Salubrious (Jason McCann)

By AlexisIsAWeirdo

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*Book Two of the Neurotic Series.* Salubrious [suh-loo-bree-uh s] : favorable to or promoting health; healthf... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 42

23K 652 522
By AlexisIsAWeirdo

Thank you for 400k Plus Views! That's literally so amazing!

Jason's POV

Rehearsals are so long, so boring, so full of small minded idiots. It's like a dummy run for people who can't grasp concept the first time. Who would've thought there would be lots to know for a damn wedding ceremony? I sure in the hell didn't know. You have to rehearse the recessional part of the wedding, then the processional part, the seating, the way we enter, how we say our vows, even how we stand in front of each other. What the hell? It's just a bunch of meaningless extra stuff to me. Although, I'm sure it means the most to my Baby Boo. Mal has worn nothing but an excited smile on her face, these past couple of days we've been going to practice.

It's all so tiring to me, and I'm sure she knows it is. She's always so worried about me being comfortable, tired, or if I just need to take a break. I usually go for them, taking a much needed breather outside of the church. I know she absolutely hates when I smoke, but I usually go for a cigarette anyway. When I'm getting to the good part of my smoke, that's when she usually comes outside, taking the cancer stick out of my hand, and throwing it to the ground. I get so mad, but she always manages to bring the kids and asthma into our discussion. That's shuts me up quickly. I also go for a kiss, though she refuses me, not liking my cigarette taste on her tongue. I never argue about the refusal of a kiss after I smoke a cigarette, seeing that I put myself in that position to be turned down. I want to stop... it's hard, though.

"This is the part where you say what you have to say to your lovely bride," I hear Mal's Pastor, say in the distance, thinking about the huge surprise I can't wait to show her on our honeymoon. "I said this is the part you say all what you have to say to your bride to be, Jason." Oh, he's talking to me. I quickly turn my head in the direction of the Pastor, oblivious as to what we're doing right now.

He doesn't look too happy; I'm pretty sure it has to do with me lacking all types of focus today. I'm just not in to this whole practicing to be perfect... for one day. I mean, I know it's a special day for my Mal Mal, and I would never ever try to be selfish and ruin it for her. But jeez, no one's perfect. No one will ever be perfect- and if they are, they're fake. If it was up to me, I would've just taken us down to Las Vegas to get married. True fact: I was going to take us down to Vegas to get married. But, she wasn't legal yet, and she already had lots of bruises over her body. Man, I feel disgusting knowing I was going to take her in the backseat of the car... with my brother and Ryan there to witness. I was- am, fucked up. Shit, I'm cursing in church.

"Jason, Jason McCann, please pay attention, young sir," Shut up. I hear the Pastor's voice once again, causing me to roll my eyes in annoyance. "If you're going to be here asking for some assistance in the formality of your wedding day, I suggest you pay attention. I don't have to help you out, but I am, because I want you both to have a wonderfully, smooth going wedding day." He speaks deeply with such properness.

To be completely honest I don't see why we can't just wing it, and just show up to our wedding like its nothing. At least it'll look real, instead of looking rehearsed and fake. But no, this Pastor wants us to come here twice a week to practice. Even my Unicorn- Mal, wants us to come here to practice. Whatever she so much desires for our wedding day, I'll be willing to go along with it. Mal, our children, food, and my thoughts about her are the only things that have kept me somewhat engaged... in a way. 

"I understand, I'll try not to take my mind off of things." I say this, although I'm not making any promises I cannot keep. "Are you alright, babe?" Mal being such the great person she is, she squeezes my hand, making me realize we've been holding hands this entire time.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just been a very long afternoon here." I simply say, squeezing her hand in an assuring way. "I know it's long, but I'm so proud of you for holding out with me. Do you want to take a break? Do you need to stop for a little while?" She uses her motherly way with me, making me chuckle a little bit.

"No, I am fine, mommy. Your son is okay, I was just thinking." I tease her, rubbing both of my thumbs over her soft skin underneath my rough hands. "Oh, so you're calling me your mom, now?" She cocks her eyebrow, smirking at me.

"Yeah, only because you baby me a lot. Plus, you're as close as a mom I get lately." I lightly smile down at her, although inside I am feeling upset about the mention of the word 'mom'. "Hmm, I see, Mr. McCann. You know I once heard, a real girlfriend will act like your mom, best friend, and girlfriend all in one. So in a way, I kind of have like three personalities going on here. I guess you can say I'm a little Bipolar, too." She giggles, kissing my scarred knuckles on both of my hands. 

A throat clearing snaps us both out of our little flirting with one another, making us turn towards the man that has tolerated Mal and I all this afternoon. Mal gives him an apologetic smile, with me yawning silently in one of my now released hands.

"I think that'll be it today, I have some errands to run." He speaks politely, though I can see he's a bit disappointed about us goofing around while he tried to help us practice for our quickly upcoming day. "I am so sorry, Pastor Anderson, please do proceed. We will listen, and follow along the steps you're helping us with." Mal gives him those puppy dog eyes she usually gives me, quickly making the stern expression ease from his eyes.

"Oh alright, only because I cannot resist those adorable baby blue eyes." He sighs, giving into her cute ways. "Thank you Pastor Anderson, you're too kind." She giggles, though quickly stopping once the Pastor cleared his throat.

"You're welcome, Miss Malarie. Now, let's get on with the reciting of both of your vows, shall we?" He clears his throat, waiting patiently for one of us to begin speaking. "Not it!" Mal and I both say at once- me being the faster person in our little childish game.

"Jason, that's so not fair," she whines, stomping her foot. "I always have to recite mines first... it's your turn, ugly." She chuckles, I'm guessing because of my now gaped mouth.

"Oh, is that so? I'm really not saying my vows first, now. I'm supposedly "ugly", when we both no I'm sexy as hel-heck." I save myself quite nicely, knowing we're still in the church. The lord is watching. "No, Jason, I take it back." She pokes out her bottom lip, batting her eyelashes, with me shaking my head in refusal.

"Someone better say their vows first, because you both are being two very silly adult children at the moment." Pastor cuts our movements short, immediately making us focus and going back to being two mature adult... children. "Fine," Mal groans in fake annoyance, pulling out a piece of paper from her back pocket. "Jason Andrew McCann, my lover, my..." She begins to read off the words from her practice vows, letting the words loving flow from her mouth. That's it, tell me how amazing, and beautiful I am.


"So, I don't even know why I have a D in that class when I've done all of my classwork, homework, taken loads and loads of notes, and actually studying, unlike those other lazy college students. It's not fair, I work my butt off." Mal vents to me, while I get a tattoo on my outer arm. "Yeah," I grunt, as the needle gets a bit deeper into the sensitive part of my arm. "I've seen you work your ass off, and I know it's not fair. But baby, have you thought about your test scores. I mean that can be a big factor as to why you're practically failing your math class." I look at her, wincing as I feel the shading begin.

Let's just say portraits hurt like hell. Although for me, I tend to go numb once the process starts. We've already been here for two hours, going on three. I know Mal must be tired, but she knows how much tattoos mean to me. I've been wanting to get this particular piece for a very, very long time. I say, since I was eleven years old. I knew my father would've gone ballistic if I would've gotten it back then. I don't care now- he's gone, so I'm getting it. Especially since it's been in the back of my mind for such a long time. Fuck, I'm finally making it come true!

"As much as I hate when you're right most of the time, you're right, Jase. Dang it, I have been failing my test and quizzes. I didn't think two or three would give me such a low D. I can't have that as my final grade... even if I'm not transferring to a university." She lifts her legs up on the leather couch, wrapping her arms around them. She even placed her chin on the tops of her knees sadly. "Baby, you're going to be fine. I know you are, because you're an intelligent, hardworking, and downright compassionate woman. You're about your schoolwork, and nothing else. You got this, I know you do. You just have to stay positive, and go to tutoring or something." I stop my talking, wanting her to think about what I said. As well as stopping, because the painful shading process.

"Do you even hear yourself? You just said, 'go to tutoring or something.' We both know you don't allow me to stay after school, especially if it involves the opposite sex." She laughs, I'm hoping in a joking way. "You know what? You're so right about that. I'll tutor you, I'm good at math anyway." I shrug, making my tattoo artist, Moises, lightly tap me.

"Hey, you almost made me fuck up the nose part. Be still, hombre." He chuckles, going back to his tattooing of me. "Nose? What the hell? What are you getting tattooed, Jason?" Mal goes to stand up, but I hold my hand up to her, halfway about to get up to push her down.

"Stay there, don't get up again." I wince at how demanding I sound, though she gives me a little smirk, taking her seat again. "Okay, Mr. McCann," she whispers, getting comfortable on the couch again. "I guess I'll see it when you're all done. You know, you have done nothing but ignore me about what you're getting. I'll see it no matter what." She gives me a wink, going to pick up a piercing portfolio.

"You'll see it, just not right now. It's not even done yet, Baby Love." I smile at her, of course receiving an even bigger one from her. "Wow, do women really come in here and get there clitoris pierced?" Mal asks no one in particular, though I'm guessing she is talking to Moises since he answers her.

"Fuck yeah, lots of women want that. I even had a woman wanting me to pierce not only her clit, but her pussy lips as well." Moises says this like nothing, with Mal grimacing a disgusting face at his memory. "Damn, it's like that? Just piercing gentiles of horny women?" I laugh loudly, looking at how Moises wears a huge smirk on his face.

"You know it, Jason. I even had a dude come in here asking for me to pierce his ball sacks," I widen my eyes at his confession, instantly feeling weird. "Chill, guy, I didn't do that shit. I'm not gay, and I'm not turning anytime soon." He smacks my arm, making the nervous feeling seize.

"Okay, because I'm not with that gay stuff, man. I'm serious, I am not with that shit. It's like- it's like, contagious or something. I just know I don't know like it, and it's not my preference." I lay it straight, making sure he heard me loud and clear. "Fool, I understand. I'm not like that either, who in the hell do you think I am?" With him saying that, we share a laugh, with it being cut short by a throat clearing. Mal.

"Just because a man asked you to pierce his testicles doesn't necessarily mean he's gay. He possibly could've felt more comfortable with a man- having the same type of body part as him, pierce his testicles." Mal stands up for a guy she doesn't know anything about, making Moises and I look at each other and share another little laugh. "I'm pretty sure the guy was gay." That's all Moises says, shading in the last bit of my new ink.

"How would you know? And please do not say because he was acting, dressing or talking "gay". A lot of you so called heterosexual men, love to say that's the reason why another man is gay. So not true; but you can state your argument." She waits for a comment to come from Moises, yet he just opens and closes his mouth... not saying anything. "Babe, just let it go. It's not that serious, he just said a man wanted his balls pierced." I attempt to ease the tension, before she gets all crazy, and before Moises stops my tattoo process.

"It is that serious, you manly men always find a way to call another man gay. For what? For dressing a certain way, and or talking differently. It's complete bullshit, and it's a stereotype. My best friend is bisexual, but you can't even tell by the way he dresses, talks- sometimes how he acts, although that's not the point. The point is, don't judge someone by their outer appearance. You and I both know about gay people, Jason. You know not all men who are gay, aren't always the so called colorful, flamboyant, wimps. They can be the manliest of men... and be gay." She looks at me hard and sternly. I could tell where she's going with the last part of her sentence. She's talking about... Cyrus, and how he was nothing like the so called stereotypical gay man.

"Alright, I get it. Let's just stop talking about it, the subject is already weird for me." I shrug, just trying to act like this gay subject isn't bothering me one bit. "Yeah, I agree with you, man." Moises shakes his head, going back to finishing up my tattoo.

It's quiet between the three of us for a couple minutes, just the tattoo gun buzzing, and Mal flipping pages in the book. I understand Mal was just defending the LGBT community, because Cal is a part of it. After he came out three years ago, she's been understanding about his sexuality and how he displays it. I was also informed of her attending one of those Rainbow Parade things with him for the three years I've been gone. They'll probably go to this upcoming one, and I don't mind that.

"It's so quiet, I feel awkward." Mal speaks out, looking my and Moises way. "Well, mama Malarie you did scold us for saying our opinions about gay dudes." I smack Moises  arm, not wanting him to start her up again.

"I'm going to act like I didn't hear you say that in such a prejudice way," she raises her eyebrow at him, flipping the pages of his tattoo and piercing portfolio. "Now onto business, I would like to get a belly button piercing, with the star stud." Mal sounds all happy, while I look up at her as if she's lots her wits.

"Okay I got y-" I cut him off, not liking this one bit. "No." That's all I say, feeling him putting some ointment on my now done and ready tattoo. He even makes sure to wrap it up for me, while he's at it.

"No? What do you mean no, Jason?" Mal looks at me confused as can be. "No, you're not getting a belly button piercing." I knew as soon as I said that, she would give me an attitude.

"Um, Jason, I appreciate your suggestion, but I'm getting a piercing." She shocks me with her responding to me, calmly. "And I appreciate you having a collect way about our discussion, but the answer is an absolute no to that belly button piercing." My answer is quite simple, yet stern at the exact same time.

She gives me a little look, which indicates she's not feeling my answer whatsoever. I know she doesn't like when I tell her what to do, but I have to somewhat keep her in check. I can't have her getting a belly button piercing; I want some more kids. I've seen some women's belly buttons after they taken the piercing out, it's ugly- especially when the stomach is swollen with a baby inside. Nope, no way in hell will I let her puncture her skin with a needle.

"I'm getting one, Jason. You will not stop me, because it's my body and I'm my own person. You aren't my father, and you'll never be that. So please stop treating me as if I'm your child, instead of your upcoming wife in about two weeks. If I want to poke a hole in my body, I will poke a hole in my body." With every word, it was a stern finger being pointed at me. "Damn, she told you, Jason." Moises dumb ass feels the need to add that comment, making me feel as if I'm not in charge. I mean I'm not, but I am!  I absolutely hate when she calls me out in front of people.

"Okay, first things first, let's lower your tone real quick. I mean real quick, Malarie." I look at her warningly, giving her my serious face. "It's lowered." She grumbles, rolling her eyes. She even sassily crosses her hands over her chest.

"Good. Now second of all, if you didn't realize, your body is our body. You may be attached to it, and walk around with it. But let's be crystal clear, I watch it, protect it, clean it, clothed it, smell it, eat it, hell, I even lick it. So your body, kind of in a way... belongs to not only you, but me as well. Now thirdly, you're not my child, nor do I ever want you to be my child. You're extremely stubborn, disobedient, and very mouthy. So no, Ducky Lips, I'm not your father... but I am daddy. If you don't remember, that's the name you call me almost every time we make love... under your breath. You may not think I hear you, yet I hear you loud and clear, sweetheart. As for you saying you'll poke a hole in your body, the answer is no you won't. The only hole I want to see in your body, are the holes that were already provided by the lord above. You're pretty smart, and I'm almost for certain you know what I'm talking about. And don't even try to get at me with that: I'm mad at you, I'm not marrying you bull crap. We both know you're going to marry me, because there is nothing like us." I blow out a much needed breath, after I'm done stating my facts about this silly situation.

"Okay, so I thought she told you off, Jason. But damn, Malarie, Jason told your ass off to the fullest extent." Moises rubs it in, causing Mal to huff loudly. "I bet you were an instigator back when you were in school." My Mal grumbles, pointing at him.

"Hey, chill out. It's all good, he's just letting you know I high key dominated your character with nothing but true statements and facts." I pop my collar arrogantly, being flipped off by Mrs. Butt Hurt. "You're not funny, and you're such a hypocrite. How come you can get your ears re-pierced, get another  tattoo, but I can't get a simple belly button piercing? I'm not asking to get my nipples, or my clit pierced. Just my belly button punctured with a needle." She's irritated now, I can see it in her bright eyes.

