In the Naruto world, where th...

By AnnabelleRaen

1.1M 39.3K 15.2K

Hey~ I'm Kuroi. I have a voice in my head that's been there since I can remember, a wolf the size of a car, a... More

In the Naruto world, where there aren't any cookies
Enter Kuroi, to Konoha
I'm in Konoha. Be Jealous.
Duckbutt, Kitsune and Bubblegum...what could go wrong?
A friend arrives! *Insert drum roll*
Getting slightly off-topic,ne?
Zabuza and Haku
Training Days...Such a drag
Saving the S-ranks
The first experience-agonizing
Inside her mind
The Chuunin Exams and a sleepover
The Chuunin Exams- Phase One
The Forest of Death
Inside the Forest
Training Start
Kuroi's Releases
The Preliminaries' Second Battle
The Akatsuki ---SIDE STORY---
Back to Konoha
Meeting Again
Naruto's Pain
Because weird things just happen like that
Final Battle...and an Extra
Another thing to think about...
Titans in Konoha?! Oh, it's just you, Akira...
Oreo-chi-moo-moo goes on a field trip
Flying Crayons will rule!
I have no idea what to call this chapter
A little Holiday
For your Entertainment
Enter Sai Clan Leaders...and potential SasuNaru....WHAT?
The Loyard Clan Leader
Because of boredome
Name of Chapter Here--> _____
Ninja Clash In The Land Of Snow
The Ruins at the Depths of the Earth! Part 1
The Ruins at the Depths of the Earth! Part 2
The Ruins at the Depths of the Earth! Part 3
The Ruins at the Depths of the Earth! Part 4
Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Lend me your ears [END]

The Preliminaries

21K 756 501
By AnnabelleRaen

Yo~ This chappy is dedicated to everyone who's read my fanfic. Don't ask why, it just is. 

All credit goes to Masashi Kishimoto.

Whoever wrote Tokyo Mew Mew,  Noblesse, Uraboku, Inuyasha and Yu gi oh, thanks for the names :)

To the Story!


"Kuroi-chan, let's go, we have to leave the tower." Naruto's voice broke me away from my happy dreams. I opened one eye to see Team Seven in front of me, staring with slightly wide eyes. Kago whined, and I growled, sounding feral and animalistic, making them flinch back. Naruto sighed.

"Once she's like this, there's only one thing to do." he said. He then shooed everyone out of the room. Coming over to me, he sat on the edge of the bed and leaned over. 

"Ku-chan, wake up~" he said, making a shiver crawl up my spine. I glared at him, but it was no use, I was already awake, so I sat up and rubbed my eyes.Noticing Kago had fallen back to sleep, I nudged him awake. He growled at me, but I just ignored it and stayed there, just staring at the wall. Naruto grinned at me and called for the others to come in. They did, and were shocked. 

"Naruto, what did you do? She's awake!" Sakura said. They leaned in to hear, but anime fell when he said, "It's a secret!" and hopped to the cupboard and got me my dress and handed it to me. 

"Thanks, Naru." I said, and skipped happily to the bathroom. Of course, me being me got stuck, and needed help. Opening the door slightly, I stuck my head out and peered around. 

"Naru? A little help here?" I asked sheepishly. He grinned and came over, and closed the door behind him, then proceeded to untangle me from the bundle of strings that was my dress. Sighing, he did a little magic and somehow managed to get me in my dress properly within a minute. I gawked. 

"How is it possible?" I mumbled, and he chuckled. I gave him a playful glare, and we headed out in to the room. 

"How long do we have?" I asked no one in particular. 

"We've got five hours to be at the base." Sasuke replied. I growled under my breath. 

"Why...In the name of fuck did you wake me up this early?" I snarled. He pointed at Sakura, who pointed at Naruto. He looked at me, and his eyes widened slightly. 

"You wanted to wake me up, did you?" I asked in a sweet voice. Everyone else in the room shivered, and I grinned, dragging him out of the room with me.

When we were out, I winked at him and pulled him to the kitchen,which was around the corner to our room, and I made pancakes. We ate, taking about five minutes, then went back to the room. Before he could go in, I stopped him and punched the wall, making a loud noise and a huge hole. I grinned and nodded at my work, then turned to Naruto and held his hand all the way into the room, where they surrounded Naruto, checking for injuries. When they found none, Naruto showed them the hole in the wall, and they shrunk back. 

