The Taming of the Goblin King

By kickstar

40.5K 1.2K 156

Years later, Sarah returns to the Goblin Kingdom older and wiser. King Jareth wants revenge. Can she make a l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Poem: Flame

Chapter 2

2.7K 78 9
By kickstar

The Goblin King awoke long before dawn, filled with a feeling of anticipation. Within moments, he was magically dressed and prepared for his day. Quietly, he walked over to the small window alcove now occupied by a large chaise lounge. On it, Sarah still slept peacefully. Once again the Goblin King was struck by how much Sarah had changed. In three short years, she had matured into a lovely young woman. Jareth was forced to admit to himself that he was actually looking forward to the day, knowing he could spend it in Sarah's company. How things would develop between them still remained uncertain, but the Goblin King doubted he would find it as dull as his days had been in the past three years. Reluctantly, he departed for the throne room.

Sarah woke slowly without opening her eyes. She had been having the strangest dream about the Goblin King. A small snort nearby made Sarah's eyes fly open. Bewildered, she sat up. She was in a small alcove that was attached to a cavernous bedroom. Magnificent frescos covered the ceiling and walls. A gargantuan fireplace covered one wall directly across from a large platform. On top of the platform was the largest bed Sarah had ever seen. Lavishly carved, the bed was made of dark wood and covered in opulent crimson covers. Atop the head of the bed sat a huge, ornately carved, white owl perched on a gilded half moon. Obviously, these chambers belonged to the Goblin King.

A small female goblin came over to stand in front of Sarah and curtsied.

"Good morning, Lady Sarah." the little goblin said. "Me Atta. Kingy sent me to help you dress and get anything if you need it. Kingy is waiting for you in the throne room. Me got breakfast ready if you hungry."

Sarah was still a bit sleepy and definitely confused. The last clear thing she remembered was agreeing to obey the Goblin King as one of his subjects. Everything after that was a blur until now. Rubbing her forehead, Sarah turned to the goblin.

" Atta, is it? I'd like to freshen up. Can you show me where I can?" Sarah asked.

Atta quickly led Sarah to another huge room close by. Once again, Sarah gaped at her opulent surroundings. The bathtub was a huge Romanesque affair that could have doubled as a swimming pool. More frescos covered the walls. Even the sink was oversized and had gilded fixtures.

Several moments later, Sarah emerged, far more clearheaded. Atta had set up a small table that was now covered with luscious fruits and several types of sweetbreads. Sarah realized she was starving. It was tempting to just wolf down the food, but, Sarah's common sense overrode her hunger. Carefully and slowly, she began to eat the delicious food. After not having eaten for two days, she feared becoming sick if she ate too much too quickly. As she enjoyed every morsel, she couldn't help pondering the past few days. As she replayed the events, she froze in shock and then groaned at her own foolishness.

"Good Heavens!" she thought to herself. "I wished myself to the Goblin Kingdom! Well, they say be careful what you wish for."

Sarah reached for the locket that usually hung around her neck and found it missing. Frantically, she looked around the room, but quickly realized she must have lost it during her captivity. Its loss filled Sarah with a wave of sadness. Still, she had wanted to come here; now what?

Sarah was no fool. Between living in Manhattan among her mother's jet set friends and seeing her mother through her cancer, Sarah had acquired a maturity many people twice her age might envy. Every the pragmatist, Sarah quickly realized that she had been given what she asked for: her second chance. The key was to take advantage of it. Sarah began by analyzing the Goblin King himself.

Sarah made herself recall her encounter with the Goblin King three years earlier, struggling to remember every detail. Back then, Jareth had accused Sarah of forcing him to live up to her expectations. He had even maintained that he had exhausted himself to do it. Was it possible? Looking back, he had seemed quite different at their last encounter. Could it be that Sarah had been in control and not even realized it?

