The Taming of the Goblin King

By kickstar

40.5K 1.2K 156

Years later, Sarah returns to the Goblin Kingdom older and wiser. King Jareth wants revenge. Can she make a l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Poem: Flame

Chapter 5

2.2K 75 9
By kickstar

The Goblin King realized that he needed to know more. Addressing the globe he still held, he spoke a spell. Though he burned with jealousy, he still needed answers.

"Show me the lover who holds Sarah's heart and commands her affection. I want to know who she dreams of!" the Goblin King ordered.

Once again the Goblin King was taken aback and his heart skipped a beat. The face in the globe staring back at him was his own! Momentarily stunned, Jareth pondered this new twist.

He held Sarah's heart?!! Suddenly, a wave of pleasure quickly washed over Jareth that was more pleasing than anything he had felt in a very long time. It was swiftly followed by a surge of exhilaration that was intoxicating. He held Sarah's heart!!

An arrogant smugness rapidly appeared on the Goblin King's face. Of course he held Sarah's heart! Why shouldn't he? No mere mortal could compete with Fey for the affections of Sarah! In typical Goblin King arrogance, Jareth magnanimously forgave Sarah for their previous misunderstandings; putting it down to her obvious youth. Smiling, Jareth stood and prepared to go to her imagining what he would say.

But the Goblin King's smile swiftly faded and he sat back down with a distinct thump. What could he say? I've discovered I hold your heart?!! Then, what?

The more he considered things, the more Jareth realized with dawning comprehension that things were still very complicated between him and Sarah. While he might hold her heart, he seriously doubted that Sarah trusted him. Why should she? Hadn't he used every trick he knew to get things his own way every time they met? He had even manipulated Sarah by using her affection for her friend Hoggle to get her back in his power. With a sigh, Jareth realized just how badly his arrogance had made him botch things with Sarah.

But Jareth refused to give up. He knew he had to find a way to make things right with Sarah. After all, hadn't she kept up her part of their agreement? Not once had she uttered one complaint and had done all that he ordered. Though she was technically in his power, Jareth decided he could use that fact to show Sarah how much he cared for her. But, how?

Jareth thought back over the day and was hit by a flash of inspiration. Of course! The Goblin King became almost euphoric as he remembered part of Sarah's conversation to Hoggle. Jareth realized he could give Sarah now what she had been forced to turn down last time; her dreams! What better way to prove his affection than giving Sarah what she had been deprived of in their last encounter; and who better to grant those dreams than the Goblin King?

Jareth turned back to the globe he had absently been toying with this whole time and gave it another order.

"Show me Sarah's most romantic dream; the one she dreams most often."

Jareth watched in rapt attention as the globe revealed a swirling mist. In the globe, an image of the King dressed as he had been in the ballroom materialized in a scene that strongly resembled the ball room as well. Soon Sarah appeared dressed as she was that night; only this time, she was older. In fact, she looked much the same as she did now. Together the two seemed to float as they whirled around the ballroom surrounded by a nebulous mist. In the dream, Jareth once again sang to Sarah, much as he had that night. But this time, no clock struck. As the image stopped singing and the song ended, Sarah was enfolded into the Goblin King's arms and he lowered his lips to hers in a passionate kiss. As the kiss went on, the mist swirled up and the image faded. Mesmerized, Jareth sat back.

Within moments, his autocratic smile had returned minus its usually disdainful element.

So, his Sarah wanted a ball, did she? Well, then he would give her the greatest ball the Goblin kingdom had ever seen and Sarah would be its crowning glory! Jareth intended to give Sarah whatever her heart desired and in the Goblin kingdom, Jareth's will was supreme. Ironically, in spite of his affection, Jareth still viewed Sarah with a distinctly proprietary Fey attitude. Sarah was solely his and that was all there was to it.

On a whim, Jareth turned back to the globe. Lounging casually, he spoke.

"What else does my Sarah dream of?"

The mist swirled again and an image of Sarah with an older woman filled the globe. Even in the image, Jareth could tell the older woman was very ill. This must be Sarah's mother, Elizabeth. Jareth was a bit disappointed. Not even the Goblin King could bring back the dead. But as he watched, a bright glimmer caught his attention and he smiled as he came up with another idea. He still had something he owed to Sarah. Jareth dismissed the globe and transported himself to his chambers.

