The Runaway

By toxicwonders

705 157 19

After a while of waiting, Violet finally decided to leave. She left everything behind including friends, fami... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 - Finale

Chapter 1

90 14 8
By toxicwonders

She had no idea where the hell she was going, but it didn't matter. I have to do this, she thought as she skipped past the buildings in the dark. It was around two in the morning and she had to hurry. If she was caught, the police would force her back without a doubt. Violet's family was oblivious to her missing, but they would wake up eventually to discover her absence. Her parents weren't the type to welcome her home if she ever returned and that was a given. Why bother leaving a goodbye note on the kitchen counter before leaving? Her parents would be furious to find her gone and they would call the cops immediately. Their house was spacious, she had a variety of clothes, and there was an abundance of wealth in her hands, but that just made everything worse. The richer her family was, the faster they would find her. Their connections to top investigators and officers made this mission almost impossible. Violet knew better than to linger around in the city. Her time was limited and she had to go now

There was some sadness about about leaving everything behind, but it was worth it. Although her house was luxurious to the public, it was the worst place to be behind the scenes. She hated each and every aspect of her life. She wasn't grateful for any of it except for her little sister, Rena. That was the only person she was going to miss. She would have left a letter for her sister but it was too risky as it was obvious to who her parents would question first. The plan happened so fast and successfully that she didn't realize how long it took her to prepare for it. 

That Monday morning, she tried her best to act as natural as possible despite how nervous she really felt. She went to school, met up with Franny and Joe, and went on with her day until it was time to leave. Violet's parents had longer work hours on Mondays and her sister had dance practice after school so the entire house was left to herself. The moment she entered the house, she packed immediately, grabbing a few clothes that would be warm enough for the cold winter. Violet smashed her piggy bank open to see a few hundred dollars drop to the floor. The small amount of money was expected since her parent's wealth was not particularly her own. She cracked open the kitchen cabinets and collected all the snacks, grabbed a thin blanket and stuffed all of it into a duffel bag. The next step was to wait until everyone was asleep and the streets were clear. She took one glance around her immense room and spotted a picture of her and Rena at the park. She put that into her bag as well. 

Violet sighed as she looked into the bathroom mirror. Her dirty blonde curls reached her waist and her makeup was already smeared. She was actually doing this. She always thought running away was a hopeless dream but she was doing it. She was running away from the control of her parents, the abuse they held her in. No, she didn't want to think of it like that. The real reason she was leaving was for him, the boy she cared so deeply about. 

By the time her parents came home, it was already time for dinner. The smell of the steak made her hungry. Violet had to fill her stomach before she left so she didn't hesitate to stuff herself. At the dinner table, Violet could feel herself being examined. Mrs. Ledgerwood, her mother, spoke first.

"It isn't like you to eat like that. You'll lose your figure, Violet. Slow down," she said sternly.

Violet made a face. "I'm just hungry, that's all." She didn't want to talk back or create trouble that night. Her mother glared at her but continued eating and ignored her. The rest of the day was spent in silence waiting for her parents to go to bed. When they did, she quickly changed her outfit to a casual black sweatshirt and skinny jeans. She grabbed her duffel bag and the key she duplicated from the house key. If she ever needed to return, she had a way back in. Bringing her phone was a bad idea since they could easily track her down so she left it. She stared at the slip of paper of a phone number and slid it into her pocket. Gripping her bag, she slipped down the stairs carefully, managing to walk out the front door soundlessly. 

The cold air suddenly slapped against her pale skin causing her to shiver. Violet calmly walked a few blocks down until her house was out of sight. That was when she started to sprint away. Her feet hurt by the time she reached the familiar park from her childhood. There was a public bathroom and Violet decided that it was time for her first stop. She quickly rushed into the low-quality bathroom and shut the door. There was a strong odor inside but she made herself  endure it. Violet went through her bag and pulled out a tube of hair dye in the shade of dark brown. She needed to disguise herself in case here was any police running around, or if her description was alerted on the news. She applied the dye to her hair, and then rinsed it out in the dirty sink. To be even more extreme, she grabbed black eyeliner and ran it across her eye. When she finished, she looked like a completely different person which was exactly the goal. It was time for her to get moving again, but she wished she had learned how to drive sooner. She wanted a car for her sixteenth birthday but her father strictly refused. "Where would you need to go anyway?" he asked. There was no choice but to listen and carry on. 

So there she was, running away on foot. Violet kept running until she approached a dark alley with an abandoned couch. She took this as good luck, shrugged off the fact that the couch was stained and chewed up, and took out her thin blanket. It was four in the morning according to her watch and she had to get some sleep. She forced herself on the uncomfortable cushions, for tomorrow was going to be a big day. The empty, dark streets scared her, but she had to face what she set out for. Violet blocked out her thoughts and slowly drifted away into slumber.

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