Was I Meant for This?

By Shelly14

137K 1.2K 361

Stacy Thompson has just found out she is a witch and will be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wiza... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Part 1)
Chapter 18 (Part 2)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Into Draco's Mind
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30

Chapter 29

2.2K 21 8
By Shelly14

Hello to all my lovely fans! I am sorry to say that this is the second to the last chapter and I had so much fun writing this for you all. I can say that there will be a sequel to this story, after the last chapter I will write the prologue to the new story. I won't say too much about so you all will just have to read the prologue to find out what it will be about. This chapter may not be as good as I thought it would be but I still hope you enjoy it. Comment and vote if you do thank you all for reading!


I arrived at the manor to find Draco sitting on my bed “Draco what are you doing here?” I looked around my room and noticed quite a bit of my things thrown around.

“Where is the photo album?” his voice sounded dark.

“I…” a lump caught in my throat but I swallowed it down and stood tall. “I gave it to Cross. I couldn’t keep it, so I figured Cross would just bury it her with it.”

Draco stood up and stopped in front of me “So you just threw it to the side just like you did with Snape and Cross. I know it hurts losing her before she even had a chance to live, but you cannot just pretend none of this ever happened.”

Tears stung my eyes but I pushed the sadness away “I am putting it behind because no matter how hard I try I cannot pretend it didn’t happen.”

Draco placed hand under my chin, but I turned my head away “Stacy stop blaming yourself for this. You need to move on; we have to just continue with our lives.”

“I am continuing with my life just the way I was meant to live. My father has found the Elder Wand, so it is only a matter of time until the wizarding world is taken over. And I will be by my father’s side as I was meant to be.”

I heard Draco let out a low sigh “Whatever you choose to do I will be right there by your side as well.” he kissed my forehead and walked out of my room closing the door behind him.

I plopped myself onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling hoping I was doing the right thing. I knew Draco had a point but I felt as though there was no use to do anything about what has been going on, I mean I lost my daughter right after giving birth to her. How could I possibly go back to normal after being the reason why my daughter couldn’t see this wonderful world that she belonged to and two parents that loved her to death even before she came into this world? I just had to put all of this behind me and look forward to where I belonged all along which is by my father’s side and helping him control the wizarding world.

Next week:

“Well look it here. If it isn’t the Dark Lady who has kindly decided to grace us with her presence.” Bellatrux retorted after I descended the stairs.

“Would you like to duel me for my position Bellatrix? I know you want it.” I commented knowing she didn’t have her wand.

“How dare you?!”

“Bellatrix!” my father bellowed from the dining hall.

I smirked and watched Bellatrix walk away “Stacy are you alright honey?” Narcissa asked walking towards me.

“Yes I am fine. Has Draco sent any letters?” I asked as I sat on the couch.

I could tell that Narcissa was concerned with the way I was acting. “No hasn’t sent any. I’m sure he will send you a letter, he was upset when he found out you weren’t returning with him. Why not?”

I stared into the flames in the fireplace “My father needs me here to help him.” Narcissa only nodded and left the room.

The dancing flames crept into my mind reminding me of that horrible night almost two weeks ago, the scene ran through my mind of the pain I was in and then the news that almost tore out my heart. I remember clearly the bundle that Cross carried in his arms as he informed me that I would not have a daughter, I actually remember him being very careful with the baby and not letting me see her. Now thinking about it I wondered why Cross didn’t let me see her at all, I mean I know it probably would have killed me to see my baby still and not breathing, but maybe it would have gave me some closure.

I was shaken from my thoughts by a loud scream from the dining hall, I ran into the room to see my father in an uproar. Suddenly pops were heard throughout the room as I saw some wizards appear with the goblins from Gringotts “How could you all let this happen?! Potter was in your grasps and you not only let him escape, you helped him steal what was mine?! Crucio!”

I watched as one by one each wizard and goblin was sent screaming to the floor by my father. “Stacy, you will join me to recover other items that I have hidden. Avada kedavra!” my father screamed to each person that disappointed him.

I felt a hand grip my leg when I looked down to see a goblin struggling for help from being tortured “Stacy we will be heading to a cave, then my father’s filthy home, finally we must enter Hogwarts to ensure the possession of my items. Let’s go now!”

I kicked the goblin away from my feet to hear my father mutter the killing curse at it from beside me. “Nagini, you must be keep very close to me now, I feel that Potter is looking for my horcruxes so I need to be wary of your safety.”

Voldemort waved his wand when Nagini slithered up to what I believe was a safety box above his head. I stood beside my father and grabbed his arm as we disapparated from the manor and landed in the middle of a raging sea “You will stay here while I ensure that what I came here for is still located in the cave.” I nodded my head and watched him disappear into the air in a cloud of smoke.

