My Dying Wish **UNDERTAKING E...

By ElloImTheDoctor

9.7K 303 125

After a tragic car accident with John Smith, Rose is left on her own again. Rose carries on but is still full... More

My Dying Wish (TenxRose)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Sequel Part 1
Sequel Part 2
Sequel Part 3
Sequel Part 4

Chapter 9

387 10 0
By ElloImTheDoctor

Author's Note

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and getting to 215 reads total! I'll try to update as much as possible, but for now just two chapters per week probably (when school starts).

**Note: Side Font means rose is thinking or remembering or dreaming reading...etc. (Most of the time.)


The team all met at Torchwood first before they started investigating; They would need some equipment for the job and didn't want to get too ahead of themselves. They all helped each other load duffle bags of equipment, they all knew it was better to be over prepared than under prepared. Once they all had finished gathering the equipment, the team decided to allow themselves a little break for tea, then piled up into one of Torchwood's special task vans. Jack was the driver; Rose and Mickey had given up the passenger seat for Susan, since this was the only case she would be doing. Jack and Susan got along very well, they had no trouble keeping up talk.

Mickey and Rose sat in silence, both hesitant and waiting for the other to talk. "I'm glad I got help from Susan, or else we wouldn't be driving to investigate right now." Rose spoke, trying to make an attempt at some sort of conversation.

"Huh. Yeah, I suppose so." Mickey answered, sitting with his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together under his chin.

Silence once again ruled the air until Rose decided to ask, "What's up Mickey? You are being very quiet and strange. Is it about Susan?"

"How would she know where to find all this information? I mean not even Jack nor I could find it online. Then you go ask her for help and she finds all this information. I..I'm just am a lil' suspicious. Do you even know anything about her? How old is she even?" Mickey had brought up some good points but the library was huge, and it wasn't just Susan that found information.

"Mickey, if I thought she was bad or suspicious I woulnd't have asked her to help. If you really think she is a double agent or something then you can keep an eye out but don't let it get in the way." Rose said calmly, it was only normal for one of them to be suspicious of a new comer.

The van came to a slow stop, as to not jar them. Rose swung open the back doors and grabbed a bag. Jack and Susan quickly got out and helped with the equipment. Rose examined the place, it seemed to be an old abandoned warehouse. The windows were stained and cracked, some even broken. The walls were made from stone and covered in graffiti. Time had not been too gracious to this building. Nothing out of the ordinary. "If you guys got the equipment, let's head in." Jack ordered.

They walked into the dim lit warehouse. There was old rusty equipment everywhere, all of it outdated equipment, which had been expected, but nothing hinted at the experiments yet. This seemed just to be a lab for testing out formula's and more subtle research, not one for testing on human's. "Check under the microscopes for anything and take samples. Don't forget to use gloves." Jack knew what to do. No one spoke, they were all too busy in searching for details and clues. Rose walked over to a microscope and checked for a slide. The microscope looked cleaner and recently used more than the others, the slide seemed to be fresh.

"I think some one has been here recently. This microscope has been cleaned and the slide is new and freshly used. It seems as though someone was in the middle of something just today and then left. Maybe they will return." Rose noted. Rose was getting better at the job, day by day. "Brilliant observing Rose!" Jack beamed.

"What, shush for a moment everyone and stop moving." Rose whispered. Everyone (besides Rose) had a confused look on their face. "What's tha matter?" Mickey whispered. "I think, I think the person never left.." Rose whispered. They all heard footsteps and hid. Jack made a 2 sign with his fingers, indicating that there was two people and not one. Rose snuck a peek, one boy and one girl. Rose made a gesture to jack that indicated it was a boy and girl. Jack looked at everyone, he had a plan. He pointed to his phone and texted them each, "I have a plan. Susan, stay behind. I will get the boy. Mickey and Rose you get the girl." They all nodded in response. Jack counted down with his fingers. 1..2..3..Now! Rose and Mickey had no struggle cuffing the girl but the boy fought back with Jack. The boy was no match for Jack though, and he was quickly cuffed.

They cuffed them to a pole and tied them each to a chair. "Now we won't hurt you. We just want you guys to answer a couple questions. The more and faster you answer, the less trouble you'll both be in." Jack started the investigation. They said nothing, the boy was putting on a brave act and the girl had wide eyes. "Now first question, who are you?"

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