Bending or Breaking (S05 Liam...

By Love-N-Live

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Six months after Mexico life seemed to be great for Phoebe. Her werewolf boyfriend was sweet, her friends and... More

Regression To The Mean
Werewolf Tracy, Not Friend
Working With Brett
Masked Men
Emotional Wreck
Cursed Book - Part 1
Cursed Book - Part 2
Heartbreak Is Different To Pain
Science Experiments
All I Need
Running Or Staying
No More
The Changing
Anchors And Symbols
Demon Wolf
The Hellhound And The Beast
Horrible Realisations
Planning Eichen Escape
Escape From Eichen - Part 1
Escape From Eichen - Part 3
Escape From Eichen - Part 4
The Murder Game
Blood Doesnt Always Mean Family
The man of Gévaudan

Escape From Eichen - Part 2

338 12 0
By Love-N-Live

~~Phoebe's POV~~

I watched anxiously next to Stiles as Scott and Liam tried to break the metal gate off its hinges. "Guys running out of time." Stiles says and I hush him. "Go help them."

"I can't." I say as the two boys collapsed breathless.

"Well, why not?" Stiles clearly annoyed.

"Because I'm like Kira. I'm fast, real fast, and have more agility but I'm not super strong. I keep balance between life and death and can bring the dead the life with my voice and heal both physically and emotionally."

Stiles stares as do the other two boys. "So your a ninja cat with speed and agility, with super powers but don't have super strength? Wow." He says and looks at the boys behind me as I meet Liam's gaze.

"Hey when it comes down to it cats are better fighters than dogs, plus Jaguars have highly strong jaws that crush its preys skull." Stiles simply stares as Scott brings us back on track.

"We can't, the mountain ash, it's to much." Liam clenches his fist and I knew that look and shook my head.

"Oh no, get that look off your face." I say and he shakes his head.

"Phoebe, I'll heal and it maybe the only way to get past the door." I stare at him as he looks at Scott. "Hit me."

"What?" He asks confused.

"Hit me." He says again and I grip his hand. "I'll get angry and then I'll get strong."

"Hit him," Stiles says. "Hit him." Spinning around I glare at the boy.

"No, I'm not ok with this." Liam spins me around and stares into my eyes, but it felt like he was staring into my soul. "Liam-."

"It's the only way, I'll heal." I shake my head but he kisses my lips quickly before shoving me into Stiles. "I tried to steal you power," he says to Scott who was shaking his head. "I tried to kill you. Hit me." He looked to Stiles for help who was holding me back from liam.

"He also left you for dead."

"I wanted you dead." With that Scott punched Liam hard he landed on the ground but slowly climbed to his feet and looked at Scott. "Do it again." He did again.

"It's got to be harder than that." Stiles says as Liam tells him again but slowly Scott looked at me and I knew. Scott stares at me and I stepped forward nodding my head while liam was looking confused.

Scott back handed me hard and I spun to the floor the world spinning and my ears ringing. I shook the dizziness away and turned to liam who stared at me then Scott as the alpha punched him once before I watched Liam's blue eyes turn yellow and his teeth turn canine.

"You angry?" Scott ask and liam growled, "me to." They gripped the door and pushed it backwards. "Stiles go." Scott orders as Liam turned and came to my side.

"Are you ok? Why did you do it?" He helped me to my feet as I felt my cheek slowly start to bruise.

"Because if he hurt me then you'll get angry because I'm your anchor." I said "plus I couldn't stand you receiving another punch." He stared at me before leaning down and kissing my lips. I felt my pained cheek slowly die until there was nothing.

Pulling away I opened my eyes to see black lines disappear down his cheek. "Liam? You took my pain." I said and hugged him tightly.

~~Stiles' POV~~

I reached Lydia's room and saw a hole in the side of her head a froze. She wasn't in a coma any more and was wide awake, sweat dripping from her forehead and blood from the side of her head. "Stiles?" Her voice was soft but croaky.