Only about a minute later did he come back with even more anger and fury in his voice “Come now, we must go to my father’s home!”

Before I could react he grabbed my arm and disapparated without giving me any warning, when we landed I fell to my knees from the nauseating feeling of the apparition. Standing tall in front of us was a worn down shack-looking home, my father stepped forward rushing inside so I followed behind him slowly making sure not to touch anything around me.

“Is it here?” I asked in the middle of the room, unsure if my father heard me.

A shadow crept up behind me as I turned “We will be heading back to school my dear daughter. And Potter will pay for taking my horcruxes.” I smiled feeling a sense of happiness that I would be heading back to Hogwarts, but that feeling soon passed as my father spoke to me once again. “Stacy once we head back to Hogwarts I want you by my side when we defeat everyone in the school and then when Potter shows up you can help me destroy him by destroying everything he loves. That includes his friends that he holds so dear to him.”

He grabbed my arm again and we disapparated, we landed in the dining hall of the manor where everyone stood around waiting for our return. “It seems Potter will be heading to Hogwarts. So we will join him there, gather all the deatheaters and everyone on our side once we hear word of Potter entering Hogwarts we will leave.” Everyone in the room yelled in approval except Lucius and Narcissa who seemed a bit concerned and I knew why, I left the dining hall and went upstairs into my room.

I grabbed some clothes to change into knowing that this might just as well be the night that leads to a war between us and the teachers of Hogwarts, I walked into the bathroom and quickly changed into more comfortable clothes for tonight.

When I walked out of the room Narcissa was sitting on my bed “Narcissa is there something I can help you with?”

She stared at the floor for a bit then looked up at me with sadness in her eyes “I am worried about Draco, he is in the castle. I am worried he will get caught in this battle, I do not want anything to happen to my son.” her eyes started to fill with tears.

I sat beside her on the bed and placed my hand on her shoulder “Draco will be fine, he is a great dueler and he knows how to take care of himself and keep out of dangerous situations.” just as I said that my arm started to burn and I knew that Voldemort was ready to leave to Hogwarts.

I stood up with Narcissa by my side and we headed downstairs where everyone stood ready to leave “My dear daughter this is it. It’s our time to take over this pathetic excuse for a world and kill Harry Potter. You will stay by my side until I tell you what needs to be done. Now my fellow deatheaters I have sent some of you to retrieve the dementors and giants that have agreed to fight with us. Come now everyone it is our turn to take over Hogwarts, we shall apparate to the edge of the Forbidden Forest and wait until I give the signal to attack Hogwarts.”

Everyone shouted and apparated to the edge of the forest that overlooked the castle of Hogwarts, I looked over as the castle sat so peacefully in the distance and it hurt me a little to know that I would soon be a part of its downfall. My father stepped to the edge of the cliff and raised his wand to his throat “I know that you are preparing to fight. Your efforts are futile. You cannot fight me. I do not want to kill you. I have great respect for the teachers of Hogwarts. I do not want to spill magical blood. Give me Harry Potter, and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave the school untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded. You have until midnight.”

We all stood still waiting to see if anyone would actually give up Harry, but I knew better than that because everyone adored Harry and saw him as their savior. They would not give up the one hope that they had to protect their world, even if it meant that they put their lives on the line. It took about five minutes until we started to see a protective charm being placed over the castle, “It seems as though they are still going to fight. Stacy I think you will be needed soon enough with your power to take out that shield around the castle. Once midnights strikes if they have not given up Potter to me we will destroy that shield.” I nodded and waited the next couple of minutes until the action would take place.

The shield over the castle was completed and it was only a minute until midnight, but I knew my father was growing impatient just as I was about to hit the shield with every power I could put into it Voldemort screamed and raised his wand into the air creating a stream of light that hit the shield. Every deatheater then did the exact same thing, I raised my wand and concentrated every spell I knew into one powerful spell that hit the protection shield causing it to start to crack open. I held onto my spell for as long as I could until I started to lose energy to keep me standing, I let go of my concentration only to see the protection charm over the school start to crumble and fall to pieces.

Within the next couple of minutes every creature and snatcher that the deatheaters managed to round up headed straight for the castle in full force. My father, Bellatrix, the Malfoys, and a couple other deatheaters stayed atop a hill that over looked the castle grounds “Stacy, we will wait only an hour and then I will ask Potter to meet me in the forbidden forest, but before that I think we need to talk with Severus.”

I didn’t understand what my father was getting at “Why do we need to speak with Severus father? I believe he is doing everything he can to help you.”