As he surveyed the room, he summoned a special globe and infused it with a particularly specific bit of magic. He then tossed it toward the alcove and it shattered in a shimmering flash. Jareth stepped forward and smiled smugly, distinctly pleased with himself and the results. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned the final piece to his hand and placed it carefully on the red silk pillow. He only hoped it pleased Sarah and made up a little for his earlier behavior.

As he started to leave, he noticed the small goblin he had commanded to serve Sarah that morning. What was her name; Atta? In truth, she had been scrubbing floors outside his chamber, but she was the first female he had come upon that day. Still, it seemed Sarah had taken a liking to her and that was good enough for Jareth.

"Atta, come here. Tell me, do you like serving Lady Sarah?" the Goblin King asked.

Surprisingly, Atta was quite intelligent for a goblin. Though terrified, she plucked up her courage. Serving Lady Sarah was a vast improvement over scrubbing floors and sleeping in a dirty kitchen.

"Oh yes, Majesty! Me like Lady Sarah! She even say please and thank you!" Atta replied.

"Very well. I've decided to make you Lady Sarah's personal maid. I'll see you get a room nearby. But, make no mistake, Atta. Lady Sarah is very special to me. I want her happy. Whatever she wants she is to have, do you understand? If she doesn't, I'll be very displeased." Jareth warned.

Atta couldn't miss the thread of menace in the Goblin King's words; but, she wasn't about to fail. Anything was an improvement over her previous situation.

A short time later, Sarah returned to the Goblin King's chambers. Poor Hoggle was still recovering and had eventually become quite tired so Sarah had left her friend to sleep.

She was met at the door by Atta, who seemed about to burst from excitement.

"Lady Sarah, come and see." Atta cried. "It wonderful! You going to really like this!"

Curious, Sarah followed Atta to what had been the alcove. Astonished, she now saw that the tiny area had expanded and transformed. The alcove had now quadrupled in size to form a cozy but comfortable room. Large, red curtains graced the entrance and could be closed for privacy. The tiny window had expanded to a giant bay style that took up most of the wall and was edged with an ornate stained glass pattern.

A tiny fireplace with a chiseled marble mantle was tucked in the corner to give the room warmth. The chaise had been transformed into a plush and inviting bed with an elaborately carved headboard. Everywhere that Sarah looked, there were red roses. From the patterns in the stained glass, to the flowered carvings on the bed and mantle, the rose theme repeated. Even the bed had meticulously embroidered roses stitched into every cover and pillow.

But it was the tiny object on the elaborate dressing table nest to the window that made her cry out joyously. There, resting on a red silk pillow was her locket. Sarah smiled as she put on the locket with its red enameled rose front. She couldn't resist opening it to look as her mother's photo. Sighing happily, Sarah looked around the room in appreciation. This time, the Goblin King had outdone himself.

Sarah went over to the window and looked out in a bit of surprise.

"Good heavens, Atta." she remarked. "Is that the goblin city?"

Atta appeared confused.

"Of course, Lady Sarah."

"I just had no idea it was quite so large." Sarah said in a rather impressed tone.

"Really?" Atta asked. "Me heard you been there before."

Sarah snorted derisively.

"Well, it's a little hard to sightsee when you're running for your life, Atta."

"Oh, it really nice!" Atta gushed. " Many things to see and do. Lots of things and creatures from all over the Goblin Kingdom."

Again Sarah was surprised.

"But I thought this was the Goblin kingdom, Atta." Sarah stated in a perplexed tone.

"Oh no, Lady Sarah. This only the capital city! Goblin Kingdom huge! Lots of places; lots of creatures!" Atta replied.

"And King Jareth rules them all?" Sarah asked again.

"Oh, yes! He supreme ruler here. Everybody obey him."

"I had no idea! No wonder he's always so busy." Sarah sighed rather wistfully as she continued." It must be a beautiful and wondrous place. Maybe one day, I can see more of it."

Shrugging, Sarah turned back to admire the rest of her new room.

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