Gathering my things, I dragged my team to the base of the tower, where I went to train. No-one was there yet, so it was safe. After making them promise not to peek, I went to the back of the tower and brought out Casull and The Jackal. Lucifer then materialized from my shadow and helped Kago and I set up targets. I stood a good four meters away from them and fired my shots. One for each target, five targets, and all hit the middle. Everyone came to see what it was, and were surprised when they found me. 

"What was that?" they asked. I shrugged. 

"Training." I replied. Sakura and Sasuke sighed, while Naruto was more enthusiastic. 

"It was really loud, Kuroi-chan, what was it?" he asked. I grinned and ruffled his hair. 

"You'll see very soon." I promised, and he nodded. Going back to the front of the tower, I got bored and decided to speed things up a little. Going to the top of the tower, I fired a few more shots, just to make sure I had the attention of everyone, and when they were all quiet and outside, I jumped down and landed on the ground with out a sound. 

"Yo guys, Imma lead ya to the next site, 'kay?" I told them. Some of them scoffed, others mumbled while the ones who actually knew me were silent. All except Akira, of course. 

"Oi, Kuroi! The Hokage said you couldn't! It wouldn't be fair!" he pouted. I grinned at him. 

"He said not to tell my friends. These aren't my friends, and I didn't tell them anything." I said. Lucifer put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed, making me look up at him. He stared straight ahead, and I followed his gaze, only to meet a pair of golden eyes. Orochimaru. I made a snake from my shadow and sent it over to him with a message; 'Your mark has no effect on the daughter of The Devil.'

----------------------------- TIME SKIP---------------------------------------

I led the crowd to the arena place where they held the Prelims, and told them to wait. Jumping away from them, I teleported to the Hokage's building. 

"Saru-chan~" I called, and the ANBU were once again around me, then sweatdropped as I sat crosslegged on the floor of the office. Grumbling and moving away, one of the ANBU gave me a glare which I responded to with a smile, although he backed off quickly when Lucifer growled. I tutted. 

"Lucifer, go take care of my team. I know Kago's with Akira, so leave him." I said. Lucifer was about to protest, but then sighed in defeat. 

"Yes, Master." he said, melting into the shadows. Of course, that earned a few gasps, which I ignored. 

'Showoff.' I thought to him, to which I could pretty much see him smirk in my mind. Turning my attention back to Sarutobi, he leaned back in his chair and sighed. 

"What is it, Kuroi?" he asked, looking at me. I grinned evilly. 

"Nothing much...the contestants for the Exam are here, that's all." I said casually. When he said nothing, I looked over to him to see his mouth gaping open. 

"Kuroi, what did you do?" he asked. I chuckled. 

"Nothing much. I was in the Forest with my team, Lucifer and Kago, when all of a sudden this dude appears, pretending to be Naruto, who went to pee. We kicked his ass, and then Oreo-chi-moo-moo came out and-" He stopped me. 

"Wait, who?" he asked. 

"Oreo-chi-moo-moo. Ah, you wouldn't know about fan names, would ya? Well, you might not wanna hear this, but Orochimaru's here to play." I said. He stood up quickly. 

"What? It's not possible!" he exclaimed. I sighed. 

"Sorry, Saru-chan, but it's true. Mofo even gave me one of his hickeys." I said. Seeing his confused face, I pulled my collar down for him to see. "Curse mark." I said, as he stared at the tattoo like mark. Slumping down in his chair, he sighed. 

"We have to get it sealed first." he said. I shook my head. 

"Nope, it's fine. His curse mark won't work on me, thanks to Lucifer, and me being the Noblesse." I said, grinning. He looked surprised, but nodded. 

"Ah, I was telling you what happened in the Forest, wasn't I? Uhh... Oh yeah, Oreo-chi-moo-moo blasted us away with a gust of wind, and we all flew in the sky -like a bird!- Then, we all got back together, and I had a little shouting contest about beating Oreo-chi-moo-moo with Akira, and then when I tuned back in to the battle, he was already fighting with Sasuke and Naruto, so I acted on instinct and 'Rasengan'ed his sorry ass. Not before I jumped in and took Sasuke's mark for him, though." I concluded, looking up at Sarutobi whose eyes were wide.

