Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)

By itshelbs

124K 3.3K 1K

What if one day you meet a special someone, but then come to find out that she's your new Algebra 2 teacher? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 4

5.7K 179 117
By itshelbs

Camila's POV

Lauren's... Oh wait, Miss Jauregui's rejection would've been less difficult if she weren't my teacher. Now I was gonna have to see her every morning. First period, like really? Not only was it so early in the morning, but it was also Algebra 2. Math was one of my best subjects, but I wouldn't be able to focus and concentrate, not with her as my teacher. Not only because of our situation, but also because, well, she was gorgeous. How was I not supposed to stare at her? Everyone else was, so why can't I?

My mom dropped me off at the side of the school today. Usually I was dropped off at the front, but this time I asked her not to. It was enough that Miss Jauregui, okay you know what? Fuck it! That Lauren was seeing me as a student, but seeing me being dropped off by my mother would've made me seem more child like. That was the last thing I wanted right now.

Before I opened the door, I turned and looked at my mom.

"When will I get my own car?" I asked. I was seventeen, I needed my own car now. Vero and Shawn had their own. Dinah didn't, she had to suffer the same problem as me.

"When you buy it." I really hope she wasn't being serious. Come on, I needed her to consider it. I couldn't depend on her all the time. It helped that she allowed me to borrow hers when I needed to go somewhere, but I would still like my own. And there were times when I needed her car, but she needed it too.

"Please promise me that you'll at least consider it?" I pleaded.

"You're going to be late. Go on now mija." She avoided answering the question.

"Mom!" My voice squealed with my complaint.

"Fine. I'll talk it over with your dad. No go before the bell rings." She pushed me out of the car. My mom waved before driving off.

I walked towards the entrance, along with other people. Hopefully mom and dad would realize that it was about time for me to have my own car. That was going to help make me look older.

I made my way to my locker to take out my math textbook. Seeing it put me in distress, for many reasons.

"Hello there." Vero leaned against the lockers next to mine.

"Hi." I greeted while closing my locker. "Where are the others?" I wondered.

"They went to get breakfast. Hey, I was wondering." She kept up next to me as I walked away. I motioned for her to continue talking. "Well more like wanting to ask you something." She rephrased.

"Well what is it?" I asked feeling curious. Vero was my friend, if she needed to talk I was here for her. We came upon a bench and sat down.

"Well," She appeared to be nervous. "What if a friend is having feelings for another friends?" She stated the question. Hmmm, I wasn't expecting that. Where was this coming from? Was it about her or any of our other friends?

"Can you elaborate?" I asked, I needed more information.

Her leg was tapping on the ground, "Like, what if a friend likes another friend, would that be bad?"

"I don't think so, I guess it all depends on the friendship and if it's a mutual feeling." I answered. Honestly, I didn't really know what to say. It couldn't be that bad though, at least it wasn't a teacher-student thing. Now that was terrible.

"What if the first friend doesn't know how their friend feels about em'" She seemed desperate for answers. My eyes shifted down to her hands, which were shaking pretty badly.

"Well then the friend should talk to that friend." Was all I came up with.

Vero looked super nervous. This was definitely about her, but who was the other friend? My guess was that it was Dinah. That would explain why they ditched me on Sunday. They were probably spending time on their own, and hid it from me. Although, Vero just said that the friend didn't know about the feelings. Hmmm, strange.

I didn't know whether to ask or not. She was trusting me, that meant it didn't matter if I asked right?

"Is the friend with the feelings you?" I asked. Her eyes bulged as if the question had caught her off guard. Oh come on now, she must have expected me to ask. One can't go around asking questions and expect any in return.

"Huh? What?" She played dumb. "No, of course not." She laughed it off, which made it obvious that she was lying.

"I don't believe you." I stated. "I won't ask anymore questions though, just know that when you're ready to admit to it, I'll be right here." I added. "Who knows, maybe Dinah feels the same way you do." I blurted out. Oops.

"What? Dinah?" Her eyebrows arched. Poor child wanted to keep on hiding the fact that she had feelings for Dinah. It couldn't possibly be Shawn, he was a guy, and well, Vero just doesn't like guys. Just girls.

"That's who you secretly have feelings for right?" I assumed.

"Camila, just let it go and please don't tell anyone." She pleaded without confirming my guess.

"Don't worry, I won't tell. Especially Dinah." I winked teasingly. Oh my god, it would be so cute if they got together. A bit weird at first, but that feeling would pass once getting used to it.

She rolled her eyes at me, "Just let it go." She said with frustration.

"Fine." My hands raised up in defense. The bell rang for first period, and we were off to class. "Awe, too bad I didn't get to see Shawn and Dinah." I emphasized on her name, stretching it out.

Vero slapped my arm. "I'm leaving now." She said as she stood from the bench.

Poor Vero,she walked away like a child who had just been grounded. With her head down low in disappointment. What did she expect from me? To help her with Dinah? I would be more than happy to, if only she would allow me to. It was very clear that she doesn't want to admit her feelings for Dinah just yet. She just needed more time.

As for me, I took my sweet time to get to class. I wasn't looking forward to it. Sure I wanted to see Laure, but that also put me in distress. Too many thoughts came to mind while being around her. I didn't even need to be around her, conflicted thoughts still entered my mind.

I walked into class, avoiding making any eye contact with Lauren. Like yesterday, I sat in the very back, the same exact seat. I wanted to be as far away from Lauren as possible, at least during class I did.

When I took out my binder, I saw the papers that she handed out. They were signed. Fortunately I remembered to have my mom sign them this morning. Before I could forget, I decided to find the courage to give them to Lauren.

Leaving my bag on my desk, I made my way to Lauren's desk. She looked nervous and afraid when she saw me. It's not like I was going to pounce on her and start a make-out session. She needed to relax. I just wanted my five extra points.

"I came to turn these in." I laid the pile on her desk, and she took a look at them.

"Thank you Camila." She said while avoiding eye contact with me.

Well, I guess that was it.

I walked back to my seat and rested my head on my desk, but faced Lauren's way. I just couldn't stop looking at her. She sat behind her desk, looking through papers. Her blue button down shirt made her look really professional. Her raven black hair was in natural waves, I'm loving it.

I was hearing a little rattle around me, but I was only able to focus on Lauren. She was too gorgeous.

"No! It's my seat!" Okay well that got my attention. Sierra needed to quiet down, there was no need to shout. I looked to see what all  the fuss was about.

Apparently, Sierra was arguing with another student over a desk. They were so immature. All the seats were the same. There were plenty more of them, couldn't one of them just pick another seat?

"I don't see your name on it." Lucy Vives retorted. "I got here first." She claimed with attitude.

"But I sat here yesterday!" God. Sierra wouldn't stop shouting. That caught Lauren's attention, making her look our way.

They were an embarrassment. How was I supposed to look mature when my peers were behaving like children. I wanted to yell at the both of them.

"Who cares?" I hissed at Sierra "There are still more desks in the back row. Pick one of them before other people get here." I ordered. "And quiet down." My eyebrows came together in frustration.

Lucy ended up getting the seat, while Sierra then gave her the dirtiest glare I've ever seen. It looked like she wanted to kill her. Like I ordered, Sierra took the seat right next to Lucy. She crossed her arms in anger. She needed to cut the act.

"Tomorrow I'm getting that seat." Sierra stated to Lucy.

"Ha, sure, if you get here first." Lucy challenged sarcastically.

Sierra's lip twitched with anger. "Oh I will." She assured. "Fuckin' bitch." She insulted quite loudly, that definitely got Lauren's attention.

She started to walk over to us.

"What's the problem?" Her arms crossed, being firm I see. "Why did you just insult your peer?" Lauren questioned Sierra. Damn, seeing her in control was actually, really hot... What caught my eye the most were her cheekbones, also her Adam's apple. Not only guys had them, and Lauren's was very noticeable. So fascinating to stare at. (A/N: Let's just picture Lauren with a really noticeable adam's apple? K? K ;)

"She took my seat." Sierra answered seeming embarrassed now.

"There isn't a seating chart yet, therefore, the desk doesn't belong to you." Lauren stated. Yeah that's right, tell her.

"Well when are we getting one?" Sierra questioned with attitude.

Okay, so this was the girl who was masturbating yesterday in class because she was so turned on by Lauren, and now she was giving her attitude? That girl was crazy. Sierra just needed to shut her mouth and not make a fool out of herself. She was making me look bad in a way. Even I felt embarrassed, and I had nothing to do with this.

"When I make one." Lauren mimicked. I loved how she wasn't showing herself as vulnerable. How she wasn't going to take bullshit from any of her students. They needed to know who ran this class. And that was Miss Jauregui. "Now apologize to your peer." She ordered.

Sierra just chewed on the inside of her cheek. Hey, it was her fault, she shouldn't have been fighting over a desk. There was nothing special about it, there was most likely gum under it, and it was just the seat next to me. No big deal.