Seeing things in hindsight, Sarah realized to her shock that Jareth's words were the truth! He had not lied to her, doing all the things she had asked of him. She had wished Toby away, Jareth had taken him. She had wanted to face a challenge; he had given it to her. She expected him to be frightening and cruel and he had been. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, she had also done something unexpected that had been affecting her ever since: she had fallen in love with the Goblin King.

Sarah then recalled her meeting with King Jareth in the fort's dungeon. He had stated that he expected Sarah to obey his every whim and be his servant. Yet, here she was, safe, comfortable and well treated; not locked up in some dungeon. In fact, it seemed as if the King had gone out of his way to see to her comfort, even sending Atta to tend her. That hardly seemed the actions of the cold, cruel Goblin King she remembered. Truthfully, the Goblin King's harsh words and tone completely contradicted his current actions. Was it possible that he was not as completely indifferent to Sarah as he pretended to be? That thought alone gave her hope.

But what course of action should she take? Her first instinct was to charge straight to Jareth and demand explanations. Ruefully, she had to admit to herself that was probably a very bad idea, considering she didn't know how Jareth truly felt about her. Hoping was one thing; facing it head on was another thing altogether. Sarah decided she needed to buy herself some time to get closer to Jareth; but how?

Suddenly, Sarah was hit by a flash of genuine inspiration. She remembered watching a video of her mother's award winning performance in The Taming of the Shrew. Her mother had been brilliant as the quarrelsome "Kate" who resists the wooing of the fortune seeking Petruchio. Was it possible to do the same, but in reverse? Could she possibly change the heart of the Goblin King by giving him what he claimed he wanted, an obedient and pliable Sarah? Sarah began to smile widely as she contemplated her new plan. At least she could give it a try. It certainly beat sitting at home crying and bemoaning about lost love.

In the throne room, the Goblin King was pacing. Jareth knew from Atta that Sarah had been awake for some time. Where was she? Sarah would have been amused to know that the Goblin King had been pacing for almost an hour waiting on her. He had even kicked some of the Goblins into cleaning up around the place. He never stopped to consider why

Sarah's opinion mattered so much to him.

Sarah followed Atta to the throne room, suddenly nervous. After breakfast, Atta had helper her dress into yet another green gown. Sarah had started to protest, but Atta had been adamant that the Goblin King had ordered it. The gown itself was soft, comfortable and very flattering. Emerald in color, it hugged Sarah's every curve and accented her natural beauty. Soft slippers completed the outfit. Soon, she found herself standing in the doorway of the throne room.

Jareth looked up; saw Sarah in the door way, and his heart stopped in his chest. He had thought her pretty at fifteen. The three years since had turned her into an enchanting young woman that took his breath away. He was totally unprepared for the impact the now awake Sarah had on him. He noticed with some satisfaction that the gown he had conjured fit her lovely form quite well. He had actually conjured it on a whim to match the eyes he remembered so well as a bit of a joke. Instead, his plan had backfired. The green color only highlighted Sarah's eyes while offsetting her raven hair and rosy skin.

Jareth had to mentally shake himself to focus again. Soon, he found his voice.

Sarah herself was a little stunned at seeing the Goblin King again. Earlier, Sarah had forced herself to put aside her previous notions and opinions about Jareth. Now, she saw him as he truly was, not through the eyes of an impressionable teen. Dressed in tight leather pants and a loose linen shirt, Jareth was far more attractive that Sarah remembered. Though not overly muscular, Jareth's tall, lean form and lithe grace gave him an air of exotic sensuality. The oddness of his mismatched eyes and flamboyant personal style only served to enhance to his mysterious appeal. His voice broke her out of her musings.

"Well, Sarah, you've finally decided to join us." he said.

Jareth paused, waiting for her biting retort. Instead, what she did next caught him completely off guard.

Sarah actually curtsied as she spoke.

"Good morning, Your Majesty. I'm sorry for being late. It won't happen again," she replied apologetically.

Jareth was completely confounded. This was definitely not what he had expected!

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