Not what it seems

By maddslhorn_x

2.9K 133 41

A girl finally gets what she has worked her whole life towards. She worked hard to get away from her past and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30- epilouge

Chapter 11

99 7 4
By maddslhorn_x

Hello my lovely lovelies

So I've had a few good days and I have been super hectic and I wasn't going to update but then I thought 'hey I'm in a great mood why not just update' so here we are. I'm updating haha. Anyways I hope you enjoy, I haven't edited it so I'm sorry for any errors. Let me know if you spot any!!! Please let me know what you think of this chapter.
Comment thank you!

I immediately look up and notice brad and Connor talking while plucking their guitars but Tristan's no where to be seen. I stand ignoring James as I shout out to the others questioning his disappearance

'He went to get us all water about 20 minutes ago'

'No he didn't, I was just bringing the water to you and I haven't seen him.' Dean says loudly

My heart stops.

Where is Tristan?

Lacey's POV

The others don't really seemed to be overly worried just suggesting he needed a break but I know better.

I look at James and he is wide eyed with worry, I don't waste anytime before I am running from the stage and going back stage. Taking the route I know Tristan would have to take if he was getting water from the dressing room

He's been gone 20 minutes and that is some thing that makes my heart pound just at the thought of him being hurt in anyway makes me run faster searching frantically

I grab my phone and quickly call Paul but he doesn't answer. Shouting curse words and having people look at me weirdly I quickly call Tyson. It takes a minute before he finally answers

(Tyson normal, Lacey italic)


Tyson lock down the arena, every entrance and exit. Tristan is missing. We have to find him, I don't care what you have to say but lock this place down and don't let anyone leave

Oh shit er yeah yeah okay i will, me and Paul are on it. Find him Lacey
I hang up not bothering with an goodbye, I reach the green room and quickly look in to see what I can find.

A table on the left side is knocked over and anyone else would think it was a accident but I know better.

The chair a bit further up is also knocked over and kicked away from where it should be.

There was a struggle

Meaning Tristan was probably grabbed from behind and chucked about

Meaning he could be hurt

But also meaning that they have him

Somewhere in this big fucking building they have Tristan

I turn around to walk out when I see a girl stood In front of me. She's mid height with medium length brown hair, thick rimmed glasses and a cute preppy dress on.

'Whoa what happened in here?' Her voice is quiet but falsely so. It's as if she has made her voice sound timid and quiet. I watch her for a moment, something is off. But then again I'm probably just being paranoid.

'Oh you know the lads playing and mucking about caused such a mess' I chuckle but look at my watch knowing I have to go

'Oh really?' She raises an eyebrow while chuckling

'Yeah look I have to go'

I say no more but quickly run past her and back into the corridors, I run through so many corridors while looking into so many rooms.

But I came to a halt when I see a man trying to open the emergency exit. He's down a narrow corridor and desperately banging on the door trying to get it open

But what gets my attention most is when I see him holding up a passed out Tristan.

I slowly push my sleeves up and shake my head with a laugh that catches his attention.

He drops Tristan to the floor and I can only watch as he slumps against the wall and door,

He turns to me frantic and as his eyes meet mine he exhales a loud 'shit'

'Mhmm you know I could kill you right? So er yeah shit is right , your in so much shit right now' I smile sweetly

He advances towards me and I'm quick to throw a straight punch straight to his face making him stagger back, it's not long before I deliver a strong kick to his right side ribs.

I'm quick to then swing around and throw an upper cut punch to his jaw. He's now down on his knees breathing heavily, but before I am able to move again he has grabbed my leg and pulled me to the floor.

I smack in to the floor on my back groaning in pain as he delivers a punch to my stomach. He climbs on top of me and pins my hands down.

Images. Nightmares flash through my mind. Images of what happened. Of what he done to me, of how he ruined me.

I take a deep breath and look up to see the man breathing heavily over the top of me, I feel his breath on my face and neck which makes me shudder

'So pretty so strong my doll. I like this outcome don't you?' He taunts me 'look at you weakly pinned to the floor, oh doll'

I shake the nightmares from my mind, momentarily forgetting the haunting images that so easily scarred my mind. Taking a deep breath I shuffle my legs up and placing my feet lightly on either side of his hips.

He's so concentrated on my upper body that he takes no notice of my legs. I quickly push up with my legs and breaking my arms free of his hold. I waste no time in quickly flipping him over the top of me making him land on his back, I hear a crack and I instantly know that it's his rip.

