Trapped 2

By nbatatum

516 22 3

More lies Luke? Really? And what about Jordan? She's only 16 and has the whole world watching her every move. More

Trapped 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 12

18 1 0
By nbatatum

"Wha-at did you say? You're dogs has a tumor?"

"Yeah, they say he might live though,"

"Isn't that a plus though?"

"I mean I guess, i just hope he's alright," I walked over to him, hugging him tightly and i whisper,

''I Love You, Luke Hemmings'' 

''But, I'm not good for you, remember?''

''Who says that? I never said that, don't you remember?''

''No, I mean like I'm to bad for you.''

''Luke? Seriously? You're just trying to get me mad aren't you, Lukey? Well if that's what you wanted your wish has came true, were over, goodbye now.''


Luke POV - 

Fuck. It's like every time i fix things, i say stupid things to make her hate me for some reason. And plus, i hate when i see her this mad, i never meant for this to happen, ever. 

I'm known for being a 'bad boy' does she seriously wanna be with someone that disgusting and hurtful? I can't change my feelings, sorry if i'm not that kind of person you want me to be, i'm just not ready fully yet to begin with the fighting and hate going around each other.

''Um, Where's Jordan?''

''Like i would even know, you think i care anyways?''

''Well, excuse fucking me, Lukey.''

''No, don't call me Lukey!''

''What?'' Calum sounded confused.

''You're seriously dumb now, I SAID LOUD AND CLEAR THAT DON'T CALL ME LUKEY!''

''I'm not dumb? I'm a boy that got confused, and why?''


''Luke, seriously whats the matter with you today?'' 



I sat their and thought, what am i doing to this band? they use to be so happy, whats up with them now? or with us now? THEN IT HIT ME!

Jordan is doing this, isnt she? making everyone feel bad about themsevles, and when she thinks she made it happen, she ruins it for everyone? isn't she? oh god, i should of noticed it soon then later. 

I decided to text her.

To Jordan: 

Don't think about coming over anymore, okay? we'll be leaving today to start new tours that were going to be making tommorrow, yeah?

From Jordan:

Excuse me? i can come over whenever i want, you don't choose, I DO!

To Jordan:

Fine, if you want to be alone all day now, then thats a plan, okay bye, and make sure of it to get rid of my number, OKAY GOODBYE JORDAN! 

From Jordan: 

Are you sure your alright, Luke? You seem depressed about something?

To Jordan: 

I'm not depressed, its called being fucking annoyed about people, any heard of the shit before? Because your into it. 

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