Chapter 6

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I cringed as I walked into the Great Hall, noticing all the stares and whispers I received. The train had arrived about 10 minutes ago and Severus had pulled me aside and told me I would have to sit with the Gryffindors for now. Before I stepped off the train, I had make sure to place my concealment charms back on so no one would notice anything out of the ordinary.

I slowly walked over and sat at the very end of the Gryffindor table, not wanting to get surrounded by them. There was no telling what Dumbledor had told them to do, and I didn't want to risk it.

I kept my head down, hoping Weasley and Granger wouldn't notice me. They were the worst. Those two had even sat there and watched once as Dumbledor beat me, and you know what they did? They laughed.

I was staring at my empty plate as McGonagall went through the sorting. I liked her. She was nice even though she was the head of Gryffindor. Strict, but nice.

After the sorting was finished, Dumbledor stood up and began to say his speech.

"Now that the sorting is finished , I would like to-"

"Actually Professor," Severus interrupted him, "The sorting is not quite finished."

"I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you mean Severus," Dumbledor replied, looking both angry and confused.

"As the head of Slytherin House, I am allowed to call for a resorting if I feel as though anyone has been placed in the wrong house, if I am not mistaken, Professor Dumbledor," Severus said, practically spitting his name.

I stared at him in shock, not believing what he was doing. Was he really about to...

"Well, yes, of course. That is the right of any Head of House, but there has never been a misplacement in the entire history of Hogwarts," Dumbledor replied looking smug.

"We'll let the hat be the judge of that," he sneered, "I would like Mr. Harry Potter to come up and be resorted."

The entire hall gasped, turning to stare at me. I shrank down in my seat, scared and embarrassed of being the center of attention once again. I looked to Severus, who nodded encouragingly. Shakily, I stood up from my seat and made my way to the front of the hall.

Dumbledor kept his face neutral, but I could see the anger and hatred in his eyes. I flinched away from him, drawing closer to Severus.

"Its ok, Harry," he reassured me under his breath, "I won't let him hurt you."

I anxiously sat down on the stool as McGonagall placed the dusty hat on my head. As soon as she did the hat began to speak, but not in my head this time. This time it spoke out loud, for everyone to hear.

"Yes, I remember you, Harry Potter. I told you you would do well in Slytherin, but you begged me for Gryffindor. Tell me, did you find what you were after?"

"No," I whispered quietly, looking down.

"No," the hat repeated, much louder than I had, "Instead you found pain and betrayal. Would you like to give Slytherin a try now? They don't seem so bad now, do they? A great lesson you should learn in this life, Mr. Potter, and I feel you might have already learned this, is to never judge a book by its cover."

"I would very much like to be placed in Slytherin now, Mr. Hat. And I have learned how deceiving looks can be."

"Yes, I believe you are, indeed, ready, Mr. Potter. Very well, it better be SLYTHERIN!"

(A/N) Sorry its been a while since I updated. Wish I had a good excuse, but honestly, I just like to sleep, a lot. And Instagram. And then just read on here a lot. So sorry.😘

Word Count: 606 (not too bad, huh😁)

I Should Have Known BetterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora