The Princess's Affair

By _Raina25

2.5K 95 0

Young, beautiful princess, Amelia, is now the only child after her three brothers were murdered in battle. Wh... More

Chaptet One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chaptet Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chaptet Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thrity-Three
Chapter Thrity-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thrity-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thrity-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chaptet Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Two

38 2 0
By _Raina25


Nine Months Later...

"Your Majesty, I need you to push. Now!" My nurse said to me in a shouting tone. It was finally happening after those long nine months. The baby is coming!

"Ahh! Oh God! It hurts!" I shouted and holding onto the sheets of my bed.
"I know, but we are almost done. I have the head, just one more big push and your child is here." She said to me and rubbing my legs.

Soon Marina and Claudia ran in and came beside me. Marina held my hand super tight and Claudia patted my head with a wet wash cloth. I was panting not able to catch my breath and my heart was pounding.

"Amelia, listen to me now. You are about to bring the next heir into this world. This child be the greatest but I need you to breathe and take that last push!" Marina shouted at my trying to hold herself from crying.
"Ok. I'm ready! I'm ready!! Ahhhhhhh!" Giving one last push and first sound I hear was the sweet cries of my child. It was here, the baby is here.

The nurses, Claudia and Marina came together and cleaned the baby. The baby cried hoping to feel its mothers touch for the first time.
"What is it?" I asked desperately. They turned to me and handed me my child.
"Its healthy girl. A beautiful princess."

I gasped when I saw her trying to open her small little eyes then soon grabbing my finger with her tiny small hand. She finally opened her eyes and the first sight of her beautiful hazel eyes with a touch of blue.

"Have you decided a name yet, Amelia?" Claudia asked me. I was speechless to witness this amazing little girl to being my daughter.
"Noni. Noni Diane Isabella. That is her name." I looked at Claudia and began to cry. This was a happy day, happiest day. "She has her father's eyes and his hair."

"Should I call on your husband?" Claudia asked. I didn't feel like seeing him at this moment. For the last months after finding out about the baby, he was more forceful, violent, lustful and tormented. Why is he my husband?
"Um no, could you fetch Jacob for me? Please?"
"Right away." Marina said behind Claudia. Claudia had a look on her face was more of shock and concern. She didn't really know what was happening behind closed locked doors.

I wrapped my newborn daughter in a silk blanket that was my first blanket. She stared at me then suddenly giggled and smiled. She smiled at me this made me cry much more.
"Noni, sweet Noni. You are going to be queen one day. A very special queen who will care and love her people. And one day you will make choices for yourself don't ever let anyone make the choices for you." I kissed her soft curly and she gurgle.

"Its a girl?" Jacob said walking in. I turned and looked at him. This was a moment I have dreamt of seeing when I become queen.
"Come meet your daughter." He walked over to us and the sight of her eyes brought joy and tears to him. He had a glow I have never seen before when we first met. "She has your eyes."

Jacob reached his hands out and I handed him her. She was asleep but soon set eyes on her father. She did smile at him and grabbed his finger. He spoke to her for more than ten minutes and she was falling asleep.
"Have you named her yet?"
"Yes. Her name is Noni." He smiled at her name and looked at me.
"Noni. Perfect. Just perfect."

We all sat together with our daughter but soon Claudia and Marina came in with a serious look their faces.
"Amelia, your husband is coming and also your father. But Michael seems very angry." I gasped and was worried about Noni. Many men would long for a son but a daughter is a true jewel.
"Thank you ladies." They bowed and left the room. I look at Jacob and gave him a worried look. "Don't leave us alone."

Soon my door was opened and both Michael and my father walked in. My father had a small smile on his face but Michael seemed very furious. I was very scared.

"Boy or girl?" Michael asked. I stayed silent for a second and did a fast response.
"A girl. Her name is Noni." I said it as bold and strong to hold back my cries. He walked towards me then Jacob moved to the side. Michael took a glimpse of Noni and asked me to hold her. Many thoughts told me don't do it, but I have to make home believe its his child.

What was unexpected was he smilies at her and kissed her. I thought he would be disappointed because it was a boy, he seemed very proud.
"She's perfect." Exact words Jacob said. I gave Michael a smile and reached my arms to have my daughter. He handed her back and sat next to me on the bed. I saw the look in Jacob's eyes, jealous and angry.

"Father. Come meet your granddaughter." I can see tears rolling down his tan white skin. He looked at her and touched her head.
"Hello, Noni. Welcome to the world."

Two Hours Later...

"A Princess! A Princess! The Queen has given birth to a princess!" The announcement went throughout the kingdom and everyone rejoiced. I thought they would be expecting a male heir but I guess they don't care.

After the announce Noni was placed in her nursery and I was left alone in my room with my body still aching from her birth. I couldn't believe that delivering was more painful then making love. Love.

I decided I should wash my body and I saw dried blood on my legs and my night gown. The smell of flesh filled my nose and aches my stomach. I crawled slowly out of bed and filled me tub. I pour some bath salt with the scent of cherry blossoms in the water then climbed in. The soothing feeling of nice warm water touching my skin was relief. From all the pain, stress and sexual frustration.

A sudden knock came to my door and enter...Michael? What does he want know? Seeing him smiling and kissing my daughter was a sight of curiosity and confusion.

"Can we talk? Please."

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