Run Bitches! |UFCxWWE| {2016}...

By -thornsamongroses

276K 9.9K 1.3K

Voted for: 🌟Best Original Character🌟 🌟Best Wrestlemania Moment🌟 🌟Highest Rank in Fanfiction: #247🌟 (I'M... More

Run Bitches
1: First Impression is a must
2: My Shield
3: One Eventful Night
4: 20 Questions
5: A Big Surprise
10: Transition
14: People Change and Bitches Become Stronger
Self Advertising Moment
15: Welcome Home
Top Active Readers
Read This
23: Broken but not Destroyed
24: Double Duty
Best Readers
25: Weigh-ins
26: Killer v Pitbull
27: It's just the start
Very Important
30: Tate v Jade
31: Cupcake
32: Relationship Destroyed
34: Filler
35: Jimmy Kimmel Live
36: Oh look, new people
37: Conan O' Brien
38: Meeting the Family!
39: Training with the ninjas
40: Face Off
41: Hell Week
42: Rowdy v Killer
43: Needing the enemies help
44: RAW
47: Nice day
48: Awwh
49: FOX
50: Hurts like Hell
51: A family always have your back
52: Burning Money (P2)
56: Preacher vs Killer
58: Ready to make History
59: Wrestlemania
60: History Match
61: Start the Party
63: Article
Hello Bitches!
Part 2

52: Burning Money (P1)

1.5K 78 4
By -thornsamongroses

"Jab-Right Hook-Uppercut. Knee-ouch wait" Urijah said then I let go, he remove his body shield and mitts then sat down "Let's take a break for 3 minutes" he said then I handed him a water bottle.

I sat down beside him then drink mine as well with my knees up "How long are we going to do this? Me and Nate are going to train with each other" I asked then pour half of my water over my head.

"30 more minutes, you getting tired of me?" he asked then look at me with a grin. I playfully push his arm away then he laughed "You have plans later? Alpha Male would grab some lunch later" he offered then I cover my water bottle.

"I'll be grabbing lunch with Dwayne, those 3 douchebags and Ronda" I answered then fix my ponytail. I roll the sleeves back on my shoulders and look at the clock, it's already 10:05 am, then I'll be on Gracie's at 10:30 so we can have Jiu-Jitsu training. By 12:15 I'll be meeting with Dwayne then I'll continue my training with Bell until 8 pm.

Tomorrow is something I'm very excited about because tomorrow, I'll be visiting TUF and spend time with them. I watched the show last night and they are really awesome, Gall and Punk had a verbal fight after their teams got a result of draw.

After this week, it would be hell week again with all the embedded cameras following us.

Me and Urijah did two more rounds until I need to leave for Gracie's. I change in the shower and bid goodbye "I'll see you soon guys, take care" I said then give Urijah a side hug.

It's been 2 weeks since the breakup and they did all they can do cheer me up, they actually helped-a lot.

I've been getting good lucks from the roster and the media did their job, they found out about me and Conor. I don't know how but they did, Conor and I haven't spoken to each other since and we have no plans on doing so.

As far as possible, 2 weeks before the fight, us fighters would avoid dramas. I dodged over multiple TMZ crew but when I step out this gym, I knew I was in a treat.

I put on my shades then signed some autographs for the fans, letting TMZ wait. I pose beside a fan, my thumb and pinky finger on show then smiled. I bid her goodbye after she thank me then walk to my car. TMZ following beside me "Hi Jade, how's training?"

"It's good, I'm heading for my Jiu-Jitsu lessons right now" I answered then fix the strap of my bag "I'm not gonna tell you though" I said then chuckled.

"So, are the rumors true about you and Conor breaking up?" I shrug my shoulders then dig through the pocket on my pants "Jade, we need more elaborate answer" he said then I click the button to open the car.

"Well-you could say that" I said then toss my bag on the backseat. I closed the door then hop in the driver's seat and start my car.

"We're taking that as a yes" he said then I turn to him "Is it?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll be going now, I need to catch up by my session, see you" I said then close the door. Sometimes, they are just really-really annoying. If I could be paid by being annoying, I don't even have to think twice about it

I dialed Nate as I stopped on a red light and put it on speaker "Ayo, Jade waddup?" he asked then I start to drive again

"I'm on my way, I'll be there in like 10 minutes" I said then made a right turn "Make sure to play some Godsmack when I get there"

"We've been playing Godsmack for an hour now, when you get here, change in then meet us on the octagon" I nodded then 'hmmed'

"Copy that, see you" I said then he hang up. After a few minutes, I reach the gym then fix my stuff.

I step out, take the keys, sling the bag over my shoulder and close it. I lock it behind me then walk in, I bowed right after I step in then sweep y feet on the mat.

I bowed when I caught sight of Richard Perez, the head and coach of the Diaz bros. He nodded then I stood up straight, he put a hands on my shoulders then we walk further in "They're waiting for you in the 2nd cage, I haven't seen you in a while" I smiled then nodded.

