Key to One Piece

By BloodyMoonX

13.2K 385 84

Amber D. Leo is a neko who has a rough and lonely past, she’s only been hurt and all alone. What will happen... More

Key to One Piece
You're coming with me!
By Coby!
Buggy the Clown
Luffy's treasure

Roronoa Zoro

1.5K 55 2
By BloodyMoonX

Amber Pov.

We were on our way to the next island, Luffy was sitting on the front of the boat and me and Corby as the sides.

“Such nice weather!” Luffy shouted laughing.

“If we keep going this way, we should see the navy base island soon.” Corby said.I looked up at the sky and sighed, it was getting warm. So I pulled off my cloak and shook my head making my ears perk up listening.

“Wow Cory, you’re amazing!” Luffy shouted, he needs a navigator if he doesn’t know what to do himself.

“Sugoi!” I blinked and looked up to see Luffy with stars in his eyes and Corby looking at me, or more precisely, my ears.

“What?” I asked them, my eye twitched as Luffy sat right in front of me and pocked my ear making it twitch every time he poked it. He kept doing that for a while.

“Stop it!” I snapped and my ears flattened on my head.

“The lady at the bar told me that you’re not a Devil Fruit user, how do you have ears and a tail?” Luffy asked, I shrugged.

“I was born with them, and that’s why I want to go out on the sea, I want to know who I am and where the others like me are” I said and he nodded.

“Won’t you attract attention on the island?” Corby asked, I looked at him and nodded.

“That’s why I’m doing this” I said and flattened my ears making black ears invisible with my black hair. I curled my tail around my waits making it look like a fluffy belt. I looked up at him.

“See?” he smiled and nodded.

“Now we won’t attract attention and the marines hopefully won’t recognize you” he said and I shrugged.

“Were almost there, we’re actually arriving at our destination!” Luffy shouted laughing, but Corby looked doubtful.

“This isn’t the time to be laughing, Luffy-san. He’s being hold prisoner there.” he said, me and Luffy looked at him. “The famous pirate hunter, Roronoa Zoro” he said and I smirked. So he’s on that island?

“The man who’s chopped up bounties like a blood thirsty beast, people say he’s a demon in human form!” he said and I sighed.

“My name on the wanted list is ‘Bloody Kitten’ how do you think I got it?” I asked him, he began to sweat and I smirked bending forward “Am I killing you right now?” I asked him, he shook his head and Luffy began to laugh.

After another hour we arrived at the next island, Luffy jumped off the mini ship and I followed while Corby secured the ship.

“We made it! The navy base City!” Luffy shouted with a big smile and a fist in the air. We made our way into the city and walked around looking at the market place.

“Seriously, Luffy-san! You’re crazy to want him to join you!” Corby said and I looked at a stand with pears.

“I still haven’t decided yet. I just wanna see if he’s a good guy” he said.

“He was caught because he’s a bad guy!” Corby shouted and I walked next to Luffy.

“Is that why you wanted me on your crew?” I asked Luffy, he looked at me and nodded. I smiled at him.

“Of course!” he said and stopped at a stand and took two pears, he gave me one and took one for himself. He paid the man and I took a bite from my pear making sure I don’t show my ears and tail.

“Do you know if Zoro’s at the base?” Luffy asked the man, all the people were hiding behind something within the blink of an eye looking terrified. I rose an eyebrow at the people.

“It would seem the name ‘Zoro’ I taboo here” Corby said and we continued our walk away from the terrified people.

“Well, let’s check out the base anyways. You’re gonna be a marine, right?” Luffy asked him.

“Y-yeah! But I’m not really ready yet. Rumor has it a guy named Morgan is at the base and…” I blinked and looked at the people who did the same as when they heard the name ‘Zoro’.

“Well, it seems like you marines are just as bad at the pirate hunter” I said and walked on with Luffy behind me.

“Oi! Wait!” Corby shouted running after us. Luffy began to laugh.

“What a funny town!” he said and Corby looked worried.

“It’s strange, I understand Zoro, but why are they afraid of a navy captains name?” Corby asked and looked doubtful “I suddenly feel uneasy about this” he said while we walked further. I finished my pear and threw it in a trash can.

“Are you sure they didn’t jump just for fun?” Luffy asked and I giggled a little, he’s really an idiot but it’s funny around him.

“Nobody would do that!” Corby said and we arrived at a huge door.

“Alright! That’s the place!” Luffy said determined, I nodded looking up. I can jump that high.