"W-What?" I asked. He seemed to be lost in his thoughts before snapping out of it. "Nothing. But you say, 'Rasengan'?" he asked. I nodded. 

"I know, It's Minato's jutsu and stuff, but it was needed at the time! Plus, I'm pretty proud; I got it on my first try!" I said with a :3 face. He sighed and nodded, before looking at a clock he had on his desk. How did I not notice that before? 

He sighed and stood up slowly, which led to me teasing him. 

"Saru-chan, watch out, you're getting old, ya know? Don't do things too fast." I said, enjoying the irk marks that appeared on his head and the barely audible snickers from the ANBU in the room. He brushed off my comments, while he was still moving to the door. As he left, I turned to the ANBU in the room. 

"You guys wanna come?" I asked with a grin. The new ones said nothing and stayed in their position, but then their eyes were wide as the ones I knew came over and spoke with me.  

"Yeah, just don't cause too much trouble, 'kay, kid?" said one with a bear mask. I grinned. 

"Hmm~ Sorry dude, I'm not promising anything~" I said, then poofed out of the office and next to Sarutobi who was currently making his speech to the gennin jumped at my sudden arrival. His surprise was replaced with annoyance as a few of them of the Exam who were staring at him snickered. I grinned and jumped down from the high podium and landed gracefully on my feet, next to Lucifer who was with my team. I grinned at them and Naruto pulled me into a one armed hug. I ruffled his hair before nodding to the other two. One smiled back, and one 'Hn'ed. I assume you know which was which?

Suddenly, I was brought back to reality by the sound of Kago's hurt yelp. It took me two seconds to be where he was with The Jackal to the other person's head. He had two kunai in his hands, one in each, and they were both stained with blood. Looking at Kago and Akira, I saw Akira kneeling down by Kago and examining his paws, while Kago was wincing and whining in pain every so often. Turning back to the one who I had The Jackal pointed to, I growled. 

"What. Did you do?" I asked. He seemed to shrivel up under my glare. Gulping, he opened his mouth to speak. 

"The mutt made me trip with his tail..." he trailed off, seeing my angered expression. I laughed humourlessly, seemingly intensifying the tension. 

"Hmm~ 'The Mutt', you say?" I mused out loud, ready to pull the trigger. Sarutobi's voice stopped me, if only ever so slightly. 

"Kuroi." his voice came rough and stern. I looked up at him. 

"Hokage-sama." I said in a commanding voice, which made Kago whimper and Lucifer stiffen. Naruto then came up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. His touch relaxed me, and I sighed, lowering The Jackal. 

"Be grateful, he just saved you from a slow and painful death, human."  I said, spitting the word out like it was poison. Sarutobi continued his speech. Walking over to Kago, my shadows picked him up and brought him over to me. Lucifer came over and tended to his injury, while Kago stayed still. 

"Thanks, Kuroi. But I could have handled it." Kago said. Some of the others who were still watching us warily shivered at the growls they heard coming from Kago, and backed away. I grinned, showing my sharp teeth. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just admit you needed help." I said, rolling my eyes, He scoffed, it coming out as a snarl, not helping the nerves of the others around us.

Turning my attention back to the front, I noticed that some people were leaving, followed by others. Noticing Sasuke and that Yoroi Akado guy weren't moving, I sweatdropped. I zone out a lot, don't I? Sasuke glared at the guy in front of him and then turned to me. 

"Kuroi, what are you doing?" he asked. I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly. 

"I zoned out. What's going on?" I asked, not wanting anyone to know that I knew what was going on. (Mindfuck in that sentence right there) He sighed and opened his mouth to speak, but he was interrupted. Turning around, I had Casull at the head of someone behind me. 

"Kuroi, Lucifer and Kago, Hokage-sama is requesting you." he said. I nodded. 

"Sorry 'bout that, Rabbit." I said. He sighed and poofed away. I saluted Sasuke and poofed away aswell, along with Lucifer and Kago. Appearing in the Hokage's special stand, I looked around. Spotting the one I was looking for, I went towards him. 

"Yo, Saru-chan, what is it?" I asked from behind him. He looked slightly startled again as he looked at me, and I grinned. Chakra, presense, I hide them well.

"Kuroi, you are to fight twice in the Preliminaries." he said. The entire stand gasped. (Not the stand, the people in the stand) I tilted my head to the side. 

