A Dogs Tale

By timberwolf77

225 2 0

Three pups, born in a garage. All labs. One brown, one black, one yellow. Unfortunately, one of the pups isn'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Update/Authors Note
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

22 0 0
By timberwolf77

Lilly rushed into the house. She saw Brownie, and they ran up to each other, nuzzling.  Misty walked into the room, running up to her pup. She licked Lilly on the forehead. Lilly nuzzled against her forelegs. Lilly felt the warmth of her mother warm her soul. She closed her eyes, snuggling her mom. I never want to leave you mom, thought Lilly, NEVER...

After a few minutes, Lilly pulled away from her mother. She gave her one last nuzzle on the leg and walked over to Brownie.

"Where have you been!" barked Brownie.

"I was at some place... I'm not sure.... but at least I'm with you now Brownie!" She said, wagging her tail.

"Never leave me like that again.... sis." Brownie said, digging his nose in Lillys neck fur.

"I won't... I love you... Brownie." She said, laying her head gently on his.

"I love you too sis." He backed away and licked her face.

"Do you wanna play?"

"Not really. Before you got here Mom said it was time to go to bed. Come on, sis."

"But I'm not tired..."

"Come on we have too. Lets go."

Lilly followed without complaint. Brownie walked over to a small bed near the wall. He laid on it and Lilly nuzzled up to him. She felt his warmth envelope her. Though, she felt something was... missing. She opened her eyes and looked around a bit, she then closed them again. The thought would not go away. She saw a pup but then it went away. It was gnawing away at her mind and was burrowing its way deeper and deeper in. Then a scent flooded her nostrils... the scent of death. She yelped, her eyes wide with fear.

"What's wrong sis?" Brownie jumped awake.

"Nothing... it's nothing Brownie. Just go back to bed."

"Okay... it's not usual you saying stuff like that, but okay."

Brownie laid his head on his paws and shut his eyes. Lilly laid her head on her paws but she couldn't close her eyes. She stared off into the distance.

Lilly woke up to the sound of the front door opening. She sat up and stared at the door as it opened, and a person came in. Brownie walked out of the kitchen and stared at the door. Owner walked in and greeted the person. Lilly overheard some of the conversation. "What one... Brownie...how much..." The person walked over to Brownie and picked him up. Brownie squirmed and kicked trying to get free. "Don't worry little one. You're coming home with me." Lilly gasped.

"Don't let them take me Lilly!" Brownie yelped.

"What am I supposed to do!" Lilly barked.

"Help me!" The person started walking out the door.

Lilly stood there in shock. Just before the door closed Lilly raced out of it. She saw a brown car driving away. Lilly raced after it. She felt her paws hit the hard stone underpaw. one of her forepaws slipped and she tumbled over herself. She shook herself, flinging off the dust caught in her fur. She lifted her head and broke the silence. A mournful howl flung off into the sunset. She sat down, her tail limp. I'll get you back one day Brownie... one day. She wandered along the road until her legs were giving up. She looked into the sky to see the moon shining down on her pelt. She collapsed down on the side of the road. She lay her head on her paw, closed her eyes, and went to sleep.

Lilly found herself in a forest. She was surrounded by trees. She sniffed the air, nothing. She heard a voice.

"Do not be worried. You will find our brother..."

"Who are you?" Lilly barked.

"Do you not remember your brother... How could you not..."

"What do you mean! Brownie is my only sibling!"

"And that's where your wrong...."

"What... I don't understand." Lilly paused waiting for a reply. She heard nothing, only silence.

Lilly rose to her paws, stretched, and headed along the stone path. What was that dream about? I don't have another brother. I don't, I know that... at least I think I do....

Lilly's stomach growled and she licked her chops. I need some kibble, Lilly thought. She sniffed the air, mmm... where's that smell, Lilly said looking around. Lilly located the smell coming from the forest next to the stone path. Lilly took a deep breath, preparing herself for danger. Hesitantly, Lily set paw in the forest, and followed her nose to the smell. Lilly had gotten close to the smell and looked around. She ignored the strange tang in the air though. I doubt it's anything bad, Lilly thought. She saw a squirrel laying in the nook of a tree. Lilly walked over to it. Its skull was crushed, and blood stained the grass around it. Blech, is that what I smelled. It smelled A LOT better than it looks. Do I really want to eat it? Lilly pondered for a moment, then her stomach growled. I mean it is a form of sustenance. Ahh, screw it I'm starving. Lilly bit into the squirrel, and warm blood flooded her mouth. OH MY GOODNESS THIS IS SO GOOD.

Lilly heard a stick break and looked up. She saw nothing, so she continued eating the squirrel. Lilly heard a growl, and this time when she looked up she held the squirrel in her mouth. In the brush, Lilly saw three dark shapes. That's not good... The three dark shapes walked out and seemed like giants compared to Lilly. They were all a different shade of brown. Their fur was ragged, and stained with blood. They smelled like... like rotting dogs! Lilly stared in horror, her paws stuck to the ground. She bit hard into her squirrel, releasing a cracking sound into the air. The biggest one, probably the alpha, lunged at Lilly and knocked her over. Her neck was exposed, and Alpha pushed his head down near her throat. Lilly felt the weight pushed off her, and saw a pure black dog over the alpha. It growled and the alpha whimpered. Lilly noticed the other two dogs were gone. Where... Lilly was interrupted, "Get up, were leaving." Said the black dog. Lilly rolled onto her legs, and followed the black dog to the stone path. The black dog turned around and winked at Lilly and dissipated into the air.

"What?" Lilly muttered. "I must be loosing my sanity...UGGHH!" Lilly yipped. She sat down, and tore into her squirrel. "Mmm... delicious." Lilly licked her lips as she pulled off the last of the meat from the squirrels bones. 

Lilly traveled until the moon shone brightly all around. Her paws were sore, and cracked. Lilly settled down by a lone tree near the stone path. The grass felt like her soft puppy bed, and she wished life had stayed as easy as it was when she was young. If only.....

Hope you guys have enjoyed chapter three. Now it isnt 2000 words its about 1257. Its very long, I know, and personally, I like long chapters, its more to satisfy reading cravings. I'm sorry for putting this off for so long, i just got angry at wattpad because it wouldnt let me restore a huge paragraph that i had accidently deleted. That part was with the black dog and the three brown dogs and squirrel, so it isnt the original part, its longer. So, hope you enjoyed and keep on living. Also im going to modify the description.

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