“I’m finally here! I guess this is where we part way’s Luffy-san, Amber-san. It was only for a short time, but…” He began to sob, me and Luffy walked over to the wall ignoring him.

I jumped up onto the wall and looked down seeing Luffy struggling to get his feet up.

“Luffy-san, Amber-san! What are you doing?!” he shouted and Luffy stopped struggling and we looked inside.

“Now where is this demon?!” Luffy asked “There he is!” he shouted and jumped down running to the other side. I followed after him and Corby after me. This is actually fun, I feel like a ninja and I’m a cat so I’m curious.

“See! There he is!” Luffy said and we looked at Zoro, he was bound to a post and in the midday sun. I frowned.

“It’s cooking and he’s out in the sun?” I asked and he nodded.

“That’s not nice” Luffy said and I shook my head.

“Luffy, he’s a prisoner, they won’t treat him nicely” I said.

“Yeah right, he wouldn’t be out-“ Corby stopped talking and we looked at Zoro. I smirked.

“Luffy” he looked at me and I smirked.

“Wanna go and meet him?” he grinned and nodded.

“He can get away If we untie those ropes!” Luffy said.

“D-don’t be stupid! Thers no telling what he will do if we let him loose! I bet hell try to kill you to too, Luffy-san, Amber-san!” Corby shouted and I nodded.

“Yeah, I can cut the ropes off!” I said and Corby lost it.

“You two are gonna be the end of me” he sighed, Luffy laughed and I giggled.

“Don’t worry Corby! I’m strong!” Luffy said and Corby made a face.

“Don’t worry Corby, if he tries anything, I’m gonna take the collar off and deal with him.” This time he had stars in his eyes.

“But only if really necessary”  said and he made another face.

“I’m so dead!” he said and I smirked.

“Hey you three!” we all looked at Zoro and Corby panicked.  “You’re an eyesore. Get lost!” he said and Corby began to panic.


I blinked and looked at my side to see a ladder, a small girl appeared turned to us.

“Sssh” she said with a finger on her lips to make it clear. She looked around and pulled a rope down to the ground climbing down with something in her arms. I poked Corby in his ribs.

“A little girl isn’t as afraid as you are” I said and he panicked telling Luffy to stop her. She ran over to Zoro with a smile, she made rice balls for him. It’s the first time she made them and she gives them to him, how cute! I smile at the little girl, there must have been something he did right for her to do this.

My smile faded when he didn’t want the rice balls, I could smell that he was beginning to panic a little. My ears perked and I looked at the door that opened. A guy with blond hair and a purple suit and pink inside walked over to them with two marines.

“Now there’s another weird guy!” Luffy said and I grabbed my nose.

“Thank goodness!” Corby said.

“Urgh! He smells like girls perfume” I grumbled and Luffy laughed a little. He looked at the rice balls and took one eating, his eyes widened and he spit it out saying that it’s sweet. My eyes hardened as he hit the other one out of her hands and began to stomp on it.

“H-How horrible!” Corby said and my eyes narrowed as the girl began to cry. He then pulled out a paper saying that his ‘dad’ is Captain Morgan. I turned to Corby.

“If you’re gonna work for them, I’m going to beat you up.” I said and he began to sweat.

“N-no! I want to help people not make them be afraid of me!” he said and I nodded.

“Good” we turned around and I glared at that bastard. He just ordered the marine to throw the girl out!

“Amber” Luffy said and i nodded.

“Hai!” I said and the girl got thrown over the wall, my ears and tail perked up and I jumped after the girl. I pulled her to me and looked down, being a cat my reflexes made me turn and land safely on my feet. I let go of her and she looked at me with a smile.

“T-thanks” she said and her eyes widened as she looked up at my ears, I put a finger to my lips.

“Sssh” I said and she nodded with side eyes while I made my ears flatten.

“Are you alright, Amber-san?!” Corby came running along with Luffy, I looked at him and nodded.

“I’m fine” I said and took Luffy’s stretched hand making him pull me up. I dusted myself off and looked at Luffy.  He nodded and we walked over to the wall climbing over. The blond guy was gone and we were in front of Zoro a few feet away from him.  He looked up at us.

“I heard you’re a bad guy” Luffy said.

“Are you still here?” he asked us.

“Being stuck out here for all to see… Are you really strong at all?!” Luffy asked him.

“Mind your own business!” Zoro shouted glaring at us.

“If it were me, I’d probably starve to death in three days!” Luffy said and I giggled.

“One day” I said and he looked at me and pouted.

