Back Again! *Niall Horan Stor...

By abbielovesniall

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Back Again! *Niall Horan Story*
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Authors Note
Authors Note

Chapter 8

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By abbielovesniall

Kenzies POV

Beth just texted harry and asked if the rest of boys could come over because beth has a 'surprise' for them all.

I heard the door bell ring, I went to go answer it but only saw niall.

"Hey" he said smiling at me

"Hi" I said smiling back "come in"

"Thank you" he replied

"Beth, will you get lily for me" I shouted

We both sat down on the sofa and then I heard pitta patta of feet. I told niall to go to the kitchen and wait until I told her you came back. Just then, Lily stood in front of me smiling. I put her on my knee. She looked just like him bright blue eyes, smile even dimples which made her look extra gorgeous, she only had my long blonde hair.

"Hey sweetie, I've got something to tell you" I said

"What?" She asked me in her cute voice

"Do you remember how I said daddy's away and I don't no when he will be coming back? I asked her

"Yes" she replied

"Well he's come home" I said looking at her smiling

Just then niall came through the door from the kitchen

"Where is he?" She asked me

"Right there" I replied pointing to him

She jumped off my knee and ran to him and he picked her up. "Hello gorgeous" he said to her

"Hi daddy, I missed you" she said hugging him

When I saw this a little tear ran down my cheek. Even though it was her first time ever meeting him, I always told her niall was her dad.

I then heard the door bell ring, I went over and answered it.

"Hello boys" I said I heard niall and lily running out of the room. "Come in" I continued

All the boys sat on the sofa, they had confused faces on, I don't think they know who I am. Beth came through the door, harry stood up and gave her a hug.

"Boys, this is my sister Mckenzie-Juliana" she said

"But just call me kenzie" I butted in

"There's something you should all know" I started off.

"I'm niall's long lost best friend" I said. They looked quite shocked

"And there's something you need to know, because I'm scared it may hurt your careers, and I don't want that" I said with nearly tears running down my cheeks. Beth came and comforted me, and then niall came out with lily.

Niall had a big smile on his face as lily was holding his hand, and they both walked up to me.

"Guys, I'm a dad" niall said with a smile on his face

Niall's POV

"Guys, I'm a dad" I said with a huge smile on my face. They looked

"What?" They all asked me in unison

"I'm a dad" I said again more calmly than I thought I would

"How?" Liam asked looking at me still confused aswell as the rest of them but calming down

"Well, I think we all know how" kenzie replied butting in.

"Well obviously I know! God never mind" liam said. They all stood up. Congratulations buddie was the only words I was hearing for last 10 minutes.

We all sat on the sofa, lily on my knee, they was all cooeing over her.

"Lily, this is uncle harry, uncle louis, uncle liam and uncle zayn." I said to her pointing to each 1

"Noooo, that's uncle curls, uncle carrot, uncle spoon head and uncle mirrors" she replied. We was all in shock, so was kenzie.

But soon after I did hear a few, "uncle carrot, that's fine with me" from louis. "Spoon head, excuse me do I look like I've got a spoon head?" From liam which made me laugh and harry and zayn both looking in a mirror at their 'perfect' hair.

"Lily, where did you learn that?" Kenzie asked her.

"From auntie lottie and auntie beth" she replied and smiled at kenzie

"Oh yeah, me and lots kinda made new names for them, plus she likes them better" beth replied laughing while eating ice cream and sharing it with harry. Where did she get that from?

Kenzie pulled me away from all of them so we could guess talk?

"Hey, what's up?" I ask

"We're going out tonight, because I think we need to talk, about stuff." She replied

"Errm okay? I'll pick you up at 7 and we'll go to nandos." I replied smiling at her

"Okay fine" she said rolling her eyes. "You'll have to pick me up at my gran's tho because my gran will have to babysit the girls" she continued

"Well isn't beth old enough to babysit them?" I asked

"Well yeah, but I don't want her to work too hard and stuff" she replied

"I have an idea" as I smiled and walked into the living room where the boys were.

"Hey guys, I need a favour" I asked. They all turned around and looked at me

"I need you to babysit lottie and lily" I said to them

"Sure thing" was all I was hearing. Okay that's that settled, I thought.

"Wait, you just expect me to leave lily with guys she barely knows?" Kenzie shouted at me

"Woo woo, I've got little sisters, I know how to look after them, I promise it'll be okay" louis said to her. "Yeah, I've got em an all, it'll be okay" zayn said reassuring her. She breathed heavily. "Okay" she said

Kenzie's POV

*7 o clock*

"You ready to go?" I heard niall say. I wasn't dressed fancy, I just had a really nice long top with butterflys all around it, and a pair of skinny jeans. I'm quite tall, but I'm really skinny. I'm weird, I also hate being tall.

