Bloodlust & heartbreak

By FishCustardTrocks

99.3K 1K 273

Eliza Rose is the lead Hunter for her clan, The Rose-clan. Her mission: find and kill the main Hunter of her... More

Ch. 1- The Hill
Ch. 2- Talk of the Devil
Ch. 3- Hey you!
Ch. 4- Seven cups of coffee
Ch. 5- Ignorance
Ch. 6- Human connect to human
Ch. 7- All the things she said
Ch. 8- Believe me I'm lying
Ch. 9- Grenade
Ch. 10- Runaway
Ch. 11- Do you want me (dead)?
Ch. 12 - Zoom into me
Ch. 13- Dogs unleashed
Ch. 14- Bulletproof
Ch. 15- Everybody's fool
Ch. 16- Break your little heart
Ch. 17- Shape of my heart
Ch. 18- Without You
Ch. 19- Just the Way I'm Not
Ch. 21- When it Rains
Ch. 22- One day too late
Ch. 23- Bad Enough for You
Ch. 24- I Will Not Bow
ch. 25- The Technicolor Phase
Ch. 26- Time Bomb
Ch. 27- Heroes
Ch. 28- Guardian Angel
Ch. 29- 99 Red Balloons/Epilogue

Ch. 20- Anthem of the Angels

2.3K 16 0
By FishCustardTrocks

Fourth chapter in ten minutes :D

Song: Anthem of the Angels by Breaking Benjamin

For this chapter I had a hard time choosing a song, but I landed on Anthem... Here were my other choices:

Anywhere but here (Mayday Parade)

Break away (Tokio Hotel)

New Divide (Linkin Park)

Pull the breaks (Petter Carlsen)

Dedicated to PetterGoga for reading and commenting, I appreciate it loads :D

Enjoy, and please tell me your thoughts about the chapter in the comment area...



Ch. 19 - Just the way I'm not Eliza and Joel go to school together, as a couple. But when Joel gets into trouble, Eliza has her own problems to deal with and they can't help each other. They get mad at each other, but neither knows why the other is angry. This results in Eliza and Joel having a huge fight in the parking lot of the school, both claiming that the other does not have feelings. Xander and Daniel join in about half way through, and it ends a little after the band joins.

Xander’s POV:

This had done it. The big fight in the parking lot. This time they had really been a couple and this time they had really broken up. I knew that there was no way that they would get back together on their own accord, so I had to do something.

I wanted them to be together, I liked Eliza and knew that I would never see her again if she wasn’t with Joel. Yes, I liked Eliza, as a friend. I had to make those two idiots see reason and get back together.

First I would try to convince Joel.

Joel’s POV:

I was sitting in my room thinking about my fight with Eliza, my ex. We broke up. We had just gotten back together again, and for real this time… And then we went and broke up. She broke up with me. I was angry; I said stupid things, I acted like a complete and utter moron. And now I didn’t have a girlfriend. She had dumped me.

And this time I couldn’t even blame it on her. I had been an idiot. I had thrown away the one thing that I loved in this world. And now she was going to die because of me.

“What?!” Xander’s voice came from my door. I sighed and lay back on my bed so that I could see him, he was upside down.  Well, my head made him upside down.

“Hey Xander.” I said gloomily.

“She’s going to die?!” He stalked over to me and looked really funny. At least from my point if view he looked funny. He was making a ‘I’m really pissed off at you right now’ face, but it was upside down so it looked hilarious. I smiled a little. “She’s going to die?!” He repeated, and I stopped smiling.

“Yeah. The High Council has given me until uh, what day is it today?”

“Monday, you monkey!”

“Ok, they gave me until Wednesday to kill her, or they would come and do it themselves.” I said, becoming even gloomier.

“Then why didn’t you do anything you stupid clock?!” He yelled at me.

“I tried!”

“No you didn’t, you stood in the doorway and looked stupid, then you blamed Eliza. That’s not what I call doing something.” He snapped back at me. And I had to admit that he was right.

“I wanted to try, but then… I don’t know. I never asked for any of this!” I sighed in defeat. “I wanted to be the hero, but then I ended up being the bad-guy. I wish none of this had ever happened.”

Xander nodded and walked out the door. I sighed as I realized that all hope was lost for Eliza and me. No matter how much I wanted this to work, it never would. She would be dead, properly this time, and I would be alone. And it wasn’t like there was any way out of this. I had considered them all.