"5 months? Too long Rich, many things have happened in those time" I said then bowed my head everytime I saw a coach "I'll change now, see you later" I said then shook his hand

I went inside the locker then change. I put my previous clothes inside the bag and step out. I hold my shoes since it won't fit and put them all in the bench beside the cage. I fix my ponytail then bowed before getting in the cage "Hey" I greeted then hug Nate, I did the same to Nick then he went to the side, leaving me and Nate on the center of the cage

"Okay, so here's what we're going to do-" he said as he slid his body down the post "-Nathan, let her take in you for a moment. Then we will correct some postures. Jade, that will also apply to you later. Okay, let's start" Nick said then clapped his hands

We fist bump and circle up, I throw a jab but made sure it was distant. He moves back and throws a straight, I ducked then grab his arm, I put my leg behind his then slammed him down. I put him in an armbar then let go after a slight tap. We stand up again then counter each other's move

After the session, I change in again for lunch meeting. Nate and Nick decided to tag in, Ronda and Jessamyn arrived 10 minutes later I dialed Dwayne then he answered "My girl! How are you?!" he asked, to loud so I have to move the phone away from my ear a bit

"I'm good, so where's the lunch place?" I asked then went in my car, Ronda went front then the other 3 went on the back

"What lunch?-Oh the lunch! We're still not done finishing Ballers! Let's move it to next week Monday? How's that?" he asked then I sighed, Ronda and Jessa yelled at Dwayne since it was on speaker

"Asshole, make sure you're sure on Monday" I said then hang up. I put it on the dashboard then I thought of an idea "Let's go to my house, what do you say?" I asked them and they nodded

"House?" Jessa and Ronda asked and I looked at them through the rear view mirror.

"Well, I decided to have this a little secret, but-" I trailed off as I start to drive "-I have this mansion not from this area. It's on construction for the past 4 months, you guys are the first to know and see it" I said then Ronda nodded.

"Is it big?" Nate asked and I chuckled. I look at him from the rear view and shrug.

"I can't tell, you judge it" I answered then return back on driving "I bought my stuff a few days ago, the reason why I can't come to training. I hired an interior designer to pick out the furniture's and to blend in the theme" I said then they nodded, until I thought of an idea "Let's call Dana, you guys mind?" I asked then they shook their head.

I stopped at the bowling alley as Ronda called him "Hey Dana, we are going to Jade's house-Yeah we know, we didn't even know she has one-bowling alley at 35th street-okay see ya" Ronda ended the call then tuck it back in her pocket "Matt Serra and Tooth would be here as well, they were just planning about the next trip on Lookin' for a fight" I nodded then we talk about other stuff

While the 4 of them are talking, I called the interior designer and she pick up "Ms. Goldberg, what can I do for you?"

"Is everything cleared around there? I decided to visit the place and have a couple of friends with me"

"Yeah sure, good timing. We decided to see if the electricity and water works, seems good"

"We might stay overnight, prepare like 7 guest bedroom" I said since there's 10 guest bedroom and my bedroom in total on the second floor

"Okay will do-"

"Oh and can you meet us on the town entrance, I don't know the way that much yet" I said then a car honk behind us, I look behind and saw it's Dana. I start to drive again with my phone on my hands.

"Okay then, see you later bye" I said goodbye as well then ended the call. I put it on the dashboard then Nick asked

"How long is the travel?"

"An hour and 30 minutes" I answered then we were out the city. It isn't based on the city, not also based on a forest type. It's a simple village, peaceful and very simple "Not that long from the city" I answered then pass by some trees

"How much did all this cost you?" Ronda asked

"It took me $800 dollars for the interior designer, $2,500 on the workers-" I mumble the rest before estimating the price "$50,000,000 t0 $150,000,000" I answered then Jessa choked on her drink

"What?! How did you get that money?" she asked then I shrug

"I worked on WWE, went to UFC and one of the highest paid fighters, then I'm currently signed to WWE and UFC at the same time. I have many sponsors so instead of buying another car, why not a house right?" I said then we reach the town

I saw a red Honda civic meaning it's Mabel and Jacky. Jacky is just the assistant of Mabel, I knew about them from Natalya. I hope they do good

They lead us the way as I memorize the road carefully, it's a bit tricky here. We reach the gates, you need to drive for a couple of minutes before reaching the actual mansion

And when we did, it took my breath away

I stared at the house and I bet the other 4 did. It was very destroyed the last time we went here, they do work fast. I step out the car and put my sunglasses up my head "Wow" that's all I could say. Hard work pays off.

"Nice place" I look behind me and saw Dana with Tooth and Matt following behind me "So this is where all the money I gave you went, I'm not even mad" he said. We look at the place up and down, side to side, it was beautiful. It IS beautiful

On the side is a way towards the garage where my cars are parked "Nice house kiddo" Matt said then he went beside me

"So we renovate the fountain, put up a cave vibe on it. How do you like it?" Mabel asked then we walk towards it

"It's beautiful, now I know why you're worth $800" I said with admiration

"Want to add anything?" she asked as I thought about it

"Add like fishes-" I said, they laughed then Mabel nodded "-like exotic ones. Can you add sharks in here? The little ones?" I asked then she shook her head, she wrote it down on her clipboard then look at me

"I'm afraid we can't get little sharks" she answered with a laugh. I turn to them and yelled

"Does Mike Tyson know an exotic animal dealer?" I asked then Matt went beside me again

"I think he does" he answered then I nodded. We walk on the side then told her to add more plants. She wrote it down again as she open the door for us

"Everyone, welcome to the Killer's mansion"


This is 52: part 1 and part 2 will be the next chapter. It would be to long so.... Anyways, check out my new book titled: Top 5 

Request some topics on there in everything and I would put my top 5. Thanks!

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