaded. "I'll be your teacher, but please, nothing else." She gulped hard. It was hurting her to say that.

How was I able to reply to that?

"Is this really what you want?" I questioned, hopefully to get her thinking. She nodded, but without looking me in the eyes. "Say one of these days, you see me with someone else, would you not care?" She needed to really think it through. There would be consequences.

Her eyes met mine, she was definitely not expecting that.

"I'm not going to lie, if that ever happened, I wouldn't like it. Not one bit." She admitted. "But I wouldn't have any right to say anything." She added.

I sighed, "You could have the right, if you would just give us a chance." I stepped closer to her, taking her hand.

She pulled away, "No, I'm sorry." She walked towards the classroom door. "Please go to your seat before I open the door, I don't want anyone suspecting anything." She spoke softly, yet firmly.  

I walked to my usual seat and put my head down. This really messed with my head. I was determined before, but I was doubting myself. Lauren was so stubborn, who knew if I could over run it.

It was worth a try though.


Lauren was finishing the lesson. According to her, today was going to be the last day of basics. We had to move on to actual Algebra 2 stuff. It seemed like everyone was okay with it. They pretty much understood the whole idea of it.

I didn't care, it would be nice to learn something more challenging, although, Lauren was making everything seem so easy. That's how great of a teacher she was.

Right now, I was having difficulty concentrating, I couldn't stop thinking about the make out session we had before class started. Lauren was avoiding eye contact with me, and it really sucked.

"Since today is the last day of basics, I've decided to play a game," Lauren started to get everyone's attention after saying that.

"You'll have to get in groups of five. You'll work together as one, to get an answer for the problems that I'll be writing down." She paused to let it sink in.

She walked to her desk and turned on the projector with a remote. Next, she went to her computer. A diagram of some sort appeared on the whiteboard. There were many circles, some smaller than others, others bigger than average. There was a different number in each circle. There were also negatives. There was a circle which had switch in it. There was another with 2x in. Then an open space, which just had a 5.    

"What is that?" A girl asked. We were all confused.

"It's the setup." Lauren replied as she made her way to the front of the classroom. Her hand held up with something in them. "These are magnets. The groups that come up with the answer within a certain amount of time, will have the chance to send one group member to toss a magnet to the board. She explained. She demonstrated how to do it, and the magnet landed on the 50. "Okay, so it landed on the 50, my team would have earned 50 points."

"At the end of the game, does anyone win?" Hmm, that was a good question.

"Yes. The group with the most points will get a homework pass."

It wasn't the best prize ever, but it would do. At least the game sounded fun. Did she come up with this game? It was smart of her. I mean, it was entertaining, yet had to do with learning. I was impressed, Lauren really was an amazing teacher. She definitely knew what she was doing.

A more polite student raised their hand, and Lauren pointed at the girl to allow her to speak.

"What are the switch and the 2x circles for?" She wondered. Another good question.

"The 2x means you get to go again, and the switch means that you can switch points with any other group." She stated. Oh, this was good. Well only if the groups were losing. You wouldn't want any other group to get it if your group was winning. This was sounding really interesting.

This seemed to get the class more excited and worried. We were up for it.

"Are you picking the groups, or do we get to pick our own?" Someone else asked.

"Pick your own." She responded with a smile. "Okay, form your groups."

Immediately, a whole bunch came to me, asking me to be part of their group. Only because they knew how quick I solved every problem. Besides, I got along with almost everyone. Although there were a lot of conflicts in class between others.

"I don't really care which group I'm in, just lemme know." I directed everyone standing around me.

"You're in mine for sure then." Lucy claimed me, she even held my hand just to make sure. Discretely, I pulled my hand away from hers; it made me feel uncomfortable for some reason.

"Fine, then I'm in your group too." A random guy invited himself in.

"Me too!" About five others said all at once. Well we only needed two more, three of them were gonna have to form their own group.

"I said it first." One of them claimed.

"No!" Another protested. I was gonna let Lucy and the other dude handle it. I didn't want to get in any arguments right now.  

Soon, they started arguing. Loudly

"Hey!" Lauren called from her desk.

They were too loud and busy arguing that they didn't even hear her. I heard her, but only because I wasn't all caught up with the argument. Besides, I could always hear her voice. Subconsciously, my senses were always focused on her. I could literally spot her anywhere. Like if my eyes were always looking out for her, without even realizing.

I turned to see the immature people arguing.

"Shut the fuck up!" One blurted out.

Unfortunately for him, Lauren was right behind him and heard him clearly.

"Ethan," She called out, "Watch your mouth." She warned. "What's the problem?" She directed the question to everyone, even me, just because they were all standing around my desk. How ironic, and I had nothing to do with it... well not really.

No one was answering, they looked at me instead, as if expecting me to answer. Ugh, I told them to leave me out of it.

"Ethan, and those four other guys," I signaled at them, "they're arguing about who will be in our group." I explained the situation. My eyes kept shifting up and down, I couldn't exactly make direct eye contact. It was too overwhelming. Either I was looking away, or was pretending to be looking in her eyes, but was actually looking at her bushy eyebrows.

Lauren's head tilted back in distress.

"Wow, Miss Jauregui, is that a hickey?" Ethan leaned over to get a better look of her neck. Holy shit!

Lauren's hand quickly covered it, "What?" She was caught off guard. "Uh, no, of course not." She really looked nervous, which was making me nervous too.

Her behavior was giving her away. Oh my god, I wanted to say or do something to help her out of this one. Holy shit, how was I not careful?! There wasn't much thinking going on throughout the make out session. The moment was too heated, I didn't care one bit about being careful on leaving a hickey behind.

No one must have noticed it before because she wasn't so close and hadn't tilted her head back. The hickey was barely visible though, it would have to be seen up close.

"Wow, right on the Adam's apple." Lucy had a huge grin. Oh she was loving this. "How hot," She muttered to herself, but I caught it.

"Don't be stupid, girl's don't have Adam's apples." Ethan huffed.

"Uh yes they do." Lucy retorted, confident about it. "Just look, Miss Jauregui had one, right where the hickey's at." She pointed.

"It's not a hickey," Lauren stated, still sounding nervous. I felt bad, I even felt embarrassed.

"Aha, sure." Ethan chuckled. "We believe you." He teased.

"I burned myself last night with a curling iron." She clarified.

"That had actually happened to me before." I decided to somehow help her out. Technically I wasn't lying, I had actually been stupid enough to accidentally burn myself with the curling iron.      

Ethan looked at Lauren, "But your hair isn't in curls, it's wavy." He pointed out. Ugh! Why was he paying attention now?

"I curled it last night, they fell out when I took a shower this morning." I was impressed, Lauren had an answer for everything. That seemed to trick Ethan, he stopped with his questions. "You know what? You three will be in this group." She solved the problem for us. It might not have been fair, but she was just trying to get it over with. Just so she could get away from them, so they wouldn't ask anymore questions.

When she was back at her desk, she sat down and ran her hand through her hair. Her eyes looked up, meeting mine. She sighed and looked at her computer screen.

Okay so she was upset with me. My bad, I didn't know a hickey was going to be formed. Besides, the students weren't paying too much attention to it. They weren't even talking about it, they just went back to arguing.

Even though the hickey was a mistake, I was sort of proud about it. There was something that I left behind. Now, it was going to remind her of me. Just thinking about it turned me on.

It was as if I claimed her as mine.

A/N: Spring break is over, and now I'm back at school. It really sucks, haha. I hope you babes are having a better day than I am :)

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