I jump over and I pin him down my arm at his neck and adding pressure to make sure he struggles to breath.

'You think I'm weak. Weak enough for you to do what you wish. You underestimate me. You made a mistake attacking these boys. Such a shame'

He continues to fight against me but the position he's in he's unable to break away. I push him further into the floor, before reaching back and pulling a pen knife from my boot and raising so it lays against his face

'Now your going to tell me what you know' I demand

'Go to hell bitch'

I let out a loud laugh 'oh but it seems your going there first' I dig the knife into his cheek and drag it down

His screams muffled by my hand over his mouth. 'Now let's try again tell me what you know'

He shakes his head and I watch as the blood drips down the side of his face. I couldn't believe I was doing this again. Forced again to use what I hate. But the boys are important I need to protect them and if it means becoming my darkest monster then I will.

'No oh what a shame' I drag the knife to his neck now making a cut the size of my forearm from his face to his neck. It bleeds heavily but still he shakes his head, however I can see him becoming weak.

'Is the protection your offering you leader worth your precious jewels?' I ask, he looks confused until I lean back slightly and place the knife to his crotch.

'N-I don't please.' He pleads

'Tell me' I almost shout

'Ok-okay I well all I know is that it's a woman. She has an obsession with the boys and something happened, she went insane and wants then all to her self. She wants them to love her and only her and if they don't she will kill them but not before using them. She works with the studio and has to go on the tour with the boys but she doesn't have much interaction with them if at all. She told me to try and take Tristan. She didn't want to risk taking all of them at once because of you. But if today didn't work she will have to. That's all I know I swear'

I look at him for a few moments before nodding, I sit back slightly but add more pressure to his neck pressure point knowing he will pass out in 5 seconds.

I count and as the count ends he is completely knocked out. I stand and slightly limp to Tristan. I crouch feeling the pain in my rips and back.

Forgetting my own pain, I quickly lift Tristan's head up so I can view his face. I see that he's bleeding from the right side meaning he had obviously been knocked out, I look for any other injuries and all I really find is bruises.

Dragging my phone out I call Paul

'Hey Paul, yeah found him, bring Tyson. Left side in the little narrow corridor to the emergency exit. Hurry up'

I hang up quickly and hope they are here before Tristan wakes up. I don't know how we are going to explain this, I change our positions so that I am learnt against the wall to relieve some of the pain from my rips and pull Tristan to lay his head upon my legs. Stroking my bruised knuckles through his hair.

As I'm waiting I hear a small mumble before my name is spoken 'L-Lacey?'

I look down to see Tristan's eyes open and looking up at me 'hey buddy, I need you to stay laying for me and keep your eyes on me or close them okay?'

'Wh-what happened?' He looks so innocent and concerned

'Oh darling, don't your remember?' I question wearily

'Not really, it's just like a bit black at the moment '

'Well er I'm not sure what happened. I found you like this' I answer careful with my wording, I didn't want to lie. It soon builds up so much that you lose track of how many lies you tell.

He goes to say some thing but is cut off by Paul and Tyson running towards us. They stop and grasp at the sight of a knocked out bleeding grown man and then us two.

'Oh god' Paul mutters

'Get rid of that and I will get Tristan to the green room, we need a medic. So call through' I speak to them ignoring Tristan's confused look and keeping a tight grip so he stays looking at me.

Tyson and Paul quickly nod before reaching over and grabbing a hold of the unknown man before dragging him out of view.

'Okay I'm going to stand and help you up. We will go to the green room where you can get seen to okay?'

'Yeah but Lacey what was they clearing?'

'Nothing important'

I move gently as I stand the pain quickly coming back I know from the feeling that I have bruised my rips and back from the hit to the floor

I reach over quickly to help Tristan, he staggers slightly and I let him rest his weight upon my shoulders as he walk or more like limp to the green room

Once there we see the other boys and first aid already there waiting.

'Oh my god tris what happened?' Connor rushes over and takes Tristan from my arms to his before raking him to the couch

I meet James eyes as I walk over, his eyes search my body and they quickly connect to my bleeding and bruised knuckles. It causes me to quickly try and cover them as the others fuss over Tristan

The first aiders are quick to check over Tristan, cleaning his cut that lays upon his forehead, luckily his hair covers it. They had instructed that he rests until the show and not to over do it.

