Twilight plus one

By fluffymeowcat

142K 3.8K 389

❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 I'm in what century now?
chapter 3 Home sweet home
Chapter 4 different era and chapter 5 combined
chapter 6 Why is Carlisle carrying a limp body.
Chapter 7 Yeah I have a new sister sarcastic much?
Chapter 8 Fist hunt....Joy
Chapter 10 My big teddy bear brother!!!!!
Chapter 11 Emmett my brother... what can I say
Chapter 12 Big brother bear.
Chapter 13 Jealous
Read please :)
Chapter 14 Meeting the Quileutes
Chapter 15 Alice and Jasper
Chapter 16 Meeting the Denali coven
Chapter 17 Twilight. (Baised on the book and the movie)
Chapter 18 Biology
Chapter 19 Brothers got a crush
Chapter 21 Take a chance, make a change and breakaway
Chapter 22 First meeting
Chapter 23 Emmett and the bear (short chapter)
Chapter 24 Willie
25 Hey batter, Batter swing! NOT AT ME!
Chapter 26, showing my true self.
chapter 27 Crazy,psycho, tracker.
Chapter 28 We lost a human in a airport
Chapter 29 He Changes His Attitude Like The Weather.
Chapter 30. Put The Gun Down.
Chapter 31 Black heart.
Chapter 32 Say something.
Chapter 33 My Last Breath.
Chapter 34 Heaven Knows. (Re-written.)
Chapter 35 Going home
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37 Were not all suicidal. . . well at least i'm not.
Chapter 38 "Here we go."
Chapter 39 "Adding it to my collection."
Chapter 40 "Bella, the Caffeine Junky."
Chapter 41 "Welcome to the Family."
Chapter 42. Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 43 Eclipse: Letting the Spectrum In.
Chapter 44 Dig Up His Bones
Chapter 45. Surprise surprise.
Chapter 46. The Race.
Chapter 47 The Argument.
Chapter 48 The Truth.
Chapter 49. The miscommunication.
Chapter 50. Through The Valley
Chapter 51. When I Was Younger.
chapter 52 Medicine Man
Chapter 53. Cloaked Figures.

New moon: New begging's.

2.7K 82 20
By fluffymeowcat

I do not own of the twilight characters. Stephanie Meyer does. I do own my own characters.

                                                              PLEASE READ 

I am so so sorry that it took so long. Allot of things were happing in my life. I was preparing for school, studying, It was my birthday, I fell sick, and then I went to Chicago, Illinois. So I was very busy. I am so sorry that you had to wait so long, I feel really bad. 

I hope you like this chapter. 


~ Heather. 


I knocked on dad's office, I wanted to tell him about my other Devil dad. What if Carlisle kicks me out, because there's danger? What if something happens?

"Come in Emily."

I gulped and opened the door. My dad was sitting behind his desk, smiling, but had a concern expression on his face. My mother was by his side. Well here's goes nothing. 

Mom smiled. "What can we do for you sweetie."

I sat down in front of them. "Since were the only ones in the house, I figured its the best time to tell you things. Remember when I left before James attacked? Well I ran into Maria. She wasn't hostile, but she wanted her little minions to kill me. Before they killed me. . . I-I killed him. I'm not proud of it. Then the day James left and tracked Bella, I went a different way by myself because I smelt a different scent. When I followed it, I met another tracker. A tracker that was hired by my father. He knew were I lived. The tracker and I fought. so that's why when I came home I had blood on me. The thing is my dad know's where I live. He wont stop in till he kills me, or he kills my loved ones. He's coming. What if something happens to one of you? Look, when the tracker came. Alice didn't see them coming. So right there they have the advantage point. And I know your probably disappointed in me for not telling you earlier, but I wanted to make sure that Bella was okay, and safe. I'm afraid that if I don't find my father now, he'll come to me, and I cant have that happening." I sighed sadly and looked between my parents. My moms face had a mixed of sadness, fear, and love. Dad's face was unreadable. Please don't be mad at me. 

Dad clasped his hands together and leaned forward on the desk. "Sweetie why didn't you say something to me earlier? We've been back from Arizona for a week." 

