Consequences (Breaking All th...

Autorstwa causeimirish22

16.7K 343 52


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Last One)

Chapter 3

1.6K 31 2
Autorstwa causeimirish22

Sitting in Niall’s class was probably the hardest thing I ever had to do. His eyes occasionally falling on me. I could barely sit still. It seemed everything he did turned me on. Even just stacking a pile of papers had my mind wondering to all the way I wanted him to fuck me. I’ve only slept with three people but he was the best.  I had experience to thank for that.

“Miss Chambers, can I see you after class?” Niall asked after handing our quizzes back. He placed mine face down and I lifted it to see that I got a 94. I smiled to myself when I knew that he wanted to see me for a different reason.

The class slowly filed out and I remained in my seat at the back of the room.

“I guess I’ll catch you later. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do” Dana winked and skipped out of the classroom.

“Did I do something wrong?” I pouted my lip and batted my eyelashes at him. He walked towards me slowly, that devilish grin spread across his face. I crossed my leg over my knee and leaned forward, resting my chin on the back of my hands.

“I want to take you to dinner.” The tone of his voice was very serious. My first thought was to shout yes but then my mind started reeling. Did I want to go on a date with him? Yes. Of course. Niall and I have never gone on a date before. The ‘what if’ questions started running around in my mind. What if we didn’t enjoy going on a date? What if we just lust after each other? What if he becomes bored with me and there really is no future for us?

On top of all of that we have a lot of unsolved issues between us. We couldn’t just pretend that we weren’t angry with each other. Both of us had so much left to say about where we left things off. Neither of us got the closure we deserved even though we were never in a relationship. I tried to get that closure but he left and ignored me up until this point. And then there was Victoria. Yeah Niall said he was seeing her but that didn’t mean much. They were committed to each other but she was clearly infatuated with him. Then not to mention our biggest optical, he is my professor. I may be of age now but it’s still a relationship the school wouldn’t agree with.

“Okay” I finally said.

“Only if you want to” he said when I sounded unsure. We had a lot of things to work out. The only thing on my mind was that I wanted him again. Wanted him bad. I always knew my feelings wouldn’t go away for him and now I’m positive they would never.  

“I want to. I’ll see you tonight” I smiled at him as I left the classroom. I didn’t want him to get the vibe that I wasn’t interested in him still. But I think we both made that clear the other night.

When I got back to my apartment both Tori and Dana were gone. I was thinking about telling Tori everything this way I had someone to talk to about all of this. I needed advice and someone to vent to. I trusted Tori but I still didn’t want to tell her.

I took a long shower to clear my head. I sat around in my towel scrolling through facebook and trying to waste some time. My phone started to ring and I jumped across my bed thinking it was Niall. Liam’s face popped up on the screen. “Hey!”

“Hi Kel, what are you up to?”

I exhaled sharply. “Nothing really.” It may be stupid but Liam was probably the only person I could talk to about the Niall situation. “Want to stop by my apartment?” He said he’d be right over before hanging up. I changed into some sweats and started doing my hair before Liam came over. A half hour later there was a knock at the door. I gave Liam a hug and dragged him to my room before shutting the door.

“This was not what I was coming over for” he joked. I laughed at myself for what he might have been thinking. What girl just drags a guy to her room and slams the door shut?

“Niall wants to take me on a date” I openly admitted. He raised his eyebrows and leaned back on my bed.

“Well that’s good, right?”

“I think so.” I sat down next to him and buried my face in my hands. “We have so much to work out.

“Did anything happen the other night?” he questioned. I bit my lip and nodded.

“He said he was seeing someone” I rolled my eyes. “But then he kissed me.”

“And how did that kiss feel?” Liam was searching my face for the answer. His eyes locked on mine.

“Incredible” I breathed. “I felt it through my entire body.”

“I bet you did” he teased and I shoved him back. “So what’s the problem?”

“He’s my professor.” Of course that wasn’t going to stop me. If I wasn’t afraid to break the rules back in high school then it wasn’t going to stop me in college. “He just left me before. Who’s to say he wouldn’t do it again?”

“I don’t think he will this time. What are you so afraid of?” He rubbed his hands over my shoulder and shook me a little.

“I’m not. This is stupid. I’m talking to you about Niall.”

“Just because we dated for a while doesn’t mean you can’t come to me about this relationship stuff. We’re friends Kellie. I know you still have feelings for him even when we were together.”

“Yeah but what if he doesn’t? Maybe he just wants to put an end to everything.” Yes he may have kissed me and teased me like he wanted more but this job meant everything to him. He wouldn’t risk it, I think.

“Kellie” I looked up at him. “Shut up. Niall is crazy about you. I see the way he looks at you. Can’t blame him. You’re beautiful.” His words made me blush. Liam and I were just friends but I was never that good with compliments, especially if they were about my physical appearance.

“Thanks” I smiled.

“And if this all works out then you guys could double with me and Dana.”

“How are things with you two?” I poked his sides hoping that he would spill some details because she wasn’t telling me much.

“Things are good. She’s hot” he said and wiggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and got off the bed to find something to wear for tonight.

“That’s good” I shouted from my closet. “You taking her out?”

“Maybe tomorrow.” I finished changing into a pair of jeans and a nice top before emerging from my closet to show off my outfit to Liam.

