Wishes |c.d.|

By yepitsjenn

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"You get to make three wishes. Whatever it is, just tell me and I'll make it come true" °°°°°°°°°°°°° Emily i... More



175 3 0
By yepitsjenn

Emily's pov

Cameron's words took me by surprise. How could he be so calm about the fact his own girlfriend had cheated on him, not only once but multiple times, and he was aware?

"Then why do you stay with her? " my mouth spoke before my mind could process anything.

He turned and looked at me, cough off guard by my question. I knew he would feel comfortable in talking about it, which is why I regret even asking."I guess, it's because I want to be certain I'll always have someone by my side when I need them" he admited. "Cameron, you know you have all your friends by your side. You have me as well. Do you really think that Andrea is the one who'll be there?" I sigh lightly.

"I don't know, it gives me some kind of security" he shrugged. I stood silent for a while. "I whish you would have faith in me, and would know I'll always help you out" I sighed. He turned and looked at me, with a spark in his eyes as a smile grew on his face.

"What?" I red him confused. He approached me and said "Since you wish for it... Then u guess I have no choice" he chuckled. I giggled along. "Great then" I said. I felt more relaxed now, knowing that he. Didn't have a problem.

I didn't mind at all waking up in his arms, I even liked it actually.

No, wait. I shouldn't think of him like this. He's just a friend and that's all he will ever be.

"So let's get some breakfast" his voice, loud and clear, broke me out of my train of thoughts. I nodded with a smile. I walked downstairs, as I heard his footsteps follow me.

"What would you like for breakfast?" I asked, and he stared down on the counter. "What does the menu have?" he smirked. "Well there is a variety of choices. But I suggest our best dish, cereal" I said in a funny voice. "Well then I'll get the cereal" he nodded and I laughed.

Even those small moments were what I cherished the most, when Cameron and I could be ourselves and have nothing to worry about. I grabbed two bowls out of the cabinet and then the cereal from another one. Cameron poured milk in each bowl, as we started our breakfast.

"So-" Cameron begun to say but got cut off by the doorbell ringing. I walked to the door and opened, coming face to face with Dylan. "Good morning" he smiles and I return the small gesture. "Hey. What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised to see him at my door this early.

"I kind of wanted to spend the day with you" he said, scratching the back of his neck. "Well-" I start to say but Cameron's voice echoes through the house. "Em, who is it?" he yells from the kitchen.

I glance back towards the kitchen and see him walking towards us. I look back at Dylan, who looked confused. This is going to get so awkward.

"Um, it's Dylan" I answered to Cameron's question. "Oh" is all he said, with his eyes narrowed. He looked annoyed? But why? "Is it a bad time?" Dylan voice speaks, breaking my train of thoughts. Before I could respond, Cameron answered for me. "Well it kind of is" he scoffed. I send glare to him, but he just rolled his eyes.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't want to interrupt anything" he said, I could tell he felt uncomfortable. "But you did" I heard Cameron murmur from behind. Why was he being like that? "Oh no. It's okay. You didn't interrupt anything at all" I smiled lightly. "Uhh, okay. Well I see you're kind of busy so I'll drop by later again" he smiled back before leaving.

I shut the door and turn to Cameron with an annoyed expression plastered on my face. He just looks at me. "What?" he questions. "What was that for?" I said throwing my hands in the air. "I don't know what you are talking about" he put his hands in surrender. "Really? Why were you being like that?" I say annoyed. "Being like what?" he shrugged. "Like a Jerk?! Dylan is my friend too you know. He was there when you didn't have time for me" I spat.

I didn't know where this sudden anger was coming from, I just really didn't like the way he acted towards someone that did nothing wrong. "Calm down" he said and I just rolled my eyes in annoyance, walking back to the kitchen. "You had no reason to talk to him that way what-so-ever" I stated and he huffed behind me. "Fine I'm sorry" he rolled his eyes.

"I think you should go" I said, avoiding eye contact. "What- why? Is it because of what just happened?" he scoffed annoyed. "No, it's because I want to go shopping for the part tonight" I come up with a lie quickly. "Okay, I'll see you tonight" he said sternly before standing up and leaving without another word.


It was almost 7pm and I decided it was the right time to start getting ready for the party. Me and Dylan ended up going to the mall in the morning. He was goofing around all the time, as usual. He managed to distract my thoughts from Cameron for a while. He also told me he was going to the party with Mahogany, as I expected.

I was very nervous about this party. Sure, I've been to a couple before, but I wasn't sure about what to expect. I quickly pulled out of my closet a nice black dress I had bought earlier today.

I threw it on the bed and headed to the shower. I washed my hair and body and dried off. I didn't have much time since the party started at 8pm and Matt would e here to pick me up. I blow dried my hair and curled the tips loosely. I ran back to my room and throw on my outfit. I grab a pair of black high heals to match with. The occasion demanded a bit more makeup. I applied more mascara than usual, while I did a smoey eye to make my eyes stand out and to top it off, I applied a nude pink lipstick.

I checked myself in the mirror. Although I wasn't in the mood to go, I had to admit I looked presentable enough. As I was about to text Matthew, I heard the doorbell ring, indicating he was already here.

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