Subject #013 | ✓

By kmorgannn18

14.6K 1.1K 346

"I'm only going to ask you one more time." I say firmly. "Who are you and what do you want with me?" He fro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 33

199 18 8
By kmorgannn18

I'm not as strong as I make myself out to be, Jess. Alix's last words repeat themselves in my mind over and over until I'm somehow lulled into a deep sleep. It isn't until now that I really notice the full extent of my exhaustion, which is no doubt why when Liz wakes me up, I bury myself even deeper under the covers.

"Up and at 'em." She says, her voice high and...excited, though I have absolutely no idea why she would be. 

Throwing my arms across my face, I groan loudly. I keep my eyes pressed tightly shut. "Is it daytime already?" I ask.

"Yep, rise and shine, Princess." Alix's voice breaks me out of my stupor. All of last night comes rushing back to me. I had hoped it was a dream, but how foolish of me to think so. Even so, if he's at all worried about what he told me last night, he's doing a great job of hiding it. 

"Why can't I sleep for another..." I pause. "Twelve hours?"

I hear the sound of Alix chuckling lightly from somewhere across the room. "Because I'm hungry sweetheart, and Liz has come up with the amazing idea to go out for breakfast."


The restaurant we settle on, after Alix and Liz finally haul me out of bed and years of endless bickering, is titled Oscar's Café. The place is filled to the brim with people talking and laughing, which makes it quite obvious that this is the place to be on a Sunday morning. With the sun shining brightly through the windows and the snow on the edges of the sidewalk glittering under the light, it's quite beautiful.

I'm squished into a small booth next to Alix, with Liz hogging the other side. You're a stick, Jessica. I, on the other hand, need my space, she had said.

The sound of a waitress's high voice breaks our awkward silence.

"How may I help you today? Can I get you started off with some drinks?" Her voice has a strange accent, but I can't pinpoint what it is. But it's like Alix is reading my mind. Again. 

"Are you Irish?" He asks, his eyes watching her with genuine interest. Liz looks at me, eyes wide with surprise. Her expression says it all. Did you know he was a pro at world languages? I had to say that I agreed with her. I can't tell an Australian accent from a British accent for the life of me.

"Yes!" The waitress's eyes sparkle, as if Alix's words were a compliment. "I was born in Ireland." That explains the strawberry colored hair and the rusted green eyes, then. Alix smiles back at her like quite the gentleman. Liz breaks the awkward silence. "Um, we'll just have waters, thanks." There is something tight in her expression that I can't read, but it's gone just as abruptly as it begins. As the waitress leaves, Alix leans his elbows on the table and looks at the both of us, his eyes full of amusement.

"Is there a reason you have to flirt with everyone you meet?" I ask, pushing a strand of hair away from my face. So far, no one has asked about the blue hair, and it's a relief, seeing as I don't know how I'd explain it.

"Why does it matter?" He asks.

"You just answered a question with a question."

"Did I?"

"Are you always an idiot, or just when I'm around?"

"Only you, Princess. Only you." There is a pause, before he continues. "But does it really matter why? Did you ever think that maybe I am a charming, merciful, handsome young man?"

"No, it didn't cross my mind." I respond blandly.

"I know what it is." Alix holds up a pointer finger excitedly. "You're jealous."

"Of what? Your ability to stare at someone and tell what language they speak?"

"Oh come on, it was obvious! Aren't you supposed to be smart?"

I recoil, almost falling off the bench in my attempt to get away from him. "Excuse me?" I say, pretending to be offended. "In fact I am."

Alix deadpans. "Shock me and say something intelligent."

"I can name the first fifty numbers in pi. 3.14159265359—"

"Okay, okay." Alix holds up a hand in mock surrender. "I get it."

"Oh, really? Because there are still forty-one more numbers after the decimal—"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"You know," I say. "It's not polite to interrupt a girl. Twice, I might add. I thought you were a gentleman—"

"I am a gentleman." Alix says, looking wounded, mouth agape.

"You just did it again!" I point an accusing finger at him. A small snort follows shortly afterward. Liz. I'd almost forgotten she was here. Alix narrows his eyes jokingly at her.

"Excuse me, Elizabeth whatever-your-last-name-is, but you have no part in our little discussion here—"

"I have just as much part in it as Jess does!" Liz says, crossing her arms and pouting like an immature five-year old.

"Well so far you've been anti-social—"

"I'm not antisocial, I just don't like you."

I can't suppress a giggle any longer. It bubbles out of me, and causes Alix to slowly swivel his head back in my direction. "Jessica Marie Hollens, I swear to G—"

"Hang on." Liz interrupts him mid sentence. "I want to know something before you change the subject once again. How did you know my full name?"

Alix looks confused for a split second, his brows furrowing and his expression cloudy. But it disappears as he recalls what he said only a moment before. "Well, I just kind of assumed. I mean Liz is normally short for the name Elizabeth or in some cases Lizbeth or maybe Lizzy."

Liz tenses all of a sudden, her muscles going rigid and her lips pressing tightly together. "Don't call me that. Ever."

The mood has shifted so drastically it suddenly feels as if the temperature just dropped twenty degrees in the last few seconds. Part of me is curious, wants to know why she's so sensitive about that name, but I know it's not my place to ask. Or maybe it is, and now is just not the time.

"I'll be right back." She says, her voice clipped and all previous acts of amusement dissolve. And then she's gone, slipping through the tables and disappearing around a corner. I turn to Alix. 

"Do you know what that was about?" I ask, just in time to see Alix shake his head in concern.

"Not even the slightest idea." It's obvious that he's telling the truth. He may not have a great reputation in his thief record, but once you actually get to know him, he really is just a big teddy bear. He's obviously loved before—based off Amelia, anyways—his heart is just... damaged.

The waitress comes a moment later with our drinks, and a twang of guilt blossoms in my stomach as she sets a glass of water in Liz's empty spot. This time, we simply order and she leaves with no comment.

"I don't know what Liz's deal is, but she confuses me." I say, staring intently at the water droplets forming on the water glass. "You're good at reading people, aren't you? What can you tell about her?"

Alix's brow furrows, as if he's thinking intently. There has to be a reason she's keeps so much to herself. "That girl is especially hard. She will be serious one moment, seductive the next, and all over the place."

"Oh, and you would know about seductive, wouldn't you?" I ask, raising my eyebrows in his direction. Alix rolls his eyes at me halfheartedly. "You told me you weren't jealous." He says, smirking.

"I'm not!"

"If you say so, Princess."

"Do you think maybe she's bipolar?" I ask, changing the subject.

"No." He says immediately. "She's not bipolar. If she was, she wouldn't be able to lie without a tell."

"What does that mean?" I ask, just as a drop of water slides down the glass and hits the napkin below. Alix simply shrugs. "It means that she would be obvious. If I look at you and tell you that I stole that water glass right there, and you can see my finger tapping against my leg, you can tell that I'm lying."

"Or one could use common sense and see that you did not in fact steal the water glass because it's right in front of me."

Alix shoots daggers at me. "Okay, sorry. I get what you mean." I hold my hands up in mock surrender, then gradually lower them, concerned at the way he's looking at me. He's staring intently at me—almost through me. " I have something on my face?" I ask, instinctively wiping at my mouth.

"Did I miss something important?" Liz's voice startles me so bad I almost knock over my water. Averting my gaze from his penetrating one, I do my best to cover up remnants of our conversations.

"Um, no. Alix was trying to hypnotize me." I quickly say. "It's not working," I add. Liz looks as if she wants to argue, but she doesn't say anything. She only slides back into her seat and takes a sip of her water.

But Alix and I both know that she's smarter than she looks.


The rest of breakfast is awkward and strained, tension obvious over what Alix and I were talking about during Liz's disappearance. But neither of us bring it up, and soon enough we're walking right out of the café and back into the Hotel Grande.

"Tomatoes are a fruit," Liz is saying. "They have seeds."

"Then why do we always eat them like a vegetable?" Alix responds.

"Because people do. It's a fruit. Jess, tell him that it's a fruit!"