"Not that I'm complaining, but why?" I asked. There isn't anyone who isn't fighting another or fighting twice in the anime. This could be bad. My thoughts were dissolved my Sarutobi. 

"Your friend Akira here as well makes another addition to the participants, and I think we all know he would rather die than fight you. Even if he decided to fight you, you would kill him by accident. We both know it'd be a direct insult to forfeit the match" he said. I chuckled nervously when the people around me gasped. 

"Hehe...Yeah. I don't wanna kill him, he's my best friend." I said. Sarutobi nodded, while the Raikage looked at me in disgust. 

"If he suddenly betrayed you, you would die." he said. I death glared at him. 

"If he were to betray me, I would kill him." I said, making his guards shuffle uncomfortably. 

"I tolerate lots of things, but betrayal will never be forgiven. When I am an ally, I expect either backup, or you telling me straight up you won't help if ever in a certain situation we cannot handle. But, if ever there is an easy way out and you choose it, and in turn betraying me, you will either die, or regret living." I said, My cold emerald eyes hardening as I stared at the Raikage, who seemed impressed, and shocked. I sighed. 

"So, Saru-chan, who am I gonna fight? Come on, tell me~ please? Pleasse, please,please,please,please,please,please,ple-"

"Alright!" He cut me off. The others stared at me in awe, and I guessed what they were thinking, and decided to show off a bit more. 

"That's right, he just gave in...TO A TWELVE YEAR OLD!" I said, grinning. Sarutobi sighed. 

"You will be fighting against a  boy named Ichigo-" 

"Kurosaki????!!!!" I asked, ignoring the sweatdrops I had gotten from some of the ANBU.

"No...Ichigo Aoyama." he said, "And the other person is Kohaku Yami." He finished. I twitched. 

"'re telling me that the girl from Tokyo Mew Mew married Aoyama-kun and took his name? And Sango's little brother is here with a new last name?" I asked, once again ignoring the sweatdrops from the ANBU. Hey, who knew there was anime inside anime?

"No, Kuroi, these people have nothing to do with your...Anime, I think you call them." he said. I grinned. 

"'Kaay~" I said in a childish voice. 

"By the way, Saru-chan, I've been working on a new attack, and it's freaking epic!" I said happily. Sarutobi raised his eyebrow. 

"Really?" he said. I nodded and grinned. 

"Do tell." he said, obviously not bothering to hide his impatience. Chuckling, I shook my head and put a finger over my lips. 

"Nope, it's a secret~" I said, and giggled at the expression he had on his face. Then, I whistled; a high, sharp and commanding shrill. Kago and Lucifer were by my side and I waved at the Hokage's annoyed and the other Kages' amused looks, before glaring at Orochimaru who was in the Kazekage's body. His eyes widened for a bit, then he regained composure and smiled at me. I smiled back, the sweetest smile ever. He seemed taken aback, then grinned and chuckled. 

"A very interesting one indeed, Hokage-sama." he said to Sarutobi. 

"Why do you say so?" came the curious response. "She hides her emotions well, underneath the mask of smiles. Even I can't." he muttered the last part under his breath. I smirked. 

"I've had to do it for eleven years, you get used to it, really. So used to it that it's almost natural." I replied. The Kages were silent, even the pedo snake, who looked surprised. 

"Why?" came the voice of the Mizukage.

I turned and grinned at her. "Why what?" I asked. "Why can you not be yourself?" she asked. I sighed and shook my head. 

"Because I have long forgotten who 'I' am. I have been many people, so many that I have forgotten which is the real me. I've lied and acted myself out of many predicaments, and no matter what had happened, I would always end up with a new 'me'. No worries, though. It might confuse ya, but I plan to go through them all until I find what I want." I said with a grin. 

Lucifer sighed, knowing I just wanted to freak them out. It was true, every bit of it, but being totally happy about it wasn't true.
The silence prolonged, until I heard it; "Next match: "Ichigo Aoyama VS Kuroi Ch-" my kunai was thrown in front of him, and I leapt down from the stand, he was cut off by my killer glare. 

"Hold your tongue or be castrated." I said, and he nodded, then signalled for this Ichigo person to come down. He did, and when he saw me, he smiled and let out his killing intent. The on lookers gasped and some were mumbling about me getting killed. I growled and released my aura. It easily overpowered his, and before long I was forced to reel it back in as he had stopped walking and was struggling to move. 

