Wishes |c.d.|

By yepitsjenn

7.9K 227 27

"You get to make three wishes. Whatever it is, just tell me and I'll make it come true" °°°°°°°°°°°°° Emily i... More



178 4 0
By yepitsjenn

Emily's pov

I ran downstairs to answer the door. When I opened it, it revealed a smiling Matthew. He was wearing a gray tee with black jeans that looked very nice on him. "Hi" he smiled. "Hey" I returned the kind gesture. "You look great!" he grinned and I felt my cheeks turn a light shade of red. "You're not doing bad youraelf" I laughed. "Shall we get going?" he smirked. "Hold on" I said as I ran up the stairs and rushed to my room. I grabbed my purse that had my phone and some money inside. I went back downstairs and walked to Matt. "We can leave now" I smiled and he took my hand in his, leading me to his car.


When we pulled up at the house, music was blasting and there were colourful lights, from what I could see through the windows. We parked the car and Matthew opened the door for me. "Thank you" I smiled and he blushed. It was kind of cute. We waked towards the door, as I was holding on Matt's are tightly.

He walked straight in, without knocking. "Do you want anything to drink?" he asked, I shook my head no. "Okay" he laughed. "Why are you laughing?" I knitted my eyebrows together. "You look like a lost puppy" he chuckled. "I'll go get something for both of us to drink." he announced, and before I could protest, he was already gone and I was left standing I'm a crowd full of drunk teenagers.

I tried to find a quiet corner, despite the fact I was being shoved and pushed every time I tried to walk out of the sea of people. I finally managed to find a corner to wait for Matthew to return. I looked around me, seeing many unfamiliar faces, people I had never seen before. There was not even one person I recognised.

It had been a while since Matthew left me, and I decided that I should look for him instead of sitting in a corner. I started wondering around, trying to find the kitchen. "Looking for something?" I heard a male voice breathe in my ear. I snap around to see who it was, and to my disappointment, it was that Jack kid.

"N-yes... I-I'm just trying to get to the kitchen" I admit truthfully. Lying was no use, he could even help me after all. "Let me take you there" he smirked seductively as he took my hand in his large one. I didn't feel comfortable at all, I barely knew this guy and so far he had been a jerk.

He lead me to the kitchen, thankfully. "Uh... Thanks" I nodded, lightly smiling. "No problem" he said leaning in, as he stared straight into my eyes. I could tell he was drunk, his breath smelled like alcohol. I felt myself freeze at his touch, as he slowly caresses my cheek. "You're very pretty, you know" he said. "Uh.. I-I should go" I found the strength to push him away and leave as fast as my legs could carry me.

That was close!

I started looking for Mathew again. He wasn't in the kitchen. I thought he was going to get us some drinks, and it had been over half an hour that he had been gone.

I walked back to the living room, where the party was crazily going on, making sure to stay away from Jack. As I was about to turn around, I bumped into a tall figure, causing them to spill all their drink on my dress. I gasped, looking down at my now ruined dress. "Watch out" the guy spat, pushing my back by my shoulders. I stumbled back and ended up pushing another person behind me, who fell on the dj set and broke it.

The music stopped and everyone started yelling. "What the fuck?" the guy I was pushed on yelled in my face. "I- I was jus- I didn't mean to- are you okay-I-I'm so sorry" I felt my hands tremble and I could even talk. No words where coming out.

What did I get myself into?!

I felt tears build up in my eyes. This was such a disaster, I had created a mess. "Look what you did bitch!" he glared at me. "I'm sorry" I said, my voice cracking. Never in my life had I been so humiliated. I felt ashamed of myself, I wanted to disappear.

Before I knew it, I was running away. I didn't know where I was going, I was shoved away multiple times. I ended up running up the stairs. "Can you please tell me where the restroom is?" I asked a person that was about to walk downstairs. He looked at my dress in disgust, and pointed to a door down the hallway.

I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in. I let out all the tears and sobs I was holding in, I let it all out. How did I end up like this? I knew by now my makeup was a mess, and my eyeliner was running down my cheeks. I sobbed uncontrollably. I knew coming was a bad idea.

I heard a knock on the door. "Occupied" I said, whipping the corners of my eyes and trying to calm down. "Emily open the door" I heard him say, and a wave of relief washed over me. How soothing was it to hear his calm voice. "Cameron, I don't want to" I said as my voice cracked. "Emily please open" he pleaded.

I took a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror. I looked horrible. "I don't want you to see me like that" I said to him. "Emily, please let me in" he sighed. I took a few breaths before twisting the key and unlocking. I slowly opened the door, as more tears threatened to spill.

As soon as the door was opened, I was pulled into a got hug. His embrace felt so warm and loving, it calmed me down. He run his hands through my hair soothingly and I wished this could last forever.

He pulled away from the hug, closing the door shut again. "What happened out there?" he asked concerned. I didn't reply, I just looked down at myself then back at him. I was unable to hold back the tears that had formed in my eyes. "No, no. Don't cry" he caressed my cheek, electricity running from his soft touch to my skin. "I'm such a mess" I said, my bottom lip trembling. I knew I was on the verge of crying again.

"You not a mess. Don't say that" he said soothingly. I shook my head, as I let out a chuckle, imagining how pathetic I look through his eyes. "You should probably go back. You don't wanna miss the party" I say, avoiding to make eye contact.

"I don't care about that stupid party Emily! I care about you. I want to make sure you're okay, and you're not okay. So no, I'm not leaving" the words living his mouth bringing warmth to my heart, as I felt my stomach twirl.

I couldn't hide the small smile that was playing at the corners of my lips. "There we go. Here's the smile I wanna see" he said getting closer and smiling down at me. Despite the fact I was wearing heels, he still managed to tower over my small body.

I looked up at his beautiful brown orbs, and his eyes instantly locked with mine. I couldn't look away, as much as I wanted to. His hands capped my face as I felt him lean in. His face only centimetres away, his breath fanning on my neck, his plump lips brushing against mine.

I shut my eyes closed, processing everything that was happening. Suddenly, I felt his soft lips collide with mine. I felt like fireworks exploded in the pit of my stomach, and my heart skipped a beat. I could feel the sparks run through my body.

I couldn't help but kiss back. Deep down I knew this was completely wrong, but it felt so right I couldn't resist. His lips felt incredible on mine. His hands rested on my lower back while mine made their way to his shoulders. I found the courage to lightly push him away, as much 's I didn't want to do it.

My mind was spinning, and my heart was beating out of my chest. At the moment, I had no idea what to do. He seemed to be processing everything as well. I just ran out of the bathroom. I went as fast as my feet could carry me, rushing downstairs and out of the house. The party was still going on.

I ran out of the door, bumping into someone -once again for tonight-. "Oh my gosh, sorry" her voice spoke. To my luck, it was Mahogany. "Emily- what happened to you?" she asked and her tone instantly changed from happy to concerned, noticing my messed up makeup, tear-stained cheeks and dirty dress. "just get me out of here please" I begged, as I remembered everything that had happened. Somehow Cameron had made me forget about it for a brief moment, but reality is a nightmare, isn't it?

She nodded her head as we walked to her car...

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