Stitch By Stitch || Haikyuu!!

By himitsumints

246K 8.7K 12.3K

"And maybe this is proof that even if you think you'll be stuck in the dark forever, there will always be som... More

Stitch by Stitch
end note.
just a little update ;^^


4.7K 220 348
By himitsumints

Third person (this is becoming normal haha)

Academics---something Cosette never bothered about, especially Japanese literature.

So it's no surprise that, when it came to her first history exam, saying that her score was "low" would have been an understatement.

"Ehhh?!" Naomi peered at the blonde's test paper. "That's a failing grade!"

A big red 17 out of 50 was marked on her paper.

"...I know."

"But I thought..."

Cosette looked boredly at her friend. This was nothing new to her. If anything, the only subject she was remotely good at and didn't fail in was geometry--- and she hardly got to 90s even then.

"Konimi?" Kenma caught her attention. "You never said you struggled with studies..."

She shrugged. "I never bother. Nobody's here to correct me, anyway."

And I kind of can't.

"But.. but the semester exams are coming up!"

"Your point?"

Naomi sighed in exasperation. "Don't you care about your grades at all?"

"No. They're just numbers."

"Err... some say you could get kicked out if you fail more than one semester exam..." Kenma said quietly. "Or at least get an academic contract."

And I really wouldn't want that... he thought to himself.

"Oh, I've read about those! If you get three of them, you get kicked out, right?"


Cosette frowned, her two classmates now having her full attention.

"I don't like studying," she said flatly.

The only reason she happened to be fairly okay at geometry was the very fact that it didn't really require studying at all. She had been well-trained in the subject since she was little; it came easily to her.

She only got to 80s because of the word problems involved--- when it came to writing and understanding comprehension in Japanese, she was utterly helpless, even if she can speak okay.

"Well, what did Akiyama-sensei say to you? I mean, you were called, right?"

"Oh. Yeah."


"Well... I have a tutor."

Naomi's eyes widened. "Really?! Who is it? They'd be in our year, right?"

"According to Akiyama-sensei, they had to be from third year."

"So? Who is it?"

Cosette blew a strand of hair from her face, looking away. She didn't want to have to mention it, but it was inevitable.

"Kuroo," she sighed, irritation obvious in her tone.

The ravenette's jaw dropped; she was expecting someone else entirely. "E-ehh?! Kuroo-san?! A tutor?!"

Kenma, however, didn't seem surprised. "He might not look it, but he has good grades," he said nonchalantly.

But Yaku-san is still better in the academics area. Why wasn't he chosen?

"N-not Mori-kun...?" Naomi blinked, as if reading the setter's mind.

"That would've been easier for me," Cosette sighed, "but he has his own things to deal with. Kai, Seira, and Ayame aren't academically good enough for tutoring."

Kenma shot a glance of slight pity at his classmate, knowing her resentment towards his childhood friend. "...don't worry. I'll tell him not to bother you."

"Thanks, Kenma."


"You know, I'd rather you do this in school during break rather than coming into my house," Yaku said, sighing as they walked home.

"He~y now, don't get all worked up just because Harada-sensei didn't pick you to tutor your girlfriend~"

"How many times do I have to tell you, it's not like that!"

"But it soon will be, right?" Kuroo winked.

Cosette let out a sigh of irritation. "You're talking about me as if I'm not here," she said icily, sending the middle-blocker a please-shut-up-already look.

"Yeah, Kuroo, geez, have some respect for her." And without thinking, he put his arm protectively around her.

Kuroo stared at his classmate in disbelief. "Even if I already know you two aren't a couple, it's hard to think that, what with the way you're acting."

Cosette looked away, trying to act nonchalant about the whole situation.

It's bad enough that he has to stay with me at night... Naomi will kill me if she finds out.

"It's not supposed to mean anything, idiot," Yaku mumbled, removing his arm and stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say~"

Kuroo shook his head, smirking.

"We're here," Yaku sighed, opening the door. "Tadaima!"

"Welcome back, niichan, Konimi-neesan!" a girl's voice chirped up from the living room.

"Hey there, Haru-chan," Kuroo grinned at her.

Her eyes lit up, and she bounced up from the couch, running to give him a hug. "Kuroo-niisan!"

"Eh, that hurts, Haru-chan!" Yaku cried. "He gets a hug, and your own brother doesn't?!"

