The Runaway ***NIAM AU***

By kaylahardy120

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Liam begins an online chat session with a boy named Niall who he immediately starts a friendship with. But wh... More

The Runaway
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 - EPILOGUE(mature)

Chapter 19

1K 40 8
By kaylahardy120

I need to get crack-a-lackin on this story. Let's set a goal for Mondya night although I already know I ain't bouta finish this in that amount of time, but we can all hope right? RIGHT. 

****Liam's POV****

I woke up from being knocked out once more in the small room which the wires looking at though they were dug in deeper to my skin. Well, I'd at least I'd survived! I let out a quiet moan and I heard the door creak open quietly. I made out the boy to be Harry and I knew soon the other two boys, Louis and Zayn, would be in to torture me some more. They'd finally told me their names before they'd beaten me out fully. 

“He's up,” Harry said monotonously as he poked his head in the room. I looked over quickly and saw Harry looking away at someone else. 

“And?” a voice asked from the distance and Harry shrugged, walking away. My stomach growled and I swallowed hard. Damn, I was thirsty too. I knew I would be dumb for asking, but it was worth a shot.

“Hey!” I yelled and Harry looked back in the room suspiciously. He raised his eyebrows in question as he flipped some of his unruely hair out of his face. 

“Do I get any food or water?” I asked hopefully and Harry chuckled as he walked away once more. I sighed and fought away my tears as I heard people murmuring before the three boys came in the room with their dark glares focused on me.

“You're basically our prisoner, why on Earth do you think you deserve food or water?” Zayn asked, stepping front of me and crossing his arms across his chest with a very amused look on his tan face.

“Look, you've already hurt my friend Kate, kidnapped me, beaten me unconscious..TWICE, tied me up and no less with barbed wire, so the least you can do is give me SOMETHING to eat and drink!” I exclaimed which only earned me a very forceful smack across the face.

“You don't make the decisions around here! I do,” Zayn snapped, making me cringe and close my eyes.

“Please...this is all I'm asking for,” I whispered, hoping he'd have a change in heart, but he merely walked away with Harry and Louis and I was left to listen to my stomach growling. I sat just thinking about how I was right about Niall the entire time. Zayn had told me the story about how Niall was innocent and never killed anybody. He also told me what was supposed to happen with me, but that Niall was a dumb-ass who fell for a dumb-ass. I burst into tears just thinking about how if I hadn't called the police I could still be with Niall. I was always going to love him, no matter what.

“Can't we just kill him?” I made out Louis's voice and I held my breath.

“No, we make him suffer, once we find Niall and get him out...we'll kill him,” Zayn replied and Harry coughed.

“Why? He means nothing to Niall!” Harry exclaimed and Zayn laughed.

“He lived with him for two weeks, they were obviously friends. He means something to Niall,” Zayn replied once more and I sighed. I just wanted to go home...

****Kate's POV**** 

Jay ran his fingers along my bumps and bruises on my skin from the intense beating I'd taken and he shook his head as he kissed my forehead. 

"I'm going to kill those boys who did this," Jay whispered softly as I gently closed my eyes and tried to get myself to fall asleep, but it was almost impossible knowing my best friend was being held hostage and was most likely dead at that point. 

"You'll never find them," I hiccuped in between silent cries and Jay sighed. 

"Why don't we just tell the police? We can report Liam missing and-," Jay started, but I stopped him. 

"It's no use! We have no idea where their hideout is without Niall, and the cops won't release or even listen to Niall's story without evidence he's innocent...which we don't have so it's helpless," I cried, burying my face into Jay's shirt. He held me tightly and rubbed my back as we laid in silence. 

"But police are smart and they can call the FBI and they can trace Liam," Jay tried to lighten the situation and make me give in to tell the police, but I knew I couldn't do it. 

"It'll take forever Jay! We don't even know if he's still alive! I know I should've called, and Liam should have too before he was taken, but there's no point now okay?! He's probably....dead," I whimpered as the dark thoughts surrounded my brain once more. Jay kissed my head forcefully and I thought about how different things would've have been if Jay would've been home when Niall had visited. 

"So this kid Liam was talking to was a killer?" Jay asked and I knew he was still a little lost on the whole situation. I shrugged and bit my lip. 

"Niall claims he isn't...and I sort of believe him, but then again he was a part of this gang who took Liam so I can't be totally sure, but Niall never hurt Liam at all or stole from him or me so I find it quite peculiar he's a criminal, more so a murderer," I sighed and Jay nodded with a frown.

"And they wanted Liam because?" Jay asked and I shrugged. 

"No idea," I whispered and he pressed a kiss to my forehead. 

"We're gonna find him," Jay tried to reassure me, but it wasn't helping. 

"It's just not fair! Liam didn't do anything!" I screamed as the raw pain ate at me again. I cried hysterically and screamed into Jay's shirt while he clutched me tight and tried to quiet and calm me. 

"Shh Kate, calm down! Please babe," he said as he kissed my head and rubbed my back. I was so busy crying that I didn't hear my phone ring and I suddenly heard Jay talking. 

"She can't really talk right now," Jay said and I scrambled up to my elbow and stared at him as he wiped under my eyes with his thumb to remove my continuing tears. He pressed a kiss to my lips as he frowned. 

"Who is it?" I barely whispered and he moved the phone down so he could reply. 

"Henry? He's from some pizza place downtown," Jay replied and my eyes widen as I snatched the phone from Jay's hand. 

"The busboy?!" I exclaimed into the phone and I heard him laughing on the other end. 

"Yes! The bus boy! I found a tape you're probably interested in. I haven't watched it, but it's marked the day the owner was killed," he continued and I felt my heart starting to lighten up in hope. 

"We'll be right over! Thank you! THANK YOU!" I cried as I hung up and quickly pulled Jay out of bed and he frowned. 

"Come on!" I cried as he tried to pull me back intot he room. 

"We need to change! I don't even have a shirt on and you're in pajamas!" Jay cried and I shoko my head as I begged for him to leave. He huffed and quickly grabbed a shirt and threw it on as I raced to the car and began speeding down the road. 

"What's going on? Who was that?" Jay asked as he gripped the seats as I flew over curbs to get threw the streets and to the pizza parlor. 

"A kid who was helping me find surveillance and I think he found it!" I cried as I pulled into the parking lot, racing up to the doors and running in and into Henry. 

"Whoa! You got here sooner than I expected!" he exclaimed as he said hello to Jay before he led me to the basement and helped up a dusty tape. He handed it to me and I put it into the tape player. 

"I found it when I was cleaning under the oven," Henry said as I pressed play, fast forwarding to the evening. I watched nervously until I saw three boys in the restaurant talking to the owner and in a flash, the own went down. I gasped, covering my mouth as I watched the boys take the money from the register and one of the boys bring Niall in and hand him a gun and put a wad of money coming out of his pocket. 

"TAKE THE BLAME OR I'LL KILL YOU!" I could make out briefly before the tape stopped. I burst into tears and looked over at Jay who was watching in horror. He held my hand tightly and I could feel him shaking. 

"Oh my God," Henry whispered and I looked at him. 

"Can I have this? I'll bring it back, but I need it for a couple days," I whispered and the boy nodded quickly. 

"You sound like you need it! After all, we've lived without it for a year, I'm sure we can last a few days without everyone else finding out it exists," he smiled and I quickly hugged him before Jay and I quickly ran out of the restaurant. I began driving and I felt a little bubble of hope in my chest...We might be able to save Liam. 

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