Solo Partner (NaLu fanfic)

By HeartInTheKeys

46.2K 1.8K 768

Natsu, a once cheerful and jolly guy, turns into this unsociable shut away because of the death of the person... More

Solo Partner (NaLu fanfic)
Meeting the Client
Memories of the past heart
One Step Closer
Deeper and deeper
Let It Be.
The Buyer's Visit
Grocery Shopping!
I Merely Assumed
Want to be my partner?
Run Away
I'm Proud Of You
See you Again
Happily Ever After part 2

My First Time

1.6K 60 35
By HeartInTheKeys

I looked at my hands, they're trembling. My eyes perked up and the line of my mouth drew a smile reaching from ear to ear.

"I did it." I kept repeating to myself as I couldn't still get it in my head that I actually just solved a problem with cliché movie lines, although all of it was sincere from the bottom of my heart.

"You did it." Someone said from behind, I strayed my eyes from the beautiful land from the view of the estate. I've been here for a while, I've seen this place a lot everyday but it's now that I see it so colorful and brimming with life. I turned to Natsu who was at the door my face still not changing as I twirl around to look at him and said.

"I did it."


I didn't know what to expect when I entered the room. All I saw was Lucy looking out the window, seemingly stuck just looking outside repeating the words 'I did it'.

"You did it." I told her. I felt proud because of her achievement, it was a slight change in her lifestyle, but only a few can accept change. She took a few minutes staring at the window and finally twirled around like a little girl and to my surprise...She looked beautiful.

Her eyes were glowing, smiling face was vibrant and she was letting out an aura that I couldn't ignore. I stood dumbfounded, starstruck. It was just like when we first met, seeing her for the first time, it was embedded in mind, but now this is carved in there too.

"I did it." She stated cheerfully with her smile not fading even one bit. At that moment, I hated to admit it, after all the denying I've done and told myself, I couldn't go pass the fact that...that....I'm in love with this woman. My mouth shaped the smile that I had before everything in my life went black and white. The cheeky smile that was trying to get out and the one that I've been fighting since forever.

But when I thought everything was bright and alright. Smiling back to her with my eyes closed, I heard something trickle down the floor, I looked at her and tears were heavily flowing down her eyes, but for an odd reason she was still smiling. I ran to her as quickly as I could.

"A-are you alright Lucy??" I asked, doubting to grab hold of her at this state.

"Ahh~!" She shrieked happily in a high tone as she opened her arms open and quickly leaned on me and wrapped her arms around me.

"I feel so free, Natsu!" She stated happily. I fought the rosy cheeks that were beginning to look obvious as she kept shaking me, but I couldn't just retort it negatively. She was a bit cute right now. She stopped shaking so wildly as I wrapped my own arms around her and held her close to me.

"That's nice." Was the only thing I could say for now. We stayed like that for a while before both of us pulled away.

"Thanks for the advice, Natsu." She told me as she walked back and sat at the edge of her bed. "It really helped."

"No problem, what partners are for." I chuckled.

"Yeah..." She said calmly. "Yeah what partners are for." I sat beside her, excited.

"And I guess today we need to be happy, because we've finally sold this place!" I exclaimed. I peeked and saw her eyes lit up more than it already has.

"Really?? Who--My dad bought it, didn't he?" Her face turned flat and pale comedically that I couldn't help laugh a bit.

"Yeah, but don't ruin the mood, Luce." I teased as I made her funny nickname louder for her to hear. She gasped with a smile.

"Where did you hear that from??" She laughed. My ears were stung. Stung by Cupid, her laugh was angelic. Damn. I really can't get enough of her now. What has gotten into me?

"A reliable source." I laughed back.

"So." I stood up, both of my hands behind my back, unlike earlier where in I was hiding something with one hand. "Tis a farewell for the both of us. Let's celebrate, Luce!" I wrapped one arm around her shoulders and she placed her hand on my chest, leaning on my and giggling.

"Whatever you say! Cheers  then!" She said, grabbing the wine bottle and raising it up. "Oh, I'll get the cups. Too bad Mira already went back to the guild." I chuckled at her statement.

"She's not at the guild, she's in the basement, watching some series...I forgot the name...Steven Universe? Vague, but anyway, don't disturb her when she's watching something, she'd go wild."

She paused for a while with a smile and a raised eyebrow.

"Alright then, I'll take your word for it." Then she left with the door slightly open. After a while I dropped the smile and let the flush cheeks out.

She really is lovely. I can't believe this is our last day together, after this she'll be free to do whatever she wants and I'll be back in the my usual sepia-like life. I almost don't want this to end. Without noticing it, I started to drink the wine by myself, not bothering to wait for her.