I took out a small bag of chips from my bag. Snacks always go great with entertainment. This was pure gold. Mainly because I didn't really like Sierra; she deserved this. Always starting trouble in class, karma really is a bitch I guess. This wasn't the first time that she argued over a desk, last year, she had to apologize over five times for fighting over a seat.

Lucy was trying to hide her victorious grin, that was only upsetting Sierra even more.

"Sorry." She muttered. Obviously she didn't mean it. I would've made her say it again. Lauren turned around to head back to her desk. "Um, aren't you going to make Lucy apologize to me?" She questioned.

Lauren turned around and sighed, "I didn't hear her insult you, therefore she has nothing to apologize for."

Honestly, Lauren was being fair, she knew how to handle these situations. I was impressed.

"Well then are you going to say anything to Camila?" She questioned. Wow, she wouldn't let it go would she? Oh and why would she need to say anything to me? I sure as hell wasn't doing anything wrong. Sierra needed to leave me out of it. "She's eating," she pointed out. Oh wow, just because of that? "Do you allow food in class?" She asked with attitude again.

What the hell was Sierra's problem? Other teachers allowed food in class. Of course there were also those who didn't, but that didn't matter right now. Sierra really wanted someone to get in trouble. She didn't want to be the only embarrassed one. That was understandable, but it did not justify what she was doing.

Lauren glanced at me briefly.

"I'm okay with food in class, as long as no mess is left behind." She stated. Haha, Sierra didn't get her way. Instead, she probably made it on the bitch list.

Lauren walked back to her desk. Lucy and I high fived, and I continued eating my chips, but I didn't rub it in Sierra's face. Unlike her, I had to be mature about it. Oh but how much I wanted to rub it in her face, and make her lip twitch more.

Everyone was in class when the final bell rang. Not wasting any time, Lauren took attendance.

"Miss Jauregui, are you going to collect the signed papers from yesterday?" A student asked.

"Yes, can you collect them for me please?" She requested. I would have done it. I would've been happy to be the teacher's pet, although the fear would still have me on my toes.

"Of course." The student couldn't be any happier. He quickly stood up and started on the front row. He was rushing everyone else and having a lot of attitude. "Hurry up," He announced sounding irritated by everyone. Oh please. Now he felt like he had a right to be rude just because the teacher asked him to do a simple task.

He came to the back row, his hand extended out, motioning for Lucy to hurry up. Wow, he wanted everything instantly.

"Hold on," Lucy hissed while looking through her binder.

"You're taking too long." He muttered. I rolled my eyes, which he caught. "And you, have them out too." He ordered. What the hell?

"I already turned them in." I said with a smirk.

"Stop lying," He hissed. Was he serious? This dude has problems.

I chuckled, "I'm not," I stated. What a dumbfuck. "Now leave me alone." I waved him off.

Lucy laughed. "Here you go." She grinned mockingly at the idiot.

He roughly took them from her. And turned back to me.

"I don't believe you." He got extremely close to my face.

"Stop invading my personal space," I hissed. "Oh, and go eat a breath mint." I had the biggest smirk on my face.

He stepped back, "Miss Jauregui," He called for her. "Camila won't give me her papers. She keeps lying saying she already turned them in." He had a smirk plastered on his face. Was he really a guy? He was sure acting like a girl, trying to start drama and shit.

My head tilted to the left like a puppy. This didn't worry me at all, I had already turned in my papers. The only one who was going to be embarrassed was him for snitching. Assuming that I was lying.

"She already did." Rebecca informed as she looked at us both with a smirk plastered on her face as well. "Please bring the ones you have."

The class laughed at the dumbfuck. His face was priceless, and his cheeks turned bright red. That's what he deserved for being so cocky.

"Hurry up." I mimicked him from before.

"Quiet down class." Lauren said. The more I saw her as a teacher, the hotter she became. The guy handed her the papers and quickly walked back to his desk. Lauren stacked the pile to the side and proceeded to the front of the classroom. "Since this is barely the second day of the new school year, and the first official day of teaching, we'll start off with the basics. We'll review work from Algebra 1." She told us all. Hm, that sounded extremely easy.

"I did horrible in Algebra 1." A guy put his head down, and a friend rubbed his back in comfort. Exaggeration just to get Lauren's attention.

She chuckled. "Don't worry, it's really easy." She assured us. She turned around to write equations on the board, and that's when everyone really focused; just to stare at her ass. They were drooling over her. "Does anyone know how to solve them?" Lauren stepped aside, allowing us to have a good view of the equations.

