Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and eggs and pancakes. My stomach growled loudly, so I followed my nose down to the kitchen.

"Good, you're awake. Sit down and eat. Then we'll go to King's Cross Station," Snape said while ushering me towards the table.

I quickly ate my breakfast, then went upstairs and took a quick shower. When I got out, I found fresh clothes lying by the sink and put them on.

I went back downstairs to find Snape re-shrinking my trunk and putting in his pocket.

"Are you going to be riding the train with me?" I asked, hopefully.

"Yes, normally I would just apparate to Hogsmeade and walk from there, but I want to make sure you're safe on the train," he said, looking up at me.

"Thank you, Professor," I said, touched by how much he cared.

"Call me Severus," He said gently, smiling down at me as I'd always imagined a father would to his child.

"Okay, Prof- Severus," I said, trying to get used to saying his name.

"Come along, Harry. We must get there before the train leaves." He told me, grabbing my arm gently, "Are you ready?"

I nodded once and closed my eyes, preparing for the sickening feeling that comes with apparation.

We walked through the wall onto platform 9 and 3/4, and the first thing I noticed was a mad holding a Daily Prophet titled, "Delores Umbridge Sentenced to Azkaban For the Mistreatment and Abuse of Multiple Hogwarts Students!" I glanced at Severus and noticed he had a small smirk on his face.

We continued walking and boarded the train, heading towards where the Slytherins usually sit. Once we found an empty compartment and sat down, Severus pulled out a potions book and began to read as I looked out the window, watching the crowd.

I noticed a group of Gryffindors walking past and ducked down so they couldn't see me. I pulled the blinds closed on the door of the compartment, not wanting to risk any unwanted visitors.

Not long after the train took off, I leaned against the window and fell asleep watching the scenery fly past.

(A/N) Not very long, I know, only 368 words, but hey, I updated 2 days in a row😀

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