"I'm the king of our castle, that's why. As well as me being in charge of our family, so I make our decisions for us." I knew with saying this, she would go crazy. "You have to be kidding me, right? And you say you aren't trying to be my father, the hell you are. I am a grown ass woman, Jason McCann. It's not 2013 anymore, and I'm sure in the hell not prude, scared little Malarie anymore either. I make my own decisions, not you. You do not own me, no matter how much you think you do. Yes, you're in charge most of the time, and I don't mind that. It's just you're not going to be in charge of what I do to my body. You're in charge of five little people who're not here at the moment; I'm a big girl, Jase." She looks at me with her head held high, with lots of confidence staring back at me.

"Fine, whatever, go for it. Pierce your belly button, I don't care. But if you get pregnant in the future, do not complain about how the piercing holes scars you," I shrug, getting up from the bed to dig in my pocket. "How much do I owe you?" I ask Moises, staring at me wide eyed with his mouth open.

"I'll give you $110 as a discount on being my friend, and making me laugh my ass off tonight. Thank you to not only you, but Ms. Malarie, too." He chuckles, taking the money I pull out my wallet. "You're welcome, man." I pat his back, watching as Mal takes a seat on the chair I was in.

"Yeah, you're welcome, Mois." She nicknames him, staring back at me, as he gets the tools needed for her piercing. "Are you ready, Malarie?" He asks her, holding up a huge plier looking thing.

"I've never been more ready in my life, I want to do something without people telling me what to do. I want to finally be an adult- an adult who can make their own choices." She's talking to him, yet she's looking at me as the words come from her mouth. "Well let's get to it, then." He laughs, followed by him chocking, which makes me come to his rescue and pat his back.

"Okay!" Mal claps, smiling widely. "I'm out of here, I'll be waiting in the car." I grab my jacket off a nearby seat, rushing out of the tattoo shop. I cannot believe she's going to get a dumb piercing in her cute belly button.


Malarie's POV

Thirty minutes later

I stare down at my new ink on my left ring finger, blushing at how simple and cute the heart is. It's just a simple heart for all of my loved ones in my life. It symbolizes family to me. Family is a huge part of my life, and I love every single one of them.

"Jase." I finally call Jason's name, after we've been in the car for a while without either of us talking. "Jason." I say his name once more, seeing how he's ignoring me. Little jerk.

He's still mad about me making a choice not to listen to him. Hell no I'm not, he is not in charge of me. Never will be; even if he says otherwise.

"Jason McCann," I turn my whole body in my seat, watching his jaw clench and unclench as he drives us somewhere. "Seriously? Jason, are you seriously going to ignore me like a big ass baby?" I guess saying this gets his attention, because he slams on the breaks mighty hard.

"I am not childish, get it right!" he yells loudly, hitting his hands on the sides of the steering wheel. "If anyone is childish, it's most definitely you, Malarie." He adds, pointing his finger in my face.

I let him have his moment, listening to him breath harshly, with him mumbling under his breath as if he's talking to someone. I don't want to say it's the voices in his head, but it probably is. He only ever angrily mumbles under his breath when he's talking to his head- voices. Without any further delay, he begins driving again; getting us out from the middle of the street. I stay quiet, looking out of my window, not wanting him to have another one of his outburst. There's no need to provoke him, especially if he's mumbling to himself the way he is.

I see that we pass by our street continuing to drive wherever he's taking us. I turn to look at him, seeing that he still has that utter pissed, motionless, look on his face. I travel my eyes down to the brightly lit up clock, seeing that it is now 6:48 pm. We are missing dinner with our family, so I decide to ask him where we're going, and if we're going to make it back in time to see our children before they go off to bed.

"Hey um, Jase? I don't know if you realized or not, but you passed our street," I go for the being kind tactic, getting an intentional disregard. "Babe, you drove past our block, you know?" I say again, this time a little louder. He again, so immaturely ignores.

Rolling my eyes deeply and over exaggerated as I possibly can, I just shut up, and go along with the ride. He's being such a meanie, and it's pissing me off. For what? For not listening to him, and making my own choice. I go to say something once more, although Jason plugging in his phone to the aux cord cuts me off. Music instantly starts to play, and he begins to sing along.

"I don't fuck with you, you little stupid ass bitch, I ain't fuckin' with you," he sings loudly, making me gasp. He better not be referring to me as he sings! "You little, you little dumb ass bitch, I ain't fuckin' with you. I got a million trillion things I'd rather fuckin' do-" I cut him off, singing the next verse loudly, getting his attention.

"Then to be fuckin' with you!" I yell, snatching out the aux cord and throwing it into the backseat. "Why are you so angry?! Like why do you feel the need to ignore me, and sing songs about me? What did I do?" I raise my voice, causing him to pull inside of a Denny's parking lot.

"I'm mad you didn't listen to me! I'm mad that you got your stupid belly button pierced, and I'm mad you aren't wearing your ring! It seems like lately you don't love me anymore, so it's probably a reason as to why you don't wear it hardly." He shouts out, causing me to roll my eyes. That's a huge lie, I always wear my engagement ring. "So is this what the silent treatment is about? The belly button piercing shit?! You have to be kidding me, Jason." I look at him in disbelief, not believing he's being like this.

"Of fucking course it's about that! Why would I want my woman to have a ring in her stomach? They're ugly as hell, and I don't like them! I see you didn't say anything about you not wearing your ring, it's true, huh?" He takes off his seatbelt, turning his body to me, all while his voice is on full blast at the moment.

"There's nothing to say about my ring, I always wear it, and you cannot even say that I don't. I love you and you know it. You are also not the only one who's allowed to pierce their body. Or are you? I'm pretty sure I can do anything I want with my body." I'm on the edge of my seat, looking at him as if he's lost his mind.

"YES! I am the only one who can pierce their body in our home!" He shouts in my face, acting all sorts of childish. "You're pathetic you know that? You can prance around and have your ears pierced yet I cannot have my belly button pierced! If you weren't so stupid, you would know I didn't even get it done! You got up and left before he even started! I got a fucking tattoo! A heart to be exact, Jesus, Jason!" I yell at the top of my lungs, slamming myself back in my chair.

"Fuck." I hear him murmur under his breath, not saying more. "I just can't with the bossing me around, the assumptions, and the lack of trust, Jason. I understand some things you don't like, but let me live. I am not kidnapped anymore, and you're not going to treat me like I am. Jason, baby, you're not in charge of me- you aren't. You're not my kidnapper anymore, and I'm not your scared, little, victim. I am your fiancée, the woman of your children, the woman you're supposed to trust. Yet instead of trusting me, you're interrogating me like I'm one of your gang rival." I know I hit a nail, but it had to be said.

"I'm afraid of losing you." He holds his head down lowly, looking down at his hands. "What will get you to believe me when I say I'm not leaving you? I had a chance to leave you when you grew soft for me. But did I go? No, because I love you. I'm not going anywhere, not in a million years. You're mine, and I'm yours. We're one, Jason. Even though we have children together, there's always going to be us. You know why?" I question, though he doesn't look up to me.

"Why?" His one word answer annoys me a bit, though I ignore it. "The children will get older, and soon enough they will move out and not need us anymore. So where does that leave us? Answer it, babe?" I wait for his answer. He looks up biting his bottom lip.

"That leaves us alone- well not necessarily, but it leaves us alone... together." He looks at me with a pained expression, with me nodding in agreement. "Yes, that leaves us alone together. You got it, silly head. I got it as well, so stop acting all sorts of crazy and possessive. I know you're my man, and you know I'm your woman." I unbuckle my seatbelt, looking at him looking at me.

"Sometimes I have to make sure you know, along with the entire world." He whines, rubbing his face. "Hmm, I guess I can see where you're coming from. We both know you wear the pants in this relationship, so why do you try to tell me what to do?" I ask him, still not understanding why he does that.

"I'm a jealous person, and I just want you to listen to me, Mal." He huffs, getting frustrated as usual. "I do listen to you, Jason. Just straight out tell me what you don't like, instead of beating around the bush. All you had to say was, 'Babe I don't really want you to get a belly button piercing.' I would've understood more, instead of you just flat out saying no. We have to learn how to communicate better, because this relationship is going to be over as soon as we say 'I do'. I do not want that, and I know you don't. I just need you- I need us, to communicate more effectively with each other." I take his hands in mine, holding tightly.