Brad and Connor have both come over to where James and I were stood.

'So what happened? He said he's unsure' Connor speaks

'Oh I er I don't know. I just found him' I look at them both and Connor nod dismissing the subject while Bradley stares at me

'Why did you run like that then?' He questions making Connor look back at me questioningly

'I needed the bathroom, was really desperate. Anyway we have four hours till the show starts so how about we just hang for a while'

'Yeah okay. Sounds good. Wanna stay here or the bus'

'Lets go to the bus, Tristan can rest and we can hang. I need a shower'

They nod at James' words and we help Tristan until we reach the bus where he immediately goes to lay down.

I move straight to the bathroom where I know the first aid kit is, I begin to clean my knuckles when there is a knock at the door.

'Lacey it's me'

I open the door to see James, sighing he signals for me to sit down while he cleans up my knuckles. I listen and let him.

'What really happened?' He asks

'When I found him there was a guy holding him passed out. He had obviously knocked him out and planned to take him. He didn't get far. We fought and he was down quickly' I miss out the part of where he pinned me, not wanting to relive that

'Are you hurt anywhere else?'

'Just bruises, I'm fine. He did tell me that this girl has an obsession with you guys. Wants to kidnap you and make you love her. Oh and did any thing significant happen on the 21st May last year?'

He takes a few moments to think before answering 'god that's insane. I mean we had a meet and greet last year on the 21st of May. I mean the only thing really is a girl who had asked us all to dinner we declined, obviously we couldn't go we had a show. She was embarrassed and left before we could say anything. But she wouldn't do this, she looked to innocent and shy'

I silently nod listening to what he said. It doesn't seem like that would affect some one so greatly to do something like this but then again it might have simply been a trigger for her

'Do you remember her name?'

'Mhm no I'm not sure. It will come to me though.'

I look down to realise he has not only cleaned my knuckles but carefully covered them with what must be concealer to hide the bruises.

'Lets get back out there to the others, you alright?'

'Yeah yeah I'm fine let's go'

Once we are out we literally just talk and chat. Waiting for the one that we need to go to the arena.


I was currently stood back stage waiting to go on to perform. I was nervous as hell, never having done this before.

I was panicking, what if they don't like me? What if they hate my songs? OMG

I feel arms wrap around my waist and I quickly relax leaning into their touch. Knowing who it is. The warmth they provide is overwhelming

'Dont panic, your going to do great. Your amazing and your voice beautiful. The songs you sing are incredible you got this'

I turn in his arms and quickly kiss him expressing how thankful I am, how he makes my heart pound and the warmth he brings me.

He gasps slightly before moving his lips with mine. The kiss so full of emotion and it makes my mind blank, completely blank only thinking of him

We separate breathing heavily, foreheads resting against one another as I whisper 'thank you Bradley'

'No problem Lace, now go wow that crowd' I nod as he peeks my lips again, I hear a few good lucks from the other boys before I am out facing the crowd

'Hello Scotland, how you all doing?'
The crowd screams loudly

'Okay so I'm Lacey, and I'm going to play you some songs if that's alright?' Another lot of screams

'Great, so why don't we start with a song called 'catch my breath' hope you guys love it. '

I quickly begin to singing. My heart still pounding but I feel relaxed as I see the people in the crowd dancing along as I sing

After five songs I am absolutely overwhelmed , the crowd seems to be pumped and excited and I am definitely needing a shower with how much jumping and dancing I've done

'You guys have been amazing! Thank you so much. Please subscribe to my YouTube at SimplyLacey okay so are you guys ready for four awesome guys known as The Vamps?'

They all scream and I chuckle 'alright guys please scream as loud as you can for the vamps'

I run off stage as they screamed louder than ever before. I run straight into Bradley's arms, he wraps me up and swings me around

'You were incredible Lacey incredible'

'Omg Bradley' I whisper still holding him tightly

'I know I know, you were amazing baby, so proud of you! I've got to go on stage okay? But we are going to cuddle all night'

'Okay okay, go and rock it babe' I smile at him before peeking him

I watch as he runs on stage and begins singing.

I watch the boys perform amazed at how brilliant they are and how pumped they get the crowd

This is what I want. What I always wanted. I never wanted my life, never felt it was worth it. But now , now I feel great. I'm protecting the people I care about and I've just performed for the first time on stage, it's something I will never get used to or forget. It's what I've been waiting for. These boys are my saviours.

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