“How do I look?” I asked as I spun in a circle.

“Amazing as always.” He got up and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you later. Call me if you need me.”
“Thanks Liam. And please” I started, catching his attention.

“I promise I won’t speak a word of this.”

“Thank you.”


“Where are you taking me?” I asked after we were driving for over an hour. Niall looked good tonight. He was wearing jeans, a plain shirt and sneakers. A snapback hid his blonde hair.

“We can’t exactly go to the nice restaurant right off campus” he answered. “Too risky.” I nodded and sat back in my seat. “I’m glad you said yes.”

“Are you?” I asked coldly.

“What’s that supposed to mean? Of course I’m happy you’re with me. Why wouldn’t I be?”

I took a deep breath before answering him. “I don’t know. A week ago you wouldn’t even acknowledge my existance and now you want to take me to dinner. I can’t help but think you want this all to end.”

Niall slowed the car to a stop. He turned towards me, taking my hands in his. “Kellie I want to be with you. I wish I could be affectionate with you in public or be able to tell someone about you. You won’t be my student forever and I don’t want to wait until you’re not anymore.” I leaned over and kissed him softly.

“Can’t we just skip dinner and go back to your place?” He bit his lips and sighed.

“We’re going to dinner first then you can decide if you want to stay the night.” My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. Niall and I have yet to spend a night together. It’s something I always wanted. Have his arms wrapped around me. To wake up to that face.

We were seated at our table and already I felt the sexual tension between us. I would take him on the table right now. My foot skimmed his shin and he gave me a threatening look. “Can’t we have a nice dinner first?” he laughed.

I smirked at him and sat back in my chair. We ordered our food when the waitress came around. I knew we had a lot to discuss but honestly I needed this dinner to go by fast or I would explode.

“So what’s the deal with Liam now?” he asked first.

“Nothing. We’re friends. It was never going to work with us” I answered honestly. “And you and Miss Perfect?”

“We’ve been out a few times. That’s it.” 

“Really?” I squinted my eyes at him.

“If you’re asking if we’re sleeping together then no. Almost, then I bumped into you and I couldn’t.” I was honestly surprised. He didn’t sleep with her because of me. I never would have thought that. “I tried not to think about you Kellie and Victoria was helping with that. When I saw you in my class I knew I couldn’t get you out of my head.”

“How did we get here?” I laughed. “It shouldn’t be this complicated.”

“If we’re going to do this again we need to set a whole new set of rules.” I nodded and waited for him to say his terms. “No interaction on campus unless it is school related.”

“Okay. I can do that. You stop seeing Victoria?”

“I broke whatever we had off that night I saw you in the hallway. We tell no one.” I swallowed the lump that was in my throat. I looked up at him. I was clearly nervous. “Who did you tell?” he asked angrily.

“No one. Liam kind of found out.”

“Kind of?” he whisper yelled at me. “How did he kind of find out?” I knew he was nervous about it. I could trust Liam but he couldn’t.

“Don’t worry about it. He’s known since Thanksgiving.”

“And still managed to rope you into a fake relationship even though he knew about us?” He was getting angrier as the conversation went on.

“Nothing happened with us until after you left me. He’s not going to say anything.” He scoffed and clenched his hands in to fists on the table. I reached out for his hand but he pulled back. Great, now tonight was ruined. I knew it wasn’t going to work out. “Maybe this was a mistake.”

“It wasn’t. If you trust him then so do I. I miss you Kellie.” He rubbed his thumb over my cheek instantly making me feel better. “We have a lot to work on but I don’t want to lose you again.”

“Just don’t run out on me again. Promise me you’ll talk to me first. I am not some kid this time around.”

“I know you’re not. I never treated you like one. There were a lot of reasons I left and you were not one of them. It was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up and kicking the shit out of a student would look bad.”

“Really bad” I smiled. “Can we get out of here now?” He nodded and paid the bill. He took his hand in mine as we left the restaurant, helping me into his car. I teased him the whole ride home. I bit my lip and ran my hand up his thigh. He kept shifting in his seat. His hands gripping tightly to the steering wheel. 

His apartment wasn’t too far from the restaurant. He led me to his bedroom. His lips instantly found mine, backing me up until my legs hit the bed. He hovered over me, his lips sliding down to my neck. I felt his hardening dick between my legs. God, I wanted him so badly. He flipped us over so I was on top and I was happy to be in control.

We were both so turned on by each other. Both in desperate need to feel each other, taste each other. I deepened the kiss and rocked my hips to his. “I want you” he breathed out. “Off now” he said pulling on my shirt. I pulled it over my head and chucked it to the other side of the room.

I lowered my body and unbuttoned his pants, sliding them down his legs. I ran my fingertips over his bulge. “No teasing” he groaned. I crawled back up and placed a soft kiss on his lip.

I stretched out my arms and yawned. “Not tonight” I winked. “I’m tired. I think I’m going to go to sleep.”

“You’re kidding. Please tell me you are joking.”

“Hey if you are going to make me face the consequences then so are you. You have to earn it Horan and dinner just isn’t enough. Now shush I need some sleep.” He growled and rolled over to shut off the light. At first I thought he was actually mad at me until he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.

“Good night Kellie” he whispered in my ear. He placed a light kiss on the back of my head.

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