Voldemort chuckled which kind of scared me “Can you not tell my dear daughter? The Elder Wand is not working to its full potential in my hands; I can feel it weakening beneath my hand as though it might break on me.”

“But what can Snape do about that?” Voldemort walked a bit away from the edge of the hill we stood on “You will see soon enough. Come now you all we will head into the forbidden forest where I shall await for Potter.”

We walked down towards the forest, but Voldemort stopped midway into the forest “Lucius, find Severus and tell him I will be waiting for him in the shrieking shack. Now!”

“Yes, my lord.” Lucius stammered and ran off in the direction of the castle.

Voldemort turned to everyone else “You will all wait for me in the forbidden forest after I speak with Severus, now go. Stacy you will join me in the shrieking shack as we await Severus.” I nodded and followed him down to the shrieking shack, once we got there it was quiet and I started to get an uneasy feeling in my gut about what might happen.

We stood around for about five minutes when I heard footsteps behind me “Severus, you made it.” 

I watched as Snape bowed to Voldemort, but I noticed he looked a bit fearful “My lord allow me to return to the battle and find Potter for you. I can bring him to you.”

Voldemort circled around Snape “That is not why I called you here Severus. The wand, why doesn’t it work for me Severus?”

Snape started to back away towards the wall, I watched as they continued to stare at each other “I assure you my lord, I do not know. It should work for you since Dumbledore was killed when he was in possession of it.” Snape stared at me intently and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was trying to tell me sorry, but I wasn’t sure why.

“I think you know why it won’t work for me Severus. I believe that the person who kills the owner of the wand becomes the new master, am I right?” I then realized why Snape gave me such a look; he knew my father’s intention just by his questions.

“No I was the one to kill Dumbeldore, I took his life so Snape isn’t the master perhaps I am.” I shouted from the side of my father.

Voldemort gave me a sly smirk, but Snape interrupted “I did kill Dumbledore before Stacy had a chance to, but you couldn’t possibly think.” Before Snape could finish his words, Nagini was released from her cage and slithered towards Snape’s body.

Right as I screamed out “No!” Nagini had attached herself to Snape’s neck releasing her venom into his body, I tried to run to him but I fell to the ground in a heap from the pain that surrounded my body from the cruciatus curse. I watched as Nagini attacked Snape again, tears falling from my eyes but not from the pain they were from the fact that I could not help the man who treated me more as a daughter than the one who stood torturing me.

Snape’s body lay limp against the wall, I struggled to get to my feet and staggered towards Snape when Nagini wrapped her body around my legs “Now my dear I didn’t know you had taken such a liking to your potions professor, but he was the master of the wand so I had to kill him. I had to become the master of the wand to destroy Potter.”

I cried silently on the spot incapable of moving to help Snape or to get away from my father “Come now Stacy. We have more to get ready for unless you choose to stay here with Severus then Nagini can help you with that.”

I nodded to my father and whispered “I’ll go with you.” Nagini loosened her grip on me and I started to walk back to the forest taking one last look back mouthing the words “I’m sorry.”

On my way back to the forest I started thinking about what I had come to be  from a part of and realized that if Snape was strong enough to give his life for this world then I should do the same thing, my mother voice came into my mind ‘I know you will do the right thing sweetie. Your father and I believe in you.’

We reached the forest and I saw Lucius look behind us as though waiting for someone to come out from behind “My lord where has Severus gone to?”

I felt my heart sting from the realization that Snape would never be coming back. “That is none of your concern Lucius but if you would really like to know Severus is dead. Nagini has killed him.”

Lucius’ eye went wide, but only nodded stepping back into place next to his wife. My blood started to boil from the anger that I felt, how could I not try to do anything to help Snape. I started to remember all the times that he had tried to help me with and I only pushed him away, why didn’t I see that he had my best interest at heart. I cannot let his death be in vain and I have to do what I said I would do when I first found out about my powers and who my real father was.

“You have all fought valiantly, but there have been many deaths among you. I will call back my people and let you tend to your wounded and properly dispose of your loved ones that have died. This is for you Potter, I am in the Forbidden Forest and I will wait for you to come to me and spare all the people you love. You have one hour to make your decision, but if by the end of that hour you do not come to me I will join the battle personally and kill every last man, woman, and child that stands in my way to protect you. Your hour starts now Potter!” Voldemort dropped his wand from his throat and smiled at me.

I knew now of what I had to do, I had to help everyone in Hogwarts, especially Harry, but most of all I had to help destroy Voldemort because he was not my father, my father died last year with my mother by the man who stands before me now. But Voldemort won’t be standing for too long once I figure out how I will help Harry kill him.

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