Haru stuck out her tongue playfully, clinging to the taller third-year.

"Kuroo... you influenced her too much..."

"What's this, you're all so loud!" Mitsuka came down. However, her face softened as she scanned the living room. "Oh, hello, Tetsurou! Welcome back, Morisuke, Cosette."

The blonde smiled slightly when she heard her first name. Although she knew that Mitsuka wasn't her biological or adoptive mother, it was nice to have someone who did act like a proper motherly figure in her life.

"What's with the sudden appearance?"

Kuroo tilted her head towards the half-Japanese. "She needs a bit of tutoring, and I was chosen, so..."

"Tutoring?" Mitsuka frowned.


Cosette sent him a silent thank-you for not mentioning her failing grades.

"I see... well, are you three hungry yet?"

They glanced at each other.

"Maybe later..." Yaku supplied.

"Alright, then. Off you go."

Mitsuka shooed the three high-schoolers upstairs, and Cosette opened the door to her room.

"Your room's pretty cute," Kuroo smirked a little, following the blonde inside.

Cosette's stuff had arrived a week ago, and although it wasn't much, she had proceeded in decorating her room with the limited things she had--- which were mostly pastel-colored wallpaper decals that her mother had bough for her when she was younger. It didn't help that the room was already painted light-pink---it was, after all, Haru's old room.

The only dark-colored things were probably her pillowcase, bedsheet, carpet, and study desk, all four being dark shades of purple and blue.

"Don't mention it," she muttered, putting her bag down on the bed and sitting cross-legged on the carpet.

"I'm a little scared of leaving you two alone," Yaku said, leaning by the doorway.

"What, are you afraid I'd hurt your girl~?"

Yaku rolled his eyes. "Oh, shut up, I just don't trust you."

"What, and you've never been alone with her?"

There was an awkward pause as Yaku remembered last night, and Cosette cleared her throat to avoid any more prying.

"Kuroo... Are you going to help me study, or what?"

But Kuroo ignored the blonde as a smirk stretched across his face. "What am I missing? Did something happen~?"

"Cut it out already," Yaku groaned, running his fingers through his hair.

"Ohoho, I was right, wasn't I?! Something happened after all~!"

Eager to draw him away from the subject, Cosette promptly shoved him over, glaring at him.

"Nothing happened, got it? Did you come here to tutor me or provoke him?"

Kuroo, lying face-first on the floor, groaned as he rolled over. "Geez, what are you, a black-belt graduate?"

Cosette made no reply, and only hardened her glare.

"...yeah, yeah. Okay."

Yaku shook his head at the two, smiling a little as his eyes met Cosette's.

Close one, thanks, he mouthed, and Cosette nodded in acknowledgement.

"Looks like she's fairly capable of keeping you in check. I'll go down to Haru-chan and leave you two here, then."

"Bye," Cosette said simply, and the libero closed the door behind him.

Kuroo put his hands up. "Yeah, I get it, I can't mess with you."

"...Thank you, for finally getting the point."

Kuroo cleared his throat.

"Oka~y! So, Akiyama-sensei said that you had your history test today."

Cosette nodded, handing him her test paper.

He paled visibly. "That many mistakes? Did you actually open the textbook at all?"


"Wha---! Just what did you do?!"

"I... had a production to rehearse for."

I can't read the textbook properly, so it's useless to try.

"Yeah, and so did Naomi-chan, and she's top in your class!"

There was a pause.

"You actually care about my grades?" Cosette tilted her head.

"Hell yes I do, because if you fail this we're both dead!" he sighed. "Look, literally all you need to do for history is memorize the freaking textbook; it's useless information you need only to pass the test so that you don't get kicked out."

"And that's exactly it," she leaned against her bed, already bored. "Nobody's learning anything with this system. It's all, memorize and do, memorize and do. Grades are just numbers, and I don't care about them if they mean nothing."

"Does that mean you're fairly capable of doing this?"


I don't think so.

Kuroo groaned. "Why don't you do it, then?!"

"Because I don't want to."

Because I can't.

"Geez, you're like Kenma when it comes to volleyball."

"...I'll take that as a compliment."

"Konimi-san, are you only failing because you don't want to try?"

The blonde was about to sprout out another lie, but then decided against it, realizing lying would really be pointless in this. She looked away, mumbling. "...alright, no, it's not just that," she said plainly.

"Do you find something hard?"