"Because, everything calmed down. Plus I didn't want Bella in a line of cross fire. We can take care of ourselves but. . . she's human. I did- I don't want anything to happen to you. Your my family."

Mom got up and quickly came besides me. "Emily were family like you said. Anytime you want to talk were here. We can get through this together."

Dad nodded "Now about your father. Do you think that he'll act quickly, or will he wait for the right moment?"

I thought about it. "He'll probably wait for the right moment." 

He nodded again. "Than we'll be prepared."

I gulped. "You don't understand. If Alice cant see then than he had the advantage. He was powerful back them, he could be more powerful now. I don't know his weaknes's or strengths. That tracker he hired was strong I'm surprised I took him down."

Mom clasped my hand. "We stand together, we fight together. No matter what." 

I looked at dad. "Promise?"

He smiled. "Promise. Now get to school."

I chuckled and waved at them. If they weren't worried at the moment then I'll listen to them. Although I will always be worried in till he's dead, and the Vultri crash to the ground. I sighed frustratingly. Okay think about something else. Bella's birthday is today. She said no parties or presents. But I  dont think we l istened to her. A couple weeks ago I bought her a poratable DVD, Romeo and Juliet DVD.  Alice said that she would watch it, and like it.  I grabbed my bad and went outside.  Time to go to school. Yay! Can't wat to see Mike Newteen. Sarcasm. I started my car and speed off.

When I drove up to the school, and parked in my usual spot. My eyes caught Bella and Edward. There so cute. I cut off my engine and walked up to them. Before I could open my mouth she cut me off.

She glared at me. "Do not say it."

How did she know what I was going to say? I held my hands up in surrender. "I wasn't going to."

She, them smiled. "Thank you."

I smiled back." Happy birthday." Bella groaned, while Edward smiled at us. "Sorry but you had to know that was coming."

Edward chuckled. "Bella I don't see why your being so - "

"Stubborn?" I suggested.

She pouted. "I just don't want to celebrate my birthdays."

I am so confused. "Why would you want to do something like that? there meant to be celebrated, not forgotten, each one is special."

"Do you celebrate your birthday?"

"That's different. They got boring after four hundred an something."

"It doesn't mater anymore. Its one year older than Edward."

I looked at Edward than back to her. "Do you realize that Edward is way, way, way over seventeen? He could be your great, great, great grandfather! Which now that I think about it, that's creepy. Any-who your coming to our house and you'll like it Missy!" Before she could talk, I covered her mouth. "Please just think about it. It would mean allot to Esme and Alice." I kissed her cheek and waved to Edward. 

He put a hand on my shoulder. "Relax Emily. If Bella wants to stay home, than she can. Its her birthday."

"So there." She crossed her arms.

I rolled my eyes. "We should get to class."

Bella nodded. Edward grabbed her arm. "Wait, someone wants to talk to you." 

"Bella!" i looked to see who the mystery man was. First off he was tall, maybe 5'8". His hair was long, and was slightly muscular. I sniffed. He smells different. 

What in the world is he going here? I don't mind them, but we do have a treaty. Unless the young werewolf doesn't know about his history.

"Jacob!" Bella smiled. Hmm they know each other?

"We'll leave you two to talk." Edward grabbed my hand and walked us over to a few cars over. I leaned against the car, and watched Jacob.

"Hello biceps! You know, anabolic steroids are really bad for you." She pointed out. 

I simply rolled my eyes. Watch out Edward, someone's stealing your girl. He glared at me. "Oh calm down, Mr. Vampire. " I returned my hearing onto the two.

Jacob laughed." Well I'm just filling out, Bella. You know, it wouldn't be so drastic if we hung out more."

"You should switch schools. You can hang out with the palefaces."

I groaned inwardly. I'm not pale like my family or any people here! my skins like Jacobs. Tanned! 

Jacob smiled. "I'm all right, I prefer the res-schools exclusivity. They let any old riffraff into this place." 

Whats that suppose to mean?

Bella nodded her head. " I see. Then why are you slumming it?" 

Slumming? I know I'm old, but does that mean skipping?

He sighed. "I wan just buying a part of the rabbit. You should really come take a ride when its done."

"Is it fast?"