I could use the same spell as she had used on me, would work, but the High Council would want to see some ashes. So I’d get some ashes, but they would have brought some trackers in case I didn’t do my job. So the trackers would pick up Eliza’s scent, and then they would kill her. The tracker would find us if we ran away too. I could see no way out. Eliza was doomed.

Xander’s POV:

I walked out of my castle and towards Eliza’s. It was time to initiate step two, make Eliza see sense and take Joel back. I was convinced that I had convinced Joel. So now I was headed over to Eliza to make her convinced and to beg for some chocolate.

“Hey, uh… What’s your name?” I asked the dude sitting on the front steps. He looked up and I saw a young face with ancient eyes. The eyes studied me and it seemed as though they studied my mind and soul as well. I tried to read him, but his shields were too strong, or else it was simply the fact that he was a vampire.

“What is a young hunter like yourself doing walking up to the home of more than thirty of the most powerful vampires in the world?” He said softly, looking straight into my eyes.

“Uh, I’m looking for Eliza. Have you seen her? Wait, you never answered my question. Who are you?” I said cheerily.

“I am Benjamin. The oldest living vampire in the world, and the leader of this clan.” He said slowly, his eyes never wavering from mine.

“Oh, ok. So have you seen Eliza? I need to talk some sense into her. I want her to take Joel back, so that we can remain friends. She’s really nice, you’re lucky to have her on your team.” I said as he stood up.

“Xander, why do you want them to be together when you see how much pain it causes them?” He asked as he put an arm around my shoulder. I was taken aback, he knew my name and how could he not want them to be together?

“Because, they may fight, but that was just a stupid misunderstanding, and when they really are together, they’re so happy.  How could anyone not see that?” I asked him softly.

“But they have to kill each other, that cannot transfer into love.” He argued.

“But why do they have to kill each other?” I asked.

“Because they are the two most powerful fighters on either side. I do not want to have to face a fight with Joel, and I do not think that anyone in Joel’s guild would want to face Eliza.”

“I do. I’m here to see her. I’m in Joel’s guild. But really it should be called Xander’s guild. Joel is too fragile to rule any guild right now, and I can annoy anyone enough to get what I want…” I reminded Benjamin. He was a pretty nice guy actually.

“Well, then there is one exception…”

“But he is completely crazy.” I finished for him, well maybe added on, I don’t know. I couldn’t read his mind to tell what he was about to say…

“Go talk to her. Help her make her choice. Make sure she chooses what’s best for her.” He said with a strict look before he pushed me inside. I guess that was about as good as a ‘Welcome inn’, so I accepted it and started to walk towards a large set of stairs.

“Hey there, vamp. Where’s Eliza’s room?” I asked a big vampire with lots of muscles. He turned around and looked dumbfoundedly at me.

“How’d you get in here?” He asked, stupefied.

“Through the front door. Benjy let me in. So do you know where Eliza’s room is?” I explained and asked cheerily.

“Benjamin, the most powerful vampire in the world, let you in, and now you want to go see Eliza, the most powerful female in the world and second most powerful vampire probably. You’re crazy!” He said, still dumbfounded and stupefied.

“Yeah. So do you know where her room is?” I asked brightly.

“Down these stairs, up the stairs next to them, the little ones, and then up until you find the room everyone is avoiding. But it’s your funeral, hunter.”

“Sure. Thanks! Should I say hi from you to Eliza?”

“No! Don’t get me involved in any of this!” He shouted as he walked away. I walked down the stairs I had just walked up. When I was at the bottom of them, I saw the smaller stairs the vampire had been talking about. I walked up them and came to a hall. There was a pair of stairs that nobody seemed to want to go close to.

A thin boy was standing at the foot of the stairs looking petrified. I walked over to him.

“What’s up there?” I asked him curiously.

“Whoah! You scared me! Oh, god. You’re a hunter…” I said, backing away from me. Well, first he jumped really high, then he clutched his chest as though he was going to have a heart attack. The heart attack part was unlikely though seeing as his heart wasn’t beating, and could therefore not stop to give him the heart attack.

“Yeah, I’m a hunter. I’m Xander, you are…” I asked him.

“HUNTER!” The boy shouted, really loud. I rubbed my ear and wrinkled my nose in complaint. All the vampires turned and looked in our direction. The boy was pointing at me. I was guessing that ‘Hunter’ was not his name.

