Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)

By itshelbs

124K 3.3K 1K

What if one day you meet a special someone, but then come to find out that she's your new Algebra 2 teacher? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 3

5.7K 189 37
By itshelbs

Camila's POV

The urge of wanting to pick up my phone and text Lauren wouldn't leave me alone. My eyes wouldn't look away from it. I laid in bed with the covers tightly wrapped around myself. My phone was on my desk, by my laptop. Ugh, I just wanted to jump out of bed and call her. I had to fight the urge though. I had to be stronger.

Don't do it, I thought to myself. Be strong, I gave myself strength.

It was too overpowering though. I couldn't take it. I had to text her!

Just when I jumped out of my bed and practically sprinted to my phone, my bedroom door opened. That frightened me causing me to fall against the door, slamming it back shut. Unfortunately, my head bounced off of the wooden door.

"What the heck?" I heard someone from outside of my door. Oh god that hurt. I rubbed the sore spot. Great, now I was going to have a headache. I crawled away from the entrance, just in case the door tried being opened again.

"Come in." I gave permission now. I laid on the ground, holding my head before rubbing my temples.

"What happened?" Oh, it was Vero. She walked in looking down at me. "Why did you close the door when I was trying to come in?" She asked as if she couldn't really guess what happened. This wasn't the first time it had happened. I still haven't learned my lesson to not jump off of my bed like that. In my defense, I had no clue that Vero was coming over. She didn't text me or anything.

"I hit the door when I jumped off my bed." I replied as I stood up. I glanced at my phone when I walked back to my bed. At least Vero's presence was going to distract me into not texting Lauren.

"When will you learn?" Her head shook in disbelief as she laughed.

"I don't know." I brought the covers over my body as I laid down in bed.

"What are you doing?" She questioned. "I know that you're lazy, but not this lazy. It's barely 4 o'clock, why are you getting into bed?" She wondered.

"Because I'm tired." I told her mid yawn. "I need my rest. School was exhausting." That was half true.

"Me too." She said while laying next to me, getting comfy under the covers. She was weird. "Hey, did you really... um, meet someone yesterday?" She asked with hesitation in her voice. 

Um, I really didn't want to be reminded of it. It was on my mind all day, but when I was reminded of it by my friends, it pretty much destroyed me. My head pounded hard, partly because of the accident with the door, but mainly because of the problem with Lauren.

Vero and I were great friends, I was able to trust her with anything, but not with this. It made me sad that I couldn't, she was one of the friends I revealed everything to, but I couldn't jeopardize Lauren's job. More so, her reputation. I'm not saying that Vero would snitch or go around telling people, but I couldn't risk her accidentally blurting something out one day.

Imagine if anyone found out. Lauren would've been fired right then and there. Possibly even have huge problems and get her teaching license taken away. Even problems with the authority because I'm a minor. Hooking up with a student was a felony for a teacher.

In our case, it probably wouldn't be so bad because at first we had no clue about the teacher and student situation, and we just ended up kissing. Besides, it was before the new school year even started, and it didn't happen on school grounds. Either way, Lauren and I would still have problems with everything.

Say we continued on with a fling, we went further, and if anyone found out, that would lead her straight to jail. I didn't want to imagine her being arrested. She was hot, everyone knows what happens to hot sexy people in jail. Either, she would be raped, or be beaten just because she was too gorgeous. I'm sure there were many jealous women in jail.  

That's why I had to think things through. Did I really want to risk it?

"Oh, it was nothing." I pretended not to be interested anymore, just so she wouldn't ask anymore questions.

Well it didn't seem to work.

"Really? This morning you were smiling like a fool. Are you sure it was nothing?" She questioned.

I covered my face with my blanket, which Vero pulled right off.

"Really, it was nothing." I assured her. "It was just random, I got over it throughout the day." I lied right through my teeth. Yeah, sure I'd been worrying about it. A lot actually.

"Good." She smiled. I looked at her, my forehead creased in confusion. Why did she look so relieved? Did she not want me to meet anyone or what?

"Why?" I questioned her.