I collapsed to her side and touched her head with a shaking hand. "You can't be here," she said as I looked from the hole that Deaton told us Valack would do in order to increase her power, but considering she was already powerful to begin with Deaton said she would become like a leaking nuclear reactor. "You'll die if you stay. All of you."

I started to undo her restraints and looked into her dark brown eyes. "Stiles he's coming." She said as I worked the leather.

"Lydia I'm not leaving you here." I couldn't stand to leave her again.

"You have to." Just then the buzzer went off. "Stiles you have to go. Please." I had to force my feet to move and hide. I went out Lydia's door, back through the door I came and into the hallway.

I watched Valack stand in front of Lydia's open door for a moment before walking in. "Stay focused Lydia." I heard him say.

"What'd you do to me?" I heard her ask softly.

"I amplified your abilities, something that just might save the lives of your friends."

"Theo and Hayden," she said "they found it. They were looking for Noah but they found a symbol. A circle inside another circle carved into a wall, the symbol of Scott's pack."

"It was more than a symbol wasn't it? It was a promise to reunite them."

"Yes." She answered.

"Has Scott done it yet? Will he be coming for you?"

"Someone's coming, but it's not Scott." She said just as the buzzer went off and theo walked down the small corridor to Lydia's room with Josh, Corey and Tracy behind him.

~~Phoebe's POV~~

A blue glow surrounded us as all three of us tried to get past the mountain ash together. I opened my eyes as I heard the two of them collapsed beside me. I lowered my arms and turned to face them. "What happened?"

"We need a minute." Liam said and Scott stared at me.

"Your not tired?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No I'm annoyed because while I could heal my friend I'm trapped over the other side of the building by simple piece of ash. I'm also angry." I said and he nodded.

"You've gotten through before right?" Liam asked.

"That was a life or death situation." He said and I looked at him in shock.

"What and this isn't?" I asked.

"This isn't just a circle," he explained. "There's mountain ash in half the building." He sucked in a breath and lifted up his shirt to reveal the ugly reminder of death. I stared and Liam turned around to see it as well. Scott lowered his shirt and looked at me tiredly.

"Look, Stiles and Lydia have five minutes to get up and out. It's been almost ten, the rebates over." Liam says with defeat and sadness.

"And that key card doesn't work anymore." I say staring at the hallway Stiles went down.

"And the six security guards." Liam says and it took me a second to catch what he said before turning around.

"What guards?" Scott asked.

"Those guards." I say and point to the six coming towards us.

~~Stiles' POV~~

"I can't believe this is actually a medical establishment." I heard Theo say.

"Now what would a pack of chimeras want with a banshee?" Valack asked being held two feet in the air against a wall by Tracy.

"I don't want a Banshee. I'm looking for a hellhound." Theo says and I look on through the wired gate. Parish roared and gripped the gate with his fired hands and meted it off its hinges.

"You wanted a Hellhound? Well I think you found one." Valack said while we all stared at a man on fire and when he's not on fire, patterns burned on his body in the colour of fire.

~~Phoebe's POV~~

The guards came at us and hit Liam across the face with metal electrifying bats. I wanted to pull out my spear but it was in close quarters and wouldn't do any good. I stuck to hand too hand and pushed two guards away before hearing Liam cry out in pain. "Liam!" I scream.

Running to his side I kicked the guard who electrocuted him away and flashed my eyes. I was hit from behind and electrocuted myself by two guards and cried out. "Phoebe!" I heard liam scream before a guard went to him and tortured him.

I cried out to Scott, seeing him staring at us both. I cried out again as a guard kicked my ribs while another electrocuted me. Suddenly Scott roared and I heard it echo throughout Eichen. He pushed all the guards away and stood up with his eyes a blazing red. I felt power flow through me, not just me but through Liam, Kira, Malia, Lydia and Stiles.

Liam did the same, his eyes yellow and pushed his guard off him and threw him against a wall. I felt my eyes glow green as I spun on the floor, kicking my guard away, before flipping from my back to my feet and knocking the two guards out. Liam and I turned to Scott as his eyes dimmed to their normal brown.

"Come one, we're getting Lydia out of here."


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