"Um its decent."The both laughed. To my right my brothers facial expression was all in distress. "Hey happy birthday. Your dad told me dad, so . . ." How come we cant sat that with out getting a glare, or a threat? "I saw this the other day and thought of you. Catches bad dreams." Jacob held up a dream catcher.

I don't understand her. One minute she says no to birthdays gifts and now takes them from old friends?

Bella held it in her hands. "That's perfect, thank you."

"No problem. Good seeing you." He pulled her into a hug. 

"Yeah I'll see you later."

I rolled my eyes and walked into school, leaving Edward and Bella to talk. It looked like Jacob wanted to be more than friends. But Bella was looking like she just wanted to be friends. Relationships are so complicated these days.  When I looked up, I saw Alice and Jasper on the school's staircase. Alice had a small box in her hands, while Jasper stood over her protectively, from the hormonal teenagers. 

"Hello my talented siblings."

Jasper smiled. "Hello Emily."

Alice basically ignored me, and looked over my shoulder. "Bella! Happy birthday!" She went straight to her and gave Bella a hug.

She hushed Alice. I smiled and leaned on the stairs. "I thought I said no presents."

I shrugged. "You did. We just didn't listen." My sibilings chuckled.

Alice pouted. " I've already seen you open it and guess what? You love it! Your're going to wear it tonight. Our place. Come on please? It'll be fun." 

I tapped on Jasper's shoulders and inclined my head towards Bella. He smiled and nodded. 

Bella sighed, and smiled. "Okay. All right. I'll come."

Edward looked at Jasper and I. I waved my fingers, making him role his eyes in response. Alice skipped over to us, taking my spot, as I walked up to Bella and my brother.

She glared at Jasper. "Hey no fair with the mood control thing."

He smiled. "Sorry Bella, Happy -" She glared at him, in annoyance. "Never mind." Alice and Edward both left for class. 

Bella smiled and hit Edwards chest. He smiled down at her. "You cant trust vampires. Trust me." 

I smirked and passed right by her. "You can trust hybrids though." With that I skipped down the hall to my class. Today is going to be a fun day. 


Alice slapped my hand away from the cake that was sitting into of the piano. "What? Its not like your going to eat it. " She glared at me, and walked up the stairs to fetch Bella and Edward. Evil little pixy child. Thinking that my sister was gone. I swiped a finger on the frosting, and put it in my mouth. Yummy! 

"I saw that! " Alice growled.

I quickly swallowed the frosting. "No you didn't!"

My family laughed at our sisterly bickering. Emmett came up to me. "Why do you even try to go up against Alice?"

"Because I get bored. You try things."

I looked around. This place looked so different. There were candles everywhere, and I do mean everywhere. Flowers petals were in small bowls. Little boutiques were on the table in vases. I have to admit, Alice sure knows how to throw a party.

She came down with Bella, Edward was being towed behind them. My parents came up to Bella first and hugged her, and wished her a happy birthday. I smiled at them. Maybe this could work out. Alice and Rosalie gave her a gift. Of course Rosalie rolled her eyes, and  handed her the box. 

I smiled. "I hope you like it."

Mom came by me and smiled. "Your looking a little pale lately."

"Yeah were saying your to pale."  Emmett and I both laughed.

She blushed and opened the wrapping paper. A loud slice rang through the air. And atomically the rusty smell of blood, was in the air. Oh no. My scenes reacted quickly.

My eyes landed on Jasper. His eyes zero'd on Bella's finger. I know that look all to well. He charged at her, but was thrown back into the piano. In the mean time, Edward through Bella back into the bowls, making her fall to the ground. Jasper got up quickly again, Emmett and dad dodged for him, making him stop. Emmett pulled his hands around his back. Time to make a move.

I hurried forward and put my hands on his shoulders, looking into his eyes. Compulsion. "Jasper calm down now!" Both of our eyes glazed over. I hate compelling people. 

Alice rushed up to him. "Shh, Jasper its just a little . . . blood."

We all looked at Bella. Her arm was servery cut with glass. Blood flowed down her arm.  Well that looks like it needs stitches. 

Dad went to her quickly. "Get Jasper out of here." Esme, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett dragged him out. My attention went to Bella and my dad. "Edward go talk to Jasper, I'm pretty sure your the only one he'll listen too. Edward? Go."