The equations were,

24 - 8 ÷ 2 * 3

64 ÷ 4 + 3(9-7)

3[18 - 5(7 - 5 + 1)]

Those were pieces of cake. These were middle school problems. Well it was Algebra 1, which I took my Freshman year. I should've taken Algebra 2 my junior year, but I dropped it to take photography. Now in my senior year, I was taking it, and I got Lauren as my teacher. I honestly didn't know if it was considered as good luck or bad luck. Was dropping this class in my junior year meant to be? Who really knows though?

Students stared at the problems, pretending to be solving them, when in reality, they were thinking about other things. Same act as in other classes, just so the teacher wouldn't call on them.

Others actually started to work on them in their notebooks. I took out a sheet of paper and quickly worked on them. I was done in no time. Like I said, this was a piece of cake. I loved this!

Lucy glanced over at my paper, "Done already?" She looked impressed as I nodded.

"Anyone want to give it a try?" Lauren asked.

"Camila has all the answers." Lucy informed. I motioned for her to shut up, but she didn't listen. "She finished right away." She bragged as if it were her biggest accomplishment.

"Uh, would you like to come up here?" Lauren asked, trying to behave as if I were any other student. I shook my head and looked down at my paper to avoid eye contact. I chewed on my bottom lip nervously. Hearing her voice directed at me, stirred up something inside of me. A warm, butterfly feeling in my stomach. "Anyone else?" She asked again, hoping someone would volunteer.

"I'll go," a girl raised her hand. Lauren motioned for her to go up.

She went to the first equation, grabbed a marker and started working on it. Right away, she made the first mistake.

She multiplied before dividing. That threw off the whole equation. Lauren's head tilted to the side when she saw the mistake. Aw she looked so cute. Focus Camila! Shouted my internal voice. Lauren didn't tell the student though, probably so she could realize it on her own, or catch it on time, but that didn't happen.   

The girl looked confused as hell.

"Do you see where you went wrong" Lauren asked gently. The girl examined the work carefully, but still couldn't figure out what she did wrong. She shook her head.

"Miss Jauregui, make Camila do it," Sierra suggested. Apparently she still hadn't given up.

"Miss Cabello, would you like to give it a try now?" Lauren asked me, this time, a smile was etched onto her lips. Shit, I couldn't resist that. As if not having control over my body, I stood up and walked to the front of the classroom. And my last name coming out of her mouth. Oh my lord.

The girl handed me the marker and went back to her seat.

I uncapped the marker and erased the work that the girl had previously done. Lauren stood at the side, watching carefully. That made me nervous, but I was able to control it.

24 - 8 ÷ 2 * 3 

24 - 4 * 3



The final answer is 12.

"Excellent." Lauren commented. "Did everyone see how that was done?" She asked the class. Lauren glanced back to me with a smile. I had to bite my bottom lip hard in order to keep from smiling my excitement. This was barely any communication, but at least my presence was known by her. She directed her attention to the girl who had been up there before me. "Your mistake was multiplying before dividing," She explained. She was so gentle about it that I don't even think the girl was embarrassed at all. Instead, she felt like she learned something.

"Oh. I see," the girl understood. "Thank you." She gave a genuine smile to Lauren. I thought that was nice. Lauren really was an amazing teacher. Just seeing her demonstrate, I was able to see that this is what she loved to do.

"You're welcome." She returned the smile.

"Can Camila finish the rest of them?" Another student requested. "I like the way she showed every step. It's really helpful actually." He stated. Aw, that was so nice. I felt good helping others.

Lauren looked at me with a big grin, "If she wants to yeah."

"Sure." I turned around to finish the other two. I finished them both within a minute, not that I was timing myself or anything.

Lauren examined them. "Great job," She commented. I felt accomplished, even though these were simple problems. Either way, it was a good feeling. "Thank you Camila." She extended her hand for me to give her the marker back, when I handed it to her, our hands brushed and we both looked up to meet each other's eyes. My body got all tingly by her touch. I had the urge to hold onto her hand. Pretending like it was nothing, I walked back to my desk. Lauren cleared her throat, "I'll write some more equations down on the board." She sounded uneasy.

"Mind helping me?" Lucy was leaning over me.

"No, whenever you're stuck just ask me." I answered.

"Thanks." She grinned happily.

I didn't mind helping my classmates, it would be like helping Lauren too. In that case, she wouldn't be in such a rush to help most of the students in class. I could help with that.

When our hands touched, I realized something really important. That I wanted to be with her. I felt like she was mine and I wasn't going to allow school to take her from me.

A/N: Vote and comment :)

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