"I understand, and I want us to work out too. Don't you hate how our relationship is sadly based off of sex, and our children?" He says the truth, with me nodding in agreement with him. "Yes, I don't like it one bit. But, this- we, are going to be okay, and we're going to work this out." I mean every word I say.

"Hell yeah we are, I don't like when we argue. I like when we're cute and... fluffy like." He chuckles, causing his dimple to appear. "And this is why I want us to be together. We have lots of chemistry, and I would hate for it to be wasted away. You're- you're my life, there no denying it." I shrug, letting it out.

"You're not only my life, but you're my entire world, my Apple Worm," He fakes a cry, causing me to gasp at that nickname! I think Apple Worm is possibly back! "And that's why I gotten this." He goes to his bandaged arm, opening it up to show me his new tattoo.

"Oh my damn, Jason Andrew McCann." I look down at his new artwork of... me. "Do you like it? I like it; I like it a lot actually." He blushes, looking down at his arm.

"You got my face tattooed on your arm! Of fucking course I like it. I absolutely LOVE it, what the hell, Moises is so good. It looks just like me, what the hell? It totally beats my tiny heart." I show him the heart on my left ring finger, with him holding my hand to examine it. "So no ring for a while?" He speaks sadly, looking down at my finger.

"Just for a couple of days, it has to peel. Now if you want me to put it on, I will. Talk to to me, tell me what you want." I look at him, waiting for his answer. "I can wait... but I would like for you to put your ring on too." He huffs, looking out his window.

"Okay." I nod, knowing he can't see me. "Just for you, I'll put it on." I take the ring out my purse, slowly slipping it on my finger. It rubbed against my freshly done tattoo, but it was worth it seeing Jason blush and smile as big as he could.

"Since we're communicating with one another, can I- can I still be daddy, because we both know that I am daddy material. I won't treat you like I'm your father, but I'll treat you like you're mine- I mean like you belong to me." He winces at his words, rubbing his face in a frustrating manner. "Oh I guess so, just don't let it get to your head. I still like to have about fifty percent of the pants in this relationship." He nods, leaning over to me.

I lean as well, meeting his plump lips in a soul barring kiss. It's like everything that just happened, seemed like it really didn't happen at all. I guess we think alike, because he smiled in between our kiss, pulling me on top of his lap.

"It's like my life is a movie." He mumbles against my kisses on him. "Your life? My life is like a roller coaster." I giggle, holding my hands on his cheeks, just staring into his eyes.

"I love yo-" I cut him off by burping loudly, and blowing it into is face. "That's nasty, and it smells like peanuts." He says simply, with me looking at him as if he didn't hear me just burp.

"One, it was a Snickers bar, and two, how can you not be fazed by me burping in your face?" I question in utter disbelief. "Well, I'm your boyfriend, you're my baby, my favorite girl, my one love, my one life, and you're just you, Malarie. Plus, I fart, burp, sneeze, yawn, cough, drool, sweat, and even pee on you. What more can you do to me, that I haven't done to you?" He yawns, smirking wickedly at me. He does have a point.

"I could cheat on you," I test him, seeing how his eyes widen and darken a bit. His body even grows tense. "Although... I won't." I softly punch him in his arm, kissing his pouty lips.

"Not funny, Princess Malarie." He shakes his head like a little boy. "Oh stop it, I'm not going to. Now, let's get out and eat some food." I get off his lap, getting my purse off the ground.

He doesn't protest, he of course follows me, making sure to slap my ass at my cheating comeback. Jason does not wait for anyone or anything when it comes to him about to eat some food.

"Come on my runaway love, let's get some pancakes for dinner." I speak in a deep man's voice, lacing our fingers together. "You know, we were born for this. We were born to eat loads of food like pigs." Has states, making a pig's squealing sound.

I scream, running away from him. He's so fast, he caught me in no time, circling his hands around my waist as we made it inside the restaurant. Life is so worth living, especially since Jason's by my side


- Chapter 42 has now come to an end. Thank you for all the reads, comments, likes, and just blowing up my notifications. :)

- Alexis -

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