Ah, what gives... there's no point in hiding it, anyway...

"...Japanese literature," she said finally. "I wasn't properly trained with reading and writing Japanese."

Kuroo blinked. "You could have just said so!"

"It's not easy to admit, okay?!"

"Listen, do you really want to get kicked out of this school?"

Cosette sighed, closing her eyes. "No, no I don't."

I have finally found a place I'm comfortable in, and I don't want to be anywhere else.

"Then let's get through this, okay?"

He placed his textbook out in front of him.

"Hey, Konimi-san."

She opened her eyes.

"You're not getting kicked out, alright? Just let me help you study. We can do this. You can."

Cosette stared at the third-year through half-lidded eyes, observing how serious he seemed. She let out another sigh, but did sit up straight. "Okay."

Oh thank goodness, she finally agreed! Kuroo made a mental note in his head. Kenma, you owe me.

The first few hours were a struggle. Kuroo could easily see just how far behind Cosette was in writing and reading Japanese--- reading was easier for her, but it took a little time for her to understand what she was reading.

The thing with reading was the pronunciation of kanji, and, on top of that, trying to figure out what exactly that symbol would represent in the text.

Upon reading a few passages out loud, Kuroo had to correct her multiple times.

They hadn't even moved on to writing, and the both of them were already tired.

"Konimi-san, you probably need a break from this," Kuroo stretched, getting up after a while. "I know I do~"

Cosette inhaled deeply and pushed her bangs out of her eyes as she looked up from the textbook.

Kuroo glanced at her with a small smile. "Hey, you did improve, y'know? I told'ja, you can pass, and nobody's getting killed or kicked out."

The blonde silently closed the textbook and got up as well, stretching a little. "I never thought I'd say this, but..." she smiled, ever so slightly. "Thanks, Kuroo."

The said middle blocker raised his eyebrows. "Ma~n, I should really thank Yaku for getting you to smile a little more. That wasn't much, but what a sight, it suits you~"

"...don't push it."

"Hey, I meant no harm!" he put his hands up in mock surrender. "Can't a guy compliment you, anyway? Or do you only let Yaku do that?"

Cosette rolled her eyes, heading towards the door as she easily avoided the question. "Whatever. Are you coming or not?"

"What, do you expect me to stay in your room for eternity or something?" Kuroo remarked sarcastically, following her out, and recieved a glare. "Back to normal, are we? Alright, I'll stop."






Three very familliar voices called out her name in unison, and the blonde turned around.

"Ah, hello..."

"Are you busy right no...w..." Naomi's voice trailed off, seeing Kuroo beside her. "Oh."

"Um, sorry, I can't," Cosette tilted her head sideways and sent her classmate a look that the ravenette took as, I-was-kind-of-forced-into-this-and-it-wasn't-my-choice.

"Kuroo?" Seira frowned a little, scanning the two. "I thought you had... practice..."

"Gomen, Onishi-chan, not today, I'm... kinda busy," the third-year male smiled, somewhat sheepishly.

Seira nodded silently, shooting a look at Cosette. She then took her best friend's arm, turning away. "See you, then."

Naomi shrugged apologetically at the blonde before rushing off to the two older girls.

That look on her face just now...

Cosette bit her lip uncomfortably. She shook her head.

Nevermind, it was probably nothing.

She turned back to Kuroo. "Do I have to study with you now?"

"Yes, you have to, because we're still stuck on reading, and the exams are in two weeks."

Cosette sighed, reluctantly following the third-year to the library.

Dealing with Kuroo on a daily basis was already tiring for her, even if it was just the second day. She couldn't help but wish that, if it were a third-year tutoring her, Akiyama-sensei would have at least chosen Yaku instead.

Naomi must be somewhat relieved, she thought. What the hell, why is it hard for me to keep my promise? It's not as if I feel anything for him, so it should be a breeze, right?

"You're preoccupied," Kuroo raised his eyebrows, glancing back at her.

Her eyes snapped up. "What's it to you?"

He sighed. "I don't get why you hate me so much, but gee~z, you don't have to be so mean..."

Cosette looked away. "Sorry, then? I guess."

"You seem troubled. D'you want to talk, or?"

"...and suddenly you turned into a counselor..." Cosette rolled her eyes as they approached a table and sat down.

"What, do you want me to bring in Yaku for you?" A smirk was evident on his face, as he knew full well that the libero of his volleyball team was the only person Cosette could freely confide in.