"Just because." She giggled while playing with a stand of my hair.

"You're so weird." I turned to my right side, having my back towards her. I wanted to sleep, just so I wouldn't be thinking about Lauren anymore, and so that my headache would go away. As I closed my eyes, I felt Vero rearrange her position in bed. Her head rested against my back while her hand slipped around my waist.

I didn't think she was going to stay, I assumed she was going to leave and let me rest, but I guess not. I didn't mind having her there though. As long as she didn't keep me from having a nap. Oh, and as long as she didn't kick me and snore in her sleep.

As I was about to drift into a peaceful sleep, my phone vibrated on my desk with the sound frightening me. My eyes shot open. The thought of that text being from Lauren made my heart beat increase. I wanted to jump out of my bed and check my phone, but I couldn't.

Vero had her arm around me, and well to be completely honest, I was scared. Scared of the text actually being from Lauren.


Vero yawned while getting out of bed. We slept for two hours; well she did, I only got an hour of sleep, if even, The curiosity of the text wouldn't allow me to succumb to sleep. Vero looked like a zombie walking towards the bedroom door. Poor girl, her eyes were barely open.

"See you tomorrow," I said. I would've walked her to the front door of my house, but I was way too tired, and besides, she knew her way out.

"Love you," She was barely able to wave goodbye. She was still yawning while walking out. I then got up to shut the door behind her.

I turned to look at my phone, hesitating on taking it. For all I knew, it could've been anyone. Lauren wasn't the only person who had my number. By the way, she had never texted me before, meaning there weren't any chances of the text being from her.

Only one way of finding out.

I walked to my desk and picked the phone up. I bit my bottom lip nervously, as I slowly looked at my phone screen; the was indeed from Lauren. My heart beat started to go up tremendously. I didn't know whether to feel relieved or worried. I wanted to feel excited, but I just didn't. A mix of emotions washed over me.

Lauren: Can we see each other to talk?

I gulped down hard. Yes! We had to! This is what I wanted all day long.

My hand shook as typed out a reply,

Camila: Sure.

I inhaled and exhaled as I took a seat on the bed. I felt anxious for her next text. Every second felt like a minute, and every minute felt like an hour. I didn't even want to imagine what an hour would feel like.

My phone flew out of my hands as I got another text, I need to control myself. I couldn't be freaking out like this.

I looked at the text, and it was just an address. That's all it was. I guess she wanted me to meet her there? I waited in case another text came, but nothing happened. Was I supposed to go now? It would've been logical for me to ask, but my mind was blank. I was way too nervous and worried.

I was about to run out of my bedroom, but I remembered that I should look at myself in the mirror first; to make sure I looked decent. Seeing myself in the mirror made me realize I need to change. I was in sweats and a t-shirt, and my hair was a mess from when I took my nap.

I quickly looked through my closet taking out a pair of skinny jeans and a semi tight black top. I almost fell while pulling off my sweats. I was freaking out.

I just brushed my hair through once, did a touch up on my make up, and I was out of there. There was noise coming from the living room, which was mom since I knew that my dad wasn't back from work yet. 

She was hanging a frame on the wall.

I hugged her when she stepped down from the a chair, "Hey Mami," I tried to seem as lovable as I possibly could. I had to play the innocent, sweet card. "Can I borrow your car?" I grinned sweetly.

She shook her head in disbelief. "No wonder you were being so sweet." She laughed lightly. "Why do you need it?" She asked.

"To drive it... Duh." I replied sarcastically, getting a glare from her. "Um, to go to Dinah's house. We want to go watch a movie," I lied. "Please, please, please!" I begged as if I were a little girl asking for a puppy.

"Okay, okay." She slipped away from my grip, and walked elsewhere, I followed her. We ended up walking to her bedroom, she was looking through her coat pockets for I'm assuming her car keys. "Just hold on," she continued searching. She found them after a good few minutes, finally!

I took them from her hands and ran out of her bedroom.

"Bye!" I shouted as I ran for the front door.

"BE CAREFUL!" She warned in an extremely stern tone as I went out the door.

