Dreams Can Become Reality (A...

By Meeethzan

3.5K 233 130

You've been invited to work at your dream job, being a YouTuber, and get invited to work in an office. But no... More

Your Backstory
explanation (not a chapter)
Surprise, Surprise!
Like Nobody's Around
The Car Ride
Introductions, Similarities, and Crushes?
explanation 2 (also not a chapter)
Stage Fright
The Movie
Tears of Grief
First Day, Big Day
Sick Day
Letters From Home
YOU ROCK (not a chapter)
Lazy Day
A Day In The Life of (Y/N)
Back to Work
Stress, Comfort, Relief
Who's Your Daddy?
First Date (pt. 1)
First Date (pt. 2)
I Forgot To Tell You..!
New Story! (not a chapter)
Best Friends
LISTEN UP (not a chapter)
We've Gotta Go Our Own Ways


84 5 1
By Meeethzan

Your POV

Ughhh. What time is it? It's a new day?


I have a date with Ross todaaayyyy!!

I'm so excited!

It's our first date.

But there's work first. Oh well, time to be annoying again.

"EVERYONE GET UP! COME ON LETS GO!" I yelled, in a very excited mood.

"Jesus Christ you're louder than the airhorn!" Max yelled.

I blew the airhorn.

I heard two plops this time. Ross and Tim.

"Nah, I think that's still louder." I replied, smirking even though they're still in their rooms and can't see me.

Ross walked out of his room and up to me.

"You're lucky I love you or you'd be buried in the backyard." He said.

"Aww, I love you too!" I kissed him and threw a shirt at him.

"Come on! We've got a big day ahead of us!" I yelled and skipped into my room.
Ross's POV

"Why is she so peppy?" I heard Tim say as he walked out of his room, still wrapped in a blanket.

"We've got our first date today." I replied, smirking.

"Ah." He nodded. "Nice. Have fun."

"Thanks." I replied.

We all went to our rooms and got ready.

Max drove Tim to work and I drove (Y/N) so we could discuss things.
Your POV

I sat down in the passenger seat of Ross's car.

It's just us because Max drove Tim.

"(Y/N), can I ask you something important?" He said, making eye contact with me and looking serious.

"Yeah Ross. Anything." I replied, smiling, trying to lighten his mood.

It didn't work. He stayed completely serious.

"Has Max been flirting with you?" He said, still looking directly into my eyes.

"What?! N-no of course not! Ross I'd tell you if something like that happened." I said, I felt myself go a slight shade of pink.

Of course Max has been flirting with me, but it's adorable.

I don't like Max that way, obviously since I'm dating Ross, but I feel bad about just kicking him to the curb so I play along.

If he ever makes actual moves on me, then I'm gonna tell him off. If it happens again, then I'm going to Ross.

But going to Ross is my LAST option, because they're like brothers and I don't need to split them up.
Ross's POV

I sighed with relief. Not too loud, so that she wouldn't hear me, but I was happy.

Max is like my brother and I care about him a lot.

I guess I was wrong, but I was getting vibes that he's been flirting with (Y/N).

They're always laughing. I always see them dancing around, and I still don't know what he said when they were on the couch.

That's one of the reasons I asked her out on this date.

The first and most important is obviously because I love her, but I want to clear her mind of things.

Even if he hasn't been, according to her, I'd still like to release some weight from her shoulders.

Ever since she got that note from her brother, she's seemed a bit off.

I'm gonna do everything I can to help her.

"Okay. Sorry for asking, I just get a little worried about certain things. Not that I don't trust Max, but I don't know." I said, realizing that I've been daydreaming for too long.

"It's fine Ross. Don't worry about it. If anything happens I'll tell you." She replied, which made me feel a lot better.
Your POV

I just lied right to my boyfriend's face.
We pulled up to the offices and got out of Ross's car.

Max and Tim got there a bit before us and were walking in the door as we pulled up.

Ross and I walked in and checked our work schedule.

"Ross we've got a Who's Your Daddy? video in fifteen minutes. Could you please explain the basic mechanics to me before we start? I've never actually played." I said? Giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"Ye. Come on." He grabbed my hand and we walked to my office.

He explained the controls of the game and I seemed to catch on pretty quick.

"So I just need to kill myself before you step in." I said, nodding at the screen.

"Yup pretty much. We've still got ten minutes, you wanna hang out in here for a bit?" He said.

"Yeah, let's both get everything set up first." I replied.

"Ok. Be right back." He walked to his office and got the game and webcam set up. Then he walked back and sat down next to me.

He wrapped his arm around me and I leaned on his arm.

"I love you Ross." I said and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too." He replied.

I heard snickering outside of the window.

"GOD DAMNIT ADAM!" Ross yelled, and made me flinch.

I turned to see Adam outside the office with a camera and Barney laughing behind him.

"I'm gonna sneak into your house and film you and Alesa. Would you like that?" I said, looking directly at the camera.

He sighed. "No, I wouldn't. Neither would she. You win." He bowed his head, pretending to be sad.

"I always win. Just like I'm gonna kick Ross's ass in Who's Your Daddy? which we have to film right now so go away." I said, and put my hand in front of the camera.

Adam put his hand on the window. "Fine." He said "But I'll be back."

He walked away and Ross got up to go to his office.

I answered the Skype call and started recording.
The gameplay is for the next chapter. I thought I'd keep the cute and dramatic stuff for one and the fun stuff for the other. Yay me being productive! Also thank you so much for almost 800 reads! It means a lot guys. Hope everyone enjoys the new chapter. Love you all ;)

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