However, this time, Cosette knew that he wouldn't be an option.

" thanks," she silently looked away.

Kuroo frowned at her lack of usual retort. "Does this have something to do with him, then?"

He catches on fast...

"... Just why are you so concerned?"

"You're not going to be able to concentrate on reading like this, so you might as well spill."

"I don't feel like it, okay? Are we going to study or not?"

She made it clear that the topic was done, and Kuroo sighed in defeat, unable to push any further.

How does he do it? How does he get her to open up so easily to him?

And why can't she tell him whatever's bothering her now, anyway? Doesn't she usually?

To say the least, Kuroo was curious. But if he wanted to know what was going on, he knew he'd have to wait. And maybe gain her trust.

Hah, gain her trust. How impossible.

Kuroo warily took her textbook from her and gave her a short comprehension from it, asking her to read it out loud and tell him what she understood.

It went like that for the most part, and with each passage, Cosette found herself reading and understanding much faster.

Halfway through their study session, they finally got to writing. Kuroo put his chin in his hand, watching as the blonde second-year struggled to write the answer to a question he had made up.

"Hey, Konimi-san?"

"Hm?" Cosette didn't even glance up.

"How do you feel about Kenma?"

The blonde paused, daring to look up.

Kuroo's serious expression sent chills down her spine, and she shivered slightly.



"What's...  what's with the sudden question?"

"I'm curious," he said evasively.

Cosette put her pencil down momentarily, frowning.

"I've... never thought of my feelings for anyone."

Seira, Ayame, Naomi, even Kenma himself... they've all asked me if I liked anyone romantically. I've never actually took the time to answer seriously, or at least, I've never thought of it seriously.

"Then think about it, alright? And properly."

Her mind wandered back to the last night of the training camp.

"I don't think I have a shot, though," Kenma said quietly.

"Why not?"

"I don't know... I just... she seems hard to reach... But she's... a great person. She just doesn't see it."

"Well... you should go and confess to her, then..."

But he shook his head. "It would probably ruin everything. I'm okay... with the way things are right now."

Cosette frowned a little.

Kenma said he has someone that he likes... why would Kuroo ask me to think about how I feel about him?

The bell rang, and the said middle-blocker got up to collect his things.

"I don't know what goes on in your head, and I probably never will, but know that whatever you conclude, make sure he knows. And make sure you conclude wisely."



"How is it?" Kenma asked without looking up from his PSP, already sensing his best friend walking up to him.

"How's what?"

"You know, tutoring. With Konimi."

Kuroo groaned. "She hates me, alright."

This time, Kenma looked up, slightly amused. "She doesn't like being teased, and you've done it too many times."

"Oh, shut up."

There was a pause.

"Hey, Kenma."


"Don't back down, alright?"

The setter frowned, once again looking up from the screen. "What?"


"Kuro, I---"

"You have Yaku to worry about, I know, but don't give up without your own fight. You still have a chance, you know?"

"...I'll just end up getting rejected. I'd rather save the pain."

Kuroo sent him a look. "That's what's keeping you? You're afraid of rejection?"

"...yeah. And if I try hard with everything going to waste, I wouldn't want that."

"You're such a negative person..."






Kuroo gave up. "Fine, fine. But hey, if he knew about this, Yaku wouldn't forgive you for being so cowardly, y'knw?"

Kenma rolled his eyes, focusing his attention back to his game. "...whatever."

She's out of reach for me, Kuro, you don't know by just how much.


I needed around 7 more words for that to be officially 3k words, lol, but oh well...

*clears throat*

And before you say anything---

lol no dw kuroo and cosette is not a thing?

But this chapter and their relationship (friendship???) is a crucial point for this story :3

About the thing-i-should-do-to-celebrate, most of you voted for a guitar cover or just a normal cover, so ive compromised on doing both, + a q&a haha~

Im not 100% sure about that, but well, ill update you for sure next week. Ill most probably post more stuff regarding this on my authors' book, so~

This chapter's dedication goes out to the lovely capriccios ;^^ she has a few stories, one of them is a harry-potter oneshot, and the other one is a short, original, poem-like thing. Kat, your writing is amazing, no joke, so thank you for sharing that ♡ guYS check them out pls.

Thanks again to everyone of my readers and followers and supporters for 100+ followers!

Ly all ♡♡


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