I used my GPS on my phone for directions. The address wasn't familiar to me at all. It wasn't near here. It was still in town, but really close to the borderline of town I assumed. Luckily the car didn't need gas, it was full. As I drove, my hands started to shake, and get all clammy. I was barely able to hold the steering wheel correctly. It was freaking me out.

In my head, I planned scripts that hopefully Lauren would follow. What was the point of planning what I was going to say if nothing ever goes as planned. When things were planned, events usually ended up bad. It was most always a fail.

My mind didn't seem to care though. It still imagined the conversation. I was planning on saying sorry for not telling her I was in high school from the get go. For letting her believe I was in college and past the age I really am. It wasn't like I was planning on going. It would happen eventually, after high school of course.

Did she need to apologize for anything? Let's see, well she didn't tell me that she was a teacher. Of course the topic never came up though. Well we did talk about school, but the conversation took a different turn. She didn't even have the chance to tell me, meaning she wasn't keeping it from me. Nope. She has nothing to apologize for. I don't think she was going to hide it either. If there would have been more time, I'm pretty positive she would've ended up telling me about her being a teacher.

I'm the only one who needed to apologize. I only manipulated the truth because I wanted her to like me. I was having a great time with her the other day. I didn't want her to ditch me because of the age difference.

Now I had to explain that to her. It might've seemed easy, but it really wasn't.

I followed the directions that the GPS gave me, I was doing great until I made a wrong turn. Then everything went bad from there, I was passing streets, missing turns. All because of how nervous I am. I was getting frustrated, and thought about driving straight into a pole.

Fortunately, I was able to get back on the right road. It was taking longer than expected. I feared that Lauren thought that I wasn't going to show. I was trying, but the damn GPS system was informing me on what to do too late. I had to make sharp turns just to stay on track.

I turned on the radio as a distraction, and the first thing that burst out was...

"I'M SEXY AND I KNOW IT!" Holy fuck! That scared the shit out of me. I immediately turned the volume all the way down. Not the best song to be listening to right now, especially not at the volume it was at, I could've died. I was exaggerating a little bit, but I could've gotten in a car crash.

There were no more death threats. Mainly because I had arrived at the address I was sent to.

Before getting out of the car, I waited a few minutes to gather myself together. Gathering my thoughts, I got out of the car. I was parked in front of an apartment complex. Well, where do I go from here? I had to text Lauren back.

Camila: I'm here, outside. Where do I go now?

I got a response within mere seconds.

Lauren: Wait there

Standing still, I looked up at the complex. I wondered if this was her place, did she live here? From what I see, it's a pretty nice place to live. I liked it. I looked down at my fingers, they were shaking, and as much as I tried to calm myself, I just couldn't. The thought of her really got me on my toes.I kept looking in all directions to make sure no one I knew would see me there. It wasn't likely since it was almost out of town, but one could never be too careful right?

"Hey," that husky voice sent chills down my spine. I looked up from the ground, only to see Lauren standing right in front of me.

"Hey." I couldn't contain the smile from forming on my lips.

"Follow me." She nodded towards the entrance of the building. She walked in front of me, keeping some kind of distance.

I followed her in silence. Lauren didn't look back at me, not once. I felt out of place. Most of me was was seeing her as just Lauren, while another part was trying to convince me to see her as my teacher. Too weird for me to handle. Instead, I shook the thoughts away.

Instead of using the elevator like I was hoping, we walked up the stairs. Maybe it was best to avoid awkward silence in the elevator.

We came to a stop in front of apartment 40. She went in first and instructed for me to walk in.

To break the silence, I asked, "Do you live here?"

She shook her head, "No, it's my friend's place." She clarified.

Oh of course. She wouldn't be dumb enough to bring me to her place. Showing me where she lived, in where I could have went looking for her. She probably didn't want to risk anything.

"What did you want to talk about Lauren?" I asked.  

"Miss Jauregui." She corrected.

I sighed, "Come on, we're not at school right now." I stated. There was no need to be all formal. We were alone, we didn't need to pretend. Unless her friend was here, in that case, there might be some problems. There would be problems just by asking me why I'm here, so who cared what I was referring to her as.