"Sorry. I let out a bit too much there." I said, smiling at him. He shuddered and walked towards me. We stood before each other, simply staring until Hayate announced the start of the match. He was running towards me when I pulled out Casull and aimed for a headshot.

There was a loud bang and I walked away from Ichigo's dead body on the floor, lying in a pool of blood. 

"K-Kuroi is the winner." Hayate said. I smirked. 

"Five seconds." I said, then walked back up to the Kage stand. Grinning at the Hokage, I put Casull back in its holder, then twitched. Orochipedo seemed to notice, and asked what's wrong. I smiled. 

"Nothing, it's just...Casull got to have fun, but The Jackal feels left out. I said, pulling the Jackal out and rubbing it lovingly. The ANBU shivered, and I snickered and put it back. The Hokage looked at me weirdly ( that a word?) "Kuroi, what was that?" he asked. I grinned. 

"That, Saru-chan, was Casull." I replied, bringing him out for them to see. 

"Casull?" he repeated. I nodded. It's mine, and only mine. If anyone else tries to use it, his or her arm will get blown straight off." I replied. I noticed Orochi pedo looking at me and grinning. Ignoring it, I turned my attention back to the Hokage. 

"It's a weapon, as you probably figured out, and expells metal at an amazing speed, with deadly accuracy and strength." I said, struggling for the right words, soo they wouldn't get confused when I say 'bullet' or 'gun'. 

"His name is Casull, and this little darling," I pulled out The Jackal, "Is the Jackal." I said, smiling. 

"You've named such deadly weapons?" asked the Mizukage. I nodded. 

"Yup. And you'll see another of my weapons in my next match." I said. "He, of course, is much more...messy with his attacks, but he always cleans up afterwards, don't worry." I said. They looked at me in horror, The Raikage and Mizukage, that is. The others have become used to the cruel/brutal/voilent lifestyle of mine, and Orochipedo was just as bad. I smiled as I put my guns back in their holders. 

"My other weapon...naw, my pet. I hate to call him a weapon..." I trailed off, before opening my mouth to say something else, when I was interrupted. 

"A summoning?" asked Orochipedo. I shrugged. 

"You could say that, I guess. Then again, he isn't, really," I said, putting my hands on my hips. "So there you have it, he is and he isn't at the same time." I said. 

"Much like myself, but a little more mysterious." I chuckled. 

"Much like yourself?" The Raikage repeated. I nodded. 

"Yup." He looked perplexed. 

"But you're right here." he said. "You can't be anywhere else." He finished. Coming from the people who created the Clone Jutsu? I sweatdropped, but quickly shook it away. 

"Yeah, I'm here, but what am I, exactly?" I asked, making him fall silent. 

"I am here, you can see me here, but what am I? To be here, I must be something, of course. But yet you don't know what it is; what I am." I said, now definitely gaining the attention of Orochimaru. 

"As the Kazekage has guessed, I am not human." I said, and their heads shot up, looking from Orochipedo to me. He smiled. 

"If you are here, then you are here. What you are makes no diference." he said. I stopped smiling for a while. They, seeing the look on my face were worried, but then I broke out laughing. 

"Okay, that was fun. Anyway, before I had the spazz attack caused by The Kazekage, I was going to say the same thing, more or less, but with a twist." I said, calming down from my laughing fit. 

"I am not human. That, we know, right?" I asked. They all nodded, instantly becoming aware of their surroundings, and the possible danger around them. I smiled. 

"That is what I meant. You, as soon as you find out that I am not the same as you, immediately look for a way to ensure your safety. Which is why, whether or nor I'm here doesn't matter, but what is here." I said, grinning. 

They looked shocked, but then they all broke out into little smiles. "You have entertained us long enough. Thank you for that interesting chat, Kuroi." said the Mizukage, still smiling. I grinned and winked. 

"No probs, but just remember;" I started, my grin fading. They were instantly serious again, and nodded, waiting for me to continue. 

"I'll tell you soon. In the middle of my match, actually." I said, before poofing down into the arena to face my second opponent.


 That was soo soo soo soo much fun! I had a hard time thinking their little banter through, but in the end I have come to not be afraid of things under my bed anymore. And, next chapter, I'm gonna quote a few people. Props to those who find 'em :3





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