"Your useless bickering is going to make me deaf, I swear." I say, jokingly pressing my fingers into my ears to block out their voices.

Once inside the room, I lean back onto the bed, letting my mind wander. I hear the bathroom door open and shut. Liz. Didn't she just go to the bathroom? Pushing the thought off to the side, I allow my mind to wander. Why are we still here? Why aren't we someplace else? The answer wounds me.

We don't have any form of transportation, and no money to buy any.

We don't have a very good lead. North street... but we have no idea where to stop.

I still haven't told Alix about what Austin told me at the dance...

"Do you think this cup has the potential to explode if I set it on fire?" Alix's voice pulls me out of my daydream. I sit up, squinting at him. Right now all I see is a blurred image. Blinking a few times, I ask, "Excuse me?"

"This cup. Normally they say they are flammable, but this one doesn't. Do the makers just automatically assume that anyone who finds this cup will think it's flammable? What if somebody thinks it's inflammable and then...boom!" Alix makes an exploding motion with his hands, complete with the sound effects.

"What are you—" The object in his hand focuses, and I can't believe what I see.

"Alix, did you seriously steal the water glass from the café?"

He doesn't even argue at my statement. "Stealing is like a drug." He explains with a level look at me. "I've been doing it for six years. It's kind of natural. I've been holding back for a few days now, and it's been more difficult than I ever imagined. You have no idea how hard it is not to just leave and take the flatscreen."

"Alix, why?" I ask, speechless. Is it that hard to simply not do something against the law?"

"You'd be surprised. Have you ever stolen something?"

"Do I look like I would steal something?"

Alix shrugs, grinning. "Dunno. You're full of surprises."

I sigh heavily. "No, I haven't. Nor do I really want to."

"Sweetheart." He begins. "You think stealing is such a terrible thing, but it really isn't. Sure, there's the whole 'going against the law' detail, but there are some things you simply don't understand."

"Hmm... like what?" I ask, shifting positions. Jesus, what is Liz doing in there?

"Well, you feel rebellious. Do you remember the analogy of the roller coaster I told you the other day?" Tentatively, I nod. "That's how you feel every time. It's exhilarating, and oh so much fun." The grin comes back full swing, showing of his surprisingly white teeth. I remember the toothpaste in the glass works store and I want to smile.

How would it feel to do something like that? To 'accidentally' run off with something and have to come up with some quick witted story in order to cover my reputation. It would be kind of fun, now that I think about it. It's obvious to any onlooker that I'm certainly considering his offer.

"Are you asking me to help you steal something?" I ask, tilting my head at him. Alix sets the cup down on the counter and strides over to me. Then, he gets on one knee beside me on the floor.

"Umm...Alix?" Heat flames in my cheeks because I have no idea what he's doing.

Then, he holds out his hand towards me and looks me straight in the face. "Jessica Marie Hollens, will you stand beside me in thievery as my partner in crime?"

Thoughts race through my mind. If I do this, I could be back on the market and the price for my capture raised drastically. Everyone would be looking for Alix and I. Our covers would be blown even with the disguise. Someone is bound to notice us behind our makeup and dyed hair. In fact, I'm surprised no one's noticed Alix already. A change of hair color is fairly minor. Maybe it's his goodhearted nature that he wears in public that's fooling everybody.

If I take this option, all hope of going back to a normal life is thrown out the window. There is no going back after this.What have I got to lose? 

I put my hand in his.


So sorry for such a late update. I've been super busy this past week and it's only going to get worse from here so I apologize in advance for any bipolar installments.

We are closing in on the ending, y'all. It's not far. This has been a crazy amazing roller coaster ride for me, and I hope you guys didn't fall out of the seat as much as I did haha. Now, don't think that it's ending like, next chapter or something, because it isn't. This book will be about 40-45 parts at the maximum. So we're getting there.

Quick reminder: this is the first book in a SERIES, so don't be fooled. The ending is not really the ending. Though it may take a few weeks for me to actually post book two, be assured that there WILL BE A BOOK TWO. 

As normal, comment thoughts and feels below. Vote if you loved it ;)


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