chasing love ;; cth

By paradisin

2.1M 51.5K 27.6K

❝You chased me for a long time, so I figured it was time for me to chase you.❞ copyright © paradisin || 2014 More

Chasing Love (Calum Hood Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 19

53.5K 1.2K 648
By paradisin

Chapter 19

"So partner, when do you want to work on the project?" Michael asks as we walk out the classroom and down the hall.

"Well we could work on it tomorrow, I only have one class in the morning," I suggest as we make our way out of the building and into the court yard.

"Okay, I'll see ya around partner," He announces as he begins to walk in the other direction,

"Are you gonna keep calling me that," I call to him,

"Probably," He laughs before continuing out of view. I make my way back to my dorm eager to finally get out of this dress. I change in to jeans and an old black t-shirt with "The Beatles" written across it. Yeah this feels much more comfortable.

I remember when my mother dropped me off at the air port she had mentioned something about getting an internship. On the cab ride to the campus I did notice a radio station, which would look really great on a resume if I got an internship there. I decide to take the bus there, to see if they have any internships available. Once I arrive and make my way inside, I notice the place looks almost abandoned, with rows and rows of shelves filled with dusty old records. In the way back of the building there is a little room that looks similar to a recording booth. I'm assuming that's where the radio station is broad casted. 

I hear someone clear their throat, "Can I help you?"

I turn around to face a man that appears to be in his late twenties. He has a beanie slung over his disheveled dirty blonde hair. He isn't dressed very fanicly, just in a plain white t-shirt and black jeans, "O-Oh uhh, " I studder, "I'm just here to find out about the internship,"

"Oh well in that case nice to meet you!" His expression completely changing from a serious one to a welcoming one, "I'm Mr. Taylor, but you can call me Grant," He holds a hand out and I graciously shake it, "Let me show you to my office," He leads me to a small cozy room at the other end of the building. When I get inside I notice a boy sitting on a chair in the corner. He is writing on a piece of paper that is held by a clip board, but when he hears the door open he looks up at me and sends me a warm smile. I return the gesture and take a seat in a chair in front of a huge desk, which Mr. Taylor sit's behind. 

"So we don't really require you to write an essay or anything but would you by any chance have a copy of your transcript that I can use to see if you fill the requirements?" Grant asks. I nod in reply, pulling it out of my bag and handing it to him. "Very impressive, Miss. Wells," He comments as he scans it over, "I mean we don't really do any examinations or anything here either, but based on your transcript you have all the requirements you need for this internship."

"Really?" I exclaim as he hands me back the paper.

He nods, "Plus the only other person who wants an internship is Mr. Walker over here," He motions to the boy sitting in the corner, "So I think we have room for two interns. I just need you to fill out this sheet here," Grant hands me a clip board, just like the boy's in the corner. I grab a pen off the desk and switch to a seat behind the boy.

"I'm Adam, by the way," The boy whispers. He appears to be around my age, maybe just a little bit older.

"Valerie," I reply.

We finish filling out our paper work and hand it back to Mr. Taylor, "Great," He says, "Do you think you two could start tomorrow?" Adam and I nod in unison, "Wonderful, I'll see you both here around 2 pm then," 

"Okay," I say getting up from my seat, "It was nice meeting you," I whisper to Adam,

"You too," He smiles, as I head for the door, "See you tomorrow," 

After I ride the bus back to campus and make my way to my dorm, I check my phone to find several messages from Calum. I decide to skip reading them and just call him. I quickly dial his number and hold the phone to my ear, waiting for him to pick up on the other end,

"Hey," His voice echoes through my ears,


"Where have you been, you haven't been answering my texts," His voice is shaky

"Sorry I was out," I apologize

There is a brief pause before he speaks again, "With who?"

"With no one," I shoot back. Why would he even care if I was with someone in the first place?

"Oh," His voice is so low I can barely here it, "Anyway I got three tickets for a movie at six, if you wanna go. I talked to Ashton, he already said he'd drive,"

"Alright," I said, "Let's meet in the court yard at 5:45,"

"Okay see you then," Is the last thing he says before I hang up. It's already 5:30 anyway, so I don't even bother trying to fix myself up. Anyway the lights will be off in the movie theater, no one will pay attention to how bad I look.

When the time comes I go outside and meet Calum and Ashton in the court yard. Calum calls shot gun, of course, so I end up sitting in the back. Ashton blasts the latest Cody Simpson song on repeat, and I can't help but laugh the whole entire time.

"I want popcorn," Calum whines once we get inside. 

"Okay, go get some, Ashton and I will save seats," I suggest, Calum nodding as he walks away towards the concession stand. Ashton and I find three seats in the back row of the theater. Calum joins us a few minutes later, sitting in the seat beside me. Ashton groans loudly, as another one of those stupid advertisements appears on the scree. I groan along with him, when I suddenly feel something small hit the side of my face. I look in my lap where the piece of popcorn that had just rebounded off my face had landed. I look beside me to Calum, who has an amused smirk on his face. I squint my eyes, pulling a piece of popcorn out from his bucket full and throwing it at his face. He opens his mouth, and of course catches the it,

"See that's how you're supposed to do it," He says, looking very pleased with himself,

"I can catch popcorn in my mouth," I reply confidently, 

"Okay," He says. He reaches into his bucket and unexpectedly pulls out a full handful of popcorn, chucking it at my face. 

"Calum," I scream, pushing the popcorn off of me and onto the floor. I flash him an angry look but he just continues laughing. I reach into the popcorn grabbing a huge handful,

"Don't you dare," He warns me, holding his hands up to cover his face. But he was too late because I had already flung the popcorn at him, "Oh so thats's how you wanna play," He laughs, both of reaching for another handful and throwing it at each other. We continue attacking each other with popcorn, almost dying from laughter, until the bucket is completely empty, "This isn't over," He chuckles, "I'm going to get more,"

"No," Ashton stops him, "You guys are going to get us kicked out, and I have been dying to see this movie, so sit your ass back down."

"Fine," Calum pouts, sitting back down in his seat, me still trying to catch my breath.

"Finally," Ashton says when the movie begins on the screen. The three of us remain silent during the movie. I start to hear light snores, just assuming that its coming for the movie. I soon find out I am wrong, when I loo took the left of me to see Ashton has basically passed out. So much for dying to see this movie. I giggle to myself, as I watch his head slowly fall on to my shoulder. 

"Look," I whisper to Calum,

He turns his head to see Ashton's head rested against my shoulder. I assumed that he would have the same reaction as I did, but he doesn't. He doesn't find it amusing at all. In fact his expression is completely serious, and it almost seems that he is angry. Instead he reaches over me and starts lightly hitting Ashton's leg,

"Hey buddy, wake up," He whispers,

"Calum let him sleep," I try to stop him, but he keeps hitting Ashton's leg. Soon Ashton's eyes flutter open, but he doesn't seem to mind that his head is on my shoulder, because he keeps it there, and continues to watch the film. My eyes travel from Ashton to Calum. He looks betrayed, his brown eyes staring right at me, accusing me. His shoulders are slumped. I don't understand it, but he looks hurt. Like I hurt him.

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