She inhaled, then exhaled, "Fine, it doesn't matter right now." She let it go. "What matters right now, is our situation." She stated, appearing to be in distress. Just then her stomach growled.

"Your stomach just roared like a lion." I pointed out the obvious with a cute smirk, making a reference to the zoo yesterday.

"I haven't ate." She replied shyly. Since when? It was almost seven, she needed to eat something, like now. "All the stress hasn't allowed me to sit down and eat." She explained. Was the stress just because of our situation, or because of the first day of school in general was stressful? That was understandable, students could be such a pain in the ass, especially during the first day back at school.

"Well you should eat now." I advised. "We can talk while you eat." I added. It would make me feel a lot better if she did.

"Okay," She walked into the kitchen area and pulled a McDonald's bad from the microwave. Oh that looked really good. She walked over to the table, "Take a seat." She advised. Cautiously, I sat down across from her. It was a small table, enough for four people. She took out a cheeseburger and french fries. "Do you want any?" She offered, being her polite self.

"No thanks." I really wanted to swallow all those french fries though.

Lauren unwrapped the burger and took a bite from it. I waited for her to start talking.

After swallowing, she directed her attention toward me, "I just wanted to settle a few things with you."

"Like what?" I motioned for her to continue.

"Like, whatever happened yesterday..." She paused, putting her food down. "I need you to forget about it." She couldn't even look me in the eyes.

It was hurtful.

How was I supposed to forget the kiss? The connection we had, it was too strong and special to just forget about. Well at least for me it was, I guess it meant nothing to her. What a huge disappointment, it truly was.

I sighed, "Just like that?" I questioned as my eyebrows scrunched together.

"What do you mean?" Attitude was evidently heard in her voice. "You weren't expecting something to blossom between us were you?" She asked and stared at me skeptically.

"I don't even know, maybe I was, who knows." I shrugged with attitude.

"How could you think anything can possibly happen between us know?" She huffed, shaking her head in disbelief. "Camila, you're my student." She stated firmly. Like I didn't know, I didn't have to be reminded by it constantly.

"But I wasn't when we met," I retorted. "Yesterday we were just two normal girls, there was nothing in the way." I added, wanting her to understand that I was still that girl. Lauren's eyes narrowed down, avoiding eye contact with me.

"You're my student. Period." She restated.

"No." I refuse to accept it.

She looked up at me, shocked that I was protesting.

"Do you know how much trouble I could get in?" She questioned. "It's a felony for a teacher to be romantically involved with their student. Especially if they're a minor." She stated. Blah, blah, blah, blah, I knew all this already. "How old are you? Seventeen? There's a nine year difference between us in age." Her voice started to raise.

Oh damn, nine years? Wow, that was quite a bit, but I still didn't care. Not one bit.

"Who cares about the fucking age difference Lauren!" I was getting frustrated. "Listen, I look like I'm nineteen, and you look like you're twenty-three. It only seems like there's a four year difference." I retorted.

"But it's nine." She insisted. I inhaled and exhaled to gather myself together and calm down. "Look Camila, I don't want to have problems with you." She sounded calmer. "I just want to teach and enjoy the school year. Please, don't make this difficult." She pleaded.

"Fine. But answer one thing. Did yesterday mean anything to you?" I really want to know. I just had to in order to move on. Lauren looked away avoiding answering it. I couldn't believe it, she couldn't just answer a simple question. A yes or no would've been enough for me.

"You're just my student," Was her answer. Unbelievable. I could see it in her face that yesterday meant something to her, more than she wanted to admit to herself.

I stood up from the chair, "Fine, just think about this. When you see me, do you actually see me as your student? Like everyone else in class? Or do you see the girl from the zoo?" That'll have her thinking. This was probably going to keep her awake all night long, but I could care less in this very moment. I knew perfectly that this was not what she wanted.

I walked out of the apartment without another word, leaving her to think about what I just said.

A/N: Hope you guys are enjoying! Vote and comment for me :)

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