Love is more then a word {FIN...

By imashleywbu

33.9K 1K 182

Ariana is going through a bump in her life. To her it feels like her life is crumbling to pieces. Her boyfrie... More

Love is more then a word
The date
Its all my fault
Missing you
You're knocking at my door
No worries right?
I can't stop smiling
Makeup Date
Time to get packing!
Welcome to Australia
Holding your hand
I like her
Beau is dating who?
You'll be fine..hopefully
Just Breathe
I cant do this anymore
Did i just kiss him
I'll be back soon
Shes mine
Authors note
I'm so sorry
Listen to me
Check out the sequel!

He found out

699 27 10
By imashleywbu

Hey guys I would really like 6 comments and 11 votes before I write another chapter. Love you guys! xx



It still angered me that that guy talked to Ariana that. Ariana is my girlfriend and him flirting with her when I was standing right there like what the fuck? My phone vibrated and right away I looked at my phone

'Can we go to the mall today?' Ariana texts me.

'Yeah good idea.<3 you' I text back with a grin.

'Okay in a hour. I love you too <333'

I slowly stand up from my comfy bed. Walking to the bathroom and I bite the inside of my bottom lip thinking about what happened last night. Then I jump in the shower and quickly take one. When I get out I wrap a towel around my waist and run down the hall to my room. When I reach my room I walk in and lock the door. Defiantly didn't need Beau and Luke pranking me while I tried to get dressed. Scanning through my drawers I find some black jeans and I put them on after I put on my boxers on. Then I found a red short sleeve shirt and I slipped it on. Walking over to the only mirror in my room I brushed my hair and fixed it neatly. My shoes were placed in the corner of my room. My eyes searched over my few pairs of vans and converse and other shoes. Then I picked my black vans and I put them on and tied the strings. I was ready to go. Knocking on my door was Beau. I unlocked the door and he walked in.

"Hey later could we hang out with James and Daniel? We haven't hung out as much because of you and Ariana." He says and I nod

"Sure how about later on and I'm sorry I just really love her."

"Okay. I know and I'm happy for you just wanted to hang out a bit more." He says

"We'll I'm going to the mall with Ariana for a while." I say and beau nods

"Have fun little bro." He says and I chuckle . He walked out of the room and I grabbed my wallet and walked out too.

"Mom ill be back later I'm going to the mall with Ariana." I say as I walk past the kitchen.

"Okay that's fine Jai be back later." She says and I don't reply instead I just walk out of the door and head over to Ariana's house with a smile on my face.

"Hey Jai." She says when I walk in and greets me with a grin.

"Hey Ari." I smile and peck her on the lips.

"Wait I forgot my money hold on." I say and run back into my house,

Luke Pov

"Beau?" I ask nervously and I walk into his room and sit on the edge of his bed.

"Yeah Luke what's wrong?" He asks curiously as I stare at my feet.

"I have to tell you something.."

"What is it?" Beau asks and I could sense that he was staring at me.

"One day Ariana and I kissed." I said slowly with nervousness. I didn't have any idea of what reaction I'd get from Beau.

"Luke." He said and I sighed.

"It was one kiss and it felt good but I know is was wrong and Ariana leaned in too and Ariana wasn't mad but I just feel so... Guilty." I say and breathe out from saying that so fast.

"You can't let this happen ever again." Beau says and I nod,

"I know and we agreed on that." I say and Beau sighs.

"I know you might feel guilty but it was a while ago so just don't worry about it. People make mistakes all the time." Beau says and I stared at the wall and my eyes glanced at the door and I saw Jai standing there with his jaw nearly hitting the floor. He heard every word we said.

"Jai!" I try to say but he walks away and I hear a slam of the door.

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