“I’ve got more spirit than you. I will live through this, I swear it!” he said with a smile.

“What a strange person!” Luffy said and was about to walk away but he stopped us.

“Wait!” he  looked at the stomped on rise ball “Could you  pick that up for me?” he asked us.

“You’re gonna eat that?” Luffy asked and I bend down taking it. “it’s mostly a bud ball now” he said looking at it.

“Shut up and give it here!” he shouted and I sighed walking to him. Then I got an idea, I turned to Luffy and smirked, he grinned back.

“Open up! Here comes the Chu Chu train!” I said and Zoro glared at me while Luffy laughed. I gave him the food and he ate it coughing .

“I told you so.” Luffy said.

“It was good. Thanks for the food.” he said and I smiled at him.

“The little girl will be happy to hear that.” I said and he nodded and glanced down.

“You’re a sword fighter?” he asked me, I blinked and looked at the sword.

“I know how to fight but I’m not as good as my teacher, I’m more of a fist to fist fighter but I’ll fight with the sword if I want, or have to” I said and he nodded.

“I want to fight you after I get out of here.” He said and I nodded.

“Sure” I said and we walked away leaving him there.

“Really?!” the little girl squealed after we told he that he ate the rice ball and said it was good.

“Yeah, he ate every last bit!” Luffy said and the girl had the biggest smile on her face but it nowhere as big as Luffy’s.

“I’m so happy!” she said.

“Is Zoro really as bad as the rumors say?” Corby asked.

“No! After all, he let himself get crucified in our place” the girl said and told us what happened. Helmeppo is Morgan’s son, and his dog got into their restaurant and she wanted to stop him from eating everything. The dog attacked her and Zoro saved her and her mother. Since then he’s been tied up.


We walked over to Rika and her mother’s bar to see Helmeppo sitting on a table and wanting food for free.

“Oh yes! I’ve been bored lately, so I’ve decided to execute Zoro tomorrow. I look forward to it!” he said and laughed, I glanced at Luffy because I could smell the tension.

In a split second Luffy was at his side and hit him into a wall. Luffy was about to go at him again but Corby stopped him.

“Luffy-san! Please stop!” Corby shouted.

“This guy is scum!” he said and I slowly walked over to them and picked up his straw hat.

“Y-You hit me!” Helmeppo shouted and I put the hat on my head. It sure helps to hide my ears.

“I’m Captain Morgan’s son, you know!” he shouted.

“So what?!” Luffy shouted at him.

“I’m gonna tell my dad and he’s gonna execute you!” Helmeppo shouted.

“Fight me yourself!” Luffy shouted.

“Are you going to try and get on the Navy’s bad side?!” Corby asked and I sighed. We’re pirates, we’re supposed to be on the Navy’s bad side.

“I’ve made up my mind, Corby! I’m going to have Zoro join my crew!”I smirked and walked next to Luffy.

“Then let’s go Captain” I said and put his hat back onto his head and Corby released him, on our way out we passed Helmeppo and I looked down at him and frowned.

“What a crybaby! Where’s tour daddy, daddy’s boy?” I snickered and Luffy actually laughed.

We were back in front of Zoro, he looked at us.

“You two again? You sue have a lot of free time.” He said and I nodded.

“You have no idea” I said.

“I’ll untie you, so you join my crew!” Luffy said.

“Say what?!” Zoro asked.

“I’m looking for people to join my pirate crew.” Luffy said and walked closer.

“Forget it! Me, stooping to the level of criminal?! Screw that! “ he said and my eyes narrowed. It’s better to be a free pirate then a prisoner who is going to be executed.

“What’s wrong with being a pirate?” Luffy asked him.

“Pirates are despicable! As if I wanna bee one!” Zoro said.

“Oh, come on! You’re already known as an evil bounty hunter!” Luffy said and I nodded.

“People can say whatever they want, but I ain’t done anything I regret. I will live through this and accomplish what I want!” he said.

“Yeah? But I’ve decided you’re gonna join me!” Luffy said and I giggled, he did the same with me.

“Quit deciding on your won!” he shouted at Luffy.

“Amber, should he join us?” Luffy asked me, I nodded.

“Yeah!” I said.

“Oi! Don’t ignore me!” Zoro shouted at us.

“I hear you use swords.” Luffy said changing the subject or just wanting to distract him.

“Yeah. But that stupid son took mu stuff…” he said.

“We’ll go get it back for you!” Luffy said.

“What?!” Zoro asked.