I grabbed two wine glasses and took a different brand of wine from the shelves, probably my favorite one since it's the first one I've tasted before. I tried to open the bottle but it took me a while before I could successfully open it, when I did, I went straight up, having a slow and steady pace since I might drop the glasses and the open wine bottle. As I opened the door I saw Natsu lying on the bed, the empty wine bottle in his hand.

"Natsu!" I called, but he didn't reply. I walked to him and clicked my tongue. "You went on a head without me, you really can't wait that long?" I asked but why bother to, he seems to be a sleep already.

"Ahh, haha! Luce, I really can't take it you know...Oh wow, I miss this! Chicken?? Really??" Natsu said as he slowly sat up, very wobbly as his face represented a drunk man. this really Natsu? I giggled a bit. He seems like a kid. I went in front of him and crouch down to his level, face-to-face with him.

"You're cute, Natsu." I laughed. He wouldn't hear this so it's fine if I say a small compliment. He brushed my bangs away with his large warm hand, smiling happily with his drunk blushing cheeks.

"Nope! 'You're' cute...oh wait, no you're beautiful." He laughed a bit.

"You're really drunk." I retorted with a smile. I went to grab the glass and drink my own share of the wine and also one for him even though it seems as if he's already had enough.

"Here." I offered him a glass of my favorite whine. He looks like he's calmed down now.

"So," I started and took a sip. "After this it's bye-bye, huh?" I lowered down my grammar so I could talk to him easily.

"Yeah! After this you'll be free else where and I'll be back at the guild. I can finally leave this annoying mission. We'll be separating tomorrow so let's pack our things." He sounded a bit normal and seems like he just took a sip of wine with his tone, but it didn't matter since the words I noticed are 'you'll be free else where' and 'we'll be separating tomorrow'.

It was fun having to work with him in this mission. A short span of time, but he was like my best friend, he's really close to me now. But what he said, it's as if he's saying that after this we'll never see each other and he's finally rid of me, but I try not to think too deep into things.

"Yeah." I said, but the pain in my face might have been very obvious since he paused to look at me with a look of pity mixed with surprise and seriousness.

"Luce." He said with a low and gentle voice as he started to slowly lean forward.


"You know." He stated again, still not stopping for a moment. "You're really cute." Soon enough I couldn't back up anymore and I accidentally lied flat on my back on the bed and there Natsu was looking at me with those soft gentle eyes that I couldn't look away from.

(WARNING: The following contains stuff that innocent audiences would not handle and would probably be a sin to read hahah! So yeah, the sinful please keep going if you want haha. No, seriously, this far is a lemon. I'm warning you for your own good. Seriously. I. Am. Dead. Serious.)

(I can't believe you're still here. I warned you. I might seem like the writer with fluff and sweetness and stuff and really cliché junk in her stories, but this time is really different, but it looks like I can't stop you hahaha! Go on! Stain your eyes! Iiyak talaga ako if I stained ung mga innocent hahah. Huhuhu)

"S-stop it, you're drunk already." I looked away, starting to get flustered and pushed him away along with me trying to stand up, but he pushed me back down.

"Sorry Luce, but I can't really help it now." I could see the lust in his eyes. My heart raced and I couldn't think straight. "

"You're drunk, Natsu! Stop it!" Again, I attempted to push him back but no use, he grabbed my wrists and locked it down to the bed.

"You think I'd get drunk on one bottle of wine? This isn't some drunkard's random vent outs. This is what I really feel, Lucy. Can't you grasp that?" I could see hurting in his face as it was blended with the pinkish color of his cheeks. Even though he's denying to be drunk, it was obvious that he was.


"I want you Lucy...I want you so badly that I can't help it."

"Natsu....I...I don't...please just...." I couldn't say anything, I was speechless, that outburst caught me off guard. Then he leaned forward more and pressed his lips on mine, then it progressed as his tongue was knocking on my lips to open up and as my whole body trembled at the slight touch that weakened me, I opened up and he started to roam every inch of my mouth.

After a few seconds we broke free from each other as we both were breathing heavily.

"You know...Dragneel....This can be filed as rape. I could sue you for this." I warned him, catching my breath. I could feel sweat on my temples as I watch him stare at me, gasping for air too.

"Not if you enjoy it." He replied with a lustful smile and started again, this time much more wilder than before. Without having any second thoughts, I started to fight back, our tongues fighting off for dominance. I had no chance, he was too overpowering. I could compare him to a wild animal. As he was rounding my mouth from the inside, his hand lets go of my wrist and crawls down to my neck and down to my chest.

I fought the urge to moan but a small sound of it escaped my mouth. He stopped and looked at me in the eyes.