"Yeah" I replied as I linked on to niall. "Oh wait" I said and rushed off to the sofa where lily was sitting on harry's lap watching tweenies.

"Ohhh, I see she's got you watching tweenies" I said to harry. You can just tell he's good with kids, they all love him.

"Yeah, but I'm not bothered" he replied

I bent further down to lily so I was her height.

"Lily, I want you to be good for the guys okay, I want you to have supper when they say, and go to bed when they say, okay?" I said to her.

"Okay mama" she replied to me

"Be good" I said to her as I gave her a kiss and cuddle.

I went back to niall and he was smiling at me. I got in the car and we set off to nandos, it was only down the road, which was handy because I've never left lily alone with any1 else apart from my gran.


We got inside and got a table straight away, because my aunt cassandra (cassie) owned the place, which was very cool.

"Thanks aunt cassie" I said to her as she gave us a table.

"That's aunt cassie?" Niall asked me

"Yeah, don't you remember, I moved over to UK to be closer to my mum's family" I replied to him.

"Oh yeah" he said

You see after niall auditioned for the x factor and got through he had to move to london to obviously to be on the show. When they came 3rd and got signed, we started to drift apart. But we skyped and the last skype that we had before we completely lost touch, I said to him, I was moving to the uk, manchester actually, to be closer to my mums family. Cassandra is my mums twin sister. She said that she was surprised that I didn't have twins when I got pregnant because my mum was a twin and then had twins before me, but had a miscarriage because she was only 17 and wouldn't be able to look after 2. Which now I'm a mum I totally get. But then she had me,beth and lottie. Thank god none of us was twins.

"So, we need to talk" I said

"I know" he said. It then got really awkward

"Right, I'll go first." I said.

"I love how you love lily and you want to be here for her and stuff, but, I just don't think I can let lily have a dad that's here 1 minute, smiling, laughing, playing, and then he leaves the next. And she's also at that stage where she's more talkative and understands more, and I won't be able to lie to her, because she's a smart little girl and she knows when somethings wrong or when people leave, and I just can't, I can't do that to her" I said. He grabbed my hand.

"I'm going to be here, I'm going to be here for you and lily, I've already missed 4 years of her life, I'm not going to miss anymore" he said. I think we both had tears in our eyes.

"And I don't want you too" I replied. "But I just don't want lily to have a dad that she only sees 2 weeks every couple of month, I mean its not like you can have her for 6 month and then I'll have her for 6 month. It just doesn't work like that. I replied to him, and then he suddenly go his thinking face on.

"Come on tour with me" he asked while smiling

"What?" I said shocked

"Come on tour with me, that way I can be with you and lily, everyday" he said

Beth's POV

"Lily, I think its bed time now sweetie, are you gonna get your jammies on and go to bed?" I asked her. Before I knew It she was up and running to go put her PJ's on. Once she was in her PJ's she came back down stairs.

"Will you guys tell me a story?" She asked

"Yeah sure" harry said to her as she sat on his lap, all the boys was sitting aswell.

"Oh this will be good" zayn said and we all laughed. (He's telling the story of cinderella but I cbb typing it, sorry guys)

"And the prince and princess lived happily ever after" harry said and pecked my lips. He was looking at me through all the story.

"I think harry's found his princess" louis said whispering to the boys, and them agreeing.

I got out of the gaze.

"Bethy, are you the princess and curly the prince" she asked me. Harry laughed as she called him curly, and he replied.

"Yes, we are"

"Then who's the ugly sisters?" She asked us

"And lottie and mummy" I replied and every1 laughed

"Hey!!!!" Lottie shouted angry at us, when I mimed shhh to her.

"Right, go on up to bed." I said to lily. As lottie got up and they both went to bed. "Good night girls" we all shouted

*30 minutes later*

Harry got up and dragged me to the kitchen.

"Wait, what are we doing?" I asked him. He pounced his lips onto mine, his warm moist lips in sync with mine, I was shocked at first but I continued.

"I can't stop thinking about you" he whispered in my ear. I smiled

"Good, because I can't stop thinking about you either" I said and winked at him

"Come on tour with me, I know we've only just got together but, your all I think about and I want to be able to see you everyday, not 2 weeks every couple of months." He said to me winking.

I nodded my head our lips inches apart, we kissed, the kiss with 1000 fireworks going off at the same time, as he smiled in the kiss I knew he felt them too. I hugged him, as we broke apart we both had the biggest smiles on our faces as we went back into the living room.

- I hope you like chapter 8. Tell me what you think.

- What do you think Kenzie will answer to niall about going on tour, do you think she'll go?

- This chapter is not restrictive, but it won't let me change it, so am sorry. Oh and does any1 know how to change it? x

-Abigail<3 x

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