“So if you want your swords, join my crew!” Luffy said with a smile.

“You’re really getting on my nerves!” Zoro shouted and I smiled at Luffy as he ran off.

“Is he really planning to bust into the base?!” Zoro asked and I looked at him.

“He did the same with me, I had trouble and he wanted me on his crew. He risked his life to save me and make me join.” He looked at me and I let my tail down and my ears up, his eyes widened. I turned to Luffy with a smile.

“Luffy! That’s the wrong way, it’s in the other direction!” I shouted, he stopped and turned looking behind me “I’m off, I have to keep my Captain out of trouble” I said and smiled at him.

“Gomu gomu no…” my eyes widened along with Zoro’s as one hand passed me and the other grabbed me around my stomach.

“Wha-“ I stopped.

“Rocket!” Luffy shouted and I flew with him through the air.

“AAAAaaah!” I shouted and we crash landed onto the ground, I grunted and looked down to see that I was laying on him. I got up and he rubbed his head, I glared at him while he just laughed sheepishly.

“Let’s go!” he said and we ran off. We stopped at a door and looked around.

“That’s weird. There’s none here, we got to find that stupid son and get Zoro’s swords back.” He said and my ears perked up.

“I can hear a commotion up on the roof” I said and he looked up too.

“Then let’s check it out!” he said and stretched his arm out

“Gomu gomu no…” he said and grabbed the  rooftop, I blinked and looked at him as he pulled me closer and held me tightly.

“Rocket!” he shouted and we flew up into the air. This time I didn’t scream, I figured that it won’t be the last time, but I was still a little scared. But we were flying too far.

“I jumped too far!” he shouted and I looked down at the marines who were looking at us with wide eyes. We stopped as Luffy grabbed the rope from the big ugly thing that looked like a man. He spun us around and we landed safely on the rooftop.

We looked to the side and saw the upper half of the sculpture fall to the ground, Luffy turned to them and held his hand up apologetically. I looked at them with a nervous smile.

“I’m sorry” Luffy said and I sighed.

“Size them! I’m going to kill them!” the guy that resembled the ugly sculpture shouted. I looked next to him and saw Helmeppo, I pointed to him and Luffy smiled.

“Oh, it’s you!”Luffy smiled at him and Helmeppo began to scream.

“We’ve been looking for you!” he said and Helmeppo tried to get away from him but Luffy held him firmly. “Come with us! There’s something I want back from you!” he said and grabbed Helmeppo. We ran out of the door and into the halls with marines going after us.

“Where is Zoro’s sword?!” I  asked him.

“I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you! Just stop dragging me!” he shouted and we stopped.

“Alright! Talk!” Luffy said.

“In my room, we just passed it…” he said and I frowned at him.

“What? Why didn’t you say so, now we gotta go back.” Luffy said and we turned to see three marines with guns pointed at us. I put my hand on my sword, this is when I use it, to cut bullets.

“Freeze! Let Helmeppo-sama go!” they shouted.

“No” Luffy said and held Helmeppo in front of us  “Go ahead and shoot if you dare!” he said and I giggled.

“No! Don’t!” Helmeppo shouted swaying his arms and legs around, me and Luffy ran at them. They jumped to the side as we ran through them. Helmeppo screamed the whole way to his room.

I looked at the white door and blinked, there were flowers on his room with a sigh ‘My room’. I opened the door and we walked inside, I frowned and held my hand up to my nose.

“What’s wrong?” Luffy asked me and looked inside, it looks like a princess room.

“The flower smell is overwhelming, my nose burns.” I grumbled.

“Bingo!” Luffy said and we walked over to the three swords. “But there are three here! Oi! Which sword is Zoro’s?” Luffy asked and we looked a Helmeppo to see that he passed out. I bend down smelling them.

“They all three smell like Zoro, but the flowery smell of the room has made them smell weird.” I said and grabbed his swords “Let’s take all three” I said and put the sword onto my back, we walked over to the window.

“Corby!” Luffy said, they were about to shoot Corby who was with Zoro. Luffy put his hand on the windowsill and walked back pulling me along. I gripped his back and held tight.

“Gomu gomu no…” he said and walked back a few feet. “Rocket!” he shouted and we crashed through the window.

Chapter 3 is done, okay I forgot to say this in the past chapter… I think…

I don’t own anything except Amber. I don’t own One Piece.

Anyways, read, vote, comment. Review!!!!

The next chatter might be updated soon, I’m having a One Piece moment and watching from the beginning again.


BloodyMoonX   XD

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