I looked at my brothers hard expressions. There so many emotions on his face: Sadness, angry, disappointment, grief, guilt. I walked up to him. "Edward what every happens its not anyone's fault. " 

He never even blinked just kept his gaze onto Bella. Edward finally went out the door. I gulped. The look on his face, said everything. 

"Bella do you think you can stand?" Dad asked.

She blushed. "Yeah, thanks."

I looked at my dad."Do you need help?'

"No, but thank you sweetie. Don't make it hard on yourself."

I nodded and went to my room. Sighing, I closed my door. Something bad is going to happen. I can feel it. 


"You want us to do what!?" I yelled at Edward.

After dad stitched Bella up, he took her home and came back, saying that we have to move on, to get away from here. For Bella's safely. Uh news flash! She's a danger magnet. Even if we do leave, and were in far, far away land. She'll still attract danger. Its Bella Swan where talking about ere. 

"Edward I'm sorry." Jasper apologized again for the sixty-fourth time.

Edward face was just. . . expressionless. Like all of his emotions were turned off. I haven't see something like that in a long time. "Its not your fault Jasper. Its in our nature." 

Damn right it wasn't! My hands were folded as I glared at my stupid, idiotic brother. "And what paint were you sniffing when you decided this "decision"? And since when do you decided for all of us Edward?  Your an idiot! You finally find freaking love, your mate, and now you want to leave because of one little incident? Your throwing everything away! Just because we leave, doesn't mean she wont forget us. Its Bella were talking about here.  Do you think if we leave, she wont be heart broken? You don't think she wont miss any of us?" 

Edward looked at me. "Emily do you know what a mulligan is?"

I blinked. "The booze you've been drinking."

Dad healed up his hand, silencing me. "Enough Emily. Edward are you sure son?" He nodded. "Then its settled."

Not wanting to hear anymore cop-outs or excuses. I growled. That's it, I have had enough of this! I've had enough of this family listening to Edward and Rosalie! I'm done. Without a word I went up to my room and packed the stuff I really needed. Clothes, money, and weapons.  I thought we would stick together, no matter what. Fight against our enemies, not each other. I guess I was wrong.

Bella doesn't deserve this! Instead of working it out, were running, and once you start, you cant stop. Grabbing my car keys and phone, I jumped out of the window. This seems like Deja vue' all over again. Throwing my bag on the passenger seat, I got in and started the car. Nobody wants to listen to me. Even Alice wont. I just don't get it. 

Well since nobody will be here anymore. I there just one thing to do. Find my father and kill him. Seems so simple. If my father is hidding and staying low then he'll go to the first place I can think of. Virgina. 

(A/N Fast forward to the trip.) 

"Okay focus. You can do this." I kept telling myself. I was positioned infront of the woods, debating or not to go in. My heart told me yes, but my mind was wary . But something was different. My wolf. It was whimpering. I haven't heard my wolf in a long time. If my wolf was telling me to go in then . . . "oh forget it." I walked into the woods. God don't let me die.

Colton's P.O.V 

'Dude come on what are you afraid of? To lose again?'  MyBest friend Conner teased through mind link. 

Today we were on patrol. Circling the area for anything suspicious. There has been many killings here. Vampires of course. My dad's pack doesn't hate vampires. But other packs do. My dad is the alpha making me the second in commanded. In total of the pack we have fifty-five of us. Stating the largest pack. The James pack.

I shook my black wolf head. 'No I don't feel like it. For some odd reason my wolf is on edge.'

The wind picked up. Blowing my black fur around. But with the wind, blew a scent, that smelt like strawberry's and maple syrup. Without warning Conner, I took off after it, leaving him behind. My wolf was getting more excited every second I got closer to it.  Could this be it? My own heart pounded when I was only one mile from this. . . alluring scent. I picked up the speed and finally found the source of it. This beautiful girl. She was shorter then me, way short, maybe 5'5", long brown hair, with big brow eyes, that mad my heart melt. Her wardrobe was dark. Black shirt, with black pants, with black combat boots. 

She finally noticed me. Her eyes grown huge. " I am definitely not in Kansas anymore." 

My eyes met hers and we both froze. 

My wolf howled in delight. Mate. 


So what do you think about it?? 

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