“Hi guys. Where’s Eliza?” I asked at the angry-looking vampires. They started to laugh. I smiled unsurely.

“Hey, Magnus. Don’t worry about him, he’s already dead. Hah, he wants to see Eliza.” One of the more burly vampires laughed. I smiled at him, unsure of what to do.

“I’m not the only dead person here though, I mean, technically none of you are still alive… So for now, I’m the only non-dead person here.” I said, not quite sure of why I had said it.

“Grr…” Was my only answer. Well, they didn’t really say grr, but they did growl, all of them.  I backed up slightly.

“What the hell is going on! Is it impossible to get any rest in this place?” Said a familiar voice.

“Uh, sorry… We’ll be sure to be quiet while we kill the maggot hunter.” Said the burly one. I narrowed my eyes at him. He had called me a maggot hunter. I didn’t know whether he meant I hunted maggots, or if I was a maggot of a hunter. But it still wasn’t nice either way!

“Hey! I’m not a maggot hunter, whatever that is!” I yelled at him.

“Xander?!” I turned around to face a thoroughly confused Eliza.

“Hey Rosebud.” I said cheerily up at her.

“Uh, what are you doing here?” She asked me using the small child voice. Not the one where she pretended to be small child, but the one where she acted as though I was a small child. Everyone did it to me. Even though I wasn’t a small child.

“I wanted to talk to you. Beat some sense into that head of yours.” I said, a little more slowly.

“Uh, go up. I’ll come up in a minute.” I walked up the stairs and heard her start to yell at the vampires. She told them off for being mean to me, and for disturbing her. Haha! In your facebook! Don’t come into myspace, or I’ll hit you in your facebook. Heh. Not the best joke I ever had, but it was better than my walrus joke…

“Hey. Sorry about them, they’re stupid.” Eliza said as she stepped into her room and closed the door behind her.

“You have to take Joel back.” I went straight to the point

“I can’t” She said, I frowned.

“But, I miss you, and I can’t keep coming over here. You saw what happened! And you can’t come over to my place and visit me, either. ‘Cause Joel’s there, and… Please.” I tried to reason with her.

“I can’t, I’m sorry.” She said, looking sad.

“Why not?” I asked her, walking over to sit with her on her bed.

“I just can’t.” She was looking very sad now.

“Why though?” I insisted.

“I just can’t.” She was looking like she was on the verge of tears, red starting to build up in her eyes.

“But why?” I said softly, taking her hand and holding it.

“I- We’re leaving.” She said, choking on her words.

“What? Where? How? When? Why haven’t you told me?” I panicked.

“We’re leaving, the clan is leaving. Benjamin’s orders, he ordered it today, I found out when I got home from school. We’re leaving tomorrow.” She said, a single tear trailing down her cheek.

“You can’t leave! You can’t leave me, and Joel, and the band and everyone. Please…” I begged

“I have to. My clan needs me. Joel has you.” She said softly, looking into my eyes.

“But you don’t. Won’t you need a Xander? Someone to take care of you when you’re sad? Someone who can make you laugh? And what about me? What will I have? A broken Joel, a missing Eliza, a guild that can’t stand being with me for more than a few minutes at a time, the return of all the voices? Is that what I’m left with?” I said, suddenly realizing how much Eliza actually meant to me.

“No, it’ll be like that at first. But you were happy before you met me, you can be happy after I’m gone too.” She said softly, trying to convince me to let her go.

“No. If you go then so will I.” I said defiantly.

“Xander, you have to stay here. I’m doing this for you and Joel. I have to make a choice. Stay with my clan, but never see Joel again. Or stay with Joel, and be outcast from the entire vampire society forever. If I go, then Joel will be safe. We won’t keep tags on your guild, we won’t know where you are. You will be safe.”

“But what about you? Will you be happy? Will you be safe? The High Council has ordered your death, they won’t give up without a fight. They will follow you. And if you’re not dead, then Joel might be. The High Council doesn’t look too kindly upon failure.” I said.

“You’ll figure something out. And so will I.” She said before taking my hand and pulling me up. She led me to the door and opened it.

“Just make sure you make the right choice. Follow your heart.” I said as I closed the door behind me. I looked out the window and watched as the raindrops hit it.

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