"Don't fight it, Luce. I wanna hear more." He dove right at my neck and started to lick it, slowly and seductively. I couldn't help but feel the pleasure. Going up my ear he playfully bit it and whispered.

"Say my name, Lucy." His voice was deep, it undoubtedly turned me on. I tried to fight what he desired, but, again, I lost as he continued to lick and kiss my neck down to the collar bone and began to unbutton my blouse.

"I can see you're liking it." His breath was reaching my neck.

"Don' too full....of yourself...Na--Ahh.." I moaned as he slipped his hands on my breasts. He was playing with it. I just braced for everything he was giving me, my fingers were gripping on the locks of his pink hair. He pulled back as he removed his shirt and pants and left me there panting and wanting more.

"This isn't gonna be fair if I'm the only one naked here, Luce." Then he grabbed my skirt and pulled it down and he even went far as to remove my bra. I quickly covered my exposed chest with my arms. I wanted to shout at him but he grabbed my legs and opened it wide, preventing me from closing it with his leg in between it.

"You're pretty wet down here, huh?" He spoke softly as he used his finger to play with my lower section.

"N-Natsu~ S-Stop it...." He leaned back to face me.

"That's what I want to hear." He kissed my lips before going back down. "I'll just give you a little clean up here." I didn't know what he would be doing, it was my first time, I didn't tell him but it was. Then I felt his tongue lingering up and down, in and out. I couldn't stop it anymore. I started to moan repeatedly, saying his name once in a while, but doing that only made him more hungry for more and did much more things to me. I heard him grunt or moan slightly too.

He dropped back to the side of my face, leaning on my shoulder. He was breathing on my ear. "Tell me, Lucy, is this your first time?" I didn't reply, I was too busy catching my breath, keeping my sanity.

"So it is, huh? I'm honored to be first. I'll make it worth your while. Oh. And I'll be gentle, but I don't know how much gentler I can be." He chuckled and raised my legs up. He pressed his body against mine and dove back in my mouth, passionately licking everything from my teeth, gums and even sucking on my tongue.

I felt something hard touch my lower part. I gulped and bit my lip. On instinct I fought back and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. Both of us pulled away, with our eyes half open, filled with lust and wanting for more of both of us. I gave up. I finally gave up. I cupped my hands on his face.

"Natsu." I stated and gave him a small soft kiss and with a shocked expression. He smiled with a raised eyebrow.

"You know you just aroused me more, didn't you?"

"What..?" He laughed and continued on.

"Here I go, Luce." He chuckled. I wrapped my arms around him, both of us sweaty. But before he could even get inside me, I suddenly noticed my conscience knocking on my mind. This isn't right.

I forcefully pushed him away as I snapped out from my delusional lust hungry mindset and ran behind him, covering my body with my clothes that were scattered on the floor.

"Lucy?" He asked as he turned around, revealing a face scared. Scared of rejection? Possibly.

"No, no, no, I'm sorry, I...This isn't right. I got to overwhelmed, Natsu. This is bad. This..." I started to spit out random things that were relevant to what I wanted to say. "I mean--this is okay, but for married people, but this isn't right!" I started to cry, feeling the tears swell up and flow down my cheeks. The silence in the room was deafening, setting aside the small cries coming from me.

"Then I'll marry you." He said so bluntly. I paused but couldn't stop the cries.

"What? How can you say that so easily?? Natsu---Why am I even, you're drunk!" I exclaimed and turned around, wearing all my clothes back. Then I felt him grab on my shoulders, a bit gentler than expected, and turned me around to face him.

"Okay, I admit I'm a little drunk, but about everything I said. It's all true!" I can see that painful expression again, sincerity filling up in his eyes.

"Natsu...We'll...let's talk in the morning, when your all...You and much more okay than right now, alright?" I said, playfully rubbing on his ruffled hair. He looked much more calmer, his eyes resembled a gentle submission of a puppy to his master. I smiled, still covering myself since there's just only the two of us here no one other than him would see be in my underwear.

I blushed as I walked in the hallway, touching my lips, remembering what happened, what was going to happen and how I felt about it, because of sometime in those moments, I thought of how incredibly good his body felt. I snapped out and went straight to my room and took a shower.


I'm literally crying inside, I thought I could make one that was at least real good. Haha! I did make one but this is my first Nalu lemon. I always looked at Nalu as this innocent ship, but not anymore! Haha.

For the people who liked it, You happy you pervs? Hahah! I'm a perv too for writing this so yeah. I feel like I've unlocked an achievement but my conscious is banging on my mind wih a battering ram, I think that's what it's called. Haha!

Next chapter will be the last one so stay tuned.

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