Chapter 9

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A/N: Hey everyone thanks for the votes and comments it makes me feel awesome that you guys are enjoying my story. Here is the next chapter I hope its long enough I won't be able to upload for a week since I will be on vacation and won't have internet. Sorry everyone if I leave you hanging, but I love you guys and don't forget to comment.

Stacy POV:

“Draco!” I screamed and found myself in an unfamiliar room, just then Harry ran in the room with a man I have never seen before and then kneeled down near my bed. Harry looked as though he had not gotten any sleep for days, “Harry where am I where are my parents? Where’s Draco?” he just stood up and walked out of the room. I looked at the man next to me still waiting for some answers “Hi Stacy I am Remus Lupin. I’m sorry but your parents really are gone. We had to knock you out before you went unconscious because who knows what your powers would have done out of control.” he said in a half sympathetic and half joking voice. “What do you mean we the last thing I remember was Dumbledore and Draco. Wait, where’s Draco?” I choked out trying to keep myself from breaking down. “He is safe Professor Snape escorted him back to Hogwarts after we made sure you were stable. I think I should let you rest a bit and Harry has been worried sick about you, he stayed by your side the whole night.” As he said this he walked out the door once I heard his footsteps fade I got out of bed and noticed clothes set out for me on a chair. I grabbed them and headed to the bathroom taking a quick shower and changing knowing that I have a mission to accomplish.

When I stepped out of the bathroom I found Harry sitting on the bed holding a small box I sat down next to him knowing that I had to at least tell him goodbye before I left. “Here Dumbledore brought this with him last night when he brought you, he told me to give it to you when you woke up it was from your parents.” He handed me the box and I could feel my eyes start to water before opening it I stroked the box knowing that this was the only thing I had left to remember my parents by. I opened the box and sobbed looking at the item inside, it was a locket with the words “My Family My Heart” engraved on the front and inside was a picture of my parents with me before I found out I was a witch. I stared at the locket until Harry took it from my hands and put it on me. I wiped the tears from my eyes and stood up

“Stacy I know where you’re going I heard what you screamed when you woke up. He was there last night wasn’t he? Don’t you think maybe he had something to do with your parents’ death. He is not who you think he is he’s dangerous.” He stood up and grabbed my arm forcing me to look at him, he then picked up my hand and saw the ring that Draco had given me. “Let me guess he gave this to you and said that he loved you. Wait why is it on your wedding finger? Did he propose to you? Did you agree to marry that git? Stacy he is just using you, he doesn’t love you!”

 I ripped my arm out of his grip “Stop Harry! I am in love with Draco and nothing is going to change that.” Harry stepped in between me and the door, “Stacy you don’t know what you’re doing! I can protect you from Voldemort, he wants both of us dead and he won’t stop until he gets what he wants. We will be happy together, you cannot look me in the eyes and say that you didn’t feel something more between us, something more than just friendship or brother and sister love. I know you feel something for me and I can prove to you that I am better for you than Malfoy. Let me show you that.” He said all this with hope and sincerity in his voice, tears started forming in the corner of my eyes and I knew from that moment that I could not be in the life of Harry Potter.

“I did feel like there was something more between us than friendship but that was before Draco, before Ginny.” when I said this I could tell that it was the truth and Harry knew it, I saw the pain in his eyes, the pain he wanted to hide and pretend was not there. “Harry I see the way you look at Ginny, I noticed it since we went to the Three Broomsticks and you saw her kissing Dean. Harry just admit that she is the one you want to be with not me, you and Ginny have much more of a connection than we could ever have.” I hugged him and let go right away “I’m sorry Harry but we are completely different people I am nothing like you. Just leave me alone and stay away from me; it will be easier for the both of us if you just forget about me.” I started to walk towards the door and opened it but before closing it behind me I looked back at Harry one last time. “We can’t be friends anymore Harry I’m sorry.” I walked out and closed the door behind me knowing that it was best to end my friendship with Harry before I get him killed or worse I have to kill him myself.

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