I Should Have Known Better

By SkyeXD

258K 7.7K 3.4K

I whimpered and curled as far as I possibly could into the corner of my cupboard as Uncle Vernon pounded on t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

22.2K 648 368
By SkyeXD

That was eight years ago. I go to a school called Hogwarts for witches and wizards now. I'm known as "the boy who lived," the supposed "savior of the wizarding world." Yeah, some savior I am, right? I can't even save myself.

     The rape and abuse didn't end with me coming to Hogwarts. Vernon still does it every summer while I'm there, but I'm not even safe at Hogwarts. It's worse at Hogwarts than it is here.
What am I talking about, you may ask? Dumbledor.
He's done worse to me than Vernon could ever dream if doing. Dumbledor has magic. Worse than the rape and abuse I suffer through both at school and at home is I have no real friends to help me through this. No one to confide in.
'But what about Ron and Hermione and all the other Gryfdindors?' you may also ask.

     Dumbledor pays everyone who calls themselves my friend to spy on me. The Gryffindors, the Ravenclaws, even the supposedly 'kind, loyal, and friendly' Hufflepuffs. The only ones who don't accept his payment are the Slytherins, and they hate me. They can't see pasty 'golden boy' image to see who I really am. They don't see what's really going on.
I wish I never would have told that stupid hat to put me in Gryffindor. I wish I could have known how traitorous and evil Gryffindors could really be. At least Slytherins look out for each other.

     Today is August 30th so I go back to school in two days. Yay! Not.

     I just wish someone would take me away from here. I know I can't escape by myself. Vernon keeps me locked up in this tiny cupboard and the only time u get to come out is when I have to cook or clean for them or when Vernon wants to 'play.'

     I haven't eaten in a week, and before that all I managed to get were the table scraps from Dudley's plate which obviously wasn't much. Thankfully, I managed to sneak in a bottle of water yesterday. Before then, I hadn't had anything to during in about two or three days.
If I were to take my shirt off you'd probably vomit at the sight of my body. You could count my ribs easily and my hip bones protrude painfully against my skin which is various shades of purples, greens, blacks and blues. I have scars covering almost every inch of my skin that are so bad not even magic can make them disappear. Believe me, I've tried.

     Suddenly, I heard a loud banding from somewhere outside the cupboard. Fearing it was my uncle, I shrank back into the corner, trying to make myself as small as possible. I soon realized that it was actually someone knocking on the front door.

     I heard Petunia answer it, though I could not make out the words they were saying.

     Before long, I heard heavy footsteps coming towards my cupboard and Vernon yanked the door open and dragged me out. I couldn't believe they were letting me out while they had a guest over, but I knew better than to make a scene. Last time someone was over and I tried to let them know what was happening to me, Vernon told them I was crazy and deranged. They believed him, and after they left..... It was one of the very worst beatings I had ever received.
I calmly walked into the living room only to come to a screeching halt. Standing there...right in front of me.....was Severus Snape.

Word Count:596

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