Hidden Intent

By Gorillo1

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Was only a normal middle school student when he started his own business an extermination business following... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 True Chapter
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Kid vs Leech
Chapter 16 Kid vs Leech part 2
Chapter 17 Kid vs Leech 3
Chapter 18 Leech Unleashed
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Full out War
Chapter 22 The end of the battle
Chapter 22 part 2 "Very small chapter"
Chapter 23 A new adventure begins
Sudden Intent Contest

Chapter 10

970 24 18
By Gorillo1

3rd POV

It's spaced and bolded to separate what Fist did and what Kid did

 Bold = Kid

No bold = Fist

Kid quickly approached Fist, with in a mere second he was already a few feet from Fist.

Fist lifted his hands preparing to grab the kid once he got within reach. 

The kid continued to charge at Fist but changes direction at the last second catching Fist off guard as the kid runs around him and jumps on his back. 

Fist tries to get the kid off his back but


The bat, Kid is holding crashes down on Fist's head dizzying him for a second. The kid continues to smack Fist but Fist doesn't drop. Kid continues the assault until jumping down from Fist's back then quickly going back on the attack biting Fist in the lower back.

"AHHH, you little freak." Fist utters swinging his arm backward, his elbow making contact with the kid. 

Kid continues to hold on for a few more seconds but the force of the blow forces him to let go falling to the ground. Blood spurts from his mouth as he lies  motionless on the ground.

Fist turns around looking at the kid laying on the ground 

"Shoot didn't mean to hit him that hard."

Fist kneels down preparing to pick the kid up.

But as he does the kid springs back to life jumping up preparing to smack Fist again with the bat.

It doesn't work as Fist throws a right jab hitting the kid in the stomach. The force of the blow sends the kid flying into the fence around the field. 

Kid's body bounces off of the fence landing four feet away from it on his feet. More blood began flowing from his mouth as the force of Fist's blows did damage.  

Fist runs at the kid 

Kid doesn't faultier as he began charging at Fist.

As they get closer Kid makes the first move kicking both of his feet into Fist then drops to the ground.

Fist retaliates by trying to stomp him but the kid is to fast and rushes under him.

With Fist still turned the wrong way Kid strikes the back of his knee but it does nothing. The kid goes for another attack this time biting the back of Fist's knee locking his jaws. 

Without thinking Fist smacks kid with his open palm the force of the blow sends kid flying off the back of Fist's leg all the way from outfield to second base.

Kid's body rolls across the ground as it lands but he quickly gets back up his nose now gushing blood staining his uniform.

"Kid if not for that helmet of yours I guarantee that hit would have killed you." 

Kid looks at Fist almost as if he understood he removed his helmet exposing his black hair    then placing it back on before getting back up on two feet.

Fist seeing this prepares for another attack.

Kid continues to look at Fist but doesn't attack he instead walks back to the pitchers mound and begins looking back up into the sky. 

       The rain and wind increases 

Fist looks at the kid and begins to run at him the kid does nothing as Fist's hand makes contact sending him flying into a dugout 

"KKRRRS" A flicker of lightning shoots through the sky followed by a huge burst of thunder.

"FFFF" Something flies out the dugout hitting Fist in the face.

"AHHHH, What the fuck?" Fist grabs his face as another object crashes into his hands. The objects continue to fly out the dugout at Fist. 

Fist sees it this time and jumps out the way realizing the items are baseballs. 

A black shadow jumps out of dugout its moves so fast its impossible to notice in the weather.

Fist tries but every time he even comes close to locating it another baseball comes flying at him. As the balls continue to fly Fist begins to get used to it as he is able to dodge but still keep his eyes on the kid.

Kid stops 

Fist gets a complete view of the kid as he sees him now holding a bag of baseballs and baseball in the other hand.

Kid pops the bag up causing a ball to fly up out of it with his right hand he awkwardly swings the bat sending it flying straight at Fist

Fist watches as the ball flies at him this time punching it out of the air with ease sending it back at the Kid.

Kid stands still as the ball approaches him but it all turns around for when drops the bag of balls and takes an official stance with the bat.


The ball turned back toward Fist moving three times faster then when first hit. 

Fist has no chance to dodge as the ball smashes into his left shoulder the yell of pain from Fist was the only sign needed to know his shoulder had been totally crushed.

"Damn, you kid your lucky the madame told me to only catch you or I would have killed you by now."

Fist continued to move as the baseballs continued to fly at him. As fist got closer he prepared to charge at Kid but the kid took off leaving the bag of baseballs behind. Fist looked began to look around but a flicker of lightning blinded him for a second.

"SSSSNNNKKK" The metal bat collided into Fist's face blood leaked from his nose as he stumbled almost falling. 

Kid moved around Fist in his confused state.

*SSSSNNNNKKK* The bat strikes the back of Fist's knee dropping him to his knees. 

Fist still looked around on his knees for the kid but the storm was the prefect camouflage as the kid used a guerrilla style tactic of attacking and running to bring Fist to his knees.

As the storm worsened a sound of wind passing his eye caused Fist to stop as he saw floating before his face the metal bat held completely still. Fist looked from the bat to its wielder who had stopped and was staring at the sky looking at the most recent lightning strike. 

*FFWWW* Fist's right hand flew up into the kid's jaw the force of the blow so intense it sent Kid flying directly up into the sky over forty feet. Fist got back to his feet as his eyes stayed fixed on the kid.

Kid went limp in the air as he began to fall back to the ground.

Fist prepared to throw another punch as the kid fell.

As the kid came into reach of being hit he reanimated landing on Fist's arm then jumping in an instance ten feet away from Fist.

The annoyance of the kid not stopping began to affect Fist as he began to become serious his body began to change his pale skin starting to glow red. His body began to change becoming more muscular.

The mindless kid eyes stayed fixed on Fist as his body began to increase in size. 

Fist stared at the kid noticing his eyes wont looking at him but slightly over him. Wondering what he is looking at Fist shift his head up seeing the metal bat spinning in the air falling down towards him. Fist continues making his muscles bigger but drops to the ground. The metal bat landing next to him with a jolt of electrical discharge coming off of it. 

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