The Last Piece | BoyxBoy [CO...

By majestic-

567K 25.1K 9.4K

Tobias just went through a breakup with a girl he's dated for years. The idea of him even being in a relation... More

Before You Start Reading. . .
First Day Of Senior Year
Personal Space
We're Not Friends
Red Room, Purple Room
Empty Bottle
Spin The DRAMA
The Morning After
Still Got Game
Secrets Revealed
Birthday Parties
Hot Cousin
Sensitive Topics
Too Early To Leave Without A Kiss
Just One Text, And I'm There
Morning Breath
Cluttered Thoughts
2 Months Later
Hopeless Romantic
Go Get Your Man !
Stuck in The Past
NOT AN UPDATE ! But a Story Pitch!
Make It Make Sense
Piece of Art
The FINAL Piece

Are you....

19.5K 973 447
By majestic-

Tobias' POV

Two classes. I had two other classes with Ethan and it was honestly the most awkward thing ever.

I have no idea why, but a weird feeling went through me whenever I saw him. Maybe it was because I felt guilty for being hard on him.

You don't really except to see the person you were mean to, again. But with him,

I kept seeing him everywhere

Whenever I was in the halls walking to class, I saw him. Today at lunch, I saw him. In P.E, I saw him. In homeroom, I saw him. Then in chemistry, and now art.

But in this class it was more awkward since he was put to sit next to me. Our teacher, Mrs. Thomas has way to kind of a soul and thinks, sitting next to someone you're not used to, will open up some sort of portal of friendship.

I don't know, ask her....

"So since it's the first day we'll do a free draw. Draw your favorite place, person, object, anything, and alternate it so it's completely different."

Everyone nodded but one person rose their hand.

"Yes, Ethan?"

I turned to the side and looked at him and then back to the teacher, "So, do we make it completely different or just enough to where you still know what it is?" He asked softly, almost scared to even ask.

"Great question. But you're the artist, so do what you feel is right."

He nodded and instantly started sketching while I sat there trying to figure out what was my favorite thing.

Food? Well duh.

Michelle? No! She used to be...

Rocky? Yeah.

I started to sketch out a dog that kind've resembled Rocky but it didn't really work out since my artistic ability was nonexistent.

Then I remembered, it isn't supposed to look like Rocky. I started to extended the tail and added a triangle in the end, and made him have sharp teeth. Then a thinking bubble and drew him to be thinking about a doggie bone. That doggie bone of rocky's was his life and he'd go charging if he saw anyone with it.

Although Rocky is adorable and all, when it comes to his food, his like the devil. With that, I drew Devil ears and went from there...

I somehow got so into the drawing that I didn't hear when the teacher said to switch with the person next to you. So when I looked over, Ethan was waiting patiently with his drawing in his hand. I casually put the red color pencil down and handed him my drawing.

I grabbed his and flipped it over to face me. For some reason, his artistic ability always seemed to amaze me. I've only seen two of his drawings, this included; and they're always so clean. It was a simple sketch yet beat mine to a whole other level.

It was a boy sitting down surrounded by pictures of hearts. It was weird yet somehow I had an idea of what it meant...

But the sound of light laughter distracted me from his drawing. I looked over and saw Ethan over his desk laughing at my drawing. Although I would've been mad, for some reason I wasn't. His laugh brought a smile to my face.

"Do you hate your dog or something?" He says between laughter.

"No. He just turns into satans spawn when I have his bone." I said with a slight laugh. Once he calmed himself, I showed him his drawing and looked over it, "what does your drawing mean?"

"I don't know...."

"Oh come on. It has to mean something..."

With that I saw his furrowed eyebrows calm themselves and a small smirk play on his lips. "It does actually... but only my friends know."

A smile lingered on my lips as the scene from this morning played in my head . He's really hung up on the whole friends thing isn't he?

"Well... Being friends doesn't sound like a bad idea."

Right as I said that, the bell rang. Next thing I know, he went flying out the classroom, without saying a single word and leaving his drawing in my hands.


The rest of the day went by quickly, but by the time I had gotten my stuff from my locker, I watched as my bus drove away. Fuck! I texted my mom and before I knew it, she had texted me saying she was on her way. As I sat here with my headphones in, I found it to be a blessing in disguise because missing the bus meant, I wouldn't have to see Michelle.

As I'm scrolling through social media, I see a pair of feet beside me. I ignore them at first, thinking the person is just waiting for a ride like me, until they tap my shoulder. I look up and surprisingly see Ethan sitting there with his book bag on the ground beside his feet.

I took my left earbud out and the first thing I heard was him say hi. I greeted him back and everything immediately just falls into silence. Somehow I knew he wanted to continue but didn't know why, and I had nothing to say so I grabbed my earbud and right as I was about to put it back in its designated spot, he grabs it.

"I was listening to music y'all know...."

"Are you going to that party tonight?"

"Uh, yeah." How does he know about the party? Isn't he new? Most new students aren't updated so fast. They usually find out the morning after that there was a party.

"Oh thank god!" He said with a large exhale. .

"Why?" What does me being there have to do with anything ?

"This Ronnie kid came up to me and told me I should 'swing by his place tonight' and at first I thought he was hitting on me but then he told me he was throwing a back to school party and how everyone was gonna be there so I thought 'hey, maybe Toby will be there.' And then I saw you sitting here alone and thought I should ask you.... now I'm asking." He said all in one breath. All I could do is stare and suddenly had no control over my words.

"You know you speak a lot, right?"

"Yeah, it's only when I'm nervous. I'm usually very quiet... like when I first met you in homeroom and accidentally bumped into you, which I'm really sorry for doing—"

"Are you nervous now? 'Cause you're talking a lot."

He bit his bottom lip and looked away. I guessed he finally realized how much he had talked in the last five minutes. Yet, out of everything he said, one thing stood out to me.

"you thought Ronnie was hitting on you?" I hope he didn't mean flirting, that's just—

"Yea?" he said in a confused tone. Ronnie does love to flirt, he thinks it'll get him by in life but, he only flirts with girls, why would he think he was flirting with him?

"Hey, uh. . . Can I ask you something?" I asked. Technically that was a question but it wasn't the one I wanted to ask.

"You're scaring me Toby..." He said with a small laugh.

"Are you—" My phone started ringing and the word "Mamadukes" popped up on my screen. I grabbed my stuff and told Ethan my mother was outside.

"Bye Toby!"

I looked back and furrowed my eyebrows, "that's not my name..."

"I know, But Toby sounds. . . cuter."

I cracked a small smile before shaking my head and heading out to my mother.

This wasn't like me and my friends, I don't know if I liked it or not.

Sorry for the long wait, I'm usually on top of this book but so much stuff has been happening, it's crazy.... But I'm starting the next chapter now....

I'll go over the errors later so if you notice one, please read pass it :)

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