By Coby!

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I just saw that I was spelling Coby’s name wrong! I wrote Corby instead of Coby. I used to watch One Piece in German so I always remembered Corby. Lol

Amber Pov.

In a second we were on the ground in front of Coby and Zoro. Luffy stretched his arms and I drew my sword. At the same moment the marines shot at us.

“What are you-!”

“Luffy-san! Amber-san!”

Coby and Zoro shouted at the same time. The bullets hit Luffy and went into his body but didn’t hurt him, just stretched him. I repelled and sliced the bullets into two. Luffy smiled at them and I smirked my tail and eats showing.

“That doesn’t work!” Luffy shouted and shot the bullets back at them laughing. “I told you I was strong!” he shouted.

“W-who the hell are you?!” Zoro asked him, I kept my gaze on the marines.

“I’m Monkey D. Luffy! The man who’s gonna be King of the Pirates!” he said with a smile and a thumbs up.

“W-what?! The King of Pirates?! Do you even know what that means?!” Zoro asked him.

“The King of the Pirates is the King of the Pirates! What else can it mean?” Luffy asked him, I almost rolled my eyes.

“I was shocked too! But Luffy-san in serious! That’s how he is! He intends to become the King of the Pirates, and obtain the worlds ultimate treasure. One Piece!” Coby said and Luffy laughed. I sighed and put my sword back, I reached behind me and took the swords holding them to Zoro.

“We didn’t know which one was yours, but they smell like you so I guess all three of them are yours?” I asked him and he nodded.

“All three?!” Luffy asked and Zoro nodded.

“I use the Three-Sword Style” he said and Luffy nodded.

“You’ll take ‘em, right? If we fight together now, you’ll be an outlaw! Would you prefer that, or being killed by the navy like this?” Luffy asked him, Zoro smirked at him.

“What are you, the son of the devil?! Well, whatever. I’ll be your pirate, if I’m just gonna die here, instead!” he said and Luffy cheered.

“Hurray! So you’ll join my crew?! Alright! Woo-hoo! This is great! Alright!” Luffy cheered.

“Okay! Now untie these stupid ropes already!” Zoro shouted at him. Luffy jumped a little and began to pull on the ropes trying to untie him.

“Hurry! Hurry!” Coby urged him.

“I can’t untie this knot!” Luffy said.

“Stop screwing around!” Zoro said and I looked to my side and saw the marines coming at us with swords, my eyes narrowed. I have to act quick.

“That’s weird, the knot id getting tighter.” He said confused, scratching the back of his neck.

“Luffy-san!” Coby shouted scared.

“Move!” I said and Luffy jumped a food to the side, I threw the sword slightly into the air and made my claws appear, in a second the ropes were ripped.


It was silent for a moment, I looked at Zoro. He was in front of us, crouching with at least ten swords that he stopped. My arm was outstretched and my sword was right next to his throat. He lifted his eyes and narrowed them at me while I looked at him without emotion.

He glanced at the sword my sword and his eyes widened a little. There was a blade that I stopped, it was supposed to slice his neck but it didn’t. He looked back and